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Living: A Course in Miracles: An Essential Guide to the Classic Text
Living: A Course in Miracles: An Essential Guide to the Classic Text
Living: A Course in Miracles: An Essential Guide to the Classic Text
Ebook334 pages4 hours

Living: A Course in Miracles: An Essential Guide to the Classic Text

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Discover the central tenets of the ACIM movement—and how they can work miracles in your life—with this essential guide to the classic spiritual text.

In 1976, a mysterious “Inner Voice” called out to Helen Schucman, dictating a system of belief that ultimately became A Course in Miracles. This book, totaling 1,333 pages, went on to sell more than two million copies around the world. Its lessons are meant to be digested one at a time; those who study ACIM do so over years, often struggling to progress through its resonant but difficult-to-comprehend truths.

Jon Mundy—who knew the Courses founders and the text from the very beginning—is the ideal guide to the book’s central tenets. Using passages from ACIM, Mundy illuminates its teachings on such subjects as the self, forgiveness, desire, health, money, addiction, and the afterlife. Through his lively storytelling and in-depth knowledge of the Course, readers gain wisdom that might otherwise have taken them a lifetime to grasp.
Release dateFeb 1, 2011

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    Living - Jon Mundy









    An Essential Guide

    to the Classic Text



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    The ideas expressed herein are those of the author and

    do not reflect the views of the Foundation for Inner Peace,

    the publishers of A Course in Miracles.

    This course can be summed up very simply in this way:

    Nothing real can be threatened.

    Nothing unreal exists.

    Herein lies the peace of God.

    From the Introduction to A Course in Miracles


    Table of Contents

    Referencing A Course in Miracles and A Definition of Terms

    PART I


    CHAPTER 1 There Must Be Another Way

    How It Came to Be

    CHAPTER 2 Inward Is Sanity

    Selfishness, Aloneness, and Insanity

    CHAPTER 3 This Is It!

    An Introduction to A Course in Miracles

    CHAPTER 4 The Story of Salvation

    The Main Characters

    CHAPTER 5 From Mindlessness to Mindfulness

    How the Mind Works According to

    A Course in Miracles

    CHAPTER 6 The Dynamics of the Ego

    Demythologizing Adam and Eve

    CHAPTER 7 The Undoing of Guilt

    Our Way Out of Fear



    CHAPTER 8 The Dreaming of the World

    The Metaphysics of Miracles

    CHAPTER 9 I Am Not a Body

    Death and the Ego Body Identity

    CHAPTER 10 Always Must Be Now

    The Practice of Patience




    CHAPTER 11 The Inner Teacher, the Ego,

    and God’s Plan for Salvation

    The Role of the Holy Spirit in A Course in Miracles

    CHAPTER 12 Why Is This Happening to Me?

    Trial, Accidents, Coincidence, and Destiny

    CHAPTER 13 Self-Observation

    Watching, Witnessing, and Willingness

    CHAPTER 14 Everyone Has the Answer Now

    Remembering What We Already Know

    CHAPTER 15 Healing the T(error)ist Within

    On Anger and Responsibility

    CHAPTER 16 From Selfishness to Self-fullness

    I’m Nobody. Who Are You?

    CHAPTER 17 Above All Else

    Strengthening Motivation to Change

    CHAPTER 18 A Course in Mind Training

    Changing Our Minds—Changing Our Lives

    CHAPTER 19 Word Fasting: The Spiritual Diet

    Observing and Correcting Our Thoughts

    CHAPTER 20 There Is Nothing to Forgive

    Or, There Is No Future in the Past

    CHAPTER 21 The Key Marked Kindness

    As We Teach, So Do We Learn

    Postscript: Living A Course in Miracles



    About the Author

    Referencing A Course in Miracles

    Quotations and paraphrasing from A Course in Miracles are from the third edition published by the Foundation for Inner Peace. The location of the various quotes and paraphrases appear immediately after the reference with a listing of the chapter, section, paragraph and sentence as in (T-4.III.5:7). A centered, italicized quote with no reference is from me.

    T: is for Text

    W: is for Workbook

    M: is for Manual for Teachers

    C: is for Clarification of Terms

    P: is for Psychology: Purpose, Process and Practice

    S: is for The Song of Prayer

    In: is for Introduction

    R: is for Review

    Quotations from the Bible are from the King James Version, the same version referenced within the Course.

    A Definition of Terms

    When you see a paragraph with the first few words in bold that includes the word is, this is a definition of a term frequently used in the Course.

    PART I









    There Must Be Another Way


    A good teacher clarifies his own ideas,

    and strengthens them by teaching them.


    ACourse in Miracles is the wisest, sanest, deepest book I know. It is a unique spiritual document; a self-instructional textbook, eloquent in its loveliness and level of psychological sophistication. It is a modern spiritual classic regarded by many as the most important book since the Bible. It is clearly a document of the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries, simultaneously simple and erudite. It calls for a wholly different way of seeing, completely outside the realm of what we call the ego and physical sight. It is also an immanently practical book, as it is trying to help us to stop the mind’s insane machinations, heal all distorted frames of reference, and regain control of our right mind. It helps in the development of trust, honesty, tolerance, gentleness, joy, defenselessness, generosity, patience, faithfulness, open-mindedness, and more. Pick up the Course, open it to any page and read. Chances are the word you will appear on that page. The Course was written for you! Reading the Course, you feel as though you have returned home and you are now conversing with a long lost friend, you are being reintroduced to something very familiar—your True Self.

    A Radical Philosophy

    The Course is a radical philosophy in that it asks us to engage in a total reversal in thinking. Our perception, it says, is upside down and backwards. We are to stop looking for the inside on the outside. We are to do a complete 180. We are learning to see the world in a wholly new light, no longer from the perspective of the ego. Rather now do we see wholly from the realm of Spirit. Radical means root and the Course is taking us all the way to the core of our most basic problem— the minds decision for the ego. At this point and this point only, can we undo mistaken perception choose once again and begin to follow a path that leads us home.

    Living the Course means we stop blaming ourselves and thus inevitably we cease blaming others. Living the Course means gaining freedom from judgment, anger, and condemnation. It means freedom from guilt and fear. The goal of the Course is peace and happiness. It aims at taking us all the way to Heaven. Pick up the Course, turn to any page, start reading, and you’ll soon say, Wow! Who wrote this? What we have is a clear reflection of the truth, beautifully written, and, if we have the ears to hear—it is also impeccably clear.

    Simplicity is very difficult for twisted minds.


    The Course makes no effort to teach what cannot be easily understood. It is simple, direct, and straightforward. It pulls no punches. Truth is true. Truth is simple. What’s not simple is that we are not simple. Our minds are convoluted. Truth is consistent. We’re inconsistent. We try to give part of our allegiance to God (Love), and part to the ego (fear); and we fall off into the middle.

    The lessons you have taught yourself have been

    so overlearned and fixed they rise like heavy curtains

    to obscure the simple and the obvious.


    Although the Course is simple, it is easy to read the Course and not understand or be willing to accept it. We don’t hear or get the Course because we have so over-learned the lessons of the ego and we are so accustomed to its voice, we don’t even know there is another voice—a voice of reason and sanity. We don’t hear the Course because we don’t want to. As with all recalcitrant children, we have an authority problem. Who among us wants to hear that the self we made and the world we have made to go with it is not real? Living the Course means I’m going to have to completely lay aside the idea of a separate, independent self, and who wants to do that?

    The world you seem to live in is not home to you.

    And somewhere in your mind you know that this is true.


    Imagine, for a moment, that there is a dictator, a despot, a tormenter who seeks possession of your mind. We think we have freedom, that we can do whatever we want; and yet, this thing we call an ego can take over the mind so that we are not even aware that it has taken control. Still, no matter how great the seduction, there remains something in the back of the mind which says: This isn’t it. The world you see is not reality. There must be another way.

    Belief that there is another way of perceiving is the loftiest idea

    of which ego thinking is capable. That is because it contains

    a hint of recognition that the ego is not the Self.


    The Story of the Course

    The Course began in 1965, with Dr. Helen Schucman and Dr. William Thetford, professors of medical psychology at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York. Frustrated by the competitiveness and infighting that characterized their relationship one day Bill turned to his assistant Helen and said, There has to be another way, meaning, there has to be some way that they could get along without all the backstabbing, fighting, and ego games that trouble many offices, hospitals, schools, businesses, churches, and families throughout the world. Unexpectedly, Helen turned back to Bill and said, You’re right— and I’ll help you find it. With this sudden willingness to drop defensiveness, a common ground for healing was born. Through Helen and Bill’s unified decision to heal, the seeds for the Course found fertile soil and took root.

    On October 21, 1965, while recording her thoughts in a notebook, Helen heard, "This is A Course in Miracles." Imagine you are a poet and you begin to hear a poem or imagine that you are composer and you begin to hear the notes of a song. It was not automatic writing. Nothing took control of Helen’s hand and began writing for her. It was as though an inner voice was speaking to her. She could stop taking this dictation at any point, answer the phone, or take care of her other business and then return to the writing, as though there had been no interruption. Helen had the remarkable ability to simply get out of her own way and let Love—what we now call A Course in Miracles—flow through.

    Helen took notes for seven years and completed the Course in September 1972. A 669 page Text explains the teachings of the Course. There is a Workbook for students, which consists of 365 daily lessons or exercises, and a ninety-two page Manual for Teachers. She also received two pamphlets from the same source as the Course: The Song of Prayer, and Psychotherapy, Purpose, Process, and Practice. All told, we’re looking at just about a half-million words. The Course was published on June 22, 1976. More than two million copies have been sold. It is now available in eighteen different languages, and several additional translations are in process. Spanish is the next best-selling edition after English.

    One of the unique qualities of the Course is the Workbook with its 365 daily lessons designed to help us break up our habituated ego-oriented ways of seeing the world. There is only one rule in the whole Course, and that is not to do more than one lesson per day, though you may want to spend more than a day on some of the lessons. What is called for is not speed, but practice.

    In 1973, at a conference sponsored by Spiritual Frontier Fellowship, Helen and Bill attended a lecture I gave on mysticism, based on a book I had written, Learning to Die. That evening, I was introduced to the two of them. All I was told at that time was that Helen had written an inspirational book. In 1974, while working on a dissertation on the relationship between psychology and spirituality, I wrote a letter that was published in the newsletter of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, expressing interest in being in contact with anyone working in the field of psychotherapy and spirituality. Bill saw my letter, remembered our previous meeting, and suggested to Helen that it was a call for her to complete the writing of what is now simply called the Psychotherapy Pamphlet, which she had begun earlier but never completed.

    Helen agreed, called me in April 1975, and said that she had something for me. I had no idea what she was talking about, but I agreed to meet with her and Bill, Father Benedict Groschel, and Dr. Kenneth Wapnick at Ken’s little studio apartment on East 17th Street in New York City. I was, at the time, a doctoral student, university lecturer, and minister, living inside of the General Theological Seminary on West 19th Street, and I walked over that evening. Ken’s little studio was one of the most basic apartments I had ever seen. There were no electronics, no whatnots; just a typewriter, a few books, a pot for tea, a towel, a toothbrush—the bare essentials.

    Helen sat on Ken’s daybed and told me about the Course, how it had come into existence, and how it had affected the four of them. Though I had explored several different philosophies, including a guru search and a backpacking trek through India in 1971, most everything left me wanting something more. Though impressed with my colleagues, I was concerned that I would again be left wanting. Still, I walked home that night thinking that probably the most important thing that had ever happened to me had just happened. I was, however, not at all sure what it was.

    Later, Ken came to visit me at General Theological, and I began sponsoring lectures by Ken in New York City, Westchester, and Orange Counties in New York. He has been, throughout these many years, a wonderful older brother. Helen, in turn, became something of a mother hen and a guide in times of trouble. I would meet with Helen at either Judy Whitson’s or Ken Wapnick’s apartment and she was always available by phone. She knew, it seemed, how to quickly assess my situation and offer the right guidance. I was frequently in trouble in my relationships with women, and Helen was there to help me sort through my feelings. I was also ambiguous about my relationship with the Methodist church. While I felt called to be a minister, I kept thinking maybe I should quit. Helen kept saying, Not yet. You can always quit later. Sixteen years later, I did.

    The Voice and Language of the Course

    In reading the Course, it soon becomes clear that the Voice of the Course is not that of any ordinary individual. It is clearly not written by an ego. Pick it up—turn to any page and read. It is not about the past, the future, or worldly events. There is no ax to grind. There is no agenda other than helping us achieve inner peace, and therefore our own greatest happiness. The Course is clear, truthful, and filled with compassion and understanding. Philosophy seeks the truth through argumentation. Though logically consistent throughout, there is no argumentation in the Course. There are no proofs for the existence of God. The Course simply reminds us of the Truth of Being. The Voice in the Course is Jesus, or the Holy Spirit, or Your Voice at your best. It is your Self, my Self, our Self—One Self, God, or Christ. It came from one healed Mind which is all of us in our own right mind.

    It is your voice to which you listen as He speaks to you.


    The Course uses the phrase Son of God to refer to every child of God. While there are two possible genders, in this world there is literally no division. What is whole is not divided. What we are talking about is mankind as a whole or better, spirit as a whole. If, when you read a sentence like: "I am as God created me. His Son can suffer nothing. And I

    am His Son, if it feels more comfortable saying daughter or child; change it to daughter or to child. The purpose of the Course is to help us get in touch with the Christ (Self) within.

    . . . words are but symbols of symbols.

    They are thus twice removed from reality.


    Only Truth Is True—A Perennial Philosophy

    The Course is one form of a universal curriculum (M-1.4:1) and a unique path on par with the wisdom of the world’s most profound spiritual teachings. What the Course says is not new. How could the eternal be new? Mystics, masters, saints, and sages from all over the world and throughout the ages have talked about that which goes beyond perception. We find themes, songs, and representations of the Course in the world’s oldest philosophies—the Advaita Vedanta philosophy of Hinduism, Buddhism, Gnosticism, Christian Mysticism, Sufism, German Idealism, American Transcendentalism, The New Thought Movement, Unity, Religious Science, Christian Science, and many more thousands of forms.

    Whether the flower of mysticism blooms in India or in China,

    in Persia or on the Rhine, its fruit is one.


    The Course is not a religion. There is no hierarchical organization based on the Course. There is no evangelism in the Course. It is not about getting the word out to the world. It is about getting the word in to the heart. Retaining the mind in the heart is inwardness. Letting the mind go out is externalization. If I evangelize, I must think that I am right and you need correction. If the words get in, it can then be lived in such a way that other folks will see the efficacy of the teaching and the world will be very subtly and effectively changed. Change comes not through revolt, it comes through revelation. The Course is, as its name implies, a spiritual study. If you have an organized religion, you have someone on top, someone on the bottom, others in the middle, and ego-games and jockeying for position. The Course is simply a self-help book, par excellence. It can be studied completely on its own. As it means healing all our relationships, it also means living the Course in relationship with everyone we meet.


    A friend once told me that when he started going to Alcoholics Anonymous, someone told him that the program would mess up his drinking big time. In other words, if he stuck with the program, he would stop drinking. Stick with the Course and it will mess up the ego big time. We are going for nothing less than enlightenment.




    Inward Is Sanity


    There is a Danish story about a spider that lived high in the rafter of an old barn. One day, the spider decided to lower himself to a beam where he found the flies more prolific and more easily caught. He therefore decided to live permanently on this lower level. He spun for himself a comfortable web. One day he noticed the line down which he had come and said to himself that he no longer needed it. So he snapped it and destroyed the support for his whole web.

    A tiny thread connects us with the infinite. We have come from God and we are returning Home to Him. Everyone wakes up someday. Everything eventually returns to its source. Coming into the world, we easily become fascinated with the world and we forget about the source. We look at that thread which connects us with the infinite and think, That thing is in the way. We snap the line, and we go mad.

    As you look with open eyes upon your world

    it must occur to you that you have withdrawn into insanity. . .

    You communicate with no one, and you are as isolated from reality

    as if you were alone in all the universe. . . God calls you and you

    do not hear, for you are preoccupied with your own voice.

    And the vision of Christ is not in your sight,

    for you look upon yourself alone.

    T-13.V.6:1, 4 & 6–7

    1. Our First Interest Is Ourselves

    Let’s be honest, we place ourselves at the center of the universe. Our self is our first concern. According to a study done on response reactions during times of disasters, reported in

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