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Sins of the Father: Beast
Sins of the Father: Beast
Sins of the Father: Beast
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Sins of the Father: Beast

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It has unleashed a monster on the Town of Fleetwood in 1993. The question is: Who is the monster? Is it the man who looks like a beast? Is it the man whose soul is that of a beast, or is it the Nazi doctor who is trying to kill the both of them?


Dr. Karl Mueller killed thousands of Jews in the German concentration camps. Now, he wants to kill two more. He views the Lachman twins, Jacob and Esau, as an affront against nature that he must destroy. They are the product of one of Mueller's experiments. Mueller has tracked them to Fleetwood, but they know is after them.

Meanwhile, Nazi hunter Daniel Levitt is closing in on the doctor. Daniel has also discovered the secret the Mueller and Jacob and Esau's mother, Eva, is trying to hide. It is a secret that has gotten people killed and threatens to kill more.

Release dateNov 17, 2022
Sins of the Father: Beast

J. R. Rada

J. R. Rada is the author of seven novels, a non-fiction book and a non-fiction collection. These include the historical novels Canawlers, October Mourning, Between Rail and River and The Rain Man. His other novels are Logan’s Fire, Beast and My Little Angel. His non-fiction books are Battlefield Angels: The Daughters of Charity Work as Civil War Nurses and Looking Back: True Stories of Mountain Maryland.He lives in Gettysburg, Pa., where he works as a freelance writer. Jim has received numerous awards from the Maryland-Delaware-DC Press Association, Associated Press, Maryland State Teachers Association and Community Newspapers Holdings, Inc. for his newspaper writing.If you would like to be kept up to date on new books being published by J. R. Rada or ask him questions, he can be reached by e-mail at [email protected] see J. R. Rada's other books or to order copies on-line, go to

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    Book preview

    Sins of the Father - J. R. Rada

    Chapter 1

    July 9, 1993

    Rick Martin woke up with a start. He shook his head and rubbed his bloodshot eyes. At first, he thought the noise from the laughing studio audience had awakened him; but a commercial saying he could already be the winner of ten million dollars was on. His eyes finally focused on the large-screen television in front of him. He had fallen asleep in front of the television set again.

    Looking at the clock on the wall above the television, he realized it was almost one in the morning. Why hadn’t Gloria awakened him and told him to go to bed? Then he remembered Gloria was in West Virginia. He had been so tired from clearing stumps off an acre of land he cultivated that he had fallen asleep almost as soon as he sat down to watch the evening news. That had been over six hours ago. He’d be up for the rest of the night now.

    Then he heard the dogs howling outside. What had stirred them up?

    Probably just a raccoon or a deer. He pushed the footrest on his recliner down and stood up and stretched. All three of the mutts were howling, but probably Moe was leading them. Not that it took much to set that hound off. He would bark at an owl or a field mouse as well as a rabbit or a cat.

    He turned the television off as he walked by, heading for the kitchen.

    Something sticky had spilled on the floor in front of the refrigerator that now tried to hold on to his bare feet. He cursed at himself as pulled his foot free from the floor. After all, it was his fault. He had spilled the soda yesterday and hadn’t bothered to wipe it up. If Gloria were here, she would have done it. Of course, Gloria was down in West Virginia visiting her folks and not caring one bit if her husband’s feet hurt because the floor tried to grab his skin.

    He opened the door to the backyard. The howling got louder with the door open, but he couldn’t see anything in the darkness. Even the dogs seemed to be in the dark shadows at the far end of the yard.

    He reached to the side of the door for the light switch when he heard one of the hounds yelp. Then, silence. He waited for almost a minute, wondering what had happened.

    Dogs? he called out hesitatingly.

    He reached for the light again when Curly bolted past him into the kitchen. The brown-and-white springer spaniel lost its footing on the linoleum and fell on his side, but he quickly regained his balance and ran into the living room, where he promptly hid behind the television.

    Curly, get out of here!

    The dogs weren’t allowed in the house, except sometimes in the winter when it snowed or was extremely cold, but even then they had to stay in the basement. If Gloria came home and saw dog hair all over the upstairs, she would lay into Rick good. She kept a clean house and didn’t like Rick, let alone the dogs, messing it up.

    He turned to go after his dog when something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. At first, he thought one of his dogs had jumped the fence and gotten into Gloria’s garden (she was going to think he destroyed the place when she got back on Friday). Then he saw it was too large to be one of the dogs. It was a man, an enormous man.

    Who’s out there?

    Rick remembered the light and reached for it again. Then he heard a loud, guttural growl. It had come from whoever was out in Gloria’s vegetable garden, and suddenly he realized it wasn’t a man out there, and he sure didn’t want to see what it was. The thing beyond the fence turned and ran toward him. He froze in place for a moment as he watched the creature approach the chain-link fence and push it down as if it was made of Popsicle sticks.

    That was enough for Rick. He slammed the door shut and locked it, and ran back into the living room. If there had been room behind the television, he would have joined Curly. He pulled one of his shotguns off the rifle rack. He would not take any chances that his fear might cause his aim to be off.

    He heard glass shatter and fall to the floor from inside the kitchen.

    He looked through the kitchen doorway and saw a thick arm poking through the window. It was a man’s arm, but stubbly black hair covered it. The hand was fumbling around, trying to unlock the door from the inside.

    He shoved a shell into the shotgun and ran to the kitchen doorway.

    The hand found the doorknob and started fumbling with the lock. He brought the shotgun to his shoulder and fired at the glass panes in the door. With a thunderous boom, the remaining glass in the door and much of the wooden door frame splintered into millions of shards. Whatever was trying to get into the house howled in pain. The voice he heard wasn’t an animal’s, either. It was a human.

    As he listened, the scream faded away. Whoever he had shot ran off into the fields behind the house. He was tempted to run to the door to see who had nearly gotten into his home, but his legs felt like rubber. They would not move.

    Rick leaned against the doorway for a few minutes, until his heart slowed back down to normal. Then he managed to walk over to the phone hanging on the wall and called the police.

    As the night dispatcher took his report, he looked around and wondered what Gloria would say when she saw what he had done to the house.

    Chapter 2

    July 9, 1993

    Esau Lachman finally relaxed when he realized his mother had finally fallen asleep. It had taken her awhile to calm down after Dr. Mueller called her. Then something slammed against the front door. Instantly awake, Eva Lachman sat up in her bed.

    What was that? she shouted.

    Esau tried to push her gently back down on her bed. Nothing. I think the wind probably blew one of the trash cans against the door or maybe a branch broke off a tree, Esau said, not knowing if he was telling the truth, but he wanted to keep his mother calm.

    The white-haired woman looked over his shoulder and out the window. There’s no wind blowing. The trees aren’t moving. It’s him. I know it’s him. He’s come for you now. He wants to take you like he did Jacob.

    Esau held his mother in his thick arms, reminding himself not to squeeze too hard. He could feel her shaking.

    She reached toward her nightstand. Her hand groped around the top of the walnut table. Not finding what she sought, Eva pulled away from her son and opened the top drawer. She still wasn’t satisfied.

    Where’s my gun, Esau?

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