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When Love Wins
When Love Wins
When Love Wins
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When Love Wins

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Ashley Bennett loves being the center of attention but now her world is out of whack at the onset of her cousin Natalie. 


Natalie Greene is tumbling in the throes of grief from the loss of her dear mother. In hopes of receiving support from

Release dateMar 25, 2023
When Love Wins

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    When Love Wins - Nicole D. Miller

    Chapter 1

    Bad Blood


     Ashley wasn’t the type to get intimidated, but this girl was getting on her last nerve. 

    I mean, real talk, BJ, she think she all that, she told her best friend after they did another lap in Central Park. She can miss me with that goody-goody attitude. And I’m fed up with her frontin’ for my dad too, she sneered. I need her gone. ASAP.

    BJ shook his head with a comical laugh. "Ashley B, your cousin Natalie ain’t got nothin’ on you. Why you sweatin’ her?" 

    Ashley blew out a stream of puffs in between strides before stretching out her short, sculpted legs to keep up with his. Huffing in irritation, she said, Boy, why you movin’ so fast? We ain’t in no race. The thick forest surrounding her on each side whipped by with the speed of a mountain lion, and Ashley’s chest heaved in protest. 

    Yo! I’m doin’ my regular. You the one slow pokin’ it. But BJ slowed his pace to appease his friend.

    Ignoring him, Ashley snuck a peek at her Apple watch. Her caramel face wrinkled, creating a slew of jagged lines across the perimeter of her forehead. She knew she was tired for a reason. 

    My dude. I done burned 100 extra calories messin’ wit’ ‘chu! It’s time for a break. Pausing, she popped both hands on her hips, then inhaled and exhaled theatrically. 

    BJ sighed, watching her antics. You just off cuz you trippin’ on Natalie. You can’t let that negative energy eat up yo drive. He arched his back into a long stretch, and Ashley followed his lead, extending her toned, muscular arms upward. 

    While keeping both hands braided together, she thought about his words. Was she being negative?

    As they stretched, two young women trotted by in tank tops and short shorts, successfully magnetizing BJ’s eyes to their movements. Clearing her throat with disdain, Ashley sized up the petite one with locks. These girls ain’t even that cute and he trippin’.

    BJ peeped her annoyed eye roll. Aye. You can’t blame me, he said, scrunching up both shoulders to his earlobes. Did you see the thick one? 

    He even had the nerve to smile that boyish grin that won over so many. So many, well, except for Ashley. Yeah, BJ had tried to get her back in middle school, but after she saw how he ate his peanut butter and jelly sandwich (more was smeared on his face than in his mouth), it was over for her. Without even thinking, 11-year-old Ashley checked the no box on the note he passed in math class, asking her to be his girlfriend.

    "Just cuz Miss Thang got an ass, these dudes is on her. Ashley continued her vent about her cousin, working herself up so much that she quit her stretch altogether. And I can’t stand the way she always trying to act so freakin’ innocent." 

    It’s like it wasn’t enough that Ashley had to give up her room when Natalie moved in a few months ago. Or that her father always seemed to dote on Natalie in a way he never seemed to do with her. Ashley was so over all the special treatment, even though it had only been a short time since her cousin had started living with them. 

    Exasperated, BJ’s puppy dog brown eyes whipped to the sky. Man. I’m done with talking about Natalie. You only salty cuz you think Darren is on her. If it wasn’t for that, you wouldn’t even care. With a knowing look, he hoisted his brows before clearing a thread of sweat gliding down the back of his neckline. 

    At the mention of her ex, Darren, Ashley did a small intake of breath. Well, you know I still kick it with his boy, Tone, she admitted, and Tone mentioned it the last time we was at the mall. And I aint’ gonna lie. The shit got under my skin. 

    A smirk flickered across BJ’s syrup-hued face. Man, forget Tone. He still mad cuz you chose Darren over him. He’ll say anything to make sure y'all stay split. When Ashley didn’t respond, he added, Yo. I’m thirsty. Let’s bounce. 

    Ashley obliged, jogging behind BJ the rest of the way to the car, but she had to bite her tongue the whole way to keep her mouth shut. The hard granite from the park’s path trembled beneath her running shoes as the warm sunny air paraded around the crevices of her face. 

    They soon made it to her white Mercedes-Benz GLS and headed to Devon’s, the Black-owned Cafe tucked inside Central Harlem. ​​Ashley liked to study in its classic urban decor, smooth vibes, and friendly atmosphere. Devon’s was perfect for when she wanted a break from her slow-going residential neighborhood. Or, better yet, when she needed to gossip with her best friend Denise, who was a waitress there. 

    When the pair traipsed through the glass door, it was apparent that the cafe had once again attracted a young, vibrant weekend crowd. As a result of this growing demographic, the owner, Devon, expanded the menu to include smoothies and sandwiches, opening the kitchen in the back.

    Hey, y'all! Denise greeted her friends, springing over, bubbly in a jean skirt and baby blue vest with a plain white T stitched underneath. Her black apron, which read Devon’s in white cursive writing, held a tight grip on her small waist. 

    Heeyyyy, Ashley called with a glowing smile. Seeing her friend had lifted her spirits. She inhaled the familiar coffee aroma, but the red Birkin handbag weighing heavy on her shoulder begged her to find a place to sit.

    BJ nodded his greeting before Denise went to serve a customer, and Ashley took the lead. Come on, B, she directed. This way. She cocked her head to a small table in the back, and he shuffled behind. The duo flew past the charming tall stools that drifted beneath the mahogany coffee bar and aimed at a table in the corner that kissed the edge of the west wall. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X shaking hands were a picture of solidarity and peace, featured over the violet backdrop.

    Yo. I’m madd hungry! BJ announced and thoroughly smothered his lips with his tongue. They still got them panini tuna sandwiches? 

    Last I heard. Ashley was surveying the crowd. It seemed that almost every table busted with laughter or conversation from an assortment of beautiful brown skin tones. Lots of the regulars were there. Al from Bed-Stuy, who was always flirting with everybody. Candy and her new boo, Jeff. But then, Ashley’s eyes bulged as she smacked her lips before squinting her light browns. I can’t believe she at my spot. 

    Who? BJ barely got the question out when Ashley snatched his arm, digging her long, oval nails into it, then jerked her head sideways. Alarmed, BJ twisted his head around to view the reason for her behavior. Natalie hovered over a laptop with earbuds in her ears at a table near the front where Devon’s open mics were always held. 

    BJ laughed and looked at her like she was crazy. "Yo, dead-ass. This is a free country, Ash."

    Yea. But ‘chu know how many coffee shops is in this city?

    BJ sighed. "Man. Just go over and say, ‘Hi’. She is your dad’s sister’s daughter. That’s blood, last I checked." 

    Ashley’s frown reeked with venom. Yea. Bad blood. Instead of responding, she ripped a menu from the table to cover her face and sank deeper into her seat. BJ just shook his head in pity.

    Wuz up, y'all? Denise was at their table, long locks piled high on the crown of her head and large silver hoops jangling with every step. Y’all comin’ from Central Park?

    Yea. We ran a couple miles, BJ answered, and as a show of proof, wiped perspiration off his forehead with a napkin. "Shoot, I’m still sweating." 

    "A couple miles? Ashley’s face turned skeptical. Girl, we ran at least five." She checked their mileage on her Apple watch. 4.8 miles. B always tryna kill somebody.

    BJ discarded her comment with a flippant wave. Aye. Yo, Denise. Y'all still got those tuna paninis? A brotha hungrier than a Muslim fasting during Ramadan!

    Actually, we just stopped selling ‘em cuz they wasn’t doin’ too well. Denise’s charcoal eyes flashed an apology, and BJ sucked his teeth. 

    Aww, man, he said while rubbing his white New York Nets jersey frenetically over his flat stomach. I’m feenin’.

    But let me see if Larry will make one just for you, she added in a rush, referring to the cook. 

    Ashley suppressed a smile. She been after that boy as long as I can remember.

    Aight’ cool. Good lookin’. BJ cheesed, and Denise giggled while Ashley rolled her eyes. 

    What about ‘chu, Ash? Denise turned to her.

    I’m just gon’ get a green smoothie. I lost my appetite seein’ Miss Thing over there. A sour look pinched her face as Ashley peered in her cousin’s direction, and Denise followed her gaze. 

    Oh. Yo cuz’ been here for a minute. Said she was workin’ on a paper.

    "Yea? Well, she also workin’ my nerves. I can’t go nowhere. I go to school, she there. I go home, she there. Now she kickin’ it at Devon’s? Ashley’s face flushed with frustration as she narrowed her eyes in contempt. The chick is everywhere." 

    Denise’s chuckle was accented by an awkward shrug. I don’t know, I mean, she seem pretty cool to me. But then, witnessing Ashley’s crestfallen face, the waitress struck a sneaky look. Propping her tray under one arm, she added, But umm, give me some time. I’m sure I can get some dirt on her. Denise rubbed her hands back and forth while throwing a confident smile at her bestie. 

    Ashley’s smile back was so large, it practically blinded her. See! she hailed, "That’s why you my girl. You always got my back. Her thick, microbladed eyebrows zoomed to the ceiling as she chucked her head at BJ. Unlike some people."

    Look. I don’t get in the mix of female drama. Falling back into his chair, BJ stuck his arms across his body in defense. "I watch cat fights. I don’t join ‘em." 

    Yea? Then how come when Elise McWright wanted to scrap, you jumped in? Ashley peered at him with a face full of accusation.

    That was eighth grade. 

    So. It still counts.

    "Aye. Elise McWright was as big as a dude. You was gon’ need help with that one. BJ gestured to the girth of their childhood peer by stretching his arms out wide at his sides. That girl know she ain’t have no business bullying no-body. As big as she was. Shoot, she musta failed at least twice."

    Ashley giggled, her mood chipper again. Yea. She failed three times. That broad was big enough to catch a case. 

    Y’all buggin’, Denise said, laughing too. I’m a go put in the order. I’ll be back. BJ’s eyes lingered on Denise’s backside as she headed to the cook.

    I wish they would just hook up already, Ashley thought, then began eyeing her reflection in her phone camera. A pleased smile crept along her full, salmon-hued lips as she feasted on the mirrored image. Smooth skin, falling cozily somewhere in between caramel and honey-colored, shimmered in the glass, and the thick, long tresses adorning her head, normally cascading over her shoulders, were swept back into a ponytail. An added bonus to her face were the full, curvy legs, enhanced from running distance, and large round hips that sealed the deal. Today, a pair of Nike neon running shorts smothered those hips along with a white Champion cropped top. It was a sporty look topped off with white and gray Asics running shoes.

    Why don’t ‘chu just holla at her? Ashley asked BJ, referring to Denise, but her eyes still lay stapled to her reflection.

    Cuz, man. It would be too weird. We known each other foreva. And, if it don’t work, then the friendship is jacked. BJ said it as if it were obvious as to why he wouldn’t pursue Denise.

    "I mean, didn’t somebody say it’s better to have loved and lost? Ashley insisted, even though she couldn’t remember exactly who had said that. And you know she gone’ say ‘yea.’." She flipped her long black ponytail over one shoulder to get it off her neck and smoothed it out so that the strays were now in-line. She was still cooling down from their run.

    BJ half-smiled to himself, and she could tell he was contemplating her words. Yea. But I don’t know, he started. You know me and Denise both be on some trash. BJ snickered while sliding around the saltshaker on the table one-handed. 

    Ashley chuckled too, clicking off her phone. You right about that. I don’t know whose roster is longer. Hers, or yours. Her friend beamed, taking her comments as a compliment, but Ashley’s light-hearted smile was short-lived. A deep sound reverberated from her throat, rivaling that of a growl. She couldn’t believe her eyes. "No this chick did not!" With pursed lips, she stared daggers in her cousin’s direction. 

    "What now?" BJ’s smile faltered too as he twisted around so he could see what she was glaring at. Natalie was joined by a tall, brown-skin dude with a mean current of waves rippling through his fade. He was fitted in a white T, denim shorts, and a pair of Jordan’s. A black Calvin Klein messenger bag shimmied across his athletic form. 

    Welp, BJ announced, eyes growing wide. She done’ did it now. 

    Shock tumbled from Ashley’s mouth with every word. She actually kickin’ it with Darren. Up until this point, Ashley had had no tangible evidence that Darren was really interested in Natalie. It was just something his friend Tone had mentioned last time they hung out. 

    But it looks like it’s actually true. Ashley was queasy and started brushing her nails against her stomach in long, even strokes. Darren was her first. Her first kiss. Her first love. Her first everything. It had been almost two years since the breakup, and he still had a special place in her heart. She knew he always would. Now Natalie pushing up on him! Ain’t this some shit.

    BJ patted her hand on the table, knowing how she felt about Darren. I’m sorry, Ash.

    She didn’t respond. This hoe got to go.

    Here y'all go. Denise presented their orders, and Ashley tackled her smoothie before giving it an angry slurp.

    Dang. You gone’ kill that straw in a second, her friend commented with a giggle, but stopped when Ashley didn’t join in.

    She trippin’ cuz Darren here, BJ spit out between a mouthful of his panini and fries.

    Ashley sucked her teeth. "I ain’t trippin’ on him."

    Oh. My bad. She trippin’ cuz he talkin’ to Natalie, he corrected, only it came out muffled and incoherent as globs of pepper jack cheese attacked his lightly stubbled chin. He threw back his smoothie to wash down the fistful still buried inside his cheeks.

    "Ugh. Boy, can you please wipe your mouth? Ashley eyed him in disgust. You eat like we still in middle school." Frowning, she wagged her head in disbelief as Denise, with a silly grin on her face, handed BJ a napkin. My girl cannot possibly think that is attractive. 

    BJ smashed the napkin against his mouth, still chewing. "Thanks. I’m glad somebody know how to help a brotha out. Denise’s sloppy grin only grew at BJ’s statement. Guess it’s some sistas out here that still know how to treat a man," he added, his eyes pointing at Ashley, before he took another colossal bite of his sandwich.

    Well. You show me a man, and I’ll treat him right, she tossed back with a smirk.

    Chuckling, Denise said, Y'all. I gotta get back to work, then turned to Ashley. Text me later? 

    Ashley nodded, all the while thinking, I definitely will, cuz I’m a need my girl to help get rid of Miss Thing, most def. With another feisty gulp of her green smoothie, Ashley cut her eyes at her ex talking to her cousin.

    Just go holla at ‘em. BJ’s tone was as soft as a pillow as he watched her stare. He had finished his sandwich and was once again speaking in coherent sentences. Be the bigger person. 

    Ashley sighed in frustration and popped her phone back out. There was no way she was going over there. Ignoring him, she whisked through her TikTok and Snapchat accounts until a memory photo of her and BJ from seven years ago burst on the screen. 

    BJ smacked his teeth at the ceiling before slouching back into his seat, then eyed her. So. You goin’ over there? 

    As his eyes burned into her, Ashley got that same feeling in the pit of her stomach that she did when she knew her dad expected better of her. Resigned, she huffed, Fine and dismissed the Snapchat memory. Since clearly he ain’t gonna let it go until I do. 

    For a few moments, Ashley danced her hands around her drink, then took another long, leisurely sip. Afterwards, she peeked inside her purse for her lip gloss and dragged it across her lips under BJ’s scrutiny. Dang, B. Can I get myself together in peace? She scowled.

    BJ cocked his head in annoyance. "You’re perfect. Now, GO.

    Sometimes I swear he think he’s my damn father. Grunting, Ashley dumped her items back into her purse before easing from the table. Moments later, she greeted her cousin with an attempted small smile. Hey, cuz’. Wuz up. 

    Natalie’s warm cocoa eyes peered up at her as Darren’s mouth slightly parted. He squirmed a little in his seat. 

    His ass has the nerve to look uncomfortable. Good. You know you don’t need to be over here with my cousin.

    Hey, Natalie responded in an upbeat tone. I didn’t know you were here. The epitome of an ebony model for Gap, she popped up straighter in her chair. Natalie was sporting a pink glittery tank top that smartly complimented her mocha skin and khaki shorts that did nothing to hide the large round butt that Ashley always admired. All-white sandals decked her feet, each boosted by a slight tan wedge. They looked a little worn to Ashley, but still clean. Unlike herself, Natalie wore very little makeup. The only hint of it was the light shine on her lips that glistened if the sun hit just right. 

    What could he possibly see in her? Ashley wondered. We couldn’t be more different. Tilting a pair of cool eyes at Natalie, she replied, Yea. I been here for a minute. Ashley paused, doing a little two-step with her feet. So. What y'all up to? The question came out accusatory, and for one brief moment, she locked eyes with Darren. 

    He hung his head a few inches with a, Hey, Ash, to which she gave a curt nod.

    Natalie watched the odd exchange. Uh. We’re not doing much, she stated, and an open look of uncertainty settled over her almond-toned features. 

    Yes you are heffa. You over here blatantly flirting with my ex! Ashley couldn’t stop the thoughts that bum-rushed her mind, but she held them at bay after shooting a look at BJ. He mimed for her to continue.

    Out of nowhere, Darren fidgeted with a pencil and started tapping it against the keyboard section on his laptop. The beat he was making formed into a distinct sound that Ashley couldn’t help but equate to Neyo’s version of Zap’s Computer Love. She gripped her Birkin against her body, her knuckles beginning to balloon. His petty ass.

    A moment of silence joined the trio, other than Darren’s pencil-induced beat. Natalie watched the pair’s lack of interaction in apparent discomfort, and all Ashley could think about was the damn U 2 Luv song.

    Can you stop that please? she blurted at Darren, and although he ceased his tapping, he pitched her a sharp look.

    Yea. Uhh. We were just workin’ on this paper our writing professor assigned, Natalie volunteered in a blatant attempt to break the tension. I think I mentioned Darren was in my class. Right? She pointed a finger at Darren with her hand flipped over, the whiteness of her palm facing upward.

    Ashley scrunched her nose and tried to make her voice sound unsure. Hmm...I don’t remember you sayin’ that. 

    "Yes. I did. Remember? her cousin insisted. I was sayin’, this dude named Darren Ellis made a joke about the number of white people decreasing every day when they realized it was a class on Black writers."

    Darren laughed, his nut-brown face breaking into a wide, charming smile. Yo. It was real. You know it was like six people that first day, and now we got like two? He glanced at Natalie, who also chuckled. 

    Ashley glared again at BJ. The truth was that Ashley did know Darren was in Natalie’s class, but she had gotten so caught up in her feelings seeing them together at Devon’s that it didn’t dawn on her that the reason could have been for schoolwork. She nodded slowly, still frowning as she fingered the strap to her bag. 

    Oh. Yea. Well, anyway... I’m on my way out, so... Ashley soccer-kicked her chin towards the door where BJ was waiting. Just wanted to say ‘Hi’. See y'all later, she muttered and strangled her Birkin while whirling on her Asics.

    Umm. Ok. It's cool, Natalie called. I mean… thanks. 

    Yea. See you, Darren added, but it was moments after Ashley had turned, and the statement was only a whisper to her ears. 

    Speeding to the entrance, her legs felt like lead against the cafe’s dark hardwood floor. Ugh! I wish I hadn’t let BJ talk me into that, she fumed, but then her eyes met BJ’s and he was half-smiling. Ashley could tell he was proud of her, and that caused her to feel a little better. As she reached for the handle on the door, he absorbed the tension from her body with a small squeeze to her shoulder. Before they walked out, she offered him a small smile and a quiet, Thanks

    So, wuz up? BJ asked as soon as they got situated in the car. How’d it go?

    Awkward as hell.

    But don’t you feel like Michelle Obama, knowing that you took the high road? Laughter peeked at her through BJ’s chocolate eyes, and Ashley couldn’t resist laughing out loud herself. His approval was a warm blanket covering her heart.

    I guess… She let her voice trail, but after a moment, a gleam hit her eye. She spewed in a hardened tone, But the deal is, B, she pushin’ up on him. I don’t care what that heffa say. 

    Sighing in surrender, BJ slumped back, crunching into the peanut butter cup leather seat. "Maybe. But now you can at least say you did the right thing."

    Ashley wasn’t so sure about that. I mean, what the hell is the right thing in this situation? My cousin going after the only man I actually ever loved? And I’m supposed to cheese all in they face like the shit is ok? I’m not feelin’ it. But she kept her thoughts to herself as she dropped BJ off at his apartment in Queens. Ashley knew he wouldn’t understand; BJ had never been in love.

    Studying, my ass. She on him and I’m not having it, she seethed, tightening her grip again on the wheel and strong-arming her way through freeway traffic. Natalie is a straight ‘A’ student. Who the heck does she need help from for school? Ashley’s jaw was a thick line of determination as she ruminated on getting rid of her cousin the whole drive home.

    Chapter 2

    Close Call


    Natalie watched her cousin's guy friend squeeze her shoulder when Ashley met him at the front door. Looks like he was watching our conversation the whole time. Weird

    She was still observing BJ and Ashley when Darren asked, Uh…where were we?

    Sooo. We just gone' act like that wasn't super awkward? Subtlety was never her strong suit. 

    Darren flashed a shrug while staring at the pencil he clutched. His dark eyes brooded over the thick, black lead corroded from overuse. Well, I mean. I'm sure you know me and your cousin have history. He shifted another uncomfortable shoulder with a slight frown. That's all.

    Ok. So. What history? Natalie looked at him.

    You really don't know?

    I wouldn't be asking if I did. Tossing both arms over her chest, Natalie sat back and waited.

    Well… I dated her for a minute. It was kinda deep. But that's been over for a while now. Darren's summary was as brief as an obituary in the Sunday newspaper.

    Wow. Y'all dated? Natalie was shocked. Yea. I definitely didn't know. Now everything is making sense.

    I can't believe she didn't mention it. Darren rolled his eyes. Yea. We were high school sweethearts and all that. He paused, widening his gaze at her. I guess y'all not close at all, huh?

    Natalie was caught off guard by the question. What business was it of his? "We're cool enough, she said in a testy tone. We just didn't grow up together. But anyways, let's get back to this paper." A crisp nod at his open laptop was her indication for Darren to continue reading.

    Truth be told, Natalie didn't know why she and Ashley weren't close. They had been in each other's lives, at least from a distance, since they were in diapers. They got along great as kids, even spending summers together and having sleepovers, but somewhere around junior high, Ashley became distant. 

    Every time I try to get near her, it seems like she has her guard up, Natalie mused in concern. Like she doesn't trust me or something. Natalie had assumed that moving to New Jersey after her mom's death would help her bond with her cousin. After all, Ashley's mom died when we were just kids. If anyone understands that kind of loss, it should be her. But instead of her cousin being a support, it felt more like Natalie was in Jersey, recovering from grief, all on her own.

    I will never leave you or forsake you! The heartfelt message enshrouded Natalie's mind along with God's supernatural presence.

    With a slight tilt to her head, she lowered her chestnut-hued eyes. Thank you, Lord!

    Shifting her focus back to Darren, Natalie decided she would try harder to win her cousin's affection. Maybe it's the Darren thing that's bothering her? He's cute and all, but not enough for me to lose my cousin over. The thought solidified in Natalie’s mind as she played with the keys on her laptop. Whatever it is, I'm gonna make it right. Nothing could be that deep that we can’t resolve it. After all, we’re family.

    So. Um, Darren's stilted voice broke into her concerns. It's, uh, Friday. He was fiddling with his pencil again, and Natalie glanced at him, perplexed.

    Yea? She chuckled. Good observation.

    I know you probably got somebody you hooking up with tonight. When Darren's lips curved into an attractive smile, Natalie's stomach took a nosedive.

    Before she could think up a better response, she replied, Uhhh. No. Not really. Please don't ask me out. Please don't ask me out. Please don't ask me out.

    Darren's eyes tinted with hope. Oh yea? I was thinking about catching a movie. I usually kick it with my kid brother on Fridays, but can you believe his little 13-year-old self has a freakin' date? Laughter rumbled through his muscular frame, forcing Natalie to crack a smile.

    Wow. I didn't start dating 'til I was like, 15.

    "Man, these kids is growing up too fast. Apparently, homie snapchatted her and asked her to come over to catch a movie. My mom ain't bout to let him do nothing outside of her supervision, so that was pretty much his only option."

    Wow. I can't even think of any boys back then who would have been bold enough to ask me out. Natalie tackled her chin with her pointer finger while pondering. I did like this kid for a while in 6th grade, and he liked me back, but neither of us was brave enough to do anything about it. We just made googly eyes all the time in class. A fond chuckle sprouted from her lips at the memory.

    Right. I think I probably got the nerve by 14, but Snapchat woulda helped a brotha out, though, foreal! With a look of animation, Darren cocked his neck, and Natalie giggled.

    Yea. I coulda used some help myself, she admitted. I was always too scared of boys. Probably was a good thing at that age, though. Her eyes shined with mischief.

    Darren's face turned serious. Oh yea? Well. What about now? He inched in a little.

    Shoot. Hesitating, Natalie's eyes drilled holes into her laptop screen. I mean. I definitely want to meet the right guy, she began and slicked her tongue slowly over both lips. But honestly, I've got a lot of stuff on my plate. I'm still getting settled, and I don't really have time to focus on that. She stole a glance at him before averting her gaze. You know?

    Darren replied fast. Oh. Yea. I feel you. I was just checking. Anyways. I guess we about done, huh? He tapped the open laptop, and Natalie shook her head in agreement.

    Yea. We got through it. Hopefully, Professor Dawson sees the improvement in your writing.

    "Mhmm. I'm sure he will. He loves you, so I'll probably tell him you helped me with the paper just so he can give me an A on GP!" 

    Natalie laughed and play-shoved his shoulder. "Whatever. This is your work. I just gave you some tips."

    Darren packed his things, and Natalie toyed with the rim of her mug in thought. Should I really not go out with him? The question swirled around in her mind like a hula hoop as Darren stood to leave.

    Natalie had just started developing an interest and finding out that Darren dated her cousin was slightly shocking. He was the first real friend she had made after her move and the only person she talked to on the regular. Her heart was dampened at the prospect of a missed opportunity.

    Darren pitched another lopsided grin. Thanks, Natalie. Appreciate you!

    To keep herself from doing something stupid, Natalie squeezed her mug and smiled her reply. He dated your cousin. He dated your cousin. He dated your cousin.

    When Darren left, she pushed aside all thoughts of him to focus on her work. Since transferring to The City College of New York from Penn State, Natalie found it to be a smooth enough transition, but she still needed to be mindful about staying on top of things.

    I know my attention span has been off since mom passed, she thought while completing her assignment for her Psych class a week later than when it was due. Thankfully, her prof was cool and had given her an extension. 

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