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Guardians of Silence: The Guardians, #1
Guardians of Silence: The Guardians, #1
Guardians of Silence: The Guardians, #1
Ebook84 pages36 minutes

Guardians of Silence: The Guardians, #1

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A fierce magic tied to the natural world. A duty-bound magician. And the woman who will test his destiny…


Long before Jayne Thorne discovered her powers, a very old magic existed. One destined to protect the world from an impossible and deadly power.


Karam Newport is a Guardian, part of a secret society of powerful magicians tasked with devoting their lives to protecting the source of all magic: the Torrent. Only a Guardians' unique powers can keep the wild forces of the Torrent from leaking into the world and destroying all mankind.


But Karam's destiny becomes uncertain when he meets a woman who challenges his way of thinking. Now, he envisions a different kind of future for himself: one of hope and love.


When a magical terror organization seeks to unleash the Torrent, Karam must make an impossible choice: live his life with the woman of his dreams or die trying to save the world from the unstoppable force of the Torrent.


The Guardians is a spin-off mini-series of novellas from the world of Jayne Thorne, CIA Librarian. Be prepared to watch these incredible magicians conquer worlds, test their fates, and work to defeat the evil forces trying to control the universe.

Release dateDec 22, 2022
Guardians of Silence: The Guardians, #1

Joss Walker

Joss Walker is the fantasy pen name for New York Times bestselling thriller author J.T. Ellison, where she explores her love of the fantasy genre and extraordinary women discovering their power in the world. With Jayne Thorne, CIA Librarian, Joss has created a lighthearted urban fantasy series perfect for lovers of books, libraries, romance, and of course, magic.

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    Book preview

    Guardians of Silence - Joss Walker


    In the end, death is a silent, peaceful thing, creeping up on the least suspecting souls. Even those who know that death comes for us all.

    The magician’s life bleeds from him, swift and merciless. He has no time to think. No time to react. No time to regret.

    All he can do is marvel at the silence of it all. He can hear nothing but his own ragged breaths. His mind drifts further and further away with each exhale.

    In this haven, this sanctuary of the mind and body, he strived to create a place of peace. A place of silence.

    In the end, he never expected to achieve it like this.

    But the magical gate is secure. As a Guardian, it is his duty to see it protected. And he has. The threat is gone. The city is safe. His final mission is complete.

    Forgive me, my love. He brings her to mind one last time, praying to the Goddess that this won’t break her. That his fierce, formidable partner will rise above this, as she’s risen above all else.

    She has to. She is his warrior, after all. Unbreakable.

    My warrior. Keep fighting. Keep fighting.

    The magician closes his eyes, succumbing to the silence at last.





    Karam Newport watched the elegant ballroom and casually sipped his sparkling water; not that he particularly enjoyed it, but at these sorts of events, it was best to keep one’s head. He couldn’t afford to inebriate himself with the fine champagne the other guests were appreciating. He was here on business.

    The stunning Georgian Salon at the Merrion Hotel was overly full of people in fancy dress. Karam had noted all exits and identified the undercover security in case the situation escalated—which wasn’t unusual given many of the guests in attendance were high-ranking government officials with deep pockets and powerful enemies.

    One of which he was determined to make contact with.

    The sweeping melody from the quintet echoed through the ballroom, mingling with the idle chatter around him. Ensuring his domino mask was securely covering his face, Karam strode forward, weaving between dancing partners and swishing skirts to approach his mark. His eyes never strayed from his target. He had zeroed in on Ian Kelly the moment his hulking form had arrived. Kelly was not a man to be overlooked. He was easily the largest person in the room, his beastly form impressive enough to knock Karam down within seconds, despite Karam’s aggressive training, should it come to blows.

    But it wasn’t the man’s size that Karam was interested in. It was his assets.

    Unbeknownst to the majority of MI6, and the rest of the world, there was a hidden department nestled within the British government. This department—the Torrent Intelligence Service—focused solely on those who wielded magic.

    Those like Karam. And Ian Kelly.

    Karam knew if the TIS could recruit Kelly, his magical connections could improve their research and development, creating relationships their small task force had been trying to establish for decades. Not to mention Kelly possessed enough wealth to fund their projects for the next several years. Word on the street was Kelly was looking to invest.

    It was imperative Karam drew in Kelly before he devoted his allegiance elsewhere. That was his sole mission tonight, and he was laser focused.

    Karam was mere steps away, close enough for Kelly’s dark eyes to snap to him, his expression half wary and half curious. The taller man’s gold mask covered the top half of his face, but his features were unmistakable.

    Karam plastered an easy, confident smile on his face, keeping his arms relaxed at his sides. Mr. Kelly—

    A smaller figure stepped between them. Karam’s steps faltered as he stopped short, staring down at the interruption. It was a petite woman with flaming red hair and an equally vibrant emerald gown, her white mask big enough to conceal all but her merlot-stained lips.

    Mr. Kelly, is it? the woman asked, extending her hand to Kelly. Her accent identified her immediately.

    Fabulous, Karam thought bitterly. The Americans are here.

    Aye, Kelly said in a thick Irish brogue. And who might this fair lass be? Instead of shaking the woman’s hand, he took it and pressed a kiss onto the tender flesh of her palm.

    The woman touched her chest in mock embarrassment. Amanda Hunt. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I’ve heard so much about you.

    Have you now? Kelly’s eyes were glittering as he looked over Hunt with deliberate slowness.

    Karam was deeply uncomfortable. He should be contributing to the conversation—it was obvious that Kelly and Hunt knew he was there—and yet, this insufferable woman had stolen his moment. Time to rectify

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