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Commanding Nightmares
Commanding Nightmares
Commanding Nightmares
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Commanding Nightmares

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Malise Snow had no idea what was happening to her. The more she dreamed the more they became reality. She was living in two worlds. That of her own and that of reality. She began to think what was real wasn't and what wasn't was.
She didn't know which world was the one that she belonged in. The realm between reality and fiction confused her more. She was terrified of what might happen to her awake or asleep. What she did living in her nightmares became unbearable to her.
Things chased her in and out of her dreams. Was it because she was sleep-deprived or were these things really happening? Was it because she wanted both places to exist? She didn't know and neither did anyone else.
In the end, she was lost. Never to return, never to be herself again. She only existed in the twisted nightmare that she created. It's the only way she was able to cope with things that happened in her past and present.
Release dateMay 30, 2021
Commanding Nightmares

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    Commanding Nightmares - Trishia Russell

    Commanding Nightmares

    Trishia Russell

    Trishia Russell


    Copyright © 2021 by  Trishia Russell

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, places, brands, media, and incidents are either a product of the authors imagination or used fictitiously.

    First Printing: 2021

    ISBN# 978-1-387-52336-8

    Trishia Russell



    This book is dedicated to all of those who support me in my endeavors. Especially, my family and friends. I want to thank all of those who read my books and give me feedback. It is greatly appreciated.


    Commanding Nightmares      1

    Commanding Nightmares      2

    Dedication      4

    Introduction      6

    Chapter 1: The Nightmare      7

    Chapter 2: Reality or Not      21

    Chapter 3: The Accident      35

    Chapter 4: The Search Continues      49

    Chapter 5: The Psychic      63

    Chapter 6: The Continuance      77

    Chapter 7: Witchum, Pa      91

    Chapter 8: The Secrets of Witchum      105

    Chapter 9: The Memories      119

    Chapter 10: Lost in the Forest      133

    Chapter 11: Back to Witchum      147

    Chapter 12: I Thought It Was Over       161

    Chapter 13: Trying to Remember      175

    Chapter 14: My Recollection      189

    Chapter 15: The End of One      203


    Malise Snow had no idea what was happening to her. The more she dreamed the more they became reality. She was living in two worlds. That of her own and that of reality. She began to think what was real wasn't and what wasn't was.

    She didn't know which world was the one that she belonged in. The realm between reality and fiction confused her more. She was terrified of what might happen to her awake or asleep. What she did living in her nightmares became unbearable to her.

    Things chased her in and out of her dreams. Was it because she was sleep-deprived or were these things happening? Was it because she wanted both places to exist? She didn't know and neither did anyone else.

    In the end, she was lost. Never to return, never to be herself again. She only existed in the twisted nightmare that she created. It's the only way she was able to cope with things that happened in her past and present.

    Chapter 1: The Nightmare

    I was running down a dark corridor. Something was seeking after me. I was unable to see it. I made a decent attempt. The quicker I ran the faster it came at me. I was shouting for help and nobody was near.

    The passageway never got smaller. It appeared as though the longer I ran the greater it got. There was no conceivable closure. I continued running and running from whatever was pursuing me. Finally, I got so worn out that I halted and attempted to catch my breath.

    The commotion behind me drew nearer. I was unable to move. It was almost as if I were deadened. I tumbled to the floor and remained still against my will. I moved my eyes wildly attempting to perceive the thing that was chasing me.

    I closed my eyes and inhaled intensely. When I opened them a face was gazing at me. The only thing I saw were two large black eyes. I attempted to scream but, yet again, nothing came out. My body was shivering with dread.

    You're mine, I heard in a snarling voice.

    A wrinkly dim hand appeared. It was raised in the air ready to swat me. Just then, I was pulled from my dream by Evan.

    Malise, are you okay?

    I felt cold, be that as it may; I was perspiring and my body was shaking. At first, I had a hard time answering him. I stared at the ceiling. It felt like whatever was in my dream came out when I was awoken by him.

    Babe, can you hear me? Are you alright? He said.

    I'm sorry, what? I said confused.

    You were shouting and kicking. I tried waking you. You began to hyperventilate.

    "It was a dream. I'm sorry about startling you. Did I wake


    No, I was sitting in front of the TV. I couldn't sleep and I heard you screaming, He said.

    I'm fine, I said.

    You don't look fine. You want to talk about it?

    No, I'm gonna get a shower.

    Dreams are a confounding puzzle. Can they be real? Or, are they just our mind's way of messing with us? Are they our subconscious trying to tell us something? Are they a supernatural power trying to invade our lives? Can they be a mystery between our reality and another?

    I have no clue, what I do know is my dreams scare me. I generally feel like something woke with me. What is my brain attempting to tell me? The dreams I create are nightmares. I don't know why I'm having them or where they're coming from.

    Either way, this thing in my dream was not pleasant. I was going to discover something that I would never envision. I always thought that I had a decent family yet I felt like I didn't have a place there.

    As I remained in the shower, I thought, about a solution to these dreams. It was always the same thing. Something chasing me and I was always unable to perceive what or who it was. I decided I was going to talk to a Psychiatrist.

    I kept how awful the dreams were hidden from Evan. I didn't need him to imagine that I was insane. He was the only one I had in my life. My entire family was gone including my parents. There was nobody else.

    As Evan headed off to work I made my way to the specialist. Her name was Dr. Lynell. I sat in the reception area waiting on her.

    Ms. Snow, the doctor will see you now. Follow me, the receptionist said.

    Thank you, I replied.

    I followed her down a long foyer that was faintly lit. The image of my dream returned. I was frozen in place staring off in the distance.  The monster began to appear. At that point, I was shocked back to reality by the receptionist.

    Ms. Snow, are you okay? She asked.

    Yes, I'm sorry. Continue leading the way, I responded.

    We walked into the office. A pretty woman was standing glancing out the window.

    Dr. Lynell, this is Malise Snow. Your next client.

    Thank you, Bernadette, you may go. She said.

    Bernadette left the room and the doctor said, please, have a seat.

    I advanced toward the larger-than-average lounge chair rested against the wall. Dr. Lynell continued to look out the window. I sat fidgeting waiting for her to say something, anything. At last, I spoke up.

    Am I burning through my time with you?

    She turned and something happened it resembled a memory rushing back to me. I was unable to speak a word. They wouldn't escape my mouth. I just gazed at her attempting to make sense of why I felt like this.

    Her appearance was professional. Her skin was tan in color, her hair was dark and satiny, and her face was impeccable even model-like. She helped me to remember somebody, however; I had no clue about who or why.

    Are you alright, Ms. Snow? She asked.

    I shook my head, truly, I'm fine. Things being what they are, am I wasting my time with you?

    Let's hope not. What brings you here today?

    "I began having these dreams recently. They feel like they're genuine. When I wake up it feels like the dream

    accompanies me."

    What occurs in these dreams? Are they scary? Or, are they acceptable?

    They're nightmares. I see black eyes staring at me and a wrinkly hand appears ready to hit me. At that point, I'm usually awoken by someone or something.

    Dreams can be very terrifying, she said as she formed into the dark apparition with black eyes that haunted me so bad.

    I jumped off the lounge chair and shut my eyes firmly. This is not real, I recited again and again.

    Ms. Snow, Malise, The doctor shouted. I opened my eyes and she was back. What's wrong? I lost you for a minute.

    You were her. I mean you were it.

    Excuse me?

    "You transformed into my nightmare. What's wrong with

    me? Am I insane? This thing that haunts my dreams is beginning to haunt me while I'm awake."

    Have you had any changes in your life recently? New house, new boyfriend, perhaps a new job.

    No, nothing. Why do you ask?

    Dreams can be contributed to stress. It's your mind's way of trying to adapt to it.

    My life's been pretty much the same for a few years. These dreams just started a few months ago around the time my parents passed.

    That could be a contributor, you're not crazy. I don't know what's going on with you. In any case, dreams can be frightening. I want you to try something.


    I need you to think about things that make you happy when you're settling down for the night.

    How will this help?

    Do you have anyone in your life that makes you happy?

    I do, Evan. He's the love of my life. I can always count on him.

    A lot of times you can make your dreams what you want them to be. Attempt to think of your life with him right before you nod off.

    Okay, if that doesn't work what do I do?

    I'm going to give you a prescription to help you rest. We'll set up another appointment to see if what I told you helped.

    Thank you, Dr. Lynell. I appreciate this.

    You're welcome. I'll see you for your next appointment.

    I wondered if Dr. Lynell knew what she was saying. She didn't say much at all. She pretty much stood there and let me talk. I was willing to try what she said. I was happy to take a stab at anything to stop this.

    Evan and I were sitting on the couch watching a movie. I was dozing off. I squeezed my eyes tight and shook my head. When I opened them Evan was looking at me.

    Are you tired? He asked.

    Very, I said with a smile.

    Come on, we should head to bed.

    Sounds great. I only hope I can sleep tonight.

    I'll be by you the entire night. I won't walk out on you.

    I snuggled in on my side, he laid behind me and wrapped his arm around me tight. It felt great to have him there holding me. I pondered the adoration we had for each other. I was in my dream state.

    It was working. I saw a meadow filled with yellow blossoms. The smell of the fresh grass and flowers relaxed me and put a smile on my face. The splendid warm sun consumed my body. Evan strolled up behind me. He put his arms around me and rested his chin on my head.

    I pivoted to kiss him. When I looked into his eyes they turned to big black pits of despair. The anguish came flooding back. His hand raised it turned to the wrinkly gray appendage that I was attempting to keep away from me.

    I tried to escape his grip but he was too strong. He grabbed me by the throat. I was unable to breathe. I heaved for air. Kicking and shouting. Still, nobody came to help. I felt my body shaking.

    Malise, babe, come on wake up, Evan's voice said.

    I popped my eyes open and gazed at the corner of the room.

    It's here. Help me, I screamed while hyperventilating.

    There's nothing here. We're alone. You were dreaming.

    No it's here and it will get me.

    I hopped from the bed and hurried to the closet. I took cover behind the apparel that was hung perfectly and pulled the entryway shut.

    Malise, come out of there, please. We're here by ourselves. There is nobody else here. Evan said.

    I heard him, however; I couldn't move. I froze, no, more like paralyzed. The eyes reappeared in front of me. A face started to emerge. Unexpectedly, the entryway flung open and I felt myself being pulled away.

    What are you doing, Evan? How did I get in there? I asked befuddled.

    You freaked out and jumped from the bed. You secured yourself there ranting and raving about something attempting to get you. What's happening? He said.


    It doesn't appear that way to me. What's going on? You can tell me.

    It's simply nightmares that's all. I'm fine.

    You should talk to someone about it.

    I am. I saw a specialist. I'll be fine. I want to go back to sleep.

    Alright, I'll get you back in bed.

    I never went to sleep. After he left I showered and drove to see Dr. Lynell. On the way there I began to get tunnel vision. I passed through a dark gap. Out of nowhere, I was brought to a boy named Zachary.

    He was offering a vehicle to two men. One named Luke and one named Craig. I had no idea where this was coming from. I have never seen those individuals. One by one the men became the black eyes that haunted me every night for the last months.

    I was jolted awake by a big bang. My airbag was deployed and my head was killing me. It felt like someone was inside pounding to get out. The next thing I remembered was waking up in a hospital bed.

    Evan was by my bedside. I gradually squinted my eyes to bring him into focus. I spoke softly.

    What happened? Where am I?

    You're in the hospital. You were in an auto accident. He said.

    What? How? I asked.

    I have no clue. I was hoping you could tell me.

    I don't know what happened. The last thing I remember is driving to see Dr. Lynell. Then I woke up here.

    You don't recall anything else? He asked.

    Yeah, there is something. I saw three men one was selling a car to two others. They turned into my nightmare. I don't know if I fell asleep or if this is happening when I'm awake now. I feel like I'm going crazy. I don't know what's real and what's not. I don't have a clue whether I'm awake or asleep. What's going on with me, Evan? I said.

    He brushed my hair from my face and rested his hand on

    my forehead.

    There is nothing wrong with you, babe. It's just a lack of sleep due to the nightmares. I think you may have fallen asleep while you were driving that's all it is. We have to get you to sleep. I think that will help.

    I hope you're right. I need to speak with Dr. Lynell.

    I already called her for you. She'll be here soon.

    Thank you, so much.

    I laid and stared at the ceiling until Dr. Lynell showed up.

    Malise, how are you feeling?

    I feel like someone's attempting to escape my head with a sledgehammer.

    Do you want something for pain? I can get them to give you something?

    No. thank you. I just want to feel normal. Can you tell me what's going on with me?

    I don't know. Is the medication working that I gave you? Or, the exercise I gave you?

    Clearly, it's not. If it were, I wouldn't be here.

    What exactly happened?

    I explained to her what happened the same as I did Evan. She appeared as though she was dumbfounded.

    Well, what do you think? I said.

    I think you're sleep-deprived. I'm gonna order a sleep study. When the results come in I'll let you know what our next step is. For now, take these and try to get some sleep. She said.

    Okay, what precisely is a sleep study? I asked confused.

    It's a test used to analyze sleep disorders. We will record your brain waves, the oxygen level in your blood, heart rate, and breathing. We will also observe your leg movements. She said.

    "That sounds like a lot. You're making me think that there

    is something more wrong with me other than my nightmares."

    That's not the situation by any means. I merely want to find out the reasoning behind your dreams.

    Let's get this over with. I need to know why this is happening to me.

    They'll be here to get you soon.

    I didn't take the pills she gave me. I was reluctant to rest. Whatever was in my fantasies was alarming. Now it's beginning to haunt me while I'm awake. I know I didn't fall asleep driving that car.

    Before I knew it the nurses were coming to wheel my bed  a few doors down to the testing area. I was terrified that I had to sleep. In any case, if that was the only way they could sort out what wasn't right with me I was more than willing.

    Alright, relax for me. I'm going to attach you to these machines. This one reads your brain waves this one tracks your pulse and blood pressure. We'll also be recording your leg movement, body movement, and eye movement.

    What are you giving me to put me to sleep?

    We're going to use a sedative. It will put you to sleep quickly. Here we go. Count backward from a hundred.

    One hundred, ninety-nine, ninety-eight, ninety sev...

    All went dark. I then saw a light. I strolled toward t. The further I walked the further away it got. I saw a silhouette appear in it. I tried calling out but no one answered.

    I continued to walk to it. That time I got closer. I saw my mom standing there.

    Mom, I yelled

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