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Blood in the Tea Leaves
Blood in the Tea Leaves
Blood in the Tea Leaves
Ebook161 pages2 hours

Blood in the Tea Leaves

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Marie is a woman sold into a loveless marriage in a 1700's, second-world France. Under the close tutelage of the esteemed Lady Colette Valand, Marie has sewn a small corner of life for herself in their little town in the country-side. She even manages to find love and companionship in a secret affair with a prostitute, Alice. But Lady Colette ha

PublisherBeka Westrup
Release dateFeb 14, 2023
Blood in the Tea Leaves

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    Book preview

    Blood in the Tea Leaves - Beka Westrup

    PART I



    Marie had grown well-acquainted with the sharpest agonies in life, but pricking her fingertip on her sewing needle was a blow that hit harder than most, for she had done it to herself.

    She hissed, lifting her hand to examine the damage.

    The cut welled and oozed a droplet the darkest shade of red, the puncture deeper than she expected. Before the blood had a chance to fall and ruin her work, she popped her finger into her mouth, spreading the copper tang across her tongue. By the time she withdrew her finger, the skin was already sealing back together. The needle left behind only the faintest pinprick of pink.

    She stood in front of a dress form, stitching floral embroidery on the powder-blue gown she’d been laboring over for the last five days. She hadn’t left the shop since the order came in.

    Her mentor—the owner of this shop and one the most esteemed Ladies on this side of the country—told her it was a customer of great importance, and Marie was able to convince her husband to let her stay in the shop overnight to complete the dress before Sunday, when the shop would close and the post would be sent out.

    Four nights now, she’d managed to avoid him. It was a brief but heavenly reprieve from home, but she knew it wouldn’t last much longer.

    He’d come searching for her soon. He’d drag her back home and demand the things from her that he always did. Suppers that he would eventually throw up in a drunken stupor. Her body in their lumpy bed. Her screams, if he was angry enough.

    It doesn’t matter, she told herself.

    Four nights of peace was nothing short of a miracle, and she knew when to thank the Light for its mercy. She knew when not to ask for too much.

    She was practically finished with the dress now, only a few more stitches and one last look-over. Marie hoped the customer this was headed to would love it, hoped they would tell their friends and send more business.

    Additional business meant more late nights in this cove of peace she’d carved for herself, surrounded by quiet and color and soft material. More time holding her needle, which felt so much like her only weapon these days, she often considered carrying it home. Perhaps she should. She wanted to so badly sometimes, her whole body ached with the urge… but she could never quite muster the courage to follow through.

    Smiling at the pink flower between her fingers, she tied off her thread. Then she took a step back and admired the work in its entirety.

    The material gleamed in the candlelight of the back room, where the shop’s windows were shuttered to preserve the finery. Marie inched toward the candle burning beside her and set her needle down for the first time in hours. She stared at the flame. Now that she was finished with her work, her attention was drawn to every hurt in her body. She had lost track of time. Her eyes were heavy, and growing heavier by the moment. Her stomach growled.

    Without looking toward the front room, she could tell it was nearing late afternoon.

    Marie wasn’t sure how long she stood there, swaying with exhaustion, staring at the candle. She was immobilized by the cold dread spreading through her belly at the prospect of leaving this place, of returning to a shack that did not feel like home.

    And then the door to the shop opened.

    Marie straightened. Her fingers grazed the discarded needle, but she hesitated as the door swung shut and she heard the lock flip. Gentle footsteps padded across the front room.

    She recognized the light, measured gait, and a smile sprung to her lips. Her stomach filled with a searing warmth that chased away her fears.

    Those footsteps grew louder, clicking against the wooden floor as her visitor entered the back room, and onward they clicked until heat encroached on her spine. A breath caressing her neck. Delicate fingers sweeping her curtain of blonde hair to one shoulder. A kiss pressed to her collar.

    Her eyes fluttered shut.

    Marie melted into the soft body behind her. Another kiss emblazoned her neck like a brand, teeth grazing the tender skin beneath her ear. A dulcet voice whispered in her ear, My love.

    She twisted and met those warm lips with a kiss of her own, wrapping her arms around petite shoulders, threading her fingers into a pile of messy yellow hair. She didn’t close her eyes, couldn’t. Not when it had been hours since she last looked upon Alice’s face—the beautiful woman who had stolen and mended her heart.

    Alice’s features softened when they kissed.

    The sharpness faded from her brown eyes, and the seemingly permanent crease in her forehead disappeared. The sight sent tingling heat surging through Marie’s stomach, dropping to swirl in her core.

    Alice returned the kiss eagerly, bracketing her hands on Marie’s waist and pulling her closer. She seemed to attempt to keep her eyes open, understanding the open gaze of intimacy Marie loved so well… but they fluttered shut as she deepened the kiss.

    Her soft lips coaxed Marie’s open, her tongue slipping into her mouth. Caressing, claiming, filling.

    Marie let her eyes shut too and allowed the embrace to overwhelm her. Needy fingers, ragged breaths. The kiss filled her with clouds and color, with a passion greater than anything she’d ever experienced before—not even with her needle.

    Marie loved her work, but she loved Alice more.

    Just when she thought they might move to the chaise nearby—the way they always did when their bodies ran hot and their time ran short—Alice pulled away.

    Alice laughed at Marie’s pout, threading fingers into her curls as she said quietly, I didn’t know if you would still be here.

    Marie stepped back with a grimace, kissing the palm of Alice’s hand before turning away to clean up the room. Alice wanted to talk. And it was so exhausting for Marie to talk about going back home. I just barely finished the dress, she explained. And Lady Colette made a day trip to the city, so I’ll have to stay at least until the shop closes for the night.

    The room fell silent as Marie finished stowing her tools, but she felt Alice’s eyes on her. She sensed how much Alice kept to herself. Their situation was irremediable, and they both knew it.

    Marie was mere property to be moved around and used however her husband saw fit. It didn’t bother her to think of her life in realistic terms—there was no other way to survive. Before her husband, she had belonged to her father, who made it clear what he thought of her when he sold her for a stack of gold pieces. Not a tall stack, either. She doubted what her husband paid for her had even been enough to get the family through the following winter. But she’d been the oldest of five. Marrying her off was a relief to her parents. They didn’t care if it made her hate her life so much more than when she’d just been a starving, and often forgotten, daughter.

    Alice was traditionally unattached—but just as trapped. Her profession as a prostitute didn’t exactly lend her the ability to live a life free of men. They still owned her, for minutes at a time.

    In a lot of ways, Marie felt as though their suffering was equal. Even the pains they did not speak aloud bonded them. They understood each other because they felt the same agony—being a woman in a world that only valued men. Being a woman when happiness seemed to rely so heavily on how much power you held over others. Marie and Alice did whatever they had to in order to be together. They skirted around the miserable truths that kept them apart and pretended that what they shared could last forever.

    Alice broke the silence with a scoff and ambled towards her. The shop is already closed, she said coyly.

    She halted behind Marie, almost pressed up against her back, but not quite. Marie felt her begin to play with her hair, even while no other part of them touched, even while she yearned. That was the way Alice seduced her… relentless coaxing disguised as innocent touches. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t like it. Love it.

    It’s getting late, Marie whispered.

    The sun is still shining, Alice replied easily, trailing her fingertips down Marie’s spine until she found the laces of her dress. She started loosening them.

    Marie’s lips parted, common sense on the tip of her tongue, but her breath was already quickening.

    This was the understanding between them; the days were theirs, and the days were safe. And as long as the sun was shining, they could find each other in the shadows. It wasn’t enough for Marie—loving with her whole heart, only half of the time—but this thing between them was still her everything. The only thing that mattered.

    Alice drew her dress open, dragged the sides off her shoulders and let it pool around her ankles.

    Marie’s flesh prickled, her nipples hardening and beginning to ache as her head fell to the side. She silently begged for Alice to warm her skin with kisses. But of course she didn’t. She wasn’t done teasing.

    Alice turned Marie so they were facing each other, and when Marie swayed forward to close the space between them, Alice kept her at bay with a gentle but firm grip on her upper arms. Marie continued to lean in, pushing against Alice’s hold, her chest expanding in great gasps. Alice surveyed the length of her body. And Marie loved it when Alice looked at her like that. Like she was beautiful. Like she was special. Like she was… perfect.

    Alice took a small step forward, drawing so close, it was as good as an embrace, and brushed her mouth against Marie’s. Not a real kiss. Not enough.

    A moan tore from Marie’s throat, low and flustered. Her hands grappled with Alice’s wrists as she attempted to dislodge them, but before she could get an advantage and free herself, Alice broke off the kiss.

    She smirked, her eyes warm. Love drunk. Hmm, she hummed, pressing another kiss to the corner of Marie’s mouth, another to her cheek. Her jaw. Her neck. Even after all this time, you’re still so impatient.

    It’s not my fault you set me on fire, Marie murmured, not even knowing her own thoughts before she said them. I feel like I’m burning alive when I look at you.

    Alice’s breath caught, and the reaction lit a flame in Marie so hot, she felt herself melt. If not for Alice’s hold on her arms, her knees might have buckled.

    Alice composed herself in the next heartbeat, chuckling into Marie’s ear. You don’t burn alone. But even as she said it, she pulled away. She released Marie’s arms and glided to the center of the room where the

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