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The Alpha's Rejected Mate: Her Awakening
The Alpha's Rejected Mate: Her Awakening
The Alpha's Rejected Mate: Her Awakening
Ebook264 pages4 hours

The Alpha's Rejected Mate: Her Awakening

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"I, Lance Mane, the future Alpha of the Silver Creek Pack, reject you Maisie Walter as my Luna," I said and she nodded looking down as if she expected.

"You're a slave, the daughter of rogues, who killed a lot in our Pack, you don't deserve to be the Luna of the Pack, you don't deserve to be alive," I spat turning to leave.


Maisie was taken as a slave of the Silver Creek Pack after her parents were burnt alive as they are tagged as rogues by the Alpha. She was mistreated much more than other slaves of the Pack and suffered a lot from her mate, the next-in-line Alpha Lance. He rejected her and slept with women in her presence as a way of torture.

Lance Mane was the future Alpha of the Silver Creek Pack, he hated his mate because his mate’s parents killed his mother. But he can not avoid falling in love with his enemy’s daughter. He hid his tender heart but tortured and rejected his mate.

Will Lance Mane’s hatred last or will he end up submitting to the mate bond?

Can Maisie Walter escape from torture and get the chance to revenge for her parents?

Read to find out.

Release dateNov 28, 2022
The Alpha's Rejected Mate: Her Awakening

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    The Alpha's Rejected Mate - Negef Writes

    Chapter 1 The Punishment

    Maisie's POV

    Maisie. I yelped after I heard his voice, rushing over to his room wondering what my punishment would be today.

    Why did you take more than five minutes? He barked after I reached his door.

    I'm sorry, I was trying to rush up and finish the work you gave me, I answered averting his eyes, afraid of the cruelty I would find once I looked at him.

    Are you complaining? He barked again.

    No, I'm… I stuttered staring hard at the floor.

    As a slave, you're supposed to do whatever I want, come whenever I call, and never complain, just be the lowly slave you are. He dragged me into his room before I could even realize it.

    What should I do for you, Alpha Lance? I asked shakily, looking around the room, but I couldn't find any dirt.

    Another thing about being a slave is, don't ask questions!! Just follow my orders, He barked, and I swallowed nervously.

    Now follow me, don't stand around like a dummy.

    I followed him to his inner room, I paused when I heard a sultry voice.

    Alpha, I'm waiting.

    A woman walked in, with shorts on and no top or even a bra, and her boobs were pointing, I could already see bit marks on them.

    I finally lifted my head searching his eyes, meeting the cruelty I avoided earlier.

    I'm sorry for making you wait. He smiled at her, dragging her closer to him, he kissed her and she purred leaning into him, placing his hands on her boobs she moaned when he squeezed them.

    A sharp pain hit me, my heart shattering into a million pieces, I couldn't believe my eyes.

    Looking away, I'm sorry, I'll leave.

    Did I speak gibberish earlier? He barked and I stilled.

    I turned to him pleading with my eyes, the pain I was feeling was too unbearable.

    I said, as a slave you should only follow orders.

    And I never said you should leave the room yet. He added and I gasped realizing his intent.

    I'm not sure you need an audience, Alpha, I said wondering how I could find the words to speak, as I fought the tears in my eyes.

    I'm not sure you're in a position to say anything. He scoffed.

    Now I want you to seat there. He gestured to the small seat at the corner, smeared with dirt.

    Sit on the dirt that you are, and watch me. He added pushing me to the chair, my inner wolf whined in pain as claws pierced my skin.

    This will remove any ideas from your head. He added.

    The woman laughed, You know being this mean makes you so hot. She said and he raised his brows with a smile.

    Oh yeah? He asked sucking her nipple, she moaned rubbing his head.

    I'm so wet. She moaned taking her shorts off.

    He took his boxers and shirt off, and his cock sprang out, hard and big.

    Kneeling, she took his cock in her mouth and he groaned, fucking her mouth, I clutched my heart the pain becoming unbearable.

    My inner wolf wailed in pain, it became too hard for us, watching our mate do this.

    I tried to look away, but the pain of watching him do this with someone else became so compelling, I couldn't look away.

    I wondered what I did to deserve this pain, I never asked him to be my mate, and I didn't know why the Moon Goddess kept letting me feel this pain.

    Groaning, he made her stand up, she moaned giggling as he took her to the bed, my eyes followed everything, my heart still clenching in pain.

    She arched her body as she lay on the bed, he went behind her facing me, he slammed into her with a groan, and she moaned throwing her head back.

    He kept slamming into her groaning as his eyes held mine, tears ran down my cheeks, I could hear my wailings now, and I was sure he could hear them too, with the smile he gave me.

    Uh, you're so good, baby. She moaned raising her body, his hands left her waist grabbing her boobs as he massaged them making her moan loudly.

    Fuck baby, you feel so good. He groaned slamming into her harder, she moaned giggling.

    Your cock is so big, baby, I'm so full. She said moaning louder.

    Yes, take that cock baby. He groaned louder.

    The room was filled with his groans and her moans, and the sound of my wailing, I tried muffling my tears, I tried holding them back, but it was impossible.

    He kept on fucking her, sweat glistening on his forehead, and while he kept fucking her, his eyes never left me, his cruel smile still visible as he groaned in pleasure.

    His pace increased, and she moaned shaking, he groaned emptying his cum into her.

    The sex finished, but my pain remained, the pain of watching my mate with someone else.

    They both stood up, dressing up immediately, she kept giggling as he smacked her ass repeatedly.

    Why are you doing this? I asked unable to hold it in anymore.

    I'm not the Moon Goddess, I didn't choose to be your mate, why am I being punished for a decision I didn't make? I cried out, tears spilling from my eyes

    When I saw the way his face filled with rage, I clutched my fingers tightly.

    I fell after his slap hit my face, groaning in pain, my inner wolf whined in pain.

    Don't you ever talk to me in that manner, I thought you'll learn a lesson today as you watched us fuck, but I was wrong. He spat on me.

    You're just a disgusting slave, and you won't be my Luna, the Moon Goddess made a fucking mistake. He stomped on me as I clamped my mouth shut, trying not to cry out or say anything from too much pain.

    Get the fuck out of my room. He barked.

    Chapter 2 The Daughter of Rogues

    Maisie's POV

    The hurt I felt yesterday from Lance's spectacle still saddened me, my inner wolf whined every two hours, reminding me of the reckless pain I tried to forget.

    I didn't do anything wrong, and my parents didn't do anything wrong, yet they were branded as rogues and killed, my stepmother and step-sister joined the Pack members in treating me this way.

    Maisie. My heart beat quickly, I knew what happens if I get called, it would be another dose of suffering.

    I ran out to the laundry room, wondering what I did this time to annoy him.

    I wasn't prepared for the slap that hit me sending me flying to the table, I winced as I hit the sharp edge of the table.

    I think you love me hitting you because you seem to not understand instructions clearly. He said and I didn't bother looking at his eyes, all I could do was stare at the floor, I knew I wouldn't find solace if I tried searching his eyes.

    If you listen to simple instructions and act like the slave you are, then I won't even bother hitting you. He stalked towards me and I closed my eyes, my heart pounding quickly.

    You didn't wash the clothes I asked for, what did you do last night? He asked when he reached me.

    I sat up, finally staring at him, pleading though I knew it would be no use, I had chores to do, and I couldn't finish earlier, I'll wash it and dry it quickly.

    I don't care what the other Pack members want you to do, but you'll do whatever I ask you when I ask you to do it, he tilted my face, do you understand?

    Yes, Alpha.

    This is what you deserve, you're lucky my father spared your life, you would've just died with your worthless rogue parents. He spat.

    My parents are not rogues, I said quickly without even realizing it.

    His expression made me quiver, What did you say?

    Nothing. I looked down.

    You asked for it. He said dragging me with him, I followed him, my heart pounding, not knowing what will happen to me next.

    I gasped when I realized the room he took me to, I'd heard of it, but I never thought I'll be in there.

    I turned to him wondering what he'll do next, this is what you deserve.

    He pushed me to the cold cement floor, I winced as I felt the cold even with my clothes on.

    He brought out the whip, What did you say?

    He hit me twice and my inner wolf whined in pain, the whip was laced with silver, it hurt so fucking much, I couldn't even cry out due to the pain.

    Nothing, I didn't say anything. I choked back the sob.

    I am going to ask you one more time, what did you say? You little bitch! He whips me again and I screamed unable to hold back the sob.

    I didn't say anything. I wailed and he scoffed, I just couldn't believe my mate would do this to me.

    I heard what you said. He dropped the whip

    But I wanted to hear you say it again. He smiled.

    If you ever say your parents aren't rogues or even try to say anything you aren't asked, this will be your punishment. He left the room.

    I stayed there wailing till I lost my voice, moving slowly to the slave's room, shivering with pain, I laid down falling asleep.

    I woke up aching, I couldn't even move properly, I forced myself, standing up shakily, I had chores to do this morning, if I didn't do them, I knew the consequences I'll face.

    I slipped on my huge sweatshirt, rolled my hair into a bun like I loved doing, going downstairs, my chore was in the kitchen today.

    Passing some Pack members on my way to the kitchen they sneered at me.

    She deserves it, her parents were rogues, she's lucky she didn't die.

    I know right, the Alpha spared her, she should be thankful.

    She should be thankful she's made a slave, like the other slaves here.

    I walked away quickly from them, I couldn't believe they switched easily when my parents weren't accused as rogues, I was loved by the Pack members, but that changed my parents were branded rogues, and I was made a slave.

    Cleaning the kitchen, I sighed as I realized I was still left with cooking for the Pack members.

    I sighed sitting down on the kitchen floor, wincing in pain as I leaned on the cold wall.

    Stand up. I stilled immediately after I heard the voice.

    Looking up I sighed in relief when I realized it wasn't Alpha Lance, it was Raul, one of the Pack's favorite males, he came to the Pack a month after I became a slave, I wondered if he came to ridicule me too.

    I stood up, waiting for his attack.

    Take this, rub on your wounds, they'll heal quickly. He held a healing balm

    I backed away in surprise, wondering what surprise attack I'll get once I collect it, I looked around waiting for Alpha Lance to come out.

    I don't bite, I just want to help. He sighed.

    Taking my hands he put it in.

    Rub it or it might scar.

    Why are you being nice to me? I blurted out.

    I'm the daughter of rogues, a slave.

    The healer gives this to us when we're hurt, she doesn't extend the same to slaves, I saw you just yesterday, and called for you, but you didn't answer, decided to give you this today. He said.

    What's the catch, what am I giving you in return? I asked.

    Nothing. He shakes his head.

    I'm a slave, a rogue's daughter, you shouldn't associate yourself with me, I muttered wincing as I applied the balm.

    And so what? He shrugged, collected the balm from me, applied it to my back, he left the kitchen.

    For the first time since I became a slave, I smiled.

    Chapter 3 Take Off Your Clothes

    Maisie's POV

    Maisie. I stood up running, I just hoped it wasn't a punishment this time.

    Thanks to Raul's healing balm, my wounds are gone, and I didn't feel the pain anymore.

    Rushing to the door I paused.

    Didn't you hear me call you? He barked and I swallowed opening the door and entering his room again reminded me of that day, how he fucked her to my face.

    I'm sorry, I muttered looking down

    I stilled when I saw his friends in the room, they were about five of them, I could recognize them, they drank and partied with him.

    I saw the same woman from that day come out of the bathroom in her lingerie, I looked away, the pang in my chest coming back.

    I want you to do what I say today, like the good obedient slave you are. He said with a smile, even with my annoyance, I couldn't help but notice his handsome face, or his physique, he was easily taller and more attractive than them.

    I blamed my inner wolf, scolding her for even noticing all that.

    His friends sat down and he smiled at them.

    Trust me, this would be fun. He chuckled and they laughed.

    I can already see that. Dylan one of his friends said.

    My heart thumped and I clamped my hands together nervously.

    If you don't do what I say, I'll take you to the punishment room. He said and I gasped.

    I'll do anything you want, I said I didn't want to experience the pain I felt that day anymore.

    He stared at me with a wicked smile on his face.

    You're going to do anything, right?

    Yes, I will, just don't take me there. I pleaded.

    Anything. He smiled.

    Come closer, Mina. He gestured to the wolf from that day.

    I don't know what you're planning but I'm getting wet already. Mina purred touching his chest, and he smiled.

    Take off your clothes. He faced me and I stilled, looking around the room.

    I should… I stuttered.

    Did I stutter? He barked and my knees wobbled.

    I said take off your clothes, don't you understand simple instructions anymore, I thought you said you'll do anything? He asked.

    I looked around, feeling everyone's eyes on me, I didn't want to undress in front of anyone, but I didn't want to go to the punishment room.

    I took off the big gown I wore today, and I was left with the plain white bra and panties I wore today, I looked down swallowing my shame.

    Her lingerie is so plain and cheap like the slave she is. Ethan another of his friend spoke and they laughed.

    The pain in my chest increased, and my inner wolf continued wailing.

    Alpha Lance came closer to me, dragging my hair, and loosening my bun, my hair was let loose, and I could imagine how ridiculous I looked.

    Look at Mina's lingerie, she's sexy as fuck. The one named Peter said.

    Though she's a bit curvy, Dylan said and they nodded.

    But she's a slave, Ethan said and spat on me, I wiped my face with shaky hands.

    My heart felt like it would jump out of my chest anytime soon.

    I hope you're not getting hard looking at the slave, though I'll admit, she looks quite hot, Dylan said again and Alpha Lance glanced at me in irritation and something else I couldn't quite recognize.

    As if. He scoffed taking Mina's hands.

    The only she-wolf that makes me hard right now is her. He kissed Mina and she kissed him back, they acted like they needed each other's kiss to breathe.

    Make sure you don't look away. He said.

    I nodded quickly, it wasn't like I had a choice in whatever he wanted me to do, I either do it or get punished.

    His eyes came to mine, looking at me with venom filled in it, and something else I didn't understand.

    Mina pulled his boxers and his cock sprang free, putting a condom on him, she turned and he slammed into her.

    She yelled like an animal, moaning and screaming in pleasure, he joined her groaning as he fucked her.

    I kept my eyes on them, and my heart tore into a million pieces, it kept tearing over and over again, the pieces slowly turning into dust.

    I thought the pain would stop, but my chest didn't fail to tear frantically.

    He kept fucking her, his eyes on me, and my eyes on them, his friends laughed at me.

    Oh fuck yes, you do know how to hit that spot. Mina moaned shakily, as he dragged her hair, fucking her harder, I didn't know pain could be greater each day, but the pain I felt today was way worse than what I felt the first day he fucked her for me to watch.

    Fuck, I'm coming, Mina said, as she closed her eyes, her legs shaking, turning to me she smirked as she leaned against him, giggling.

    You haven't come yet? She turned to him, kneeling.

    He smiled at her shaking his head, he walked closer to me and I stilled.

    Make sure you swallow my cum. He commanded putting his cock on my face, I didn't know what to do, I haven't even kissed a guy, and I wasn't sure I could even do what he asked.

    You should be thankful, I'm letting you do this, you don't even deserve to breathe the same air as my cock. He held it wiping it on my face, I could feel his pre cum on my face.

    Now open your fucking mouth. He commanded and I opened my mouth immediately.

    He put his cock in my mouth, shoving it down my throat as I tried to not choke, I sucked his cock anyhow I could, praying I won't upset him and hoping his cum will release anytime soon.

    He groaned emptying himself into my mouth, and I swallowed his seed.

    You should thank me. He said dragging me out and locking his room.

    Chapter 4 The Rejection

    Lance's POV

    From the moment Maisie and her family came into the Pack, I was in awe of her beauty.

    She had looks no other she-wolf did in our Pack, her ginger hair always vibrant, standing out, no matter how long she tied it or try to conceal it, her eyes drawing you in, speaking to you.

    I sometimes catch myself staring too much, but then her family betrayed the Pack, her mother and father especially, they joined with a group of rogues and tried attacking the Pack members, killing about 20, including my mother in the process.

    My father had them burnt, and their daughter became a slave, one of the Pack's slaves.

    And just like that, since that day, I had to hate her, though sometimes I felt like I forced it, and I hated myself more if I felt any little pity towards her.

    Then the Moon Goddess played a fucking trick on me, she made her my mate, I couldn't freaking believe it.

    I remember my father's words when he found out we were mates, There are males who reject their mates, better do that, as the future Alpha, you will not have a rogue daughter and a slave as a mate.

    But father, she didn't join her parents.

    The slap that hit me, had me reeling back, Remember your mother died because of her.

    And that word made me promise myself to hate her and reject her as my mate, damn the Moon Goddess!!

    I hated her more day and night, making sure she suffered for being who she is.

    My inner wolf growled and fought every time I tortured our mate, it hurt to do that, but the hate I had for her became bigger than anything.

    Fucking Mina while she was present, was my best plan, the one that would make her resent me.

    But her eyes questioned

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