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Where Billy Died
Where Billy Died
Where Billy Died
Ebook34 pages33 minutes

Where Billy Died

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When Jack, a Philadelphia bounty hunter, goes to Texas to bring back a young bail jumper named Billy, he has no idea he's being trailed by the chief enforcer for a major mobster. Is it because Jack roughed up the mobster's brother, or is it because of what Billy did before he skipped town? In trying to stay alive and do his job, Jack also has no idea he'll get tangled up in a legend of the Old West that turns everything he knows on its ear.

A new novella of humor and crime from the author of THE THANKSGIVING COOKOFF WAR.
PublisherUntreed Reads
Release dateJul 31, 2011
Where Billy Died

Earl Staggs

Earl Staggs earned all Five Star reviews for his novels MEMORY OF A MURDER and JUSTIFIED ACTION and is a three-time winner of the Derringer Award for Best Short Story of the Year. He served as Managing Editor of Futures Mystery Magazine, as President of the Short Mystery Fiction Society, and is a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars. He invites any comments via email at [email protected] He also invites you to visit his blog site at

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    Book preview

    Where Billy Died - Earl Staggs

    Where Billy Died

    By Earl Staggs

    Copyright 2011 by Earl Staggs

    Cover Copyright 2011 by Dara England and Untreed Reads Publishing

    The author is hereby established as the sole holder of the copyright. Either the publisher (Untreed Reads) or author may enforce copyrights to the fullest extent.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold, reproduced or transmitted by any means in any form or given away to other people without specific permission from the author and/or publisher. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to the living or dead is entirely coincidental.

    Also by Earl Staggs and Untreed Reads Publishing

    The Thanksgiving Cookoff War

    Where Billy Died

    By Earl Staggs

    It was June, 2001, and I’d been working as a skip tracer in Philadelphia for about a year when I leaned across the desk and said, I don’t want to go to Texas.

    My wife Beverly, owner of the Liberty Bail Bonding Agency, typed a little more, leaned back, watched her monitor screen, and ignored me.

    Why not send someone else? I persisted.

    Because I want you out of my sight for a few days.


    Besides, she continued, still without looking at me, we need this one. The business can’t take another big hit. Now sit tight, be quiet, and let me finish this.

    She shot me a hard look as if the company’s financial strain was my fault. Maybe our personal problem was, but not that.

    All I’m trying to say, Bev, is—

    Was it the ‘tight’ or the ‘quiet’ you didn’t get?

    Damn! How long can a woman stay mad? The last time, it took a week of groveling, an expensive dinner, and a dozen red roses for her to get over it. Two dozen this time. Maybe white roses.

    I sat tight and quiet for another minute. Finally, she raised her index finger and punched a key. Her printer grumbled to life and two sheets later, she snatched them and handed them to me.

    This will get you on the plane to Texas and back.

    I looked over the American Airlines ticket authorization. Who am I going after?

    She slid a manila envelope across the desk. "Billy Joe Raynor. He and a partner popped a jewelry store in South Philly, but they tripped a silent alarm. They

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