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Covid-19: A Dystopian Delusion: Examining the Machinations of Governments, Health Organizations, the Globalist Elites, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the Legacy Media
Covid-19: A Dystopian Delusion: Examining the Machinations of Governments, Health Organizations, the Globalist Elites, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the Legacy Media
Covid-19: A Dystopian Delusion: Examining the Machinations of Governments, Health Organizations, the Globalist Elites, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the Legacy Media
Ebook529 pages7 hours

Covid-19: A Dystopian Delusion: Examining the Machinations of Governments, Health Organizations, the Globalist Elites, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the Legacy Media

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Since March of 2020, the world has been brought to its knees by unscientific and unethical mandates. These mandates have destroyed the world economy and the lives of countless innocent individuals. The “cure” that has been offered by medical bureaucrats and politicians has been more deadly than the disease (COVID-19). The imposition of ludicrous lockdowns, mask wearing, coerced vaccination, and vaccine passports have not only proved to be ineffective, but also much more harmful than SARS-CoV-2 and all its variants. COVID-19 has a recovery rate of close to 99% for most of the world’s population, however, despite this, institutions and power-hungry individuals have trampled upon our civil liberties and ignored our inalienable human rights. It is precisely as Thomas Paine famously stated: “The greatest tyrannies are always perpetrated in the name of the noblest causes.”

Many lives have been gratuitously lost because of the administration of deadly medical treatments, and the rejection of effective treatments that follow genuine science. In the process, informed consent has been disparaged and desecrated. For over two years, we were instructed to “trust the science,” but the “science” advocated by medical bureaucrats and greedy politicians was the reason why the world was turned upside-down. In the face of these crimes against humanity, justice will only be brought by real courts and real judges, but this will require the awakening of a critical mass. This book serves as an instrument for this awakening.

I knew this book was essential just by reading the chapter descriptions. Dr. Ventureyra has curated and compiled the most critical information of this era and presented it in a language that anyone can comprehend. In an age plagued with misinformation and disinformation, this book is medicine for the masses!
—Mikki Willis, creator of the Plandemic documentary series

It takes courage to read COVID-19: A Dystopian Delusion. What the authors reveal in disturbing detail is disheartening. And yet, we must open our eyes and confront what is before us. This book serves as a historical witness to what is transpiring right now. Ventureyra and fellow authors reveal the many nefarious ways in which governments, corporations and agencies are undermining our sovereignty and dignity. What is occurring is more than a vaccine issue, but rather the complete submission of humanity. Our response will determine whether we comply or rise up and claim our authority.
—Ted Kuntz, President, Vaccine Choice Canada

This book is critically important and is filled with valuable information that every American and every human being must know. I can’t recommend it highly enough.
—Alex Newman, award-winning international journalist; author of The Deep State: Pulling Strings From Behind the Scenes

History will judge the “COVID era” as a grand fiasco. Here is a book that lays bare the inner workings of this debacle, which everyone should make a point of reading.
—Nirmal Dass, publisher, The Postil Magazine

It’s high time people realize just how relentless the government and the powers to be were in shoving the COVID-19 narrative down our throats. This book will help readers to think!
—Diane Boskovic, Kitchener Centre PPC candidate (44th election)

Release dateSep 12, 2022
Covid-19: A Dystopian Delusion: Examining the Machinations of Governments, Health Organizations, the Globalist Elites, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the Legacy Media

Scott Ventureyra

Dr. Scott D. G. Ventureyra is an author, theologian, and philosopher. He completed his PhD in philosophical theology at Carleton University/Dominican University College in Ottawa. His work in theology is philosophically informed. He has written in the domains of philosophical theology, systematic theology, natural theology, and the philosophy of religion. He has also done research in the areas of philosophy of mind and consciousness studies. While incorporating all these domains of thought, he has conducted significant research on the science-theology interaction. These are the areas he concentrated on throughout both his undergraduate and graduate studies in theology. Dr. Ventureyra also has a degree in the social sciences with a specialization in economics from the University of Ottawa.He has published in academic journals such as Science et Esprit, The American Journal of Biblical Theology, Studies in Religion, Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions, Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review, Fidelitas (the Journal of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars (Canada)) and Maritain Studies (the journal of the Canadian Jacques Maritain Association). He has also written for magazines such as Crisis Magazine, Catholic Insight, and Convivium and newspapers such as The National Post, City Light News, The Ottawa Citizen, The Toronto Star, and The Times Colonist.Additionally, he is the author of a number of books, including the Amazon best-seller On the Origin of Consciousness: An Exploration through the Lens of the Christian Conception of God and Creation, which received praise from eminent theologians, philosophers, and scientists. He is also the editor and principal author of COVID-19: A Dystopian Delusion: Examining the Machinations of Governments, Health Organizations, the Globalist Elites, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the Legacy Media and Making Sense of Nonsense: Navigating through the West’s Current Quagmire.He is currently working on a book about the Roman Catholic priest, paleontologist, and theologian Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, titled Why Teilhard Matters.He has presented his research at conferences throughout North America, including several times at the Science of Consciousness Conference, the American Maritain Association, and the BioLogos Foundation-sponsored conference on Evolution and the Fall.In recent years, he has written substantially on social, political, and cultural issues, such as freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, gender ideology, the sanctity of life, and problems related to the COVID-19 fiasco, such as informed consent, government tyranny, coercion, the nature of science, and a whole host of other important problems that have been plaguing the West.During his PhD studies, he ran a successful vending machine business. After writing and publishing his first book in 2018 with Wipf and Stock, he then decided to go into the book publishing business, where he could combine his entrepreneurial skills with his love of books, freedom, and the truth. Given the prevailing political correctness and increased censorship, in 2020, he founded his own publishing press, True Freedom Press, an alternative press for free thinkers. Since 2020, he has edited, produced, and published five books with True Freedom Press. There are several more in the works that will be published in the near future.Dr. Ventureyra values not only the spiritual and experiential elements of the Catholic faith, but he also takes Jesus’s words in the Gospel of Matthew very seriously: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37). These words have helped him assist non-believers to come to faith in Christ and lapsed Catholics to rededicate themselves to the faith. He has made it part of his life mission to defend the faithful from the pitfalls and falsehoods of secular society. He seeks to demolish secular pretensions in order to restore a sense of wonder and mystery to God’s creation. But first, he challenges himself and others to reflect deeply on the nature of reality, which is both the world within (mental and spiritual realities) and the world without (physical-material reality).

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    Covid-19 - Scott Ventureyra


    Scott D. G. Ventureyra

    Originally, I had signed a contract and planned on publishing this volume with a large publishing house in the United States. I had reached out to the publisher out of concern that they may not want to publish some of the material in this volume that contradicts the accepted narrative regarding COVID-19. It turns out that I was correct. This publishing house, whatever their reasons, is blindly defending and upholding all mandates and recommendations imposed by America’s Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the governments that follow the accepted narrative. I then decided to remove anything related to COVID, but then realized they may disapprove of any controversial position that contradicts woke culture, so I decided to cancel my contract altogether. I then decided to go with my own press. Phil Fernandes, a Christian philosopher and contributor to this volume, explains why such publishing houses are unwilling to entertain controversial perspectives:

    I’ve been speaking out against the New World Order since the early 1990s. In Christian academic circles I was always considered a nut. Though many Christian laypeople are now seeing the light, most Christian publishers still have their heads buried in the sand. The church has almost completely forfeited its prophetic voice. It was okay for C. S. Lewis to talk about this stuff in the 1940s, and for Schaeffer to address these issues in the 1970s; but now, as we draw closer to global government, we are censored even by Christian publishers. If we quote the pro-globalist/NWO statements of George H. W. Bush or Obama or the Clintons, we’re censored. If we quote the anti-globalist statements of Ron Paul or Pat Buchanan or Donald Trump, we are once again censored. Christian publishers desire to be accepted by the world even while the world is crushing the church. That’s why your own publishing company will probably be your best bet.1

    The book is extensively researched with close to 800 references. Since I have adopted the footnoting and bibliographic style of the above-mentioned publishing house, it would have been much too time consuming to convert everything to my preferred style. If you want to do further research and verify some of the references, it is important that you match the footnote, which is in a short form, with the corresponding chapter’s bibliographic entry with the full citation. For the Preface, I have included the full citation in the footnotes: a method which is much more commonsensical and practical than the one adopted by the aforementioned publishing house. But, alas, common sense and practicality do not seem to be their forte.

    I’ve decided to publish two separate books. This book is a component of another book that has been written simultaneously, Making Sense of Nonsense: Navigating through the West’s Current Quagmire. This book focuses on COVID-19, and its connection to the New World Order and the Great Reset. I’ll now say a word on the book’s main title: COVID-19: A Dystopian Delusion. The usage of the term was inspired by Francis Christian, a Clinical Professor of Surgery at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada. He was suspended from his academic and professorial duties as Director of the Surgical Humanities Program and his role as Director of Quality and Patient Safety. Although he used the term, dystopian bubble, in response to a committee that organized his dismissal from the Department of Surgery at the University of Saskatchewan, it prompted me towards what I have long thought about the pandemic, i.e., a dystopian delusion. The WebEx meeting that was held by this committee resembled a Soviet revolutionary tribunal panel more so than a meeting at a Canadian university in the twenty-first century. What was his crime? Raising concerns about informed consent and safety for vaccinating children. His response showed courage and strength.2

    So, what is a delusion? A delusion is a belief that is not true—a false idea. Sometimes a false idea or fictitious belief is caused by a mental illness. A dystopia is an imagined world in which people live dehumanizing and fearful lives. What we have been experiencing in the world for close to two years has been a dystopian delusion. It is a delusion on a massive level. This dehumanization and perpetual fear are based on a false narrative which has been pushed in lockstep with governments around the world, health organizations, the globalist elites, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the legacy media. People have unintentionally and unwittingly let these big players turn the world into a morbid and fearful place, where good people have turned on one another. Everyone that has been subject to this is a victim. In this book, the authors expose the lies, inconsistencies, and absurdities we have been fed, and the veritable agenda behind this nightmare. What most do not realize is that this tyrannical rule can end now, but only if we unite. We are many, and they are few. Part of this delusion can be explained by what psychologist Mattias Desmet has dubbed mass formation psychosis; it is a trance that compels people to become obedient to government tyranny. I have used the term unthinking compliance to describe such a phenomenon. Thus, the belief that a virus and its endless variants are ravaging the world is, indeed, a delusion, but a dystopia that is grounded in a hellish reality fashioned by a sinister globalist agenda is not—a dystopia that has wrought unprecedented amounts of social and economic destruction by governments at all levels, the globalist elites, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the legacy media.

    This is the second book published by True Freedom Press. Its first publication was a satirical book about the 2020 American presidential candidate Joseph Robinette Biden, The Safe Bet: The 2020 Presidential Case for Joe Biden: A Brilliant Campaign and Forty-Seven Years of Unparalleled Dedication to the American People.3 True Freedom Press promotes free speech and freedom of expression. With the pervasiveness of censorship throughout the legacy media, Big Tech platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google and others, university campuses, work settings, and even places of worship, true free-thinkers are increasingly seeking alternative platforms and methods of communication. True Freedom Press offers an alternative to this Orwellian nightmare that has become so commonplace throughout Western consciousness.

    It is an avenue for conservatives, theists, libertarians, free-thinkers, and others to express their positions in an open and honest fashion without fear of being stifled by political correctness. Little do many realize that political correctness is an oppressive tool to prevent dissenting views. The term itself originated with Leon Trotsky and was used by genocidal tyrants like Mao Zedong.

    True Freedom Press upholds a traditional understanding of tolerance, one which defends an individual’s right to hold a particular position and express it freely even if it offends others. To write freely is to have the ability to offend. The truth may offend at first, but it should be embraced for the sake of authentic living and expression.

    Enrique Discépolo’s famous song Cambalache, written in 1934 and later popularized by tango singer Julio Sosa, captures the essence of the times we are living in. Even though it is a reaction to the Infamous Decade (a reference to the corruption in Argentina from 1930 to 1940, involving electoral fraud, persecution of political opposition, and other issues related the Great Depression—all of which sounds eerily familiar), it indeed perfectly captures the political and cultural climate of today. He brilliantly describes how relativism and immorality are two sides of the same coin. A translation of the second verse reads:

    Today it is the same to be decent or a traitor! To be an ignoramus, a genius, a pickpocket, a generous person, or a swindler! All are the same! None is better! It is the same being a moron or a great professor! There are no failing grades or recognitions of merit; the immoral have caught up with us.4

    Although he is describing the ridiculousness, corruption, immorality, and evil of the twentieth century, I believe we have even descended into greater depths of absurdity and malice in our current century. But any astute student of history should not be surprised. The fallenness of human nature does not suddenly change because of certain advancements, whether scientific, or technological, or in general societal practices.

    Since the beginning of the COVID crisis in March of 2020, our freedoms have been trampled on by authoritarian governmental rule through medical tyranny under the pretext of compassion for the vulnerable. As C. S. Lewis aptly stated:

    Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

    Even the most well-meaning people can do great damage if they lose perspective. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, as they say.5

    The situation is only worsening day by day with the imposition of vaccine mandates and vaccine passports. Even the Vatican requires a so-called Green Pass. Such mandates have no basis in Scripture, as exemplified by James 5:14– 16, where the sick are to be prayed for and saved, not segregated and punished (in this case, those deemed to be sick).

    Since March of 2020, individuals and their families have been brought to their knees because of governmental tyranny. Businesses have shut down permanently. Suicide rates have increased. If an individual imposed the same tactics on his family members as governments have on their citizens, they would question their sanity. Governments have used fear tactics, bribes, guilt, shame, blame, and now the threat of unemployment, all for refusing to accept an injected gene therapy with unknown long-term effects. Do people really believe that governments are taking this course of action because they sincerely care about the well-being of their citizens? Frighteningly, some people believe without question that they do. Yet the intent is to divide and control. By and large, the medical establishment has ignored the significance of the adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccine.

    Many have complied because they want this tyrannical rule to end, but it is precisely because of people’s compliance that it will never end. Little do they realize that unless they receive the endless boosters necessitated by the waning protection of these vaccines, they will end up with the same legal vaccination status as the unvaccinated. Now a new alleged COVID variant, Omicron, has medical bureaucrats question whether the vaccine will be effective against it. Nevertheless, growing evidence indicates that natural immunity is more robust than that conferred by double-vaccination. There is also a threat to some parents’ access to and even custody over their children because of their views on COVID-19 and vaccine mandates. This is more reminiscent of the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, or Mao’s China than of any democratic nation in the twenty-first century, but here we are. It is an affront to reason to take these extreme measures for a virus that has a recovery rate well over 99 percent. President John F. Kennedy famously stated in his inaugural address of January 20, 1961: In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility—I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation.6

    As I write this, we are rapidly approaching that maximum hour of danger which JFK so eloquently spoke about. The draconian measures imposed on sovereign citizens of the world are in direct violation of our human rights and the Nuremberg Code. Historians will look upon this period with disbelief. Despite all our scientific achievements and technological advancements, we are still incapable of shaking off our tribal proclivities towards unthinking compliance with brutal authoritarian rule and its associated fear tactics. As Spanish philosopher, George Santayana, put it: Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.7 The deadliest virus we face is one of the mind, which spreads at unprecedented rates, mutating into unimaginable absurd variations. All one has to do is check the comments under a CBC article or CNN video.

    It is my hope that this book will function as a historical lesson for readers. By the time this will be published, much of the information may be outdated. Many revisions have been made to this text since we are constantly bombarded with new information and shifts in the narrative. Nevertheless, it should be clear that whatever new crisis may arise, whether it is a financial, ecological, information, or another pandemic, people must never tolerate tyrannical rule propelled by fear. Humanity as a whole is stronger than the world’s richest individuals and corrupt organizations.

    Make no mistake, once you cut away all superficial analyses of politics and culture, you will discover that, au fond, this is a spiritual battle: Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power. Put on the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. (Eph 6:10–20).

    Scott D. G. Ventureyra Ottawa, Ontario February 2022

    Preface Notes

    1 Phil Fernandes, Email message to Scott Ventureyra, August 21, 2021.

    2 Surgeon fired by College of Medicine for voicing safety concerns about Covid shots for children. Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom, June 23, 2021. surgeon-fired-by-college-of-medicine-for-voicing-safety-concerns-about-covid-shots-for-children/. You can hear the recording of the meeting here: 3g/2021-06-23_08-26-55.wav?dl=0.

    3. My translation.

    4. C. S. Lewis, The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment, in God in the Dock: Essays on Theology and Ethics, ed. Walter Hooper (London: HarperOne, 1994), 121.

    5. Inaugural address of President John F. Kennedy (Washington, DC, January 20, 1961). address-19610120.

    6. George Santayana, The Life of Reason: Reason in Common Sense (New York: Scribner’s, 1905), 284.

    Chapter 1

    Lessons Lost to History

    Travis Louisseize

    Perhaps the most crucial lessons of history that explain the polarization and decay of society today can be found by a careful analysis of the formation, ideology, and atrocities of the Soviet Union. I would submit to you that nobody has a more comprehensive understanding than Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Solzhenitsyn authored several highly valued works, such as, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and The Gulag Archipelago. I want to focus on the latter which was made required reading in Russian high schools by the education ministry, which cited the work as vital historical and cultural heritage on the course of 20th-century domestic history.1

    In a time where society is rife with confusion, disorientation, and inability to reach a consensus on any policy or structure, one quote stands out. Solzhenitsyn writes: And the lie has, in fact, led us so far away from a normal society that you cannot even orient yourself any longer; in its dense, gray fog not even one pillar can be seen.2

    Accusations of propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation often run rampant from traditional authoritative sources, but also from the those of dissenting opinions. Unlike the period of the 1900s, handheld personal computers provide people with such vast amounts of information, offering a direct avenue of assault which can add an additional layer in our inability to reason. A study conducted by the University of Waterloo submitted as part of the journal Computers in Human Behavior, found that:

    With the advent of Smartphone technology, access to the internet and its associated knowledge base is at one’s fingertips. What consequences does this have for human cognition? We frame Smartphone use as an instantiation of the extended mind—the notion that our cognition goes beyond our brains—and in so doing, characterize a modern form of cognitive miserliness. Specifically, that people typically forego effortful analytic thinking in lieu of fast and easy intuition suggests that individuals may allow their Smartphones to do their thinking for them. Our account predicts that individuals who are relatively less willing and/or able to engage effortful reasoning processes may compensate by relying on the internet through their Smartphones. Across three studies, we find that those who think more intuitively and less analytically when given reasoning problems were more likely to rely on their Smartphones (i.e., extended mind) for information in their everyday lives. There was no such association with the amount of time using the Smartphone for social media and entertainment purposes, nor did boredom proneness qualify any of our results. These findings demonstrate that people may offload thinking to technology, which in turn demands that psychological science understand the meshing of mind and media to adequately characterize human experience and cognition in the modern era.3

    The parallels between where society finds itself today and the Soviet Union do not stop there. One could draw a comparison between the Kulaks, a designated class of people, usually farmers, within the Soviet Union and the middle class, small business owners of today. Jordan Peterson produced a lecture which has been posted online. In the beginning he describes who the Kulaks were:

    For example, one of the things that characterized the Soviet Union, and this was particularly true of the 1920s, but afterwards… The Soviets were very much enamored of the idea of class guilt, so for example, although it was only about 40 years previously that the serfs had been emancipated, they weren’t much more than slaves and that was the bulk of the Russian population. They were bought and sold along with the land. So they had been emancipated and some of them, many of them had turned into independent farmers. And some of them had become reasonably prosperous because—at least in principle I presume a certain proportion of them from being crooked, but I presume a larger proportion from actually being able to raise food. Of course at that time, the bulk of the Russian food population was produced by these relatively successful peasant farmers and relatively successful would mean maybe they had a brick house or something and maybe they had a couple of cows and maybe they were able to hire a few people. So it wasn’t like they were massive land owners or anything.4

    Later he describes how their success was used against them and how the communists took advantage of their position to introduce a sense of victimhood in some of the people that were unsuccessful in their village. This false sense of grievance was then exploited to have the victimized people attack the Kulaks.

    So when the intellectuals came in and described the reason that these people should be treated as parasites and profiteers. Then it was the resentful minorities in those towns—and that would be the kind of guy that hangs around in the bar all the time and is completely unconscientious and fails at everything and then blames everyone else for it—the intellectuals came in and said here, this is unfair that this has happened to you, you’ve actually been victimized and now it’s your opportunity to go have your revenge. And so that’s exactly what happened.5

    Solzhenitsyn perfectly captured the ruthlessness and savagery that was brought to bear on this group of people, whose only crime was that of a slightly higher level of success:

    If a man had a brick house in a row of log cabins, or two stories in a row of one-story houses—there was your kulak: Get ready, you bastard, you got sixty minutes! There aren’t supposed to be any brick houses in the Russian village, there aren’t supposed to be two-story houses! Back to the cave! You don’t need a chimney for your fire! This is our great plan for transforming the country: history has never seen the like of it.6

    No food or tools were left for them. The roads were impassable, and there was no way through to the world outside, except for two brushwood paths… Machine-gunners manned barriers on both paths and let no one through from the death camp. They started dying like flies. Desperate people came out to the barriers begging to be let through, and were shot on the spot… They died off—every one of them… There’s no other way to build the New Society. 7

    The measures taken at the beginning of the pandemic, most notably lockdowns, severely impacted businesses ability to operate. According to an article in the CBC, the Canadian Federation of Independent Business said Thursday [that] one in six, or about 181,000, Canadian small business owners are now seriously contemplating shutting down.

    The latest figures, based on a survey of its members done between Jan. 12 and 16, come on top of 58,000 businesses that became inactive in 2020.8

    At the time, it seemed like little weight was placed on the damage this would have and although they have not faced a genocide, they have endured a tremendous loss of wealth while larger businesses, like Walmart and Amazon, have seen tremendous growth.9 The policies which forced businesses to close or created an environment that affected sales were made by unelected health bureaucrats, as politicians around the country deferred to their guidance. The effect of the government’s policies has, by decree, forced members of the middle class into the lower class thereby equalizing their wealth distribution while increasing the wealth of the upper class. There are more similarities as well. The Black Lives Matter (BLM) and antifa riots that took place in 2020 caused over $1 billion in damages, resulting in the closure of many businesses.10 BLM co-founder, Patrisse Cullors, claimed that she and her fellow organizers were trained Marxists.11 Such a statement from a leader of a Western movement seems shocking, since it reveals similar type events that took place in the Soviet Union that are so clearly emphasized in The Gulag Archipelago. Another consequence of the riots was the destruction or pressure to remove historical monuments, a deliberate and often violent effort to destroy and vilify history.12

    Solzhenitsyn and the people of Russia’s understanding of the failings of communism and Marxism came at an unbelievable cost. The failed experiment of the Soviet Union provided the world with all the evidence needed to reject the ideology. A lesson he believed the West did not understand and so, namely, that, in Russia communism is a dead dog, while, for many people in the West, it is still a living lion.13

    The most critical lesson to be learned from the three most prominent totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century, the Nazi regime, the Soviet Union, and Mao’s China, is the danger of centralized power. There seems to be no concern in Western democracies for the ever-increasing power and control the government has over its citizens. Acts such as the Patriot Act in the United States, which was created in response to the 9/11 attacks, have given the government extreme new powers, which it has to this day never repealed.14 In Canada, Bill C-16 has introduced compelled speech regarding one’s pronouns, a first in a British Commonwealth country.15 A reason for this lack of perception is captured in this quote by philosopher Hans Hermann Hoppe:

    Under democracy the distinction between the rulers and the ruled becomes blurred. The illusion even arises that the distinction no longer exists: that with democratic government no one is ruled by anyone, but everyone instead rules himself. Accordingly, public resistance against government power is systematically weakened.16

    Just like in the totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century, every attempt to increase governments power over their citizens is made in the name of safety or security. This can be attributed to new technology, gaps in previous legislation, or in the name of efficiency, but the results are always the same—expansion, increased surveillance, and authority. How is the decline possible? Why and how has society been steadily marching towards a communist, technocratic totalitarian state? I believe this can best be explained by the following quotes from Viktor Orbán in a memorandum to the European Parliament. These messages are not being championed by any party in the US or Canada, as well as having been nearly lost in the European People’s Party (EPP):

    Instead of stepping up against communism and Marxism, which left behind a painful legacy in Europe, we are applauding Fidel Castro and Karl Marx. Instead of the Christian-social Rhine model, we embrace egalitarian, socialistic social theories.

    We gave up the family model based on the matrimony of one woman and one man, and fell into the arms of gender ideology. Instead of supporting the birth of children, we see mass migration as the solution to our demographic problems…

    We are not offering an attractive alternative to our political adversaries, and we regard their issues and their interpretations as points of reference… We don’t stand up for ourselves as old and great Europeans, and don’t take on the fight against left-liberal intellectual forces and the media they influence and control…

    We are not raising our voice loud enough against the socialists who are helping the radical anarchist communist left into government. We have created an impression that we are afraid to declare and openly accept who we are and what we want, as if we were afraid of losing our share of governmental authority because of ourselves.17

    There needs to be a way for this ideology to be permeating the culture just like in other totalitarian regimes. For this we need to look at what is happening in the education system. The origins of radicalized Marxist teaching to the US educators may have become most strident in 2004 but has developed over several decades. According to a study conducted by Steiner and Rozen in 2004, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, by Paulo Freire, was one of the most assigned textbooks in many of the most prestigious schools.18 Paulo Freire has been described as a Brazilian educator who drew on Marxist class-warfare ideology to devise strategies to radicalize schools. Robert Holland describes this method of indoctrination:

    The oppressed must see examples of the vulnerability of the oppressor so that a contrary conviction can begin to grow within them. Until this occurs, they will continue disheartened, fearful, and beaten.

    Education as the exercise of domination stimulates the credulity of students, with the ideological intent (often not perceived by educators) of indoctrinating them to adapt to the world of oppression.19

    It is immediately clear how this ideological worldview has permeated Western culture and consumed the postmodernists, politicians, and radical organizations like BLM and antifa. One thing that has baffled many is Peterson’s relative ignorance behind COVID, the vaccine, COVID measures, and how it ties in with the ideologues, ideology, Marxism, postmodernism, and socialism. Peterson also said the following in response to a question regarding whether getting the vaccine was the right thing to do:

    Was it the right thing to do? How the hell do I know, I don’t bloody well know. I don’t think the vaccine makers are conspiratorial, fundamentally, or more than any other organization.

    I am sick and tired of the lockdown and assumed that, if in Canada we reach a certain threshold of vaccinated people that it will be done with, and I’m ready for that.20

    Since, in large part, I attribute my ability to recognize the transformations in society to Peterson’s lectures and publications, it came has a huge surprise to me. One could only speculate why he has been unable draw the connections between them. He may have simply underestimated how deeply it had penetrated the global systems, corporations, and institutions, or perhaps struggled to come to grips with reality because he was afraid of what it would mean. In an interview with Dave Rubin posted on November 10, 2021,

    Peterson made the following statements, which seem to indicate a realization of what is happening and his frustration:

    The thing that surprised me the most, probably, was how rapidly we stampeded to imitate a totalitarian state in the immediate aftermath of the release of COVID. You know, if you think it through a little bit, no one really knew how serious the virus was going to be, and so it was an unknown threat. And so you could imagine a herd of animals or a school of fish, for that matter, because this kind of phenomena is universal throughout the animal kingdom.

    …you know, Canadians who aren’t vaccinated now cannot leave the country? Like, what the hell? Why is that? And I’m—look, I got vaccinated, and people took me to task for that, and I thought, all right, I’ll get the damn vaccine. Here’s the deal, guys. I’ll get the vaccine; you f***ing leave me alone. And did that work? No. So, stupid me, you know? That’s how I feel about it.21

    Once again, curfews and bans on private gatherings were implemented in Quebec, this time on New Year’s Eve. Following this decree, Jordan Peterson posted a series of tweets in which he explicitly connects totalitarianism and the treatment of society to how the professors corrupted the universities.

    Do we care nothing for our liberties? No private gatherings with a near 80% vaccination rate? And a curfew?

    Is there no excuse too small for the totalitarianism wannabes? What the hell is wrong with this country?

    135 hospitalization and Quebec citizens are subjected to draconian measures. We are doing to our society exactly what cowardly professors already let happen to the universities.

    Here’s a shock. But Quebec in this benighted and cowardly country of mine has just initiated a curfew. And banned private gatherings. Resist, Montreal! Take to the streets at 10:00 pm tonight. Defy this appalling law! Or lose more freedom to the bureaucrats.22

    The connection of events spaced out over time seem ambiguous, even more so when separated by vast distances or simply lost to the sheer volume of events taking place. Society has little time to process or reflect on the significance or lessons of an event before the next one occurs. If we look at historical events and understand their connections, we can use this pattern as a reference to identify repetitions in the present. The attempts to vilify, erase, and destroy history sends a clear warning signal as such events are needed to support the lie of a totalitarian state. In the story of the of the Kulaks, we can see resemblances to the treatment of the suburbs and middle class with those of the successful farmers. Organizations like BLM and other minority groups are the victims that were spurred on by the demagogues. The intellectuals represent those in the educational and political systems which have been consumed by Marxist ideology and are indoctrinating the young, while promoting the activism of groups like BLM. Should this trend continue, and we fail to address the radical ideological takeover of the education system, we may see the West fall into the same trap of the Soviet Union, just as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn feared. It is for this reason I advocate for the mandatory reading of The Gulag Archipelago in high school, so that the lessons that have been lost may be excavated by our youth to avoid the pitfalls of yesterday.

    Chapter 1 Bibliography

    Academy of Ideas. Democracy and the Road to Tyranny. December 15, 2016.

    ———. The Gulag Archipelago and The Wisdom of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. April 19, 2017. aleksandr-solzhenitsyn/.

    Barr, Nathaniel, et al. Computers in Human Behavior; The brain in your pocket: Evidence that Smartphones are used to supplant thinking. ScienceDirect, July, 2015. abs/pii/S0747563215001272.

    Canadian Press, The. COVID-19 could shutter more than 200,000 Canadian businesses forever, CFIB says. CBC, January 21, 2021. ca/news/business/cfib-survey-1.5882059.

    CBC Arts. Gulag Archipelago joins Russian curriculum. CBC, September 9, 2009. russian-curriculum-1.825588.

    Cheong, Ian Miles. Jordan Peterson says ‘totalitarian’ COVID restrictions plaguing Canada, the West. Rebel News, November 11, 2021. plaguing_canada_the_west.

    Dragicevic, Nina. Canada’s gender identity rights Bill C-16 explained. CBC. bill-c-16-explained.

    Holland, Robert. The Cult of Paulo Freire. In Radicalization of Teacher Education Programs in the United States Nine Essays. Lexington Institute, September 2012. 04/RadicalizationOfTeacherEducationPrograms.pdf.

    Kinder, Molly, and Laura Stateler. Amazon and Walmart have raked in billions in additional profits during the pandemic, and shared almost none of it with their workers. Brookings, Dec 22, 2020. blog/the-avenue/2020/12/22/amazon-and-walmart-have-raked-in-billions- in-additional-profits-during-the-pandemic-and-shared-almost-none-of-it- with-their-workers/.

    Kingson, Jennifer. Exclusive: $1 billion-plus riot damage is most expensive in insurance history. Axios, September 16, 2020. riots-cost-property-damage-276c9bcc-a455-4067-b06a-66f9db4cea9c. html.

    Lind, Dara. Everyone’s heard of the Patriot Act. Here’s what it actually does. Vox, June 2, 2015. explain.

    Medikatie. When Victimization Leads to Genocide: Dekulakization in the Soviet Union Steemit. victimization-leads-to-genocide-dekulakization-in-the-soviet-union.

    News Analysis. Jordan Peterson calls for civil disobedience in face of Quebec’s curfew. The Post Millennial, December 31, 2021. com/jordan-peterson-calls-for-civil-disobedience-in-face-of-quebecs- curfew.

    Paternotte, David, and Mieke Verloo. De-democratization and the Politics of Knowledge: Unpacking the Cultural Marxism Narrative. Oxford Academic, November 12, 2021. 301?login=true.

    Steinbuch, Yaron. Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as ‘trained Marxist’. New York Post, June 25, 2020. blm-co-founder-describes-herself-as-trained-marxist/.

    Wikipedia. List of monuments and memorials removed during the George Floyd protests. memorials_removed_during_the_George_Floyd_protests.

    WiSe.InSiGhT. Jordan Peterson: I had the Goddamn Vaccine So Get Out Of My Face!? YouTube Video, July 21, 2021. watch?v=LHcWTHht1mQ.

    Chapter 1 Notes

    1. CBC Arts, Gulag Archipelago joins Russian curriculum.

    2. Academy of Ideas, The Gulag Archipelago and The Wisdom of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

    3. Barr, et al., Computers in Human Behavior; The brain in your pocket: Evidence that Smartphones are used to supplant thinking.

    4. Medikatie, When Victimization Leads to Genocide: Dekulakization in the Soviet Union.

    5. Medikatie, When Victimization Leads to Genocide: Dekulakization in the Soviet Union.

    6. Academy of Ideas, The Gulag Archipelago and The Wisdom of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

    7. Academy of Ideas, The Gulag Archipelago and The Wisdom of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

    8. The Canadian Press, COVID-19 could shutter more than 200,000 Canadian businesses forever, CFIB says.

    9. Kinder and Stateler, Amazon and Walmart have raked in billions in additional profits during the pandemic, and shared almost none of it with their workers.

    10. Kingson, Exclusive: $1 billion-plus riot damage is most expensive in insurance history.

    11. Steinbuch, Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as ‘trained Marxist’.

    12. Wikipedia, List of monuments and memorials removed during the George Floyd protests.

    13. Academy of Ideas, The Gulag Archipelago and The Wisdom of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

    14. Lind, Everyone’s heard of the Patriot Act. Here’s what it actually does.

    15. Dragicevic, Canada’s gender identity rights Bill C-16 explained.

    16. Academy of Ideas, Democracy and the Road to Tyranny.

    17. Paternotte and Verloo, De-democratization and the Politics of Knowledge: Unpacking the Cultural Marxism Narrative.

    18. Holland, The Cult of Paulo Freire.

    19. Holland, The Cult of Paulo Freire.

    20. WiSe.InSiGhT, Jordan Peterson: I had the Goddamn Vaccine So Get Out Of My Face!?

    21. Cheong, Jordan Peterson says ‘totalitarian’ COVID restrictions plaguing Canada, the West.

    22. News Analysis, Jordan Peterson calls for civil disobedience in face of Quebec’s curfew.

    Chapter 2

    The Great Reset and the New World Order

    Phil Fernandes1

    Billionaire Donald J. Trump was once a popular man in the eyes of the American media and the political establishment. But, once he ran for

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