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How to Be an Effective Leader
How to Be an Effective Leader
How to Be an Effective Leader
Ebook155 pages1 hour

How to Be an Effective Leader

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It is often said that leadership is not a position or a title but actions and examples. It nay be to your delight at the way the author chose to end this practical and insightful book with the question: "What kind of leader do you
want to be?" The wisdom, practical applications, and examples on How to become an Effective Leader, point us in the direction to earnestly answer that thought-provoking question. Whether we are called to lead in our career, in a firm or on a board; our community; our homes or an organization—formally or informally—we strive to be the best version of ourselves. As leaders and communicators, it is advantageous for us to be effective at both. Terrence Griffith espouses that we must be the leaders that are needed in particular situations. How we are perceived by our followers, colleagues, neighbors, or family members in that role, is largely based on how effective we are in service to others. It is fair to posit that our goal, when we take on or are thrust into a leadership role, is to be successful at the task of producing a decisive effect. Griffith has taken the time to outline some excellent scenarios, personal experiences, principles, and procedures, which when applied can help us become effective leaders. While they are not strictly prescriptive, the examples can be used in our personal growth plan to discover the leaders we truly are. As the Reverend reminds us, effective leadership is not many of the things that we have come to associate with it, but it is impactful, motivational, visionary, empathetic, firm and achieved with bold and steady determination; in other words, it is marked by resolve.
Release dateOct 19, 2022
How to Be an Effective Leader

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    How to Be an Effective Leader - Terrence D. Griffith


    I have been told and maybe you have also, that some people are born leaders, others have leadership thrust upon them and still there are those who seize leadership. Do you really believe this?

    Some people possess the natural knack to get others to follow them. They are charismatic, populist individuals who are liked and admired by many and easily move people to action. In contrast, there are those who have leadership thrust upon them and are usually leaders of convenience, placed in the position of leadership to block those who may possess greater leadership abilities.

    David Yallop in his book IN GOD’S NAME, argues that Albino Luciani, Pope John Paul I, was a compromise Pope. He posits that no one including the press expected Albino Cardinal Luciani to become Pope. At best they saw him as a C candidate. When the smoke rose from the Sistine Chapel, it was Luciani who would be announced as El Papa John Paul I. Thirty-three days later, Luciani would be dead and Yallop believes that this compromise leader was underestimated and paid with his life for daring to shake up the Vatican.

    There are those who become leaders by seizing power from the hands of those in leadership. These individuals may have failed to get people to follow them voluntarily, did not win the confidence of those who could place leadership on their shoulders or may have been oppressed by those in leadership. There were left with no alternative but to seize power for the sake of self-preservation.

    In observing leaders who were effective, Fidel Castro may top the list. Castro ruled Cuba until his death and although we disagreed with his philosophy, every attempt to overthrow him failed. On the contrary, Mikhail Gorbachev could not hold the Soviet Union together and maintain power, because he lacked the essentials of effective leadership. I admired Mikhail Gorbachev. Much credit must be given to him for his bravery in shaking the core of Communism, but his lack of effective leadership skills gave rise to the current dictator in Russia.

    Josip Tito, the late leader of Czechoslovakia ruled until his death, crushed the attempts of the Soviet Union to overthrow him and replace him with stooges, when he started a brand of National Socialism in Czechoslovakia. Tito like Castro was an effective leader. Bear in mind that this is not about ideology but leadership.

    In the 1980’s many called Ronald Reagan, one of the ineptest Presidents’ Americans elected—yet Americans elected him twice and if he could have run again, he would have won in a landslide. If Reagan was as incompetent as his critics say he was, then most Americans must have been bewitched to have elected him twice. Reagan was not maladroit as many people think he was, probably Nixon was. Reagan was a leader. He was a great communicator and much more. He knew how to motivate people, how to surround himself with loyal people and how to make Americans believe in him. Reagan was an effective leader.

    An effective leader is never beaten at the polls while he is in office, he resigns when he is tired or steps down when his term expires. People do not vote out someone if he is performing, they give them the boot when they are ineffective. A true leader is seldom overthrown and if he is, those who led the revolt will have to govern by the barrel of the gun and are eventually run out of town.

    Raoul Cedras, the former military dictator of Haiti, could not continue to rule Haiti while the elected leader, Jean Bertrand Aristide was still beloved by much of the Haitian people. A leader has his back covered by the masses even when he is in exile. A true leader in exile always returns home to complete the revolution that he or she began. Aristide did return home to a hero’s welcome and when he was unceremoniously removed from his own country by President Clinton, it was not what the people of Haiti wanted. Yitzhak Shamir of Israel was such a leader and Benigno Aquino of the Philippines was a leader cut from that cloth.

    Effective leadership is not restricted to political leaders but includes anyone in charge of any organization—be it a fraternity, sorority, or religious institution. Religious institutions more than any other group or organization need individuals with effective leadership skills to survive and move forward. These bodies bring together people from different walks of life—people who are leaders during the week in the workplace or in their secular organizations, having to surrender leadership to a leader who may not be as qualified as they are. Consequently, religious institutions need leaders who have a strong constitution to lead and propel their organizations.

    In the context of the church, the dynamics of yesterday’s church, particularly, stand in stark contrast to the postmodern church. Yesterday’s church members followed with total trust and faith. I listened to the older members of my home church speak with admiration and veneration about their ancient pastors. They were like demigods who could do no wrong. In fact, my Aunt Nesta told me the Lord would smite me, because I questioned what a pastor said. Pastors of yesterday, did not have to worry about their leadership being challenged, unless they did something egregious. And even then, some of them were like Houdini—they knew how to get out of leadership pickles.

    In contrast, this postmodern generation questions everything, and a pastor does not have immunity because he is a Man of God—his leadership must be exceptional if he is to survive. Blind followship has been replaced by disciples of sight. It is therefore obligatory that all who wish to pastor must master the scientific art of leadership, if they are to survive in a body that has changed drastically in the last three decades.

    Clint Eastwood says that a man must know his limitations and herein lies the crucible of leadership. A man may be a good leader of a soccer club but a lousy principal of a school. He must know what he can handle, or the consequences may be painful in the future. Some people just for the recognition accept leadership positions that they cannot handle and consequently plunge organizations into the abyss of despair.

    Pastor Harris could have won the elections to be the leader of his religious organization several times. Each time his colleagues attempted to make him President, he refused. To him, that was not his calling. He was an effective Pastor; however, he believed that his leadership abilities did not transcend into managing and administrating over fifty Churches. He was cognizant that the very people who wanted to crown him king, will turn on him should he fail as President. A man must know his limitations.

    How; then can genuine people who want to lead know whether they are qualified? How can the timid and those who doubt themselves discover whether leadership abilities are buried somewhere in their Psyche? And how can anyone who wants to be an effective leader cultivate the skill and discipline?

    This book seeks to serve as a GPS, to lead you to your leadership destination. It is incontrovertible that ineffective leaders are replaced. But if you want to lead the right way, you will find in these pages nuggets that will help you discover your limitations and strengths. People who are successful leaders keep their impediments ever before them and use them as steppingstones. You will learn how to remove the millstone of limitation from around your neck and use it as the stairs to take you higher.

    Before you proceed to the first chapter of the book it is imperative that you do the following exercise. This exercise will help you discover what you need to do to become an effective leader. You will not find all the answers here, but a road map that will lead you to the treasure of leadership.

    I pray that you are inspired and do not hesitate to let me know how your leadership is progressing. I have no doubt that if you follow the guidelines that are written in this book, you will become an exceptional leader.

    Terrence D. Griffith


    Leadership Exercise

    Rate the following statements before

    proceeding to the first chapter.

    •I consider myself a leader.

    Always     Usually     Sometimes     Never

    •In a group I am most times deferred to by others.

    Always     Usually     Sometimes     Never

    •When asked to lead, I usually jump in and start leading.

    Always     Usually     Sometimes     Never

    •When I am asked to lead a group, I develop a plan before going to the group.

    Always     Usually     Sometimes     Never

    •I am normally supportive if someone’s plan is chosen above mine.

    Always     Usually     Sometimes     Never

    •When I come up with ideas,

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