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The Silva Mind Control Method
The Silva Mind Control Method
The Silva Mind Control Method
Ebook271 pages4 hours

The Silva Mind Control Method

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The revolutionary program that teaches you how to use meditation and visualization to change your life.

First published in 1978, The Silva Mind Control Method has helped millions of people create better, happier, and more successful lives. Based on the extraordinary course pioneered by José Silva in the 1960s, this accessible guidebook uses meditation and visualization to help you alleviate stress, overcome bad habits and emotional insecurity, increase creativity, develop concentration, harness your dreams, and deepen your relationships. Featuring transformative advice and fascinating case studies, this revolutionary book teaches you to use your mind at a deeper and more effective level and reveal its extraordinary power.
PublisherGallery Books
Release dateNov 8, 2022
The Silva Mind Control Method

José Silva

José Silva was born in Laredo, Texas, and built a successful electronics-repair business which he maintained for forty years. He began experimenting with psychic abilities and brain wave activity in the 1940s, eventually developing The Silva Mind Control Method and numerous instructional courses and programs. The Silva Method continues to be taught in seminars and events by accredited instructors, and in home-study courses. He died in 1999.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It was a great book, I want to practice these methods. Sometimes I get into a negative space and I think this will help with other tools I'm using.

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The Silva Mind Control Method - José Silva

Cover: The Silva Mind Control Method, by Jose Silva

The Silva Mind Control Method

The Revolutionary Program by the Founder of the World’s Most Famous Mind Control Course

José Silva and Philip Miele



A marketing company used it and created 18 new products.

14 Chicago White Sox players used it and boosted their scores.

Performing artists Vicki Carr, Carol Lawrence, and Loretta Swit have spoken about what Mind Control has done for them.

Colleges and universities have used it to help students study less but learn more.


When persons learn to function mentally at this deeper level, creativity is enhanced. Memory is improved and persons are better able to solve problems.

—Clancy D. McKenzie, M.D., Director, Philadelphia Psychiatric Consulting Service

Highly recommended.

Spiritual Studies Center Newsletter

The Silva Mind Control Method, by Jose Silva, Gallery Books


The authors have benefited from the wise and generous help of more friends, associates, and disinterested critics than they can ever hope to acknowledge fully. A few of them are: Marcelino Alcala, Ruth Aley, Manuel Lujan Anton, Dr. Stephen Applebaum, Robert Barnes, M.D., Joahanne Blodgett, Larry Blyden, Dr. Fred J. Bremner, Maria Luisa Bruque, Vicki Carr, Dr. Philip Chancellor, Dr. Jeffrey Chang, Dr. Erwin Di Cyan, Dr. George De Sau, Alfredo Duarte, Stanley Feller, M.D., Dord Fitz, Richard Floyd, Paul Fansella, Fermin de la Garza, Ray Glau, Pat Golbitz, Alexandro Gonzales, Reynaldo Gonzales, Father Albert Gorayeb, Ronald Gorayeb, Paul Grivas, Sister Michele Guerin, Blaz Gutierrez, Emilio Guzman, Dr. J. Wilfred Hahn, Timothy Harvey, James Hearn, Richard Herro, Larry Hildore, Celeste Holm, Joanne Howell, Margaret Huddleston, Adele Hull, Chris Jensen, Umberto Juarez, Carol Lawrence, Fred Levin, Kate Lombardi, Dorothy Longoria, Alice and Harry McKnight, Dick Mazza, Clancy D. McKenzie, M.D., Dr. James Motiff, Jose Moubayed, Jim Needham, Wingate Paine, Marguerite Piazza, Eduardo Moniz Resende, Rosa Argentina Rivas, Jose Romero, Alberto Sanchez Vilchis, M.D., Gerald Seadey, Nelda Sheets, Alexis Smith, Loretta Swit, Pat Teague, Dr. Andre Weitzenhoffer, Dr. N. E. West, Jim Williams, Lance S. Wright, M.D.

To my wife, Paula; my sister, Josefina; my brother, Juan; and all my sons and daughters: José, Isabel, Ricardo, Margarita, Antonio, Ana Maria, Hilda, Laura, Delia, and Diana.


To Marjorie Miele and Grace and Bill Owen.


To all the dedicated Certified Silva Method Instructors (CSMIs) around the world who continue to enlighten people with this scientific, spiritually driven program now available in over 109 countries and 29 languages.


You are now setting out on one of the most transforming adventures of your life. Each result you achieve will change your view of yourself and of the world you were born into. With your new powers will come a responsibility to use them for the betterment of mankind—a Mind Control phrase. You cannot use them otherwise, as you are about to learn.

The city planner of a Western city closed his office door, leaving his secretary alone and troubled at her desk. The drawings for a proposed shopping mall were missing, and a yes-or-no meeting with city officials was scheduled for later that same week. Jobs have been lost for less, but the planner seemed almost untouched by what would have driven other bosses into a secretary-shattering storm.

He sat at his desk. In a moment his eyes closed and he became still and quiet. Anyone might have thought he was composing himself in the face of disaster.

A full ten minutes later he opened his eyes, rose slowly, and walked outside to his secretary. I think I’ve found them, he said calmly. Let’s look at my expense account for last Thursday, when I was in Hartford. What restaurant did I have dinner in?

He telephoned the restaurant. The drawings were there.

The city planner had been trained in Silva Mind Control, to awaken what for most of us are unused talents of the mind. One of the things he learned was to retrieve memories that have been squirreled away where the untrained mind cannot find them.

These awakened talents are doing amazing things for the more than 500,000 men and women who have taken the course.

What exactly was the city planner doing when he sat quietly for ten minutes? A report from another Mind Control graduate provides a hint:

I had an incredible experience yesterday in Bermuda. I had two hours to get on the plane back to New York and couldn’t find my plane ticket anywhere. For almost an hour, three of us searched the apartment where I’d been staying. We looked under carpets, behind the refrigerator—everywhere. I even unpacked and packed my suitcase three times, but no ticket was found. Finally I decided to find myself a quiet corner and enter my level. No sooner was I at my level than I could ‘see’ my plane ticket as clearly as if I were actually looking at it. It was (according to my ‘level’ sight) in the bottom of a closet tucked in between some books, hardly noticeable. I rushed to the closet and there was the ticket, just as I had imagined it!

To those not trained in Mind Control, this sounds incredible, but when you come to the chapters by José Silva, Mind Control’s founder, you will learn of even more amazing powers of your own mind. Perhaps most amazing of all is how easily and quickly you can learn.

Mr. Silva has devoted most of his adult life to research into what our minds can be trained to do. The result is a 40-to-48-hour course that can train anyone to remember what appears to be forgotten, to control pain, to speed healing, to abandon unwanted habits, to spark intuition so that the sixth sense becomes a creative, problem-solving part of daily life. With all this comes a cheerful inner peace, a quiet optimism based on first-hand evidence that we are more in control of our lives than we ever imagined.

Now for the first time through the printed word you can learn to practice much of what is taught in the course.

Mr. Silva has borrowed freely from both Eastern and Western learning, but the end product is quintessentially American. The course, like its founder, is totally practical. Everything he teaches is designed to help you live more happily, more effectively, here and now.

As you proceed from one exercise to another in the chapters by Mr. Silva, you will pile one success on top of another and so strengthen your confidence in yourself that you will be ready for achievements which, assuming you are not acquainted with Mind Control, you now regard as impossible. But there is scientific proof that your mind is capable of miracles. In addition, there is the successful experience of more than a half-million people whose lives Mind Control has changed.

Imagine using your mind to improve your eyesight. "While taking my first course in Silva Mind Control Method, I began to notice that my eyes were changing—seemed stronger. Prior to this I’d worn glasses ten years through childhood (till I graduated), then again started when I was thirty-eight. Always my left eye was said to be three times the weaker of the two.

"My first glasses in 1945 were reading glasses, but in ’48 or ’49 I began wearing bifocals—correcting always to stronger. After the course I found that, while I could not read without glasses, my eyes were certainly stronger. Since they were changing so fast, I waited as long as possible before having them checked. I even reverted to twenty-year-old glasses.

When the local optometrist tested my eyes, he agreed that the old pair would do much better until the new lenses came.

This may seem mysterious to you now, but when you read Chapter 10 you will see exactly how graduates put their minds in charge of their bodies to speed up natural healing. The techniques are amazingly simple, as you will see in the following letter from a woman who lost 26 unwanted pounds in four months:

First I visualized a dark frame and saw a table loaded with ice cream, cake, etc.—all the things I knew put the pounds on. I drew a large red X through the table and saw myself in a mirror that made me look very wide (the kind you find in a carnival fun house). Next I visualized a scene surrounded by golden light: a table on which all the high-protein foods rested—tuna fish, eggs, lean meat. I placed a large golden check mark on this scene and saw myself in a mirror looking very tall and thin. Mentally I told myself that I craved only the foods on the protein-laden table. I also heard all my friends telling me how fantastic I looked and saw all this happening on a specific date (this was the most important step, because I set a goal for myself). And I made it! Having been a chronic dieter, I find this the only method that has worked.

This is Mind Control—going to a deep meditative level where you can train your own mind to take charge, using its own language of images reinforced with words, bringing results that become more and more amazing, with no end in sight for the person who keeps in practice.

As you can see, this is no ordinary book. It will take you in easy steps first into meditation, then into the many ways you can use meditation until, when you reach the final step, you can do routinely what most people firmly believe cannot be done.

It is a book within a book. The outside book (chapters 1 and 2 and 17 through 20), by Philip Miele, describes the almost explosive growth of Mind Control and how it has benefited many thousands of its graduates. In the inside book, Mr. Silva shares with you many of the techniques taught in Mind Control classes. Because these classes are group experiences led by skilled lecturers, their results are speedier and more spectacular than you will achieve working alone. However, if you follow Mr. Silva’s directions carefully and practice the exercises, the results are virtually certain to transform your life for the better—not as speedily, but just as certainly.

There is a special way to read this book: first read it as you would any other, from beginning to end. However, during your first reading, do not begin to practice any of the exercises. Then reread chapters 3 to 14 to get an even clearer, overall picture of the roads you are about to travel. Next read Chapter 3 and practice the exercises in it—and only those exercises—for a few weeks. When you know you are ready, go on to Chapter 4, and so on.

When you reach Chapter 14 you will already be an experienced practitioner of much that Mind Control graduates have learned. To further enrich your experience, you may wish to form a small group of friends who have practiced the same exercises. Chapter 13 tells you how to do this.


Using More of Your Mind in Special Ways

Imagine coming into direct, working contact with an all-pervading higher intelligence and learning in a moment of numinous joy that it is on your side. Imagine too that you made this contact in such simple ways that for the rest of your life you need never again feel helplessly out of touch with something you always suspected was there but could never quite reach—a helpful wisdom, a flash of insight when you need it, the feeling of a loving, powerful presence. How would it feel?

It would be a peak experience not too different—perhaps not different at all—from spiritual awe.

This is what it feels like after four days of Silva Mind Control training. So far, more than a half-million people know; they have been through it. And as they become more accustomed to using the methods that produce this feeling they settle down into a calm, self-confident use of new powers and energies, their lives richer, healthier, freer of problems.

Shortly José Silva will explain some of these methods so that you will be able to start using them yourself. First let’s look in on the beginning of a Mind Control class and see what takes place.

To start off, there is an introductory lecture of about an hour and twenty minutes. The lecturer defines Mind Control and outlines the two decades of research that led to its development. Then, briefly, he describes ways the students will be able to apply what they learn in improving health, solving everyday problems, learning more easily, and deepening spiritual awareness. A twenty-minute break follows.

Over coffee the students become acquainted. They are from widely varying backgrounds. Physicians, secretaries, teachers, taxi drivers, housewives, high-school and college students, psychiatrists, religious leaders, retired people—this is a typical mix.

After the break there is another hour-and-twenty-minute session beginning with some questions and answers, then down to business with the first training exercise, which will lead to a meditative level of mind. The lecturer explains that this is a state of deep relaxation, deeper than in sleep itself but accompanied by a special kind of awareness. It is in fact an altered state of consciousness used in virtually every meditative discipline and in intensive prayer.

No drugs or biofeedback machines are used. Mind Control lecturers speak of entering this state as going to your level, or sometimes going into Alpha. In a thirty-minute exercise they lead the student there gently, giving instructions in plain English. In fact all of Mind Control is in plain English: no scientific jargon or Far Eastern words.

Several of the students may already have learned to meditate before coming to class, some using methods that take a few weeks to learn, others after months of determined effort. They are amazed at a simple exercise that takes only thirty minutes.

One of the first things students hear is, You are learning to use more of your mind and to use it in a special manner.

This is a simple sentence they hear and internalize at the outset. The full meaning of it is nothing less than stupefying. Everyone—no exceptions—everyone has a mind that can easily be trained to exercise powers that beginners openly doubt they have. Only when they actually experience these powers do they come to believe.

Another thing that students are told is, Project yourself mentally to your ideal place of relaxation—a pleasant, calming, remarkably vivid exercise, which both strengthens the imagination and leads to deeper relaxation.

A word about meditation: In everyday speech it means thinking things over. If you set this book aside for a moment and consider what to have for dinner tomorrow, you are meditating.

But in the various meditative disciplines the word has a more specific meaning, referring to a special level of mind. In some disciplines, reaching this level is an end in itself, clearing the mind of all conscious thought. This produces a pleasant calm and goes a long way toward relieving and preventing illnesses caused by tension, as countless studies have proved.

But this is passive meditation. Mind Control goes far beyond this. It teaches the student to use this level of mind for solving problems, little nagging ones as well as larger, burdensome ones. This is dynamic meditation; the power of it is truly spectacular.

We hear more and more about Alpha nowadays. It is one of the brain-wave patterns, a kind of electrical energy produced by the brain, and can be measured by an electroencephalograph (EEG). The rhythms of this energy are measured in cycles per second (CPS). Generally, about fourteen CPS and up are called Beta waves; about seven to fourteen are Alpha; four to seven Theta; and four and below are Delta.

When you are wide awake, doing and achieving in the workaday world, you are in Beta, or outer consciousness, to use Mind Control terminology. When you are daydreaming, or just going to sleep but not quite there yet, or just awakening but not yet awake, you are in Alpha. Mind Control people call this inner consciousness. When you are asleep you are in Alpha, Theta, or Delta, not just Alpha alone, as many believe. With Mind Control training you can enter the Alpha level at will and still remain fully alert.

You may wonder what it feels like to be in these different levels of mind.

Being in Beta, or wide awake, does not produce any one particular feeling. You might feel confident or fearful, busy or idle, engrossed or bored—the possibilities in Beta are endless.

In the deeper levels the possibilities are limited for most people. Life has taught them to function

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