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Great Decisions 2023
Great Decisions 2023
Great Decisions 2023
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Great Decisions 2023

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Great Decisions is an annual nonpartisan briefing book that covers eight foreign policy topics. There are discussion programs around the country based on the material in the book. This year the topics include geopolitics, China and the U.S., Iran, war crimes, famine, Latin American politics, climate migration, and economic warfare. Discussion questions and suggestions for further reading are included.

Release dateJan 1, 2023
Great Decisions 2023

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    Great Decisions 2023 - Foreign Policy Association


    Energy security

    by Carolyn Kissane

    Carolyn Kissane serves as the Assistant Dean of the graduate programs in Global Affairs and Global Security, Conflict, and Cybercrime at the Center for Global Affairs. She is the Director of the SPS Energy, Climate Justice and Sustainability Lab, Coordinator of the Energy and Environment concentration at the Center, and is faculty adviser to the Energy Policy International Club. She was named Breaking Energy’s Top Ten New York Women in energy and Top Ten Energy Communicator.


    Firefighters conduct work after a Russian attack targeted energy infrastructure in Kyiv, Ukraine, on October 18, 2022. Strikes by Russia continued on Ukrainian infrastructure. (STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE OF UKRAINE /UPI/NEWSCOM.)

    It was 50 years ago when the world experienced its first full blown oil shock with the 1973 Arab oil embargo. Then it was all about oil. It was a crisis when much of the Arab oil-producing countries stopped selling to Western countries in response to the West’s support of Israel in the Yom Kippur War. The oil embargo became a rallying cry for the need to create energy security through greater energy independence. It also motivated the creation of the International Energy Agency (IEA), an institution that, among other things, required member countries to hold 90 days of oil in strategic reserves, an action taken to avert a repeat of the disruptions of 1973–74. That crisis also motivated energy insecure countries to consider different sources of energy, turning away from dependence on imported fossil fuels. For instance, it propelled Japan to develop domestic nuclear power, which up until the Fukushima disaster in 2011 provided 30% of the country’s energy. Likewise, Denmark, a country with under 5 million people, felt the impacts of the crisis and wanted to find a way to cushion itself from the disruption and fiscal vulnerabilities of the oil price spike that resulted from the embargo. In response, Denmark began developing wind energy, first onshore and eventually offshore, and today holds the position as a green energy innovator and a leader in offshore wind.

    Fast forward to 2022, and energy security goes far beyond reliable and affordable access to oil, or to gas, and today includes a more diversified mix of energy, from hydrocarbons to renewables. What hasn’t changed in the five decades since the oil crisis, though, is the critical role energy plays in the global economy. For countries, energy plays a fundamental role in national security decisionmaking, and shapes relationships between both allies and enemies. Energy is critical to human well-being and without enough of it, development becomes almost impossible. The global economy and growth has been driven by access to abundant energy.


    Wind turbines rotate in the Baltic Sea between the islands of Rügen and Bornholm (Denmark). The wind farm, about 35 kilometers northeast of Rügen, has a capacity of 385 megawatts, which is mathematically sufficient to supply 400,000 households. (JENS BÜTTNER/PICTURE ALLIANCE VIA GETTY IMAGES)

    Covid-19, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and fears of growing inflation have upended predictions about the future. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the horrors that Vladimir Putin is inflicting on the country, and the impacts and consequences for the wider world, especially rising insecurities around energy and food, provide a stark reminder at how vulnerable countries are to conflict that happens even thousands of miles from their own borders. As the catastrophe of war continues to unfold, we can expect energy insecurity to be an ongoing theme and challenge. 2022 saw a massive disruption to energy security with Russia’s re-invasion of Ukraine in February, exposing to the world the massive vulnerabilities of energy dependencies. The geopolitics of energy returned in 2022, not that it ever went away. Suddenly, the reality of energy security and its connections to geopolitics moved from specialized analyst reports to become front page news. The weaponization of energy now includes not only withholding supply, as was the case in 1973, but also the destruction of infrastructure, as Putin has demonstrated across Ukraine and in the Baltic Sea. Russia appears to be seeking to inflict maximum damage – using its energy resources as weapons, while also targeting Ukraine’s energy system, forcing blackouts and taking out critical energy infrastructure. President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen calls the attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure war crimes. Today energy security is not only a national security concern but also a personal one, individuals feel today’s energy insecurity when they fill their cars and heat their homes, and those in energy poor regions experience heightened pain from inaccessibility and the harder to achieve economic growth and stability.

    Doubts abound about the ability of countries to effectively respond to such shocks, especially when they are happening so quickly and at the same time. That said, security, while still a vital concern, is not the only one. While fossil fuels continue to underpin economies, providing more than 75% of all energy, the contours of the energy landscape are radically transforming. Demands for deep decarbonization are growing, countries and companies are setting ambitious net-zero targets, and renewable energy proliferates globally. It is important to note the rapid growth of renewable energy, which is making bigger impacts and is expected to take up a larger share of overall energy supply. In some countries, renewables already represent 50% or more of the electricity portfolio. In the United States, in a turn-around from the previous administration, U.S. President Biden and his administration have adopted major climate policies--the Inflation Reduction Act is the most recent--that should speed the transition toward a low-carbon economy, expand future technological options, and enhance the United States’ ability to be a global climate leader. Be that as it may, while the COVID pandemic collapsed oil and gas demand for much of 2020, it quickly bounced back in 2021 along with a price recovery. The question is whether the world given its current energy mix and outlook can meet the targets and bold ambitions for radically cutting greenhouse gases by mid-century to mitigate against the catastrophic impact of climate change.

    Even with the increasing role of renewable energy in the global energy space, the geopolitics of energy still matter, and disruptions are becoming the new normal; a future of greater uncertainty in which energy and the security of its supply and the environmental security of the mix is certain to be a decades long challenge. Energy insecurity will likely be the new normal for the next decade and beyond. Today energy security is in the spotlight due to Russia’s re-invasion of Ukraine, but that’s only one reason the world is in the throes of multiple energy crises. And there are no easy solutions. Energy, the economy, the climate: they are all interdependent. Movements in any one of those fields leads, inexorably, to changes in all the others. This is due to the fact that all of those seemingly separate, technical domains are underpinned by, and in turn shape, politics, both domestic and international. If we fail to recognize these interdependencies, we will fail to see the ways in which they often overlap and contradict each other. We need to adopt a comprehensive approach to energy, one that appreciates not only short-term stability, but equally long-term sustainability and a just transition.

    This article aims to examine energy security, using both historical and contemporary lenses to define what it is, explore how the ongoing energy transition is impacting and influencing energy security, and anticipate the prospects for the years ahead. In doing so it asks whether or not the world’s attention has been pulled too far towards security at the expense of dealing with the consequences of climate change, both in terms of mitigation and adaptation. Do today’s energy security challenges further lock countries into carbon pathways that exacerbate the need for alternatives, while at the same time curbing our ambitions to abate emissions.? As often mentioned in other spheres of global affairs, there can be no development without security. What does that mean with regard to energy? Are the current energy crises forcing us to mortgage our future in our haste to achieve a degree of stability for the present?

    What is energy security?

    The term energy security evokes scenes of securing fuel supplies during war or oil tankers being sabotaged. There is indeed a connection between international security and securing energy supply, which is a critical component for economic growth and building a modern society. A number of factors determine a country’s relationship to securing its energy resources. The IEA definition of energy security: ensuring the availability, affordability, and accessibility of energy supply for a country. Is that definition holistic in 2022? What else should be considered as the international energy trade landscape shifts, especially in light of the changing climate and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?

    Energy security in the 21st century is different from 20th century energy security. The 20th century focused on access to fossil fuels and the quest to supply enough fossil fuels to meet demand and, at the same time, make access reliable and affordable. Today, energy security goes beyond access to hydrocarbons, and security is but one part of what is referred to as the energy trilemma, finding the balance between current and future security, equity and affordability, and sustainability.

    Being energy secure means something different than it did even two decades ago. Especially prior to the U.S. shale revolution, the term energy independence was in vogue in an effort to emphasize the need to stop importing oil from unreliable or turbulent places, such as the Middle East, in order to insulate consumers from price volatility and was actually the name of a key piece of legislation from that era. However, because of the nature of the global energy market, consumers in one country cannot be protected from supply shocks due to events half a world away. Indeed, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a perfect example of how supply shocks can disrupt global energy markets and cause economic pain around the world. The United States is now the world’s largest petroleum producer, but even that didn’t prevent American gas prices from spiking to historic levels in 2022. Since energy independence no longer equates to cheap gas prices, the term energy security is a more accurate term.


    SOURCE: Eurostat, British Dept. for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy       Lucidity Information Design, LLC

    Daniel Yergin, author of the Pulitzer Prize winning book on oil, The Prize, defines energy security as the capability to assure adequate, reliable energy supplies at reasonable prices in ways that do not jeopardize major national values and objectives. This definition integrates economic, security, and ideological elements in addition to the core necessity of ensuring access to adequate supplies. However, energy security today is about more than access, supply, and affordability. Meghan O’Sullivan, author of Windfall, goes further with her definition of energy security. She integrates how countries can account for things beyond energy access into their foreign policy. She defines energy security as having access to affordable energy without having to contort one’s political, security, diplomatic, or military arrangements unduly. While the mid-20th century version of energy security centered on access and supply, the 21st century is moving towards O’Sullivan’s more nuanced and multi-layered understanding of energy security. A bit of background helps to illustrate the difference.

    Today’s energy security crises are coming in the midst of multiple global challenges, one of which is climate change. Mitigating against climate change (reducing carbon emissions) requires energy shifting and specifically a reduction in the sources of energy that have historically been at the heart of achieving and maintaining energy security: oil, gas, and especially coal. Energy security today has become an emergency for many countries, in Europe it’s about making up for the loss of Russian gas and even Russian oil, and for other regions it’s about addressing energy poverty which continues to stifle economic growth and human development. It’s a massive challenge to provide education, adequate health services, and attract foreign investment when energy access is unreliable, not present or extremely volatile.

    In the beginning

    Petroleum and foreign policy have been intimately linked in the United States since the Second World War. Starting in 1945, three major events have dramatically altered the trajectory of American energy and foreign policy. In the closing days of the war, American security interests led President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) to travel from the Yalta Conference in Crimea to meet with the first king of Saudi Arabia, Abdulaziz ibn Abdul Rahman ibn Faisal ibn Turki ibn Abdullah ibn Muhammad Al Saud, also known as ibn Saud. The meeting was intended to forge a relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia that would secure American energy needs for the coming decades. The close rapport established between FDR and ibn Saud has indeed shaped American Middle Eastern policy for the last eighty years. Though this relationship has endured as presidents and kings have come and gone, it has not been without strain. In 1973, following U.S. support for Israel during the Arab-Israeli War, the Arab members of OPEC suspended oil shipments to the United States and a number of Israeli allies. It was one of the earliest examples in which energy was deployed as a weapon. The embargo ushered in an era of new Western energy policy; driving government investment and research in oil exploration, contingency plans, and alternative energy technologies. As oil prices per barrel climbed by over 400 percent, the 1973 crisis led the United States to establish the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). Today the U.S. SPR is the world’s largest reserve of crude oil, with a capacity of over 713 million barrels. It has been used to ease pressure in the oil market on three occasions, most recently in 2022, when Russia’s re-invasion of Ukraine caused a price hike in the price of oil, the Biden administration released the largest amount of oil to date from the SPR.


    An aerial view of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve storage at the Bryan Mound site in Freeport, Texas. (BRANDON BELL/GETTY IMAGES)

    The last two decades have brought about significant shifts in the global energy landscape, and the United States is a case in point. Consider the following: in 2004, the United States was the largest importer of crude oil and preparing to import liquefied natural gas. Plans were underway to build natural gas liquefaction import terminals, and supply would come from Qatar and other gas-rich countries. At the same time, China’s demand picture was moving into overdrive. Rapid industrialization and a growing middle class meant China required more oil and gas to meet its energy demand. In response to this growing demand challenge, China launched its Going Out Strategy, which involved China buying high equity stakes in overseas oil and gas projects. The search for new oil and gas finds took on an urgency when the world thought it was running out. The fear of insecurity of supply drove oil prices to record levels, but by 2015 with the shale oil revolution, or what some referred to as the U.S. energy renaissance, the United States became a top oil and gas producer and by 2015 was exporting oil and on its way to becoming a net oil exporting country. Saudi Arabia, rather than see a weakened hand in the market, brought a group of other countries in to join OPEC not as members but as additional suppliers, OPEC +. OPEC + now manages almost 40% of global oil production and includes Russia, one of the world’s largest producers. Saudi Arabia and Russia are the two most important de facto leaders of this alliance. The formation of OPEC+ was an implicit admission that their previous go-it-alone strategy had failed. This move was a recognition that the fundamentals of oil geopolitics had changed and going forward, the Saudis, Russians, and other large producers would need to work together to confront the challenges of a more complex and complicated oil market and one in which the United States is a major producer.

    Technological innovations and disruptions in exploration and extraction techniques catapulted the United States into becoming one of the largest crude oil and natural gas producers in the world, surpassing Saudi Arabia and Russia in energy production. The United States moved from touting energy independence to energy dominance, and its foreign policy shifted along with this new position.

    Feelings of energy dominance, though, have proven themselves to be destabilizing. In 2008, Russia went into Georgia, and in 2014 it annexed Crimea and invaded the Donbas region of Ukraine. Russia didn’t pay a high price for these transgressions then and believed their natural resource endowments and the countries that depended on those resources would act as a protective shield against retaliation for their violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty. In 2014, the West decided against military action and instead used economic statecraft. Sanctions were meant to slow Russia’s future energy growth, specifically around developing new oil and gas fields, which required Western expertise and technology. But despite the fact that sanctions were in place for more than seven years, Russia managed to increase its reserves and built what some called an economic fortress. Russian oil production reached over 11 mbd (million barrels a day) in 2016 and the first half of 2017, almost surpassing the all-time high of 11.7 mbd set in 1987. A provocative counterfactual is to consider what would have happened if Europe in 2014 recognized Russia’s status as an unreliable bad actor, and began to wean itself then off of Russian gas. The EU could be much more energy secure today if it had. Instead, not only did the EU continue to be the largest buyer of Russia’s gas, Germany even agreed to work with Russia on a second pipeline, Nordstream 2. The Russian economy remains heavily dependent on resource extraction. As of 2018 more than 80% of Russian exported goods relied on mineral extraction, including petroleum products, coal, lumber, and metals. Germany believed an increased level of trade interdependence would play to Russia’s rational side, but that belief only lasted for so long.


    Secretary-General of OPEC Haitham al-Ghais (R) and Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Energy Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman Al-Saud (2nd L) hold a press conference after the 33rd OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) and non-OPEC ministerial meeting, which was held to evaluate the market conditions and to discuss the production amount to be applied as of November, in Vienna, Austria on October 5, 2022. (ASKIN KIYAGAN/ANADOLU AGENCY VIA GETTY IMAGES)

    In 2022 Russia went too far, further invading Ukraine in February and unleashing the wrath of the West. Rather than letting Russia continue to play in the global market, the sanctions and response of the West are aimed at stifling Russia’s growth, degrading its military industrial complex and its overall war effort, and making it an energy pariah, aiming to limit its ability to sell its oil and gas on the global market. At the same time, the war has exposed Europe’s dependency on Russian gas leaving it vulnerable to a severe energy crisis as it seeks to replace Russian gas. Germany canceled the Nordstream 2 project, and now the continent is scrambling to counter Russia’s use of the energy weapon, specifically its gas and oil. In response to the crisis, the EU has looked to the United States to send liquefied natural gas to Europe. Germany has gone so far as to extend the life of three of its remaining nuclear power plants, a thought once impossible to imagine, and the region has seen an increase in the consumption of coal to make up for the shortfall in Russian gas. All of these measures illustrate why energy security matters, because without it, economies are under threat, and people expect to be able to keep the lights on, heat homes, and power factories, and when that is in question, there’s a need for dramatic policy action.

    Europe’s response to the energy crisis hasn’t only involved leaning on hydrocarbon sources from beyond Russia, the region is also increasing renewable energy. Wind and solar generated a record 24% of EU electricity from March to September in 2022 up from 21% of EU electricity in the same period last year. Nineteen EU countries achieved a wind and solar record, including France (14%), Italy (20%), Poland (17%) and Spain (35%).

    What does it all mean?

    ■   Energy is political

    Energy and politics go hand in hand–they can’t be separated or disconnected. The U.S. Department of Defense, the world’s largest energy consumer, spends significant amounts of money researching how to ensure that energy is reliable, affordable, and sustainable. The most recent U.S. National Security Strategy mentions climate 63 times and treats climate change and the risks it poses as a significant national security threat, both at home and abroad. The United States continues to spend billions to protect the

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