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Private Military Companies: The Future Armies
Private Military Companies: The Future Armies
Private Military Companies: The Future Armies
Ebook89 pages1 hour

Private Military Companies: The Future Armies

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The need for security expressed by various actors has resulted in both the private military companies and private security companies. I consider those actors being very important in the overall design of the security, taking into account their capabilities, and the ability to act in contexts ranging from high-level to the individual level. The totality of private security actors, from a private military company that produces next-generation weapons to be used by a national army, to a private detective, influences the global security, regional security, national, local and individual security.

Release dateDec 7, 2022
Private Military Companies: The Future Armies

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    Private Military Companies - Daniel B. Smith

    Private Military Companies:

    The Future Armies

    Daniel B. Smith

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, excepting the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Copyright © 2022

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1: The Roots of Private Military Contractors

    Chapter 2: General aspects regarding private military companies

    Chapter 3: Typology of Private Military Companies

    Chapter 4: Interaction of Private Military Companies

    Chapter 5: Critics regarding the missions of private military companies

    Chapter 6: Advantages and disadvantages of contracting private military companies

    Chapter 7: Regulation of the activities of private military companies

    DynCorp International

    Triple Canopy

    Academi-former Blackwater-

    G4S-Romania office-

    Securitas-Romania office-

    BGS-Romania office-

    Intelligence officer

    Private detective



    The need for security expressed by various actors has resulted in both the private military companies and the private security companies. I consider these actors being very important in the overall design of the security, taking into account their capabilities, and the ability to act in contexts ranging from high-level to the individual level. The totality of private security actors, from a private military company that produces next-generation weapons to be used by a national army, to a private detective, influences the global security, regional security, national, local and individual security.

    I think the missions of this new and powerful actors is required to be regulated to establish the boundaries of democratic conduct of specific activities and to protect citizens from potential abuses. If some companies are directly involved in helping civil society through various campaigns, this can't go unnoticed. In the current security architecture, the prospects of these companies are important, especially how short and medium term mobilization of resources to meet the security needs of customers, but also the process of strengthening its position on the global market segment and national security.

    I have chosen this topic because private security field immediately caught my attention and made me take an in-depth study to capture the multitude of connections that are established in the emergence of these actors. I focused my attention to elements such as the origin of these companies, the services they can provide, the different criteria for classification, impact on civil society, the legal framework regulating the activity of entities seeking these services, the capabilities of the largest private security firms, existence criticism of companies and contributing to strengthening security status. The primary goal of the study is to expose the international and national developments of private companies that provide security, from historical roots to the present. To achieve this, all the defining elements that provides a thorough understanding of the private security market dynamics should be highlighted as issues under study. The study tried to be focused on the following key factors:

    Legislative limits regarding private military companies and their activity;

    Finding the historical roots of private military companies;

    Highlighting the typology and the connections of private military companies;

    The impact of contracting these companies by exposing the multitude of advantages, disadvantages and the role of private security in society;

    Capturing the most serious incidents and criticism regarding the activity of private military companies;

    Analysis of private security international market, in order to identify key actors in the private security field ;

    Comparative analysis between a private security specialist and one of national security of a N.A.T.O. member state, in order to reveal professional profiles;

    Prospects for the development of specialized companies.

    In the second part of this book, there are prestented six private military companies and / or private security companies. The analyzed companies are: DynCorp International, Triple Canopy, Academi, G4S-Romania office-, Securitas-Romania office-, BGS Romania. The analysis was designed in an own pattern, chasing elements such as: company history, services that can be provided, the company's revenue, internal regulations and codes of conduct, the impact on civil society, employment opportunities, criticism. Information was obtained through the Open Source Intelligence, quality being thus guaranteed.

    Besides these analyzes, at the end of the book you will find two chapters on two very important jobs today: intelligence officer and private investigator. These jobs are presented to you according to Romania laws and please take into consideration that this country is member of North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Thus, information can be expanded in some aspects to all N.A.T.O. member states.

    Regardless of the specifics of the company-a private military or private security one-, they are businesses in a market economy and will seek to reach their offers to potential customers, regardless of their location on the globe. The dimension of international market for private security is remarkable, given that only in Romania-which is not a big or powerful country-, at 31.12.2011 there were registered 1,262 companies specialized in delivering security and protection, according to a statement issued by the General Inspectorate of Romanian Police, Department of Public Order. From a consumer perspective, the quality / price relation will determine the contractor at first sight. But it will take into account the professionalism in missions carried out, human resources, compliance with contract and other variables. In the current international context, any customer or any private company would not want incidents in their activity that would attract the attention on both the client's business and the private security company.

    This book reveals those private security companies / private military companies that have carried out missions in various parts of the world. The most publicized and recognized companies on this market in terms of recorded turnover, will be included in this book. Private military companies and private security companies have reached in their missions on all continents, in areas such as: Nigeria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Taiwan, Zambia, Sierra Leone, Bosnia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Colombia, Kosovo, Kuwait and so on. However, the largest customer for these companies, by value of contracts awarded and geopolitical and geostrategic position, remains the United States government.

    Security needs are diverse, as Abraham Maslow has listed and ranked them second, after the physical needs. At the individual level, security

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