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Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest: Volume 13
Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest: Volume 13
Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest: Volume 13
Ebook402 pages7 hours

Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest: Volume 13

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The battle to determine the fate of Tortus has finally begun. With Hajime and his companions deep inside the Sanctuary, the majority of those left defending the world from the army of apostles are just regular people. Despite their best efforts, the combined forces of the world continue to be pushed back—but just when it looks as though all hope is lost, Hajime’s final trump card kicks in. Meanwhile, Hajime himself faces off against Ehitruje, the self-styled god of this world. And in order to rescue his beloved vampire princess and return home, Hajime will need to transcend even the title of world’s strongest.

PublisherJ-Novel Club
Release dateMar 24, 2023
Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest: Volume 13

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    Book preview

    Arifureta - Ryo Shirakome


    I was plunged into the abyss, a hostile environment that ate away at my very humanity. In there, I had to reforge myself in order to survive. The only way I could live was by utterly destroying any obstacles on the path to my goal. I convinced myself that it would be okay to turn into a monster if that was what it took to survive, to make it home. And honestly, that was the only way I could keep my sanity in that hell. I was sure that if I didn’t go that far, I’d stumble along the way and be consumed by the horrors of the abyss.

    When I found you, Yue, I was on the brink of going past the point of no return. It was thanks to you that I was able to cling to my humanity. It was thanks to you that I was able to remain someone my family wouldn’t be ashamed to see come home.

    Without you, I wouldn’t have gotten this strong or found so many people I genuinely care about. So how can I possibly repay you for everything you’ve done for me? I’m sure you’d say all you need is for me to be by your side, but that’s not nearly enough.

    I don’t know what else I can do for you, but at the very least, I’ll fulfill my promise. We’re going back home, together. I still remember how sad you looked that day when you told me you had no home to return to, so I’ll give you one. Don’t worry. I know you’re afraid my parents won’t like you, but I promise mom and dad will be overjoyed to meet you.

    Wait for me Yue, my beloved vampire princess. I’m coming to rescue you.

    When I was trapped in the abyss, I tried my hardest to become a cold, unfeeling doll. I killed my emotions and surrendered myself to the darkness. If I was doomed to be trapped there for all eternity, I thought I would be better off dead. For a time, I gave up on living. But even as I tried to surrender to my fate, I couldn’t help but hold on to one last sliver of hope.

    When you opened that door, Hajime, I thought for the first time in so very long that I wanted to live. One look at you got my blood pumping again, and I could hear my heartbeat again, a sound I thought I had all but forgotten. It was then that I realized I’d been lying to myself all along.

    You didn’t just set me free. You pulled me out of the swamp of despair and brought me into the light. You healed my soul, which had been scarred by betrayal, and restored my humanity.

    Without you, I wouldn’t have become this strong or found so many people I genuinely care about. So how can I possibly repay you for everything you’ve done for me? I’m sure you’d say all you need is for me to be by your side, but that’s not nearly enough.

    That’s why I’m not going to let Ehit beat me. Even if my consciousness is trapped in darkness and I can’t even sense my own body anymore, I won’t give up.

    I still need to see what the home you long so deeply for is like. I need to know what your parents—the reason you’re trying so hard to get back—are like.

    You told me there aren’t any other races in your world, so will they be accepting of a vampire like me? Even if they aren’t, just thinking about spending the rest of my life with you and your family fills my heart with excitement. It reminds me that I’m still here, still alive.

    Hajime, I love you more than anything else in the world. I’ll wait as long as it takes because I know you’ll come and sweep away this darkness for me.

    Chapter I: Humanity’s Full Might

    A few days before the world was supposed to end, the people of the capital of the Heiligh Kingdom were going about their lives like normal. Many of them were working on rebuilding the homes and structures that had been destroyed during the demon army’s attack.

    Seven students watched the hustle and bustle of the city from the palace’s terrace as they ate their lunch. Their expressions were somewhat forlorn, even though the atmosphere wasn’t particularly heavy.

    Compared to when the entire class had sat together to eat lunch, there were far fewer of them now. Of course, the majority of the missing students weren’t dead; they were just holed up in their rooms. And considering what had happened the night of Eri’s betrayal, it was hardly surprising.

    Thus, despite the scrumptious lunch the palace cooks had prepared for these students, they ate without tasting much of it. That being said, eating in awkward silence would have felt even worse, so they did attempt to make conversation.

    Uh, how were things on your end today? Atsushi Tamai asked, brushing his hair back with his hand.

    I mean...same as usual, Kentarou Nomura replied listlessly as he stabbed at his salad with a fork. He then looked toward his right, to where their party leader Jugo Nagayama was sitting, and nudged him. Isn’t that right?

    Jugo put down his knife and fork before nodding in agreement and saying, We just helped with the restoration effort, same as always.

    Nagayama’s party was mostly helping rebuild the outer walls. Kentarou was a Geomancer, while Nagayama’s job was Heavy Fighter, so both of them were well suited to the task of rebuilding stonework. Mao Yoshino and Ayako Tsuji, who were a Rejuvenist and Healer respectively, were able to support Kentarou and Nagayama’s efforts by bolstering their stamina and replenishing their mana.

    Pfft, is that seriously the only topic you could think of? You sound like my uncle, Mao said, letting out a hearty laugh.

    Ha ha ha, stop it, Mao. You’re making me spit out my soup! Ayako replied, burying her face in her hands.

    The conversation had succeeded in lightening the mood a little, though it had come at the cost of giving Jugo and Kentarou the reputation of sounding like old uncles.

    Smiling wanly, Kentarou nevertheless tried to keep the lighthearted conversation going by asking, So tell me, how are things going with you guys? Patrolling sounds like tough work with how unsafe the streets have been recently.

    Well, yeah, Noboru Aikawa said as he crossed his hands behind his head and looked down at the capital’s main plaza.

    But we’ve got Sonobe, so we’re fine, Akito Nimura added, wiping off the steam that had gotten onto his glasses from the soup.

    She’s become a local idol at this point. I bet all the hooligans feel ashamed to get a scolding from her.

    Everyone else also looked down at the plaza to see a crowd had formed. As always, Yuka was performing in the plaza to help keep the citizens’ minds off of recent events. Her job was Acrobat, which meant she was as good at juggling as she was at throwing knives. The crowd oohed and aahed as she dazzled them with a display of unparalleled skill.

    Though the Divine Mountain had been destroyed, as far as the regular citizens were concerned everything was still fine because the hero still had god’s blessing and was fighting for them.

    Princess Liliana’s propaganda campaign was working perfectly. Since Yuka was part of the hero’s party, from the people’s perspective it was as if one of the apostles themselves had come down to entertain them. Her performances helped ease the pain of those still grieving the deaths of their loved ones.

    Nana-chan and Taeko-chan are doing a pretty good job too, Atsushi said.

    And I guess you’re not down there with the rest of your party because you aren’t? Mao asked with a sly grin.

    Shut up, Atsushi, Noboru, and Akito said in unison, pouting. They couldn’t deny it, however. The three of them were just getting in Yuka’s way, after all.

    Though Yuka looked like a high school delinquent, she was as straitlaced as they came. On the other hand, her two friends Nana Miyazaki and Taeko Sugawara were as bright and cheerful as they looked. They often teased Yuka, which helped people feel less put off by Yuka’s appearance. Furthermore, the three of them were almost always together, so the common people thought of them as a set.

    All of that was to say that the three dudes in Yuka’s party would have just ruined the dynamic if they butted in, and they knew it.

    Though honestly, I’m amazed by how much she’s doing. Not only is she holding those performances, but she’s also making sure the streets are safe. She isn’t pushing herself too hard, is she? If she collapses, the city’s gonna collapse with her.

    Apparently, Aiko-sensei learned some super powerful magic, so if it looks like Yuka’s about to snap, she’ll be able to help. Though...I do think she might be overdoing it a bit, Mao replied as she finished off the last of her sandwich. She then turned to look at the corner of the palace where all the students’ quarters were.

    Compared to her, we’re pathetic, Jugo said with a heavy sigh.

    No one replied, since they all felt the same way.

    How’s Endou holding up? Atsushi asked hesitantly.

    The fact that you can remember him should tell you all you need to know.

    The less mentally stable he is, the more his presence grows, right? Man, he’s like some kind of urban legend, Noboru said with a frown, which prompted Akito to smile sadly.

    I mean, it’s true though, isn’t it? Normally, whenever someone brings up Endou, everyone else goes, ‘Oh yeah, that guy,’ but right now he’s on everyone’s mind. That’s never happened before.

    Kousuke Endou was a man who was so forgettable that back on Earth, his family had accidentally left him home alone when they went on trips multiple times. Even on surveillance cameras, he had shown up as nothing more than a blur. In some ways, he really was an urban legend.

    However, right now, everyone was worried about him. Normally, only his best friends Kentarou and Jugo even remembered he existed, so the fact that everyone was thinking about him showed just how bad of a state he was in.

    The guy really respected Meld-san, Kentarou said in a despondent voice.

    We can’t even cheer up our best friend. How the hell are we supposed to cheer up the people of this city? Jugo said through gritted teeth.

    I know how you feel. We’ve been trying to reach out to Nakano and Saitou,’s tough going, Atsushi replied.

    Their spirits are completely broken. They’re finally willing to let us into their rooms, but even that’s only thanks to Sensei and Sonobe’s efforts, Noboru added, exchanging a sad glance with Atsushi.

    No one had expected Eri Nakamura and Daisuke Hiyama to betray the entire class. As a result of their betrayal, Reichi Kondou, Meld, and a ton of the kingdom’s knights had died.

    Yoshiki Saitou and Shinji Nakano had been close friends with both Daisuke and Reichi, so their deaths had also hit them hard. They, along with the students who’d already abandoned clearing the Orcus Labyrinth and had hidden away in their rooms, had given into their fear and despair and were on the brink of falling apart entirely.

    The only people still trying to rehabilitate them were Aiko Hatayama and Yuka. They weren’t professional counselors, however, so there was a limit to what they could do, but both of them had been bringing the despondent students their meals and talking to them every day.

    They had made an effort to exchange at least a few words with everyone each day. They didn’t want to let any other students die, both in body and soul. No matter how much they were yelled at or ignored, Yuka and Aiko continued reaching out to the students with steadfast determination.

    Most of the girls are showing signs of improvement, aren’t they? Akito asked, prompting a nod from Ayako.

    Yep. Yuka has a girls’ talk session every single night. Sometimes, she even cooks Japanese-style food for us or makes us snacks.

    You can tell she’s the daughter of a restaurant owner because of how good her food is. She even sews new clothes for us and gets us accessories and stuff as presents, Ayako added with a smile. She also partook in the little parties Yuka hosted, so she knew that Yuka was well on her way to replacing Shizuku as the students’ collective older sister. She had surprisingly feminine hobbies too, for someone who looked like a delinquent. Many of the servants and palace guards were smitten by her, and she’d received numerous confessions.

    By the way, we can’t talk about Yuka without discussing Nagumo-kun. Though she still hasn’t realized she’s got a crush on him, has she?

    She might not have, but everyone else sure has. At first, everyone was scared off by the kinds of expressions she made when she started talking about him, but now they all know it’s just how she is and find it cute.

    Yeah yeah, Atsushi, Noboru, and Akito said in unison. They were among the boys smitten with Yuka, but they’d known ever since Yuka and Hajime had reunited back at Ur that they stood no chance.

    Still, as far as the shut-in students were concerned, Hajime was the monster who’d ruthlessly mowed down the knights they’d looked up to. Of course, at that point Meld and the others had already been turned into zombies, but watching Hajime’s massacre had still traumatized them. He was terrifying, especially since he’d annihilated the demon army with one attack.

    In truth, a good portion of their trauma came from Hajime and not Eri or Daisuke. But naturally, Yuka had tried to assuage people’s fears.

    You don’t have to worry about that guy at all. It’s not like he cares about us, anyway... You’ll be fine as long as you keep your distance! He’s too busy traveling around with his harem to pay attention to the likes of us!

    She repeated such words over and over again, but the way she pouted whenever she said things like that made it clear that she was just jealous.

    Despite how he treated Lily, she seems to be falling for him too and...I think even Sensei’s into him now?

    Oftentimes, she’d start muttering to herself in that fashion when talking about Hajime as well, saying stuff like Well, whatever. He’ll find a way back to Japan eventually. We can just ask him to take us with him when that time comes. Knowing him, he’ll at least do that much for us.

    It was obvious from the tone of her voice that she trusted Hajime a great deal. As a result, her insistence that he was actually a good guy went a long way to reassure the scared students. In fact, they’d started developing an interest in him, doubly so because Aiko-sensei also spoke highly of him.

    Yuka didn’t realize it, but her love for Hajime was actually helping in her efforts to lessen the trauma of the students as well.

    Well, regardless of what Nagumo-kun might be thinking, it’s true we only survived thanks to him. He’s a bit scary, but I can’t help but think if anyone’s going to find a way back for us, it’s gonna be him, Kentarou said with a small smile.

    Amanogawa plans to stay behind and fight Ehit though, right? Jugo asked, making the table fall silent.

    After a few seconds, Kentarou’s shoulders slumped and he replied, I know it’s the right thing and all, but I don’t have it in me to stay and fight. If I could go back, I’d return in a heartbeat. I’m tired of risking my life here.

    At first everyone had been excited to explore a fantasy world, but then reality smacked them in the face. After discovering how powerless they were in the face of truly deadly threats, all Kentarou wanted was to go home. And honestly, most of the others shared his sentiments. Whatever yearning they might have had for an adventure in a fantasy world had been beaten out of them.

    They did feel guilty about leaving Kouki to fight the imminent threat against Tortus on his own, but they didn’t have the resolve to stay with him.

    At this point, they were just praying Hajime found a way home soon so they could return. Unfortunately, fate, and more importantly, Ehit, had other plans for them.


    Chills ran down everyone’s spine, and they let out involuntary gasps. Together, they looked up at the sky.

    Isn’t that...? someone muttered, trailing off.

    Hovering above the palace was a familiar figure clad in silver light. Even at this distance, the students could tell the apostle was staring straight at them. It descended in a flash of light, heading for the section of the palace where all the students’ rooms were.

    Don’t just sit there spacing out! We’ve gotta go help! Jugo shouted, running back into the palace. Atsushi and the others hurriedly followed after him, though they knew there wasn’t much they’d be able to do.

    Let us rewind to a few minutes before the apostle appeared.

    Kousuke, decked out in his all-black battle gear, was standing before a small monument a short ways away from the palace. The monument had been erected to honor the knights who had given their lives to protect the capital. Shoulders slumping, Kousuke looked despondently down at the small altar in front of the monument where people placed flowers and other similar offerings.


    Meld Loggins, captain of Heiligh’s knights, had been the person Kousuke had respected most in this world.

    If only I’d noticed what was going on that night... Kousuke muttered for the thousandth time in a voice laden with regret and sorrow.

    Kousuke had been the last person to see Meld before he’d been killed. It had been a coincidental meeting. Kousuke had pushed himself too hard while training that afternoon and had slept through dinner. Of course, no one had noticed his absence or saved any food for him, so he’d headed to the kitchens to fix something for himself. The food he’d made hadn’t sat well in his stomach though, so he’d needed to run to the toilet right after, only to discover it was out of toilet paper. After that whole saga had ended, he’d started heading back to his room, exhausted, which was when he’d ran into Meld.

    When he’d called out to the knight captain, Meld had reflexively slashed at his neck. A second later, Meld realized whom he’d almost accidentally killed and apologized. The two of them had chatted for a bit afterward, with Meld asking why Kousuke was out so late, and then they went their separate ways.

    Thinking back on it now, Kousuke realized that Meld had been on edge. Normally, Meld wouldn’t have lashed out immediately like that, regardless of how badly something might have surprised him.

    Why didn’t I ask him what was on his mind?

    Kousuke had been so absorbed in talking about himself that he hadn’t thought to inquire about what Meld was doing. Even though the palace felt more ominous than usual, Kousuke had foolishly assumed he’d be able to talk to Meld again the next morning. And of course, Meld had died that night.

    I didn’t even get to repay you for saving my life, Kousuke mumbled as he clenched his fists so hard that his nails cut into his skin and drew blood.

    He was, of course, referring to the time when Cattleya had attacked them in the Great Orcus Labyrinth and Meld and his knights had risked their lives to hold off her monsters and give Kousuke enough time to escape. Since that day, Kousuke had never once forgotten what Meld had said to him as he’d run away.

    He’d apologized for being so useless, for asking them to sacrifice themselves to save Kouki if it came down to it. But even then, he’d selflessly risked his own life to buy time for Kousuke and told him not to die.

    It was Meld who had taught Kousuke the importance of making hard choices when faced with unreasonable situations, and the weight of resolve it took to make them. It was Meld who had taught Kousuke the nobility of self-sacrifice.

    Everyone, both Kousuke’s classmates and the other knights of the palace, had praised him for finding Hajime and getting him to bust through the Labyrinth and mop up all the monsters and save everyone. But honestly, Kousuke had never once felt proud of that accomplishment.

    To Kousuke, the real hero wasn’t him, or even Hajime, but Meld and the knights under him who’d sacrificed their lives to protect everyone.

    I’m sorry... I’m so sorry...

    Kousuke didn’t even know what he was apologizing for anymore. He still couldn’t believe that Meld had survived that harrowing encounter with Cattleya’s monsters only to die after making it back to the palace. It had all been so sudden.

    After a few seconds. a voice called out from behind him, interrupting his string of apologies.


    P-Princess Liliana...

    Surprised, Kousuke turned around.

    Liliana had a bouquet of flowers in her hands. Behind her was her brown-haired maid, Helina, and the new knight captain, the blonde-haired, purple-eyed Kuzeli.

    God, I’m so pathetic. Now even the princess and her maid can sneak up on me without me noticing. Some assassin I am.

    "You look awful. I heard from Nagayama-san that you haven’t slept in days. Are you okay?"

    Oh, um...I...

    Maybe you should get Aiko-san’s treatment.

    I’ll think about it, Kousuke replied as he bowed his head and turned to leave, wanting to escape from Liliana as soon as possible. It was obvious from his expression that he had no intention of following her advice. He didn’t want to be free of his regret, or his guilt, after all.

    Head still lowered, he strode passed Liliana and her attendants.

    Liliana gritted her teeth in frustration, unable to think of what to say. If even Kousuke’s best friends couldn’t console him, how could she? But to everyone’s surprise, it was Kuzeli that stopped Kousuke.

    No one will be able to replace Meld Loggins, she said in a firm voice. Thinking he was about to get a scolding, Kousuke stopped and looked timidly at her.

    He was an amazing man. It wasn’t just knights and soldiers who looked up to him; even the common people loved him. He was the shining star everyone strove to reach, as well as a symbol of the knights’ strength and kindness.

    Until now, Kuzeli had been looking straight at the monument, but as she finished speaking, she turned to Kousuke. Her purple eyes glowed like amethysts as she stared right at him. She was tall for a woman, and quite imposing, so Kousuke involuntarily took a few steps back. It was because she looked so intimidating, though, that Kuzeli’s next words came as a complete surprise

    I know I’m not up to the task of being his successor. I don’t have the popularity, the strength, or the resolve that he had. Why, just thinking about having to fill his shoes makes me feel weak in the knees.

    Kuzeli, that’s not—

    Your Highness, let her speak, Helina said gently, cutting Liliana off. The astute maid could tell that Kuzeli was building up to her main point.


    Loggins-sama is dead...but his legacy yet lives.

    For the first time, Kousuke looked up to meet Kuzeli’s gaze.

    What do you mean?

    He left behind his teachings, what it means to be a knight, and most importantly, you and your friends, Endou-sama.

    We’re his legacy?

    That’s right. That’s why I chose to accept the post of knight commander despite knowing I’m not worthy of the title. I will use everything he taught me to continue to protect the people he gave his life to protect.

    Kuzeli’s expression softened.

    You know, he would often talk about you. He always said he never could quite get a handle on you. You’d always vanish from sight, then surprise everyone by popping back up. He also talked about how you always ended up in unfortunate situations through no fault of your own. He’d never met anyone as strange as you his whole life.

    W-Wait, he was shitting on me?

    Kousuke wouldn’t be able to take it if it turned out Meld had been dissing him the whole time. Tears welled up in his eyes, but Kuzeli just chuckled and said, But most of all, he said you were dependable.


    He said that you never stood out, but that when the chips were down, you’d always pull through. He believed you’d become your group’s trump card. Of all the students, he was looking forward to your growth the most.

    He...really said that?

    The tears that had been building in Kousuke’s eyes began to fall, but for a completely different reason this time. As he sobbed quietly, Kuzeli walked over and took his hands.

    In a quiet voice, she chanted a healing spell, closing up the wounds Kousuke had inflicted on himself.

    You’ve inherited some of Meld Loggins’s legacy too, haven’t you? she asked in a gentle voice, making Kousuke grit his teeth. He then thought back to all of the time he’d spent with the kind knight commander.

    I... I...

    I have. There are so many things I’ve inherited from him.

    Kousuke felt as though a fire had been lit under his frozen heart. He suddenly felt embarrassed about how he’d been moping around for so long.

    Imagine what Meld-san would say if he saw me now.

    His regret and guilt hadn’t faded, but he couldn’t let that stop him from doing what needed to be done.

    Unfortunately, his newfound resolve had come just a moment too late.

    A silver streak shot across the sky, heading straight toward the palace. And a second later, there was a thunderous boom.

    Wh-What the—?! Kousuke shouted, looking up. Kuzeli swiftly moved protectively in front of Liliana.

    Are we...under attack?! But from where?!

    Your Highness, you must evacuate! Helina shouted, pulling out her dagger.

    Wait, Helina! That’s where...Aiko-san and the others are! Liliana exclaimed, her face going pale.

    Kousuke was already on the move, his body acting entirely on instinct. Liliana and the others shouted at him from behind, but he didn’t hear them. The only thing on his mind was the safety of his comrades.

    I’m coming, guys! he shouted as he ran.

    At around roughly the same time, Yuka was about to reach the climax of her performance. She was currently juggling a total of twelve knives and eighteen apples at the same time. There probably wasn’t anyone else on Tortus capable of juggling thirty objects.

    All right, everyone, Yuka-onee-san’s about to show off her biggest trick! Let’s hear some applause!

    The one who cheers the hardest will get a prize!

    Nana and Taeko were skipping around the crowd, getting them hyped up. The kids in the front row were watching with rapt attention, and even the adults in the back looked like they were having fun. Everyone wanted to forget about their troubles for a few hours. And Yuka’s performances were the perfect thing to help them do that.

    In truth, even Yuka had trouble juggling thirty objects at once, but she figured if she messed up, she could just turn that into a joke and make everyone laugh.

    Here we go! she said in a cheerful voice and performed the ungodly feat of cutting the apples with the knives while juggling them. And as the apples fell, Nana and Taeko brought out plates to catch them and started handing slices out to the children.

    Holy crap, Yukacchi, you’ve gotten even better than before! Taeko exclaimed.

    Yeah, I think I might be a juggling master now! Yuka said with a grin, continuing to juggle the knives. With just the knives, she didn’t have to focus completely on her juggling, so Taeko figured she could tease Yuka a little.

    I bet even Nagumo-kun would be impressed by that! Aren’t you glad, Yuka?

    Why are you bringing him up?! Yuka roared as she blushed bright red and messed up throwing one of her knives. It nearly hit Nana on the head, but fortunately, all of the knives were part of a single artifact. As long as Yuka had one of them, she could recall the others at any time, so she pulled the knife back before it brained Nana. Of course, the spectacle still scared the audience, but then Nana said it was all part of the act, so they breathed sighs of relief. None of them seemed to notice there were tears in Nana’s eyes.

    Yukacchi, if you’re going to take your anger out on someone, then at least make it Taecchi! I thought I was gonna die!

    Sorry, Yuka, I promise I’ll tease you when you’re not juggling next time!

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