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The January 6th Report: The Report of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol
The January 6th Report: The Report of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol
The January 6th Report: The Report of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol
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The January 6th Report: The Report of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol

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The most important political investigation since Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s probe into Russian influence on the 2016 election of Donald J. Trump.
The full report by the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol features facts, circumstances, and causes related to the assault on the Capitol Complex. Formed on July 1, 2021, the Select Committee has issued over one hundred subpoenas and held over a thousand witness interviews.
The report will provides the results of investigations into interference with the peaceful transfer of power; the preparedness and response of the United States Capitol police and other federal, state, and local law enforcement; and the influencing factors that fomented the insurrection and attack on American representative democracy engaged in a constitutional process.
The Select Committee investigation and the January 6th report joins the Mueller Report, the 9/11 Commission Report, the Warren Report, the Starr Report, and Watergate as one of the most important investigations in US history. The January 6th Report will be required reading for everyone with interest in American politics, for every 2020 voter, and every American.
Release dateDec 27, 2022
The January 6th Report: The Report of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Again, no effort at objectivity, nonpartisanship, or even honesty. Will truth just go down Orwell’s 1984 memory hole?

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The January 6th Report - Darren Beattie

Foreword copyright © 2023 by Darren Beattie

The documents in this book have been released by the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the US Capitol and no copyright is claimed.

The text in this edition corresponds to the original report released by the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the US Capitol at approximately 9:56 p.m. on Thursday, December 22, 2022. Any subsequent updates to the publicly available report made by the Committee are not reflected in this edition.

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January 6 is a date that will live in controversy. To many top Democrats, much of the legacy media, and even some establishment Republicans that darkest of days warrants a spot in the pantheon of great American tragedies—right alongside Pearl Harbor and September 11. Vice President Kamala Harris likened the so-called assault on democracy on January 6 to both of those attacks. Not to be outdone, President Biden described the January 6 insurrection as the worst attack on Democracy since the Civil War. Former president George W. Bush commemorated the twentieth anniversary of 9/11 with a subtle comparison to January 6—a striking comparison also entertained by fellow Republican war hawks Liz Cheney and Lindsey Graham.

Much of Trump’s base, meanwhile, embraces a radically different interpretation of the events of January 6. Though Congressman Andrew Clyde indelicately downplayed the January 6 rioters’ intrusion into the Capitol as a normal tourist visit, he nonetheless reflected the thinking of many Trump supporters in his view that there were some rioters, and some who committed acts of vandalism . . . but to call it an insurrection is a bold-faced lie. Many share the view that among the modest percentage of rally-goers who committed violence or vandalism, many were not Trump supporters at all, and indeed may have been Antifa sympathizers. Still others, including the author of this foreword, advance the highly disturbing thesis that the federal government may have had a hand in allowing the riot to happen, and even in some cases may have actively instigated it.

These radically different interpretations of the events of January 6 reflect the extreme political polarization that helped to condition those events in the first place. And while there is surely hyperbole on both sides, the notion that the events of January 6 amount to terrorism, much less terrorism of a variety comparable to September 11, is not only untenable, but also absurd and dangerous.

September 11 was the deadliest terrorist attack in history, claiming the lives of nearly three thousand victims and resulting in insurance losses of approximately $40 billion. This, of course, does not include the impact on the stock market, airline industry, or the immeasurable blood and treasure spent on the ensuing Afghanistan and Iraq Wars. The alleged insurrection of January 6, by contrast, directly resulted in four deaths, all of whom were Trump supporters, including the unarmed Ashli Babbitt, who was fatally shot in the neck by a Capitol Police officer. According to a March 2021 estimate, the rioters who stormed the Capitol inflicted a grand total of $1.5 million in property damage—a fraction of the $1 billion damage caused by politically charged riots in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death, much less September 11.

There is one crucial sense, however, in which the otherwise offensively stupid comparison between September 11 and January 6 is devastatingly appropriate. The War on Terror that President George W. Bush launched in response to the 9/11 attacks didn’t simply involve wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, it involved an unprecedented enlargement and reconfiguration of America’s national security apparatus. The Patriot Act, the NSA’s domestic surveillance campaign, and the creation of the mammoth Department of Homeland Security mark just a few highlights of the muscular post-9/11 national security state. Just as we associate 9/11 with the War on Terror, and specifically the war on Radical Islamic Terror, so might we associate January 6 with the Domestic War on Terror—that is, the government’s repurposing of the national security state domestically in order to silence, suppress, and crush the alleged national security threats emerging from the political right. This Domestic War on Terror kicked into high gear in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s presidential victory in 2016. For better or worse, the national security state perceived not only Donald Trump, but the Trump phenomenon (the energies surrounding the emergence of Trump as a political force) as an existential threat and acted accordingly.

In early September 2021, Politico reported on a Department of Homeland Security memo identifying white supremacy as the number one terror threat America faces—ahead of not only the left-wing groups responsible for an extended summer of fire and violence while protesting the death of George Floyd (DHS did not even name Antifa as a threat), but also ahead of foreign terrorist groups. President Biden’s attorney general Merrick Garland echoed FBI Director Christopher Wray in his assessment that racially motivated extremism of the especially white variety presents the premier threat to democracy. President Biden himself took the occasion of his State of the Union speech to echo the alleged consensus of intelligence agencies that the most lethal threat to the homeland today is white supremacist terrorism.

In another speech, Biden was quick to assert that the January 6 deadly insurrection was about white supremacy. One or two out of the tens of thousands of people who attended the January 6 rally carried a Confederate flag. A Capitol Police officer alleged that rioters repeatedly called him the n-word after he revealed that he voted for Biden. In the mountains of video of January 6, no evidence has emerged that would support that officer’s claims, and we can be pretty sure if there were such evidence the media would be happy to play it nonstop to add additional scandal to the so-called insurrection. Even the Proud Boys militia group, described in countless media headlines as white supremacist, was run by an Afro-Cuban during January 6.

Ultimately, the lack of evidence of genuine white supremacy in relation to January 6 is immaterial. When Biden suggests that January 6 was motivated by white supremacy, he means white supremacy in the broad sense, in which partisan detractors and much of the media refer to anything adjacent to Donald Trump as white supremacist. This is the same sense in which Hillary Clinton described January 6 as a tragically predictable result of white supremacist grievances aired by Donald Trump, and referred to the phrase Make America Great Again as a slogan favored by white nationalists. It is in the context of this broader, politically weaponized conception of white supremacy that we can see how ominous it really is that major national security bureaucracies now target white supremacy as the number one security threat. The Domestic War on Terror then starts to look dangerously distant from a situation in which the nation’s national security apparatus exists to protect Americans from foreign threats, and more like a situation in which the national security apparatus exists to suppress, demonize, and destroy one political faction of the nation on behalf of its rival.

Many on the right are frustrated with the seeming inordinate attention the media and hostile Democrat politicians give to January 6 and would prefer to ignore it and move on. And if January 6 were treated as an isolated event, this attitude might have some validity. Even if we grant that January 6 as a factual matter is far less significant than advertised, January 6 is powerfully intertwined narratively with a number of the most important themes of the past several years, from COVID, to the 2020 election, to the aforementioned reconfiguration and political weaponization of America’s national security apparatus. As the saying goes, many on the right may not be interested in January 6, but January 6 is interested in them. The right needs to understand and address January 6 if only for purposes of self-preservation in counteracting the dominant domestic terrorist insurrection narrative used as a pretext to portray tens of millions of Trump supporters as potential terror threats.

It is not just the right that should be interested in a proper understanding of January 6. The increasing political weaponization of the national security state is a trend that ought to concern all citizens, even those who at the moment are sufficiently apolitical or politically correct as to not be directly affected by it. Even those who might despise Trump and his supporters would benefit from reassessing with an open mind what they think they know about the events of January 6. Even if we grant the offensively absurd notion that it was an act of domestic terror comparable to 9/11, shouldn’t the rioters at least be granted the same courtesy the New York Times extended to the rioters protesting George Floyd’s death in front of the White House? The protestors set off fires that spread to the Church of the Presidents, assaulted police officers, and stormed through the barricades of the Department of Treasury right next to the White House, forcing then-president Trump to retreat to a special security bunker. The Times chastises Trump for painting such protestors with the broad brush of violent radicalism without addressing the underlying conditions that led such rioters to the streets.¹

No matter one’s political perspective, there is much at stake in gaining an accurate understanding of the context, significance, and causes of the events of January 6. In theory, a well-functioning, objective investigative body like the January 6 Committee might even make sense toward gaining such understanding. Indeed, part of the purpose of this foreword is to sketch out the sorts of questions that such a body might want to investigate in order to get to the bottom of the events of January 6 and prevent anything similar from happening in the future.

Before exploring such questions, however, it will be useful to show that the current January 6 Committee is the absolute worst vehicle imaginable for investigating January 6. Far from serving as an objective fact-finding body, the January 6 Committee functioned as such an egregiously performative, partisan kangaroo display as to make propagandists in North Korea blush.


Established on July 1, 2021, via a party-line vote, the United States House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol (hereafter Committee) announced its purpose to investigate and report on the facts, circumstances, and causes of the domestic terrorist attack upon the United States Capitol Complex on January 6. As suggested above, an accurate understanding of the facts, circumstances, and causes of the events of January 6 should be of great interest to all Americans. Unfortunately, one would be hard pressed to conceive of an institution less suited to an unbiased, objective, and accurate investigation of January 6.

A quick glance at the profiles of those staffing the Committee is damning enough. The Committee of nine members of Congress consists of seven Democrats and two Republicans, all approved by arch-partisan Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who was one of the driving forces behind the second impeachment of Donald Trump. The two Republicans on the committee, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, are stalwart Trump-detractors who arguably oppose Trump more than most of the Democrats on the Committee. Thus, the putatively (slightly) bipartisan Committee consists of seven anti-Trump Democrats who voted for Trump’s impeachment and two anti-Trump Republicans who voted for Trump’s impeachment (out of over two hundred House Republicans, only ten voted for impeachment). One of the Democrat Committee members, Jamie Raskin, served as lead impeachment manager for the second impeachment of Donald Trump. Another member, Democrat congressman Adam Schiff, was one of the most aggressive promoters of the so-called Steele dossier that became the basis of the Russiagate conspiracy alleging that Donald Trump colluded with Russians during the 2016 campaign. The Steele dossier turned out to be a complete fabrication and the Russian source of the information was later charged with lying to the FBI.

Recall that the second impeachment against Trump charged the former president with incitement of insurrection. It is hardly conceivable that those who not only supported impeachment (and conviction) for this charge, but played active leadership roles in the impeachment, could conduct a fresh and objective investigation into the causes and circumstances of January 6. Impeachment wasn’t even fast enough for some January 6 Committee members—Republican Adam Kinzinger was so eager to get rid of Trump that he was the first Republican to urge Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to declare Trump unfit for office and have him removed as president.

Just as noteworthy as the heavy presence in the Committee of those associated with impeachment efforts against Trump is the presence of officials with connections to the national security state. The aforementioned Adam Schiff is currently the head of the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Liz Cheney, daughter of infamous war hawk and national security insider Dick Cheney, sits on the Armed Services Committee. The senior staff to the January 6 Committee includes a former CIA inspector general, a Homeland Security advisor to Chairman Bennie Thompson, and a career Department of Homeland Security official who has worked with the organization since its inception in the aftermath of September 11.

The most striking and unreported national security connection exists with the chairman of the January 6 Committee itself, Representative Bennie Thompson. Not only is Bennie Thompson the chair of the January 6 Committee, he also happens to be the chair of the Homeland Security Committee. In fact, this is Bennie Thompson’s ninth term as chairman of the Homeland Security Committee. Essentially, whenever Democrats run Congress Thompson is tapped to run the Homeland Security Committee, which oversees all matters pertaining to the Department of Homeland Security.

In 2007, Thompson’s first act as chair of the Homeland Security Committee was to sponsor a bill that granted sweeping new police powers to the DHS, using the pretext of 9/11. Given his favored position with both the Democrat establishment and with the national security state, there is perhaps no man better suited than Bennie Thompson to use his perch on the January 6 Committee to facilitate the weaponization of the DHS domestically against Trump supporters, using January 6 as a pretext (more on this later).

It is fair to say that our biographical tour of the January 6 Committee is sufficient to manage our expectations regarding the objectivity of its investigation. The Committee was never set up to present a good faith account of January 6, and so we won’t waste our time with an extended point-by-point refutation of the Committee’s arguments. Nonetheless, we will briefly cover some of the highlights of the Committee’s farcical conduct.

The most striking (albeit not terribly surprising) aspect of the January 6 Committee is how relentlessly Trump-focused it is. Chairman Bennie Thompson kicked off the televised Committee hearing with the pronouncement that January 6 was the culmination of an attempted coup . . . a sprawling multistep conspiracy aimed at overturning an election. Donald Trump was the center of the conspiracy, who spurred on the mob to the Capitol in order to subvert American democracy. Liz Cheney asserted that Trump summoned the mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of attack and carried out a sophisticated seven-part plan to overturn the 2020 election and prevent the peaceful transition of power.

The actual evidence that President Trump did anything close to incitement is underwhelming, to put it generously. Many Trump detractors, including Liz Cheney, lean on specific phrases in Trump’s January 6 speech, such as his exhortation to fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore. That such a routine piece of political rhetoric could be adduced as proof that Trump somehow summoned the mob or incited a riot against the Capitol gives us a sense of how maniacally desperate and ultimately ridiculous the case against Trump really is. And this is leaving aside the fact that Trump explicitly urged his supporters to march to the Capitol peacefully and patriotically. Nonetheless, the allegedly incriminating nature of the fight like hell phrase played a substantial role in the second impeachment of Donald Trump for inciting the Capitol riot.

Perhaps out of recognition that the incitement case against Trump is too weak on its own, the Committee alleges that Trump’s summoning the mob on January 6 was the culmination of a sophisticated seven-part plan to overturn the 2020 election and prevent the peaceful transition of power, in Liz Cheney’s words. Other than the claim that Trump directly summoned the mob to the Capitol, the seven-point plan pertains to Trump’s behavior days, weeks, and in some cases months before January 6, acting upon the so-called Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen from him.

For all of the Committee’s fixation on the term Big Lie, the Committee presents precious little if any evidence that Donald Trump didn’t genuinely believe that election fraud ultimately tipped the balance against him, causing him to lose the 2020 election to Joe Biden. The Committee’s first televised hearing repeated ad nauseum a video clip of Trump’s former attorney general Bill Barr referring to Trump’s election fraud theories as bullshit. Apart from Barr, the Committee referenced numerous Trump associates who claim to have told the former president that his election fraud theories were wrong. The simple fact that some of Trump’s senior staffers may have disagreed with Trump on the election issue is hardly proof that Trump was persuaded by them, and that therefore Trump’s efforts to stop the steal amounted to a deliberate lie and malicious attempt to prevent the legitimate and peaceful transition of power. Barr’s additional remark that Trump was completely detached from reality when it came to the 2020 election unwittingly undermines the Committee’s suggestion that Trump was lying about the matter.

It would take us too far afield to consider the election fraud allegations in detail on the merits. It is perhaps understandable that Trump wouldn’t simply have been convinced by staffers who disagreed, no matter how senior. From the beginning, the Trump presidency was plagued with personnel who revealed themselves to be just as antagonistic toward Trump as his more conspicuous detractors—by the end of the first term even Trump was beginning to realize this. During the lame duck period of Trump’s presidency, many staff members would be especially concerned with preserving whatever political capital they had left, and the way to do that would not have been going along with Trump’s election fraud theories, irrespective of their truth or falsity. No doubt Trump also must have remembered Bill Barr’s September 2020 interview on CNN, in which the former attorney general emphatically warned that mail-in voting was playing with fire, and characterized implementing an unprecedented mail-in voting scheme, which as a matter of logic is very open to fraud and coercion, as reckless and dangerous, given how divided the country is and how important it is for the public to accept the legitimacy of the election. In light of this damning assessment by Attorney General Bill Barr (which, curiously, the Committee did not highlight), and the context of relentless political antagonism against Trump coming from just about every institution in the United States, one can perhaps understand why Trump would approach the 2020 election results with some degree of skepticism.

Many of the other charges against Trump have to do with actions he allegedly took with staffers and other political officials and institutions stemming from his conviction that a substantial degree of fraud occurred in 2020. For instance, the Committee made much of reports that President Trump considered replacing acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen with another Department of Justice staffer, Jeffrey Clark, who was more closely aligned with Trump’s views on the election. Executive branch employees, including the acting attorney general, serve at the pleasure of the president. There is nothing ostensibly wrong about the president considering the appointment of someone more in line with his thinking to the position, just as DOJ staffers were within their rights when they threatened to resign should Trump go ahead with that replacement.

Another point of contention with the Committee is Trump’s belief that Vice President Pence had the authority not to certify the election results, and that states could appoint alternate slates of electors who would be more favorable to Trump than Biden. Like the broader issue of voter fraud itself, it would be impossible and inadvisable to adjudicate the merits of the legal theories behind these strategies. It suffices to say that approaches such as the alternate slates strategy enjoyed the support of well-credentialed legal professionals, including University of Chicago–educated law professor John Eastman. There is no question that Trump believed the election was substantially compromised by fraud, and contemplated strategies to address this fraud that were procedurally available to him according to the advice of various legal professionals.

The spectacle of the televised portion of the January 6 Committee was still less convincing when it comes to the case against Trump. Some of the highlights include the so-called bombshell testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson, a former aide to then White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. Hutchinson reported that a Secret Service agent refused Trump’s request to head to the Capitol after his January 6 speech, whereupon Trump allegedly said, I’m the f-ing President, lunged toward the Secret Service agent, and grabbed the steering wheel of the presidential limo.

A few things must be understood in relation to this remarkable testimony. Hutchinson did not claim to have witnessed this incredible display in person, but rather heard about it from a member of Trump’s security detail. It is unclear why the January 6 Committee wouldn’t prefer to have the alleged eyewitness to Trump’s behavior testify, rather than rely on Hutchinson’s secondhand testimony. Remarkably, both the alleged eyewitness, Secret Service agent Robert Engel, and the individual who Hutchinson claims told her the story, Tony Ornato, had given private depositions to the January 6 Committee. Indeed, why not have both testify to give their account of the events? At the very least, release the transcript of their depositions. The Committee’s negligence in this regard makes more sense in light of multiple news reports citing Secret Service sources refuting Hutchinson’s account of events, including Secret Service sources claiming that both Engel and Ornato denied Hutchinson’s claims and wanted the opportunity to testify to this. The Secret Service even tweeted a message indicating a desire and willingness to testify on the matter, though this message was apparently either declined or ignored.

Of course, the Hutchinson debacle would not have been possible if the January 6 Committee allowed for the cross-examination of its witnesses. Allowing cross-examination would severely undermine the credibility of many of the Committee’s cherry-picked star witnesses, and therefore detract from the show-trial experience.

Cross-examination would have been especially instructive for January 6 hearing witness Stephen Ayres. Ayres is a self-described family man who allegedly attended Trump’s speech on January 6 and ended up going inside the Capitol, for which he faces criminal charges. The January 6 Committee paraded Ayres before the public as someone who had been duped by Trump, who maliciously led Ayres to the Capitol with his lies about stolen election and other rhetoric. Ayres claims Trump’s talk of a stolen election made him very upset and he just needed to be down there at the Capitol. He expressed anger at being duped by Trump’s big lie regarding the stolen election, revealing that it makes him mad to think about Trump’s election rhetoric because I was hanging on every word.

In true show-trial fashion, the Committee made a big spectacle of Ayres’s dramatic denunciation of his former belief that election fraud had taken place in 2020. Whereas he used to have horse blinders on thanks to Trump’s lies, he has since done his own research and discovered the error of his ways. With great contrition and remorse, he assured the Committee that he no longer believed in the thought crime of election fraud. And indeed, to call the belief a thought crime is hardly an exaggeration—some January 6 defendants have actually received stiffer penalties as a result of their belief that the election was stolen.

The Committee does not bother to explain how Trump, who called on rally-goers to march peacefully to the capitol, could be responsible for Ayres’s regrettable decision to go into the Capitol. Most importantly, the Committee did not reveal a potentially profound conflict of interest affecting Ayres’s testimony. Indeed, Ayres had entered a cooperation deal with the government to aid in the investigation of 1/6. Ayres’s codefendant, who was being charged with non-violent offenses related to entering the Capitol, tragically committed suicide. It is hard to believe that Ayres’s testimony before the Committee was entirely unaffected by the fact that he still awaited sentencing, and that the government reserved the right to change its sentencing guidelines based on his behavior.

This is just one of many examples of disturbing coordination, whether formal or informal, between the January 6 Committee and the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice announced its seditious conspiracy indictment against Proud Boys members just days before the Committee’s first and much-hyped televised hearing which heavily emphasized the Proud Boys’ alleged role in the so-called attack on the Capitol. In a far more outrageous example of political intimidation, federal authorities raided the home of former senior Department of Justice official Jeffrey Clark, who claimed that they put him in the streets in his pajamas and took his electronics. This political spectacle occurred just one day before a televised January 6 Committee hearing set to discuss Clark’s alleged role in Trump’s January 6 plot. As discussed above, Clark’s great crime was that he was a senior DOJ official who happened to agree with the president that there was substantial election fraud, wanted to take steps to address the fraud, and who President Trump allegedly dared to consider naming as attorney general.

Thus, we see a pattern according to which the DOJ would time various actions against individuals to generate press coverage ahead of a January 6 Committee hearing concerning said individuals. Still more troubling, we see the January 6 Committee using its subpoena power to legally compromise political targets close to Trump. The Committee voted to recommend criminal charges against Jeffrey Clark for refusing to comply with its subpoena. Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon was convicted of contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with the Committee’s subpoena regarding privileged communications with former President Trump.

The notion that such a heavily politicized body as the Committee would have subpoena power to demand sensitive conversations between senior political officials and the President of the United States is indeed remarkable. The contempt of Congress charge applied to those refusing subpoenas is a very rare one, and convictions are rarer still. The fact that the Committee is pursuing such charges at all—and in the case of Steve Bannon, charges which may result in real jail time—underscores how aggressively and ruthlessly political the body really is.

From the standpoint of inappropriate political abuse on the part of the Committee, the most troubling of all is the pressure the Committee exerts both implicitly and explicitly on the Department of Justice to criminally prosecute Donald Trump. Despite the incredible hype, the Committee’s kangaroo-style hearings were a disappointing ratings flop. But the Committee’s lackluster performance in television ratings may not matter, depending on the Committee’s success in persuading an audience of one—namely, Attorney General Merrick Garland. In fact, during a press conference, Garland took the ominous step of announcing that he was watching the Committee hearings and sternly assuring the public that all of the January 6 prosecutors are watching the hearings as well. It would be one thing if the Committee were generally discounted as the highly tendentious political spectacle that it is. It is quite another when the head of the Department of Justice, which is overseeing January 6 criminal prosecutions, lends gravitas to the Committee by assuring the public that he and the January 6 prosecutors are watching the hearings closely. This, combined with the fact that the Department of Justice would time its actions against certain individuals to coincide with the January 6 Committee’s televised hearings, ascribes a legal weight to the Committee which, as we have seen, lacks any of the balance and rigor that one would expect from a legal proceeding.

Given the Committee’s inordinate and indeed maniacal focus on Trump, it is no surprise that one of the chief purposes of the Committee is to create pressure and pretext for the Department of Justice to criminally prosecute Donald Trump. Committee member Adam Kinzinger expressed his hope that the DOJ would move forward with prosecuting Trump. Many commentators have expressed the view that the Committee effectively tees up a ready-made criminal prosecution against Trump to the Department of Justice. One of the most vocal advocates of this position is former Obama official Norm Eisen, who, with Noah Bookbinder and Fred Wertheimer, penned an Opinion piece for CNN titled, The January 6 Committee is methodically building a case for criminal conspiracy. Eisen advertised one of his many media appearances on this topic with the statement, after two blockbuster hearings, everyone is asking if the January 6 Committee has enough evidence for a criminal prosecution to make criminal referrals against Donald Trump—I think yes, he added.

It is rather illuminating to consider the Committee’s flimsy allegations against Trump for interfering with the peaceful transfer of power in light of the prospect of the DOJ’s prosecution of Trump and the Committee’s role in assisting that prosecution. One might be forgiven for entertaining the thought that Joe Biden’s Department of Justice hanging the prospect of criminal prosecution over Joe Biden’s 2024 presidential rival constitutes a far greater threat to the peaceful transfer of power and other basic democratic norms, especially given how tenuous, circumstantial, and contrived the criminal evidence against Trump really is.

The Committee’s inordinate focus on Trump’s role on January 6, together with the prospect of criminal prosecution for Trump, highlights why some would describe the Committee and associated efforts as a third impeachment of Trump. It certainly functions as a third impeachment insofar as it is clearly designed to neutralize Trump and his allies as a political force.

A brief look at the genealogy of the January 6 Committee’s case against Trump shows that this description is no mere rhetorical flourish. Of all of the conflicts of interest pointing toward the hopelessly partisan nature of the Committee, perhaps none is so egregious as the seldom reported fact that the Committee’s chairman, Bennie Thompson, was the lead plaintiff in a lawsuit against Donald Trump for the former president’s alleged role in inciting an insurrection on January 6. The lawsuit named four defendants: Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, the Oath Keepers militia group, and the Proud Boys militia group. In his February 2021 complaint, Thompson alleges an elaborate theory whereby Trump and members of his inner circle coordinated with militia groups such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers to incite a crowd to attack the Capitol. The conspiracy theory Thompson alleges in his lawsuit—namely, that the storming of the Capitol was the foreseeable result of a carefully coordinated campaign by Trump to prevent the certification of the election—is strikingly similar to the foregone conclusion advanced by the January 6 Committee.

Bennie Thompson ultimately dropped the lawsuit when he was appointed to head the January 6 Committee in order to avoid the appearance of conflict. One wonders how it wouldn’t be a conflict of interest for someone who filed a personal lawsuit against Trump advancing a specific theory that Trump incited the January 6 insurrection to lead an allegedly objective Committee tasked with investigating January 6.

Equally striking as the similarity of Thompson’s lawsuit with the Committee’s theory of the case are its similarities with the failed second impeachment of Donald Trump for inciting an insurrection on January 6. This is especially noteworthy considering that Thompson filed his lawsuit scarcely a month after the second failed impeachment attempt against Trump. In this context, it is difficult not to view Bennie Thompson’s lawsuit as an extension of the second impeachment of Trump, and therefore as a missing link, as it were, between second impeachment of Trump and the Committee.

The case gets even more damning when we look into the details of Thompson’s lawsuit. As mentioned above, Thompson filed his lawsuit against Trump, ready-made and complete with a theory of the case, scarcely a month after the failed second impeachment attempt against Trump. Given the timeline alone, it is hard to imagine that the planning for Thompson’s lawsuit began too long after Trump’s second impeachment, and at the very least there is little chance that it reflects a fresh reflection on January 6. It is also highly unlikely that Bennie Thompson himself somehow came up with the theory of the case presented in the lawsuit, and one wonders whether the lawsuit was undertaken primarily under Thompson’s initiative or whether he was chosen as an optimal vehicle for the continuation of procedural legal attacks on Trump go all the way back to the first days of his election.

Taking a closer look at the Thompson lawsuit, we see that Thompson was joined by both the NAACP and a lawyer named Joseph Sellers, of the law firm Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll. Sellers isn’t just some random lawyer, and this wouldn’t be the first time Sellers was involved in legal action to harass and hinder Trump. In fact, Sellers was counsel to one of the very first legal efforts against Trump, a lawsuit against Trump for his alleged violation of the emoluments clause. This absurd suit was predicated on the theory that foreign officials staying at Trump properties while visiting DC amounted to a violation of the Constitution’s emoluments clause, which bans presidents from accepting gifts from foreign officials.

Joseph Sellers’s emoluments clause lawsuit was organized by a group called Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW). CREW is a lawfare outfit that enjoyed favorable mention in Clinton operative David Brock’s infamous memo (written before Trump took office) on how to knee-cap the Trump presidency with lawfare, censorship, and other tools. CREW was founded by Joseph Sellers’s friend, former Obama ethics czar Norm Eisen—yes, the same Norm Eisen quoted a few paragraphs above as being one of the most aggressive proponents of the notion that the January 6 Committee has established the basis for an effective criminal prosecution of Trump. And when it comes to plots against Trump, few are more dedicated than Eisen. Apart from the fact that Eisen’s organization CREW was ultimately responsible for no less than 180 lawsuits against the Trump administration, Eisen also drafted ten articles of impeachment against Trump before Trump ever made the call to Ukraine that became the subject of his first impeachment attempt (on which Eisen sat as special counsel). Similarly, the emoluments clause lawsuit against Trump in which Sellers joined Eisen as co-counsel was teed up and ready to go just days after Trump’s inauguration. The timeline of these lawsuits against Trump suggests that they do not reflect good faith, considered reactions to Trump’s behavior, but rather a preordained attack strategy to nullify the 2016 election and ensure that such an outcome can never happen again.

Thus, Joseph Sellers, the key lawyer spearheading Bennie Thompson’s personal lawsuit against Trump for January 6, was a key participant going back to the earliest days of Trump’s presidency in a coordinated effort to paralyze and subvert the Trump presidency with politicized and highly adversarial legal action. How could a January 6 Committee run by Bennie Thompson be anything but a politicized sham?

Just because the January 6 Committee is totally unsuited to fulfill its stated mission to investigate the events of January 6 and prevent a repeat of such events, does not mean that such an endeavor is not worthwhile. For the remainder of this foreword, we will explore some key points that a fair, objective, and unbiased Committee would explore in order to better understand what really happened on January 6.


With all the obsessive and politicized focus on Donald Trump, the Committee fails to adequately explore what is perhaps the most puzzling mystery of January 6—namely, the astonishing security failures that had to take place in order for the January 6 rally to transform into a riot, complete with a so-called breach of the Capitol. Given everything that was to transpire in Washington, DC on January 6, it would be bizarre enough if the Capitol had merely a routine level of security on that particular day. Any remotely substantive study of January 6 reveals that far from not having enhanced security, there seemed to be uniquely poor security on that day.

To begin with, it doesn’t take a security professional to realize that January 6 would be a day that would warrant additional security in Washington, DC generally, and at the Capitol in particular. Congress was set to certify the results of a highly controversial election, about which President Trump was scheduled to speak on precisely the issue of controversy. In early November, Trump supporters conducted numerous Stop the Steal protests at various state Capitols, including Michigan, Arizona, New York, and Oregon, to name a few. Before the Stop the Steal protests at state capitols, there were numerous high-profile protests against COVID restrictions at various state capitols. The most notable of these was an April protest in which hundreds of protestors, some armed, entered the Michigan Capitol. It is important to note that all of these protests were entirely peaceful and legal—in Michigan, one is allowed to open-carry firearms, and the protestors were let into the Michigan state Capitol, subject to the appropriately comical condition that they had their temperatures checked for COVID. Granting the fact that such protests (in contrast to the Black Lives Matter protests of the summer) were peaceful and legal, they nonetheless would have reinforced the commonsense understanding that the US Capitol would require additional security on a day like January 6.

One would think that the above commonsense considerations would make it into the type of routine threat assessment that security agencies conduct before such events as protests and rallies. Not only did such considerations not make it into such threat assessments, these routine assessments curiously did not occur in preparation for January 6. Indeed, for whatever reason, the FBI failed to produce a joint intelligence bulletin ahead of January 6, and the Department of Homeland Security failed to produce a threat assessment. A source described to NPR the DHS’s omission of a routine threat assessment as an intelligence failure and . . . weird.² But like many things associated with January 6, it gets still weirder. The individual whose responsibility it was to produce such a threat assessment, Principal Deputy General Counsel Joseph Maher, is actually a senior staffer on the January 6 Committee, hired by none other than Liz Cheney! How odd that the Committee hires as a staffer someone it should really have on the witness stand to explain in detail why no routine threat assessment for January 6 was written at the DHS. Perhaps Liz Cheney should be questioned as to why, of all people she could have hired on her staff for the January 6 Committee, she chose this individual. One would think Committee chairman Bennie Thompson would take a special interest in this, given that Bennie Thompson is the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee and Maher is a career DHS official, having joined at the organization’s inception in 2002.

The FBI’s failure to produce a joint intelligence bulletin ahead of January 6 is still more bizarre given the information we know that the Bureau had at its disposal. Numerous reports emerged of several quite specific warnings pertaining to January 6 from the FBI field office in Norfolk, VA. This so-called Norfolk memo, issued on January 5, reportedly identified specific threats to members of Congress. Be ready to fight. Congress needs to hear glass breaking, doors being kicked in . . . Go there ready for war, were some of the statements from an online thread mentioned in the FBI’s memo. The memo, which was shared with the Capitol Police and DC Metro Police, also reportedly included maps of a tunnel system inside the Capitol complex. Another map depicted where caravans may have intended to depart from meeting points in South Carolina, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania, en route to DC.

The Norfolk memo exposed the FBI’s original claim, advanced by assistant director of Washington Field Office Steven D’Antuono (more on him later), that the FBI lacked any intelligence suggesting there could be a need for additional security at the US Capitol on January 6. Once the Norfolk memo became known to the public, the FBI’s position shifted to the claim that the memo did not provide sufficiently digested intelligence to be actionable. This claim is hard to believe, especially in light of other actions we know the FBI took in the days before January 6. According to an NBC report, senior FBI officials acknowledged that prior to Jan 6, the FBI had obtained credible and actionable information about individuals who were planning on traveling³ to DC on January 6 with disruptive or violent intentions. The same report revealed that the FBI took efforts to discourage such individuals from going to DC.

It looks plausible that the FBI took steps to prevent certain pro-Trump media influencers from attending events on January 6 as well. On January 5, for instance, pro-Trump media personality Milo Yiannopoulos sent the following ominous message on social network Parler: Just had a knock on the door. I won’t be going to DC. Whatever operation they’ve got running to fuck with patriots, it’s massive and they aren’t playing around. Take care, everyone.

If the FBI was concerned enough about January 6 to dissuade certain people from going to DC, it was also concerned enough to attempt to recruit informants in the weeks leading up to January 6. Former Green Beret Jeremy Brown released a recording of an encounter he had with Department of Homeland Security agents in December of 2020. The DHS agents expressed unspecified concern about something that might transpire in January, and attempted to recruit Brown, who had recently joined the Oath Keepers militia group, to work as a confidential informant. The two DHS agents revealed to Brown that he was only one of nineteen individuals that they intended to approach, presumably to make similar proposals. If just two Tampa DHS agents approached nineteen people in Tampa alone, this suggests Brown’s encounter was a part of a much more aggressive campaign to recruit informants in various militia groups leading up to January 6. We know from court documents that the vice president of the Oath Keepers militia group was an FBI informant, likely one of many embedded within the organization. In September of 2021, the New York Times confirmed that the FBI had at least two active informants embedded within the Proud Boys on January 6, suggesting, in the Times’s own description, that federal law enforcement had a far greater visibility into the assault on the Capitol, even as it was taking place, than was previously known.⁴ A more recent New York Times report conceded that the number of informants could be as many as eight. One of the Proud Boys informants was texting his FBI handler contemporaneously throughout the day, including during the initial breach of Capitol grounds and when he entered the Capitol building itself.

An interesting detail about this particular informant, who according to leaked documents, began a relationship with federal authorities back in July, is that he travelled to DC from Kansas City by way of Lexington, Kentucky. Recall that the Norfolk FBI field office memo mentioned Kentucky as one of the hubs from which caravans would transport potentially unruly rally participants to DC. This raises the question of whether the information regarding the Kentucky rally point came from the informant in question, and if so, whether this implies that information of other rally points in South Carolina and Pennsylvania suggests there were additional informants who arrived in DC from those hubs. In any case, the presence of informants is known to be far greater than that which was officially acknowledged by FBI director Christopher Wray. Indeed, it is very easy to underestimate the degree of federal infiltration especially into the most prominent militia groups associated with January 6—namely the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys. Both the founder of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, and senior Proud Boy member Joe Biggs, have been charged with seditious conspiracy and are known to have been FBI informants in the past, as a matter of public record.

If the January 6 Committee were serious about getting to the bottom of January 6, one would expect them to use their subpoena and investigative power to determine just how many informants were embedded within the militia groups whose members the Justice Department has since prosecuted for January 6–related crimes. It is one thing to be caught off guard, but at a certain level of informant penetration one has to start asking troubling questions as to why the FBI and other government agencies didn’t act upon the information available to them.

Some of the Department of Justice’s behavior in the days leading up to January 6 was so remarkable that it is astonishing that neither the January 6 Committee nor the national media has bothered to ask further questions. In January of 2022, William Arkin published a remarkable story⁵ revealing that on January 3, heads of multiple elite government special operations teams met in Quantico, VA to prepare for extreme possibilities related to January 6. Unbeknownst to the Capitol Police, secret FBI and military commandos with shoot to kill authority had been deployed around the Capitol on January 6. The report reveals that these extraordinary forces operating in the shadows were deployed at the request of then acting attorney general Jeffrey Rosen—not at the request of any other agency. FBI tactical teams from this operation, among other things, responded to pipe bombs that were discovered at the Democratic National Committee and Republican National Committee buildings just a few blocks from the Capitol, while other agents were deployed around the Capitol to provide selective security to Congress and Capitol staff. The author finishes the piece with a burning question, which, again, any serious January 6 Committee would have investigated: What was it that caused the Department of Justice to see January 6 as an extraordinary event that would have justified the highly unusual activation of multiple elite commando units in DC and around the Capitol?

Perhaps the most puzzling example that contradicts the notion that authorities were simply caught off guard comes from the Washington, DC fusion center. The Washington Post covers a series of uncanny alarm bells sounded by Donell Harvin, who served as chief of Homeland Security and Intelligence and head of the Fusion Intelligence Center for Washington, DC. According to the Post,⁶ Harvin saw increasing signs of violence expected on January 6 when Congress met to formalize the electoral vote. Harvin was reportedly so concerned that he took the extraordinary step of calling the DC Health Department and urging them to prepare for a mass casualty event—empty your emergency rooms, he said, and stock up your blood banks.

Still more striking than the severity of Harvin’s warnings is their almost impossible specificity. The Post report reveals that Harvin’s fusion center coordinated with counterpart fusion centers and the alarm bells were all ringing not only for a specific date, but a specific time—the hour, the date, and the location of concern was the same: 1:00 p.m., US Capitol, January 6th. The specificity is truly remarkable given the fact that the very first and decisive breach point of Capitol grounds, on the west side of the Capitol, occurred at exactly 12:53 p.m.

Amazingly, this specific prediction is not the most remarkable one that came from Donell Harvin’s Washington, DC fusion center. The same report takes note of an aide to Harvin who arrived at a still more incredibly specific concern that he expressed at a December 30 planning session: someone could plant an improvised explosive device near the Capitol . . . with law enforcement distracted, extremists might then band together and attack government buildings, maybe even the Capitol.

As it so happens, this is precisely what transpired. Indeed, on January 6 pipe bombs were discovered at the Republican National Committee building and the Democratic National Committee building, barely half a mile away from the Capitol. What’s even more incredible is the timing of the pipe bombs’ discovery. Indeed, according to news reports, the first pipe bomb was discovered fortuitously by a pedestrian doing her laundry at approximately 12:40 p.m. on January 6. Within fifteen minutes, authorities arrived on the scene and a second pipe bomb was discovered near the Democratic National Committee building. As mentioned above, the first and decisive breach of the Capitol grounds occurred on the west side of the Capitol at 12:53 p.m. Authorities including Capitol Police began responding to the pipe bomb at just the same time, almost to the exact minute, that the very first breach of the Capitol barriers took place. The timing was so perfectly aligned to the initial breach that the pipe bombs must have been placed for diversionary purposes. Former Capitol Police chief Steven Sund suggested that the location of the pipe bombs and timing of their discovery led him to believe that the pipe bombs were placed to divert resources away from the Capitol Police as the breach of Capitol barriers began.

And we see the exact same scenario entertained by Harvin’s aide at the DC Fusion Intelligence Center, as reported by the Washington Post—namely, that someone could plant an improvised explosive device near the Capitol . . . with law enforcement distracted, extremists might then band together and attack government buildings, maybe the Capitol. Furthermore, the timing of the pipe bombs’ discovery matches precisely with the report that the DC fusion center was concerned specifically with 1:00 p.m. on January 6 at the Capitol. Just to put a fine point on it, the pedestrian who discovered the pipe bomb at the RNC building, less than a mile from the Capitol, discovered it at approximately 12:40 p.m., and reported that the timer on the bomb was set to twenty minutes, which would add up to exactly 1:00 p.m.!

One would think that such a remarkable set of coincidences would have prompted a genuine investigation into January 6 to interview the employees at the DC fusion center who reportedly made such remarkably accurate predictions regarding January 6.

But the story of the January 6 pipe bombs gets even stranger when we consider the significance of one critical detail which seems to have been completely overlooked: both of the pipe bombs were hooked up to mechanical one-hour kitchen timers. Given that the FBI’s released footage depicts the pipe bomber planting bombs on the evening of January 5, this presents some challenging questions that remain woefully unaddressed and unexplored. Given that the pipe bomber used a mechanical timer with a one-hour limit, and he or she planted the bombs around 8:00 p.m. on January 5, there was no way that the pipe bomber could have intended for the bombs to go off on the sixth. Unless the pipe bombs simply had nothing to do with January 6, this would seem to suggest that the pipe bombs weren’t meant to go off, but rather were intended as a diversionary tool, just as Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund speculated. But in order for the pipe bombs to function as the type of diversion that would facilitate the Capitol breach, they would have to be found pretty much exactly when they were found. If the pipe bombs were found earlier, this would cause a premature evacuation of congressional buildings and likely lead to enhanced security around the Capitol leading up to the certification proceedings. Considered in this light, the fact that the pipe bombs weren’t discovered until within fifteen minutes of the first breach of Capitol barricades is remarkable to say the least.

Almost as remarkable (and convenient) as the fact that the RNC pipe bomb was discovered nearly contemporaneously with the initial breach of the Capitol, is that the pipe bomb planted at the DNC building was not discovered until after 1:00 p.m. In January of 2022, a full year after the Capitol riot, news reports revealed that Kamala Harris was actually at the DNC building on January 6, and was only evacuated at 1:15 p.m., after the RNC pipe bomb was discovered. Harris seemingly went to great lengths to conceal the fact that she was at the DNC on the morning of the 6, complicating several Department of Justice indictments which originally stipulated that Harris was inside the Capitol when in fact she was in the DNC building (such indictments had to be rewritten when Harris’s true whereabouts became known). It is important to remember that as Vice President–elect, Kamala Harris was protected by the Secret Service on January 6. If Harris was in the DNC building from approximately 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. on January 6, this would mean that the Secret Service managed to miss the DNC pipe bomb on its initial sweep. That the Secret Service could miss the DNC pipe bomb in a sweep is so strange as to scarcely be believable—indeed, the pipe bomb was sitting right by a bench in front of the DNC building. If the Secret Service had discovered the bomb at 11:30 a.m. when Harris was going to enter the DNC, this could have led to an early evacuation of the Capitol building and enhanced security that would have prevented the January 6 rally from turning into a riot. Instead, the Secret Service managed to overlook the DNC pipe bomb at 11:30 a.m., only for a random passerby to discover the RNC pipe bomb within the exact time frame that it would have to be discovered to serve as a diversion that helped to enable the initial breach of the Capitol grounds.

That the DNC pipe bomb lay conspicuously at the foot of a park bench right outside of the entrance and parking garage to the DNC building for nearly seventeen hours before being discovered is indeed remarkable. No motorists, no pedestrians on the high foot traffic morning of January 6, nor the security guard who is stationed barely eight feet from where the pipe bomb was planted, and not the Secret Service of the United States—everyone managed to miss the pipe bomb. The strangeness of this is compounded significantly by certain suspicious and indeed damning facts about the surveillance footage from the DNC that the FBI released to the public. One shocking report released by Revolver News proved definitively that the FBI chose to withhold the footage that would have shown the DNC pipe bomber actually planting the bomb, thus confirming that it was indeed planted where and when they say it was. Stranger still, a follow-up report from Revolver News suggests a high probability that the FBI tampered with the parts of the footage it did release. Indeed, the frame rate on the released surveillance footage at the DNC was approximately 1.3 frames per second, a frame rate so low, and so far below even the lowest commercially available security cameras as to be unbelievable. For perspective, the security cameras at an average gas station and McDonalds typically have a frame rate of 15 frames per second. Is it believable that the DNC would have surveillance cameras with an order of magnitude worse than that of an average McDonalds? Even if we assumed that the DNC bought the cheapest surveillance camera available (a strange decision as we know they pay for a physical security guard in that exact spot) it wouldn’t explain the 1.3 frame rate. As mentioned above, a frame rate that low is simply not commercially available—the lowest end is around 8. The latest major study conducted on operative surveillance cameras reflected that zero percent of such cameras in current operation have a frame rate of less than three frames per second! We won’t speculate on why the frame rate of the DNC footage may have been tampered with beyond noting that such modifications would make it more difficult to identify the pipe bomber, his or her gait, and to determine whether the pipe bomber was in active communication with a third party over a cell phone. We leave it to the reader to determine why the FBI wouldn’t want the public to know these things, and why, for that matter, the Democrats aren’t demanding the FBI release the unedited footage of the pipe bomber allegedly planting an explosive device outside their national headquarters.

Although circumstantial, the evidence that many government agencies had much more visibility into January 6 than is commonly understood, together with the compound effect of multiple bizarre coincidences pertaining to the pipe bomb, at the very least warrants some fairly pointed investigation and questioning. At a certain point, the accumulated weight of evidence suggests the possibility of something more nefarious than the mere intelligence failure that FBI Director Wray attributes to the events of January 6. At a certain point, the evidence demands that we seriously entertain the notion that certain elements of the government had some reasonable foreknowledge of the events on January 6 and may not have taken basic steps to intervene for political reasons. As said above, January 6 has been incredibly useful to the regime as a pretext to reconfigure the national security apparatus domestically as a political weapon—a lot of money and power is invested in the regime’s narrative of January 6.

The possibility of foul play on the part of elements of the government is an exceedingly tough pill to swallow, especially for conservatives who traditionally and by disposition are inclined to respect institutions of authority—particularly institutions such as the FBI. Of course, we could go back through decades of dirty tricks on the part of the FBI and other government agencies to help refine the intuitions of those who might think this isn’t the sort of thing elements of the government are capable of. For our purposes, however, we need not go back any further than a few months before January 6, when an alleged plot on the part of Trump-inspired militiamen to kidnap Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer took the country by storm.

The suspects in the Michigan kidnapping conspiracy allegedly plotted to kidnap the Michigan governor from her vacation home and leave her stranded out on a lake. The plotters also allegedly discussed blowing up a bridge to slow police response

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