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Cost Estimation in Agile Software Development: Utilizing Functional Size Measurement Methods
Cost Estimation in Agile Software Development: Utilizing Functional Size Measurement Methods
Cost Estimation in Agile Software Development: Utilizing Functional Size Measurement Methods
Ebook74 pages35 minutes

Cost Estimation in Agile Software Development: Utilizing Functional Size Measurement Methods

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Whenever software is developed based on contracts with binding agreed conditions it is exposed to risks; conditions such as the delivery of a clearly defined functional scope at a fixed price and at an agreed delivery date. Many of these risks can be mitigated by the principles of agile development. Being able to navigate projects within all agreed parameters requires cost estimation methods to be integrated into planning and controlling processes. In order to prevent these methods from eroding the advantages of agile development, they must be rapidly applicable - ideally automatable - and allow for self-calibration after every sprint.

This book illustrates, how size metrics can be utilised profitably in software development processes oriented towards agile values. It points out differences and restrictions, how the accuracy of cost estimations can be increased with each sprint and examines the feasibility of automated measurements.
Release dateAug 15, 2016
Cost Estimation in Agile Software Development: Utilizing Functional Size Measurement Methods

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    Book preview

    Cost Estimation in Agile Software Development - Stefan Luckhaus


    Indirect estimations of development costs, which put the methodically determined size of planned software into relation with a precisely measured value of the own productivity, are a best practice approach for planning software development projects. However, utilizing them requires a minimum degree of specification. Briefly described user stories must be refined by use cases and elementary processes. As a consequence, the size of the planned software will be rendered measurable, while the measurement process is lean and does not require much effort.

    This book describes briefly and based on the author’s own experience the basics of methodological cost estimations. It demonstrates that this approach agrees well with agile development and especially supports principles such as

    •the flexible consideration of new or changed requirements and

    •continuous improvement due to retrospectives.

    Characteristics and Importance of Agile Software Development


    At the beginning of the 90s many large-scale projects ran into difficulties – due to their long process times, rigid roles and inflexible structures in conjunction with frequently changing requirements. In this context the C3 project of the Chrysler group (Chrysler Comprehensive Compensation) is often mentioned, which had applied the waterfall model in the beginning. In these days, many US companies experimented with lightweighted development processes and found out that shorter process times, a closer and selfresponsible collaboration of the project teams or the uncomplicated handling of change requests lead to a better mitigation of typical risks and in consequence to more successful projects - successful in terms of early benefits by the customer. Process models such as Scrum or Crystal were developed. The Chrysler C3 project could be prevented from failing by introducing some of these lightweighted methods, which afterwards became popular as Extreme Programming [Wells 2009].

    In February 2001, experts exchanged their experience with software development processes at a meeting in Utah (USA) and formulated a system of values, laying the foundation for the way of software development which, since then, is called agile – the Agile Manifesto [Agile Manifesto 2001]:

    We are uncovering better ways of developing

    software by doing it and helping others do it.

    Through this work we have come to value:

    Individuals and interactions

    over processes and tools

    Working software

    over comprehensive documentation

    Customer collaboration

    over contract negotiation

    Responding to change

    over following a plan

    That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.

    The Agile Manifesto is often misinterpreted. It is commonly used as an excuse to forego any documentation. However, especially the last paragraph makes it evident that it is just a matter of priorities, and that activities such as documentation are adjudged as certainly valuable.

    This system of values was refined by the following twelve principles [Agile Manifesto Principles 2001]:

    1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.

    2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage.

    3. Deliver working software

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