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How to Recognize Heavenly Signs from Our Beloved Pets
How to Recognize Heavenly Signs from Our Beloved Pets
How to Recognize Heavenly Signs from Our Beloved Pets
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How to Recognize Heavenly Signs from Our Beloved Pets

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Every pet owner wants to receive heavenly signs from their pets and to communicate with them. Many have received these signs but are not sure if they are real, or they don’t know what to look for. These spiritual occurrences have been happening for centuries. This book is a complete guide to recognizing signs from the afterlife and how to attune into the spirit world to communicate with your beloved pet. Learn what signs to look for and how, when, and why they occur. This book also gives scientific and biblical proof that pets can and do communicate with us from the afterlife. The proof is here!
Have you received a sign but weren’t sure if it was real? There are many and varied ways that our pets communicate to us through divine spiritual means. This book contains over 20 signs from the afterlife that will help you to know and recognize these signs when they occur. Plus true inspirational stories of people who have seen and communicated with their pets through signs from the afterlife that will amaze you. Your pet is waiting to communicate with you!
Release dateDec 12, 2022
How to Recognize Heavenly Signs from Our Beloved Pets

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    How to Recognize Heavenly Signs from Our Beloved Pets - Steven H. Woodward

    © 2023 Steven H. Woodward. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 12/05/2022

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-7749-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-7747-2 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-7748-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022922502

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    Chapter One:Communicating With Animals From The Afterlife and the Spirit Frequencies

    Chapter Two:Quantum Physics Proves The Spirits Of Our Pets Can Spiritually Manifest Themselves

    Chapter Three:Signs, Dreams, Visions, And Spiritual Visitations

    Chapter Four:Biblical Proof:God Sends Signs, Dreams, And Visions From The Afterlife

    Chapter Five:Biblical Proof:God Wants Us To Ask Him For Signs From The Afterlife

    Chapter Six:More Proof Of The Spirit World:Near Death Experiences

    Chapter Seven:The Souls Of Animals And The Afterlife

    Chapter Eight:16 Afterlife Signs From Your Beloved Pet

    Chapter Nine:The Beliefs Of The American Indian On Dreams, Visions, Signs, And Spiritual Visitations

    Chapter Ten:True Stories Of People Who Received Signs From Their Pets From The Afterlife

    Chapter Eleven:Do Animals Have An Internal Dialogue?

    An Animal Spiritual Poem for Pet Loss

    How to Defend the Point That Animals Have Spirits and Go to Heaven With Two Simple Questions

    Strange Facts About Animals


    About the Author

    Books for Pet Loss and Proof of the Afterlife for Animals

    References Used


    I dedicate this book to God and also to my little dog BJ that God sent to me that began my journey into the Amazing Afterlife.

    And to my wife, sons, and grandchildren who have a great love of animals.

    Also to Jasper, Petey, Duke, and all the animals whose spirits I have bonded with in my life.

    And a big thanks to all my readers, supporters, and to all rescuers and shelter workers.

    God bless you all.


    "Therefore I say unto you,

    What things soever ye desire, when ye pray,

    believe that ye receive them,

    and ye shall have them." (Mark 11:24)


    "Animals are a joy to the soul,

    and they make the spirit whole."

    -Steven H. Woodward

    This book was written to help pet lovers recognize all the signs that our beloved pets send to us from heaven. And also to prove that these Signs, Dreams, Visions, and Spiritual Visitations from our beloved animals are real. I will show that it has been proven through scientific facts and biblical scriptures that our beloved animals are able to communicate with us and that they can and do visit us from the afterlife through spiritual communication. These spiritual signs have been happening for centuries and continue to this day. Most of the patriarchs in the bible experienced many types of spiritual phenomena, and some of them experienced it more than once.

    God has sent angels, human and animal spirits to help those in need and to give signs to those who ask. Sometimes Jesus would show up in spirit to help or to communicate information to the prophets. And many times he gave them a divine job to do. There were also many other people in the bible that were given signs, dreams, and visions such as kings, pharaohs, and other gentiles. After reading this book you will know why and how our animals can send us signs from the afterlife. And you will be able to know and recognize these signs that our beloved animals send to us from the afterlife. After reading this book you will have no doubts that your beloved animal is in heaven and is able to contact you through some type of spiritual communication.

    Some people think that visions, dreams, signs, and spiritual visitations are evil and from the devil, but this is not true. If one prays to God for these things it is not evil or from the devil. If people say that God does not do these things then they should study their bible more carefully because the bible is full of visions, dreams, and signs from the spirit realm. And this includes spiritual visitations from God, Jesus, angels, humans, and animals. The bible also tells us that the spirit of your deceased animal can communicate with you if you ask God. And you will see that God wants us to ask him for these spiritual things. But it is important for you to know that you must ask Jesus for these things. Anything else may be dangerous and you could possibly invite evil into your life.

    Dreams, visions, signs, and spiritual visitations are God-given and they help us to grow closer to God and become more spiritual. Millions of people have had these spiritual experiences and many are very credible people such as doctors, lawyers, military personnel, prophets, and even famous people. And not to mention everyday people too. Are we to ignore all of these witnesses? When there are that many credible people saying they have had a divine experience, there is something to it. Some years ago I did not believe this to be possible, but I know these things are real because I have had visions and been given signs myself.

    There are also people who have had NDE’s (near death experiences) which are spiritual experiences that occur while a person is clinically dead for a short period of time. And these people have given undeniable proof of the afterlife and of the spirit world through Vertical NDE’s. We will discuss this type of NDE in chapter six and how it proves that NDE’s are true divine experiences.

    Once you have had a divine experience you know in your heart that it is true and you won’t care whether anyone believes it or not. I have divided these spiritual phenomena into five classes of spiritual contact:

    1. Feelings: While awake: This is a type of knowing through (spiritual) feeling. Like feeling the spirit of your beloved pet in the room with you. You are basically feeling the frequency of your beloved pet’s spirit. This also includes a premonition of something to come, or something that will happen.

    2. Audible: While awake: You hear an audible sound such as a bark, meow, tags jingling, paws on the floor, etc.

    3. Optical: While awake: Observing a spiritual manifestation. This is where you may see a spiritual manifestation of your animal, although it may be only for an instant. This includes any other type of visual sign.

    4. Actual Contact: While awake or asleep: This is where you feel the spirit of your deceased pet touch you somewhere on your body, in some form or fashion. Perhaps a snuggle, a kiss, or you may feel something brush up against you.

    5. NDE/Vision/Dream: While awake, asleep, or deceased: An open-trance vision occurs through deep prayer while awake. A divine dream happens while asleep. An NDE occurs while deceased for a short period of time. In these three events your spirit is taken to heaven. There you will see loved ones, which includes your beloved pets. You are able to talk (thought communication), hear, and touch the spirits of your beloved animals in heaven. And of course, one will see Jesus.

    The bible is full of divine afterlife signs, visions, dreams, and spiritual visitations from the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation.

    "In order to love,

    one must possess a soul.

    Animals know more about

    unconditional love than humans do.

    So therefore animals must have souls."

    -Steven H. Woodward







    Every animal knows more than you do.

    -Nez Perce Proverb

    A nimals communicate with us and to other animals in many earthly forms. We hear the various vocal sounds house-hold pets make such as barking, whining, purring, meowing, etc. Animal lovers know that they can talk to their animal and they understand them. Many animals respond to certain words that we teach them such as, no, sit, and come here along with many other commands. Think of military and police K-9 dogs that have been trained for combat. And also service dogs that are trained to help people with disabilities. These animals are trained using various methods of communications. And they know and understand these vocal commands.

    The eyes can communicate many things and there are also many other ways of communicating without speaking both here on earth, and also from the afterlife. All animal lovers know that their pet can express thoughts to their owner through their eyes, vocal sounds, body movements, and facial expressions. In order to be able to communicate you must have a soul. And animals do have souls/spirits. Not only do animals communicate with us here on earth but they also communicate to us from the afterlife. Let’s examine the many various ways to communicate that will give us an idea of the myriad of different ways to communicate both here and into the afterlife; be it the visible or the invisible. First, let’s look at earthly communication from our pets and then we will look at the spiritual communications that they send to us from the afterlife.

    Many animals use their eyes and other body parts to communicate the same as we do. Household pets such as cats and dogs use their eyes, tales, paws, body language, and vocal sounds to communicate. Squirrels use their tales to communicate, as do other animals. Birds and many other animals use sounds, songs, and dancing in order to communicate. A peacock will spread its tail feathers (called a train) to attract females. Just because we may not understand an animal’s communication through their particular body movements or their auditory sounds, doesn’t mean that that particular animal is not communicating to us or to another animal. It means we just don’t understand their language. Animals communicate all the time here on earth and from the spiritual realm. You see, earthly communication from animals can be misunderstood and not recognizable as with spiritual communication. We must understand and know the signs of spiritual communication when we see or hear it. There are also spiritual communications that we and animals use here on earth as seen below in the next few paragraphs.

    I had a black and white Boston Terrier and his name was Petey. We hung

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