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Complete Guide To: Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself
Complete Guide To: Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself
Complete Guide To: Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself
Ebook31 pages26 minutes

Complete Guide To: Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook





You will learn the answers to the following questions based on the bestseller theories, concepts and ideas:


Does Visualizing What We Aspire To Make It Happen?

What Is The Identity Gap?

How Do Genes And Stress Interact?

What Does Quantum Physics Have To Do With The Human Mind?

Is Happiness Possible?

How To Fulfill Fantasies

How Do The "Three Brains" Work?



A significant number of scientists working in the modern era are of the belief that the way the world really is enables each of us to write our own version of the tale of our life. Henry Ford, a well-known figure from many years ago, was reportedly quoted as saying, "Whether you believe you can or you think you can't, you're accurate."

Release dateNov 21, 2022
Complete Guide To: Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself

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    Complete Guide To - Sapiens Library


    There are a lot of individuals who go their whole lives without ever understanding that their mind is in charge of dictating their actual, physical existence out in the world. There is a connection that cannot be denied that exists between one's own subjective experience and the objective reality that surrounds them.

    This reading takes on the challenge of investigating this in order to get rid of all of our negativity and bring about good transformation through methods like meditation. It is time to realize that our perception of reality is not set in stone and that we constantly shape it via mental activity. If we fail to acknowledge the part that our awareness plays, then we reject to accept responsibility for our actions.

    Everyone, by virtue of the fact that they are thinking creatures, is capable of experiencing unhappiness, regardless of whether or not the circumstances of their lives are generally positive. This is an aspect of human nature that the great philosopher René Descartes was able to identify with a great deal of precision. Even while suffering and misery are real experiences, the fact that they are not fabricated by our minds does not indicate that they are not real.

    Even if you have everything you need to be happy, your brain may still cause you to feel miserable. If this is the case, then the opposing possibility—that you will feel pleased despite the fact that your circumstances are unfavorable—is also a very real possibility. It is likely that you have had sensations like

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