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Remedies Through Mantras
Remedies Through Mantras
Remedies Through Mantras
Ebook415 pages3 hours

Remedies Through Mantras

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About this ebook

M.H.K. Shastri, Pt. Laxmi Kant Vashisth.

This book is a compendium of the work on Tantra, Mantra and Yantra. This book
is purely based on Old Sanskrit classics. In this book the authors have tried to
associate the mantra shastra with astrology. In addition to this, some of the
problems of the devotees have been addressed in the work on mantra sadhana.
It deals with mantras for worship, sadhana, appeasing of deities, will power,
concentration and many other aspects on mantra sadhana.

Release dateOct 11, 2022
Remedies Through Mantras

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    nice book and mantra collection with details than other books.

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Remedies Through Mantras - M.H.K. Shastri


All Matter (moveable or immoveable) in the universe are considered to be creation of God and Humans are supposed to be His best creation. Say our classics that God create/generates. He sustains His creations and also destroys them giving place to new. It is we humans who revere these powers of God in its various forms such as Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, Shakti, Agni and so on. Our seers who dwelt deeply into it discovered that these powers of God can be awakened by means of To get best out of it, the seers ritualised ways and means in the course of actions. This whole exercise is known as Tantra (technology) of whose mantra and yantra are two pillars.

Mantras are the spells of single syllables or short phrases which when chanted correctly as well as repeatedly produce vibrations which set the nerves in motion and stimulate them for suitable action in consonance with desired achievement.

We would like to underscore here that mantras and Yantras are interconnected. Different Yantras are connected with different deities coupled with different mantras. All the five basic elements namely earth, water, fire, air and sky are connected with Yantras and through specific rituals one controls the nature to get the desired benefit. So according to classics yantra is a science which can be used through five elements and recitation of mantras. So, it could be said that yantra and mantras are complementary to each other.

Some points to remember while practising the Mantras as told in this book .

In the book we have discussed practical part of mantras and did not go into the details keeping into the length of the book. We would like to underscore here that the mantras given in the book are only for recital of the said deity for the purpose as mentioned. The worship of the deity is done through the Panchanga sevanam (five subsidiaries) which are known as Gita (Philosophical basis of a deity), Sahasranama (thousand names for frequent devotional repetitions), Stotra (hymns for invocation), Kavacha (Armour of the God), Hrdaya (Heart).

One can recite HIS NAME OM" etc., in a Vachnik way but mantras are to be recited in this way only when one is alone at a secluded place.

We would again like to thank our readers for subscribing to our work and hope that this will go a long way in establishing a common man’s faith in this field of mantra. We would look forward to your valuable suggestions, which we would certainly try to incorporate in our forthcoming works.

Dr. M.H.K. Shastri

Janakpuri, New Delhi

Pt. Laxmi Kant Vashisth

190, Ambika Vihar

Paschim Vihar,

New Delhi - 110 087

e - mail:[email protected]

Precautionary advice: - A wrong and malicious practice of mantra may have devastating effects.



मननं विश्व विज्ञानं त्राणं संसार बन्धनात्​ ।

यतः करोति संसिद्धिः मन्त्र इत्युच्यते तनः ॥

mannam vishwa vigyanam traanam sansaar bandnnaat ।

yata karoote sansidhai mantra ittuchyate tana ॥

Pingal mate

Since macrocosm and microcosm are the two poles of the same energy principle, our sages evolved a technique which could connect the two through one medium. They called it mantra. Mantra is the first principle which works in accordance with the cosmic energy in ether. The Sanskrit word for contemplation is Manana and the tool or medium for Manana is Mantra.

Mantra has also been called so because it is repeated in the secrecy of one’s mind and is capable of capturing the source of infinite energy through chanting. It could be said that Mantras are sacred utterances (syllables, words, or verses) that are considered to possess mystical or spiritual efficacy. Various mantras are either spoken aloud or merely sounded internally in one’s thoughts, and they are either repeated continuously for some time or just sounded once. Most mantras are without any apparent verbal meaning, but they are thought to have a profound underlying significance and are, in effect, distillations of spiritual wisdom. Thus, repetition of or meditation on a particular Mantra can induce a trance like state in the person and can lead him to a higher level of spiritual awareness. Besides bringing spiritual enlightenment, different kinds of mantras are used to work other psychic or spiritual purposes, such as protecting oneself from evil psychic powers.

There is wonderfully miraculous usefulness of the mantras if they are repeated in the proper manner and the injunctions regarding the modes of their application and practice are strictly observed. In all our rituals chanting of Mantras is an essential feature. The Vedas, especially the Rig - Veda, contain thousands of mantras. These mantras, we believe, are effective by mere repetition, if we even do not know the meanings thereof. In fact, the literal meaning of the words has nothing to do with regard to realisation of the desires. Mantras have four fold powers which are considered as four pillars of this shastra which are as under: -

i.Power as the supreme authority.

ii.Power of yielding the desired results.

iii.Amplifying the productive power.

iv.A comprehensive gripping capacity.

The chanting of Mantras stirs our nerves and awakens them for suitable action in accordance with the desired achievement. The system of grammar has perfected its idea of sound as Brahman itself, the Supreme Being, and the imperishable one.

Types of Mantras

Origin of mantras

There is a legend which says that when there was discussion between Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu about their identity then one jyotirlinga emerged and on that some dots and letters were visible. It is said that this was the foundation of great Vedas. These letters with a special speaking power with a singing tone were later called Mantras. It is said that mantras originated from the tabor (damru) of Lord Shiva in the shape of epigrams which were later called mantras. Our classics say that the mantras originated from the mouth of Lord Shiva. They were given by him to our saints who later passed them on to their disciples. It is also said that the saints have themselves practised these mantras and hence, disclosed their efficacy to their disciples. It may be noted that each Mantra has its own Rishi which means that, that particular saint has reaped most through this Mantra or he was the sole preceptor of the Mantra. Mantras have many branches first revealed by supreme guru Lord Shiva and adopted by generations of traditional sadhakas (persons who are following a tradition of worship such as shri kul, kali kul etc.). Shiva has five heads, and from each head one branch of tantric tradition flourished. According to this tradition the mantras were revealed to the saints.

Usage of mantras

It is said that all human problems are created by the person on his own, the basis of which is always his/her Karmas (deeds). It is believed that mantras are a form of energy which leads to attainment of God. Through mantras one can obtain every thing which he desires. It is the way to invite God and tell Him the problems being faced by the devotee. It is advised that the Mantra anusthans (rituals) should be done strictly as advised in this book to reap the maximum benefits. Through the mantras one can control and get relief from diseases.

Keeping desires in view and repetition of mantras creates deeper and deeper impression on the mental plane, viz. conscious mind becomes saturated with impression. Thereafter the power of Mantra moves to the subconscious mind, hearing the singing of mantras in an uninterrupted way. Breathing will also become thinner, which will create an impression on subconscious mind. It may be noted here that the correct recitation of words of mantras should be practised. Mantras could be used as per their division discussed below.

Division of mantras

The mantras can be divided into six categories according to their usage. It does not mean that a Mantra used for one purpose cannot be used for another one. It is the way of practising the Mantra which is called as tantra.

These are also called six rites as per classics.

Deity of mantras

Each Mantra has its own deity and there are different mantras which have been ascribed to each deity. Of course, each Mantra creates vibrations, when recited and enthrals the deity. Among the following, each of the deities could be the deity of one of the mantras.

Factors which are related to the efficacy of the Mantra

Gender of mantras

According to tantras the mantras are categorised in three genders. The mantras could be categorised as masculine, feminine and neutral mantras. All these mantras enjoy equal powers and are no way inferior to each other. If a Mantra ends with swah then it is called feminine Mantra. Such mantras are mostly used for menial aim and considered best. Namah is suffixed at the end of the neutral mantras. These mantras are mostly used for the purpose of magic and enmity.

In tantras it is mentioned that if the Mantra is having hum phat at its end then the Mantra is automatically masculine and if there is hum - namah then it is neutral.

Nature of Mantra

Mantras are of two types, hot and cold. As per yoga tantra when we breathe only one of our nostrils is active. When hot air is blowing through the nostrils exuberantly then Surya nadi is active during which hot mantras should be chanted. Hot mantras are known as Agneya in Sanskrit language which are used for destruction purposes. When cold air is blowing through the nostrils exuberantly then Chander nadi is active during which cold mantras should be chanted which are known as Saumya in Sanskrit language. Saumya mantras are used for good purposes.

The basic difference told in the classics about these two categories of Mantra is their suffix. When any Mantra is ending with pranava it is called Agneya Mantra and if the Mantra is ending with namah then it is Saumya Mantra. "Classics says that any Saumya Mantra can be converted to Agneya by adding phat at the end of it and Agneya can be converted into a Saumya one by adding namah at the end of it".

Sixteen essential ancillaries in the practice of Mantras

iv. Five subsidiaries:-

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