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Squirrel's New Year's Resolution
Squirrel's New Year's Resolution
Squirrel's New Year's Resolution
Ebook34 pages3 minutes

Squirrel's New Year's Resolution

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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2013 Washington Children's Choice Picture Book Award nominee

Squirrel knows that New Year's Day is a great day for making resolutions! But what does it mean to make a resolution, anyway? As she makes visits around the forest she learns about New Year's resolutions and helps her friends get started on theirs. If only she can think of a resolution of her very own.

Release dateSep 1, 2010
Squirrel's New Year's Resolution

Pat Miller

Pat Miller is a writer, teacher, and school librarian. She is the author of more than twenty children's and professional books. She lives in Texas.

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Reviews for Squirrel's New Year's Resolution

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Loved the book!!! I will be using it with my 2nd graders on January 9, 2023 as I welcome them back to school in the "New Year"
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Squirrel sets out to discover what a resolution is and how to make one in this New Year's picture-book from author Pat Miller and illustrator Kathi Ember. Visiting her friends on New Year's Day, she learns what each of their resolutions are, and does her best to help them achieve their goals. Discouraged that she has not yet found her own resolution however, Squirrel is comforted when she finds out that her actions over the course of the day, in aiding her woodland friends, reveal a resolution that she is already on the way to keeping. Namely, to help someone every day...Although not entirely convinced by the story premise of Squirrel's New Year's Resolution—I would think that a resolution would have be a conscious goal, rather than an unconscious impulse, but perhaps that's just me—I nevertheless enjoyed the book. The story is sweet, and the artwork cute. Miller and Ember appear to have worked together before, on the 2006 Substitute Groundhog, but this is my first book from either. Unlike the Lunar New Year, I have not encountered very many picture-books about the Solar New Year, so I was glad to have discovered this one, even if it was only moderately enjoyable, rather than outstanding. Recommended to picture-book readers who enjoy animal stories, or are looking for (solar) New Year's stories.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Summary: It is January 1st, so Squirrel decides to make a New Year's resolution. However, she does not know how to do that. Squirrel first goes to Bear for help and Bear tells Squirrel that he is going to teach Skunk how to read. Squirrel then goes to Skunk who is sick in bed. Squirrel helps make Skunk feel better by making her laugh. Afterwards, Squirrel meets Mole and helps Mole and Turtle find a good place to plant a garden. Squirrel heads to the diner, where she runs into Porcupine. Porcupine's resolution was to be less grumpy, so Squirrel tells him funny jokes to cheer him up. Squirrel realizes that she still does not have a resolution, but when her friends come in and thank her for helping all of them, she realized her resolution was to help someone everyday. Review: I thought the main idea of this book was to help students realize that they should help others whenever they are given the chance. The message was made clear as Squirrel helped each of her friends, even when they did not ask for help. She was able to cheer up Skunk and Porcupine, and she even helped Mole and Turtle find a place to plant their garden. Squirrel shows the readers what a true friend does and the importance of helping others when the chance arises. I thought this book was a great read and it also could teach students what a resolution is. It can also teach them how to make a good resolution that is beneficial to everyone.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Teaching children what a resolution is is pretty tough but this book manages to do just that. Cool!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Grades PS-2

    Squirrel hears on the radio that New Year's Day is a great day to make resolutions but doesn't know what one is. Once she finds out, she is determined to make a resolution of her own, but she can't think of anything. Along the way, she helps several of her friends, and realizes by the end of the story that she can use her natural inclination toward helping her friends to resolve to help someone every day. While the story is a little on the preachy side, it is a good conversation starter about kids' own resolutions for the New Year. Bright and energetic illustrations in acrylics of Squirrel and her friends add to the cheery mood.
    Kim Dare
    Louise Archer Elementary
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Great book to share at the beginning of every New Year.

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Squirrel's New Year's Resolution - Pat Miller

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