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Sherlock Holmes A Tale Less Told: Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes A Tale Less Told: Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes A Tale Less Told: Sherlock Holmes
Ebook103 pages54 minutes

Sherlock Holmes A Tale Less Told: Sherlock Holmes

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Sherlock Holmes A Tale Less Told


During the holidays Holmes is looking forward to a peaceful time with his friends.


Then one by one, Holmes's friends begin vanishing.


Can he save his friends from whatever dreadful things is happening?


A Christmas mystery that will thrill, chill, and warm your heart.


Buy your book now.

PublisherJohn Pirillo
Release dateFeb 18, 2019
Sherlock Holmes A Tale Less Told: Sherlock Holmes

John Pirillo

The author was born in Washington, Pennsylvannia. He loves animals and birds. Has two pet cockatiels that keep him company while he writes. He has a lovely daughter and a rascally grandson. He is rich in friends that matter and well adjusted to a life of challenges. He writes and draws every day. He loves anything science fiction, fantasy or extremely well written. Same goes for movies and TV. Not married currently, but has an eye and ear open to possibilities. :)

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    Book preview

    Sherlock Holmes A Tale Less Told - John Pirillo

    Sherlock Holmes

    A Tale Less Told

    John Pirillo

    Copyright 2019, 2022 by John Pirillo

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page


    Incident: Dark Matter Matters

    Chapter One: Wistful

    Chapter Two: 221B Baker Street

    Chapter Three: Harry Houdini

    Chapter Four: Castle of Dracula

    Chapter Five: 221B Baker Street

    Chapter Six: Inspector Bloodstone

    Chapter Seven: Baker Street Alley

    Chapter Eight: 221B Baker Street

    Chapter Nine: Christmas Surprise

    Chapter Ten: Suspicious Minds

    Chapter Eleven: The Nautilus

    Chapter Twelve: Sea Dragon

    Chapter Thirteen: Home Not

    Chapter Fourteen: 221B Baker Street

    Chapter Fifteen: Dracula

    Chapter Sixteen: 221B Baker Street

    Chapter Seventeen:  Search for Clues

    Chapter Eighteen: Fairie

    Chapter Nineteen: Allan Quartermain

    Chapter Twenty: Dragons

    Chapter Twenty One: Portal

    Chapter Twenty Two: Jungle Lord

    Chapter Twenty Three: A Feast

    Chapter Twenty Four: Christmas Cheer


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    Further Reading: Holmes: Deadly Matters

    Also By John Pirillo


    I am enim incipit, he commanded.

    And it did!

    Incident: Dark Matter Matters

    Holmes appraised the chances of securing a safe distance from the man who had been haunting the good couple he was helping that night.

    He knew he was going to be late for the Christmas Eve dinner, but two lives could be at stake.

    He dropped back into the shadows of the alley, his hands clutching his cape tight about his shoulders against the building cold wind blowing off the Thames.

    He looked up at the sound of SixBells from Big Ben, then at Good Queen Mary of Scots offices high above in the Tower of London, or the Dark Tower to those who were held in its deepest, darkest dungeons. He could swear she was looking out, but the distance was too great to be sure it was her.

    He glanced again at the run down home that bordered the boardwalk along the Thames, and the gathering shadows created as the Tes streetlights lit up one by one down the walkway, giving it an air of fairy tale like beauty, like luminescent fairy balls of light wafting in the breeze along corridors of trees, but in this case wooden and concrete buildings.

    The light of the Tes streetlights diffused through the misting fog curling and twirling above the piers and boardwalk.


    A cough.

    He dropped back further.

    He should have warned Watson of his intention this evening, but once the couple had contacted him, he had gone with them immediately to check for clues.

    He hadn’t been sure they were in danger, but once he found the pools of odd gelatin like material gathered in the least likely of places beside their bedroom window, he soon thought otherwise.

    And by then it was getting too late to return home before dark. He dare not leave them alone in the house without protection. By the markings he had found, he had deduced that they were recent. Within the last hour. So whatever was haunting them would return again.


    There was no time to go home or to the Yard to analyze the substance, but he was pretty sure he knew what it was from.

    It had been a long time since he had run into one of the demons from that other parallel world, since he and his friends had closed that portal, barely fighting them to a standstill and shutting it forever.

    But forever in a world of magic wasn’t so long anymore. It seemed to him that magic was growing stronger. Not only on this earth, which was not his home world before, but was now, but on other parallel worlds as well.

    His visit to the Mother Earth, the one that all the other parallel worlds had spun off from due to some kind of dark energy....something that Einstein called Dark Matter...had given him the clues he had been seeking.

    When he brought them to the attention of the brilliant minds of Einstein and Tesla, even they had a hard time explaining the confluence of so many parallel worlds like Mother Earth, yet unlike in sometimes large, but other times smaller ways.

    The parallel worlds, including the one he dwelled on now; they had all taken some of the good from the original Earth, but also a lot of the underside of that world...magic...and quite a bit of dark magic as well.

    Considering the barbarity of their

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