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The Life-Changing Power of Gratitude: 7 Simple Exercises that will Change Your Life for the Better. Includes a 3 Month Gratitude Journal.
The Life-Changing Power of Gratitude: 7 Simple Exercises that will Change Your Life for the Better. Includes a 3 Month Gratitude Journal.
The Life-Changing Power of Gratitude: 7 Simple Exercises that will Change Your Life for the Better. Includes a 3 Month Gratitude Journal.
Ebook73 pages1 hour

The Life-Changing Power of Gratitude: 7 Simple Exercises that will Change Your Life for the Better. Includes a 3 Month Gratitude Journal.

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About this ebook

Gratitude works!

Do you want to become happier, healthier, and wealthier?
Do you want to turn yourself into a magnet for everything you desire, including money, opportunities, and people?
Do you want to enjoy your life more and feel better every day?

In his book “The Life-Changing Power of Gratitude” international bestselling author Marc Reklau reveals the scientifically proven benefits of gratitude. Gratitude is considered the single best - and most impactful - interventionof the science of positive psychology. When we are cultivating gratitude, we change the way we feel which changes the way we act, and hence our results.

Being grateful for everything you have in life and even the things you don’t have yet will change everything. The more grateful you become, the better your life will get. There are so many reasons to be thankful. Unfortunately, many of us forget about them because we are so busy doing other things all the time.

You will learn seven simple exercises that will help you to reap the scientifically-proven benefits of gratitude like being happier, sleeping better, getting rid of headaches and anxiety, and much more.

The Life-Changing Power of Gratitude will give you the tools you need to achieve the happiness, health, and wealth you have always desired. Gratitude recharges you with energy, boosts your self-worth, and is directly linked to physical and mental well-being. It leads you directly to happiness and is the best antidote to anger, envy, and resentment.

In this simple book, you will learn:

- That gratitude is a choice and how to choose it mindfully every day in five minutes or less

- How to start feeling gratitude in your life in a real and simple way

- Exactly when and how to practice gratitude to achieve maximum results and   benefits

- How to get in a state of gratitude - even when you think you have absolutely nothing to be grateful for

- Why gratitude is the best antidote against anger, sadness, envy, and other painful emotions

- How gratitude impacts your relationships positively

- How to be grateful even in hard times

- What you can be grateful for in YOUR life

- How to boost the effects of gratitude even more

…and much more…

The attitude of gratitude can make the difference between loving and hating your job. Between a happy marriage and divorce. Between a great social life or sitting at home alone. Don’t get fooled by the simplicity of the exercises. They are truly life-changing. 

And the best is: You can start small. These small changes over time will cause significant, measurable results. Apply the advice of this book, and your life will never be the same. The benefits are countless, and the results will show everywhere.

Download your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!

Release dateOct 12, 2022

Marc Reklau

Author of seven books including the international #1 Bestseller 30 DAYS - Change your habits, change your life. Writing and speaking about habits, happiness, and productivity. Helping people to change their habits to improve their happiness, multiply their productivity and become the best version of themselves at work and at home.  My books have been translated into Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Spanish and several other languages. You can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram @MarcReklau or drop me an email to [email protected]

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    Book preview

    The Life-Changing Power of Gratitude - Marc Reklau


    If you have read other books of mine, listened to an interview, saw me speak, or saw me on TV, then you know that I’m a huge fan and advocate of the power of gratitude. When I get asked what the secret of my success is, why things are working so well, or how I went from selling eight books a month to one thousand books a month, I usually answer that the main reason for great things happening in my life right now is almost probably the Power of Gratitude, meaning the constant state of gratitude I’m in.

    I’m grateful for the good things that happen every day and even for the good things that are on the way to me but not in my life yet. I’m grateful for every experience and grateful to be alive and healthy. There are so many reasons to be grateful. Unfortunately, many of us forget about them because we are so busy doing other things all the time.

    Gratitude is one of the most powerful forces in the universe, and being grateful not only brings good things into our lives but also makes us notice more and more of those things that are already there. And when I talk about practicing gratitude, I don’t talk about practicing it once a year or every now and then. I talk about practicing it every single day and throughout each day. Make gratitude a lifestyle.

    In the last three years, my life has changed completely. I went from jobless to an international bestselling author. I left behind a marriage that had become toxic, and I am now in a good and healthy relationship. There are days when I earn in a day what I once made in a month and sometimes even more.

    Why am I telling you all this in a book about gratitude? Because after a lot of thinking and reflecting, I came to the conclusion that the main factor for the amazing changes in my life—and one of the primary ingredients for my success—is gratitude. Of all the changes I made, the single biggest thing that I did was start to practice extreme gratitude. I remember the date when it happened. (Easy! It’s on page one of my first gratitude journal.) I started writing down three things I was grateful for on November 11, 2013. It was these little things that came to my mind:

    I’m grateful that I’m alive.

    I’m grateful for my family.

    I’m grateful for my friends who support me.

    I’m grateful for the cup of coffee I had on the beach.

    I’m grateful for working hard.

    I’m grateful for that good lunch that I had with a friend.

    I’m grateful for that good presentation I attended.

    I’m grateful for a sunny day.

    Okay, that’s more than three …

    The more grateful I became in my life—without expecting anything in exchange—the better and more successful my life became.

    At the end of February 2015, I took gratitude to another level. That’s when it all began to happen. In my eyes, it’s not a coincidence that on March 31, 2015, my book 30 DAYS: Change Your Habits, Change Your Life was downloaded close to 40,000 times in just a couple of days. That’s when everything started to change.

    Be grateful every day. Imagine what would happen if you were not only thankful once a year but every day.

    When I prayed as a kid, giving thanks was a rather small part of my prayers. The bigger part was always asking, asking, asking. Give me this, give me that. And when I was giving thanks, it didn’t come from my heart. I didn’t feel it. I’ll repeat it: gratitude works best when it comes from the heart and you feel the gratitude with every cell of your body.

    You can really count on the universe, God, or whatever you believe in once you put gratitude in play. Then there will be more things to come that you can be grateful for. It seems to be a universal law. Gratitude really changes everything. Once you seriously start practicing gratitude, you’ll see your world in an entirely different way, and everything will begin to change.

    When you are grateful, this universal energy responds by giving you more things to be grateful for. Call it focus, call it energy. I can’t fully explain how it works, but does it work! I also can’t explain electricity, but if I flick a switch, my house has light, it is warm (or cool), and I can cook great meals.

    When I

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