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Megan's Followers: A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger, And One Scary Mother!
Megan's Followers: A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger, And One Scary Mother!
Megan's Followers: A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger, And One Scary Mother!
Ebook68 pages57 minutes

Megan's Followers: A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger, And One Scary Mother!

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In Megan's Followers, Megan's parents allow her to open accounts with the most popular social media companies. They don't know much about it themselves, but they had read that it was not advisable for children under thirteen to join. Since she had recently passed that age, they had no objection. Megan soon devises ways of gaining followers and influencing them through her various activities at school. She is surprised to find out that her posts are going around the world, and one 'dear old friend' contacts her to join her followers. She is over the Moon, but also discovers how easy it is to become vulnerable to predators!

The Psychic Megan Series consists of twenty-three novelettes about a young girl's growing realisation that she is able to do things that none of her family can. Megan is twelve years old in the first volume. She has two seemingly insurmountable problems. Her mother is frightened of her daughter's latent abilities and not only will not help her but actively discourages her; and she can’t find a teacher to help her develop her supernatural, psychic powers. For she wants not only to know what it is possible to do and how to do it, but to what end she should put her special abilities. Megan is a good girl, so it would seem obvious that she would tend towards using her powers for good, but it is not always easy to do the right thing even if you know what that is.

These stories about Megan will appeal to anyone who has an interest in psychic powers, the supernatural and the paranormal and is between the ages of ten and a hundred years old.

In Megan's Followers, Megan's parents allow her to open accounts with the most popular social media companies. They don't know much about it themselves, but they had read that it was not advisable for children under thirteen to join. Since she had recently passed that age, they had no objection. Megan soon devises ways of gaining followers and influencing them through her various activities at school. She is surprised to find out that her posts are going around the world, and one 'dear old friend' contacts her to join her followers. She is over the Moon, but also discovers how easy it is to become vulnerable to predators!
Release dateJun 10, 2022

Owen Jones

Author Owen Jones, from Barry, South Wales, came to writing novels relatively recently, although he has been writing all his adult life. He has lived and worked in several countries and travelled in many, many more. He speaks, or has spoken, seven languages fluently and is currently learning Thai, since he lived in Thailand with his Thai wife of ten years. "It has never taken me long to learn a language," he says, "but Thai bears no relationship to any other language I have ever studied before." When asked about his style of writing, he said, "I'm a Celt, and we are Romantic. I believe in reincarnation and lots more besides in that vein. Those beliefs, like 'Do unto another...', and 'What goes round comes around', Fate and Karma are central to my life, so they are reflected in my work'. His first novel, 'Daddy's Hobby' from the series 'Behind The Smile: The Story of Lek, a Bar Girl in Pattaya' has become the classic novel on Pattaya bar girls and has been followed by six sequels. However, his largest collection is 'The Megan Series', twenty-three novelettes on the psychic development of a young teenage girl, the subtitle of which, 'A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger and One Scary Mother!' sums them up nicely. After fifteen years of travelling, Owen and his wife are now back in his home town. He sums up his style as: "I write about what I see... or think I see... or dream... and in the end, it's all the same really..."

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    Megan's Followers - Owen Jones

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    Other novellas in the same series:

    The Psychic Megan Series

    A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger and One Scary Mother!

    The Misconception

    Megan’s Thirteenth

    Megan’s School Trip

    Megan’s School Exams

    Megan’s Followers

    Megan and the Lost Cat

    Megan and the Mayoress

    Megan Faces Derision

    Megan’s Grandparents Visit

    Megan’s Father Falls Ill

    Megan Goes on Holiday

    Megan and the Burglar

    Megan and the Cyclist

    Megan and The Old Lady

    Megan’s Garden

    Megan Goes To The Zoo

    Megan Goes Hiking

    Megan and the W. I. Cookery Competition

    Megan Goes Riding

    Megan Goes Yachting

    Megan at Carnival

    Megan at Christmas

    Megan Gets Sick


    This edition is dedicated to my friend Murray Bromley, who helped me and my Thai family in 2013 more than he will ever realise; and my wife, Pranom, without whose support none of my books would ever have been written.

    Karma will repay everyone in just kind.



    1 The Surprise

    2 Social Media

    3 The Pros and Cons

    4 Jane and Rod

    5 Wacinhinsha


    The Disallowed


    Thanks are due to the artist who drew the cover for me,

    Jacqueline Chavarria


    It was Saturday morning on a Bank Holiday weekend and Megan awoke from a dream, in which she had been to the beach with her grandfather – her mother’s father, who had died before she was born, but whom she had always seen quite often, for a dead person. They had travelled to a beach that he had shown her before in the first lesson that she had ever had on flying or Astral Travelling, as they called it.

    She loved the sensation of freedom that it gave her and she was pleased that she was now capable of remembering where she had been and with whom, if she hadn’t gone alone. That ability to remember was a fairly recent development, which she had been told to expect as she got used to performing her new trick as she still thought of it, despite having been told several times that it was something quite normal that everyone could and indeed did do regularly. The ‘trick’, if there was one, was to remember where one had been and what one had done.

    Megan was not the sort of person to lie in, especially when the sun was streaming in through the open curtains, so she got up, put on her dressing gown and slippers, and went downstairs, following the glorious smell of frying bacon. She had been told in school in one of her lessons about the dangers of eating too much meat and cholesterol, but a traditional breakfast of cornflakes, followed by bacon and eggs, toast and tea was still her favourite meal of the day. She liked the smell of coffee, but she was not allowed to drink that until she was sixteen, because her mother had some idea that it could hurt a young person.

    She wasn’t sure whether that was true and she didn’t really believe that meat could harm her either, especially not when you were a growing, active young teenager. Adults had some very strange ideas, she thought sometimes. Hadn’t people eaten these things for centuries? It was obvious to Megan that it was not the cholesterol that was killing people, but the lack of exercise, but she didn’t like to say anything. Working behind a desk was hardly the same as working behind a plough. She thought that that was pretty obvious.

    She opened the door to the living room and saw what she expected: her father reading the paper at the table with his breakfast in front of him and her mother in the kitchen busying herself with cooking and cleaning.

    Good morning, Dad, she greeted him and, good morning, Mam a little louder, so that she might be heard over the sound of water running from the tap.

    Morning, Megan. Sleep well? It was his standard greeting when he was reading the paper, which he lowered to below his line of sight just long enough to catch Megan’s eyes and nod in her direction.

    Yes, I’m fine, Dad, and you? She didn’t stop to wait for his reply, but continued into the kitchen. Good morning Mam, she repeated.

    Do you want your breakfast now or later, darling?

    I’ll have it now, please, but why don’t I wait for you and we can eat together? I’ll make us a cup of tea.

    Yes, OK, as you please, ask your Dad if he wants a top up too, dear. There’s a good girl.

    Megan did as she was bid and carried the three

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