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Rescue Dogs
Rescue Dogs
Rescue Dogs
Ebook184 pages21 minutes

Rescue Dogs

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About this ebook

Following the success of A Dog a Day and Old Dogs, Sally Muir returns with an adorable collection of beautiful rescue dog portraits that will melt even the coldest of hearts.

Several years ago, Sally Muir began a Facebook project, posting dog art daily, which became the best-selling book A Dog a Day. Through the project she was introduced to endless people and their dogs, and the distinct personalities and complex emotions that owners attribute to them. This was followed with Old Dogs, where Sally asked the public to send in photos of their elderly canines. She was drawn to the tales behind their greying whiskers and so the natural next step was rescue dogs with their eventful life stories.

Rescue Dogs is a beautiful collection of loveable hounds with colourful histories and expressive faces. From Mr Bojangles who was rescued after being hit by a car to Molly who found a new lease of life after being rescued from a shelter at age 15, Rescue Dogs will tug at the heartstrings and leave you with a profound sense of optimism for life, new beginnings and kindness. This is the perfect gift for your dog-loving friends, or for yourself to enjoy some mindful moments flicking through delightful, heart-warming canine portraits.

Release dateFeb 16, 2023
Rescue Dogs

Sally Muir

Artist Sally Muir is based in Bath, UK and is a prodigious portrait painter of dogs. Other subjects include human portraits and landscapes, as well as the occasional rodent and bird. For years Ms. Muir focused on her knitwear business Muir & Osborne as both a designer and author. With her partner Joanna Osborne, they have published seven knitting pattern books that include Best in Show, Knit Your Own Dog, (also Cat, Pet, Zoo, Farm and Dinosaur) and the children’s book Patch’s Grand Dog Show. Ms. Muir returned to university as a mature student with a concentration on Fine Art. Children’s portraits gave way to dog portraits. Muir is the recipient of many awards and her work appears regularly in galleries. She accepts and enjoys commission work — dogs and humans alike.

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    Book preview

    Rescue Dogs - Sally Muir

    Lorna Doone

    Lorna Doone

    When I had the idea for a book of rescue dogs, I put out a call on social media asking people to send me photos of their rescues. I got an astonishing response and am very sorry that I couldn’t include every single one – they were all brilliant. The dogs came in an extraordinary variety of shapes, sizes, characters, combinations of breed and from all over the world. They also came with very touching stories of how people had found them, little character sketches, idiosyncrasies and what their dog meant to them. I have included some of these as they make up part of the dog portrait.

    I should probably admit here that, in my long dog life, I have had a mixture of rescues and non-rescues. Dogs have appeared in different ways, sometimes accidentally and sometimes on purpose, but all have been much loved.

    My first dog, Fanny, was a South London mongrel from Battersea Dogs Home. I had longed for my own dog for years. She was remarkably sanguine about life; I first saw her sitting in her cage at Battersea, looking perfectly happy. She was largely well adjusted but with the odd passionate dislike – mainly people in crash helmets and children. She was my practice child and she loved it. When I had my own children she was appalled, but realised that she would have to just get on with it and behave herself. She eventually became quite fond of my real children and even tolerated other people’s.

    Jack Swan was our next rescue. A fellow art student found him on the streets of Bath and gave him his wonderful name. He was the most beautiful boy, with many anxieties. He couldn’t be shut up in any room at all and would roam the house at night chewing anything that took his fancy. He ate most of two sofas, numerous books and all the seatbelts in the car.

    Lily, a Whippet, was our next rescue. Unwanted by her owners, who had found another they preferred, they put her up for sale. As an added inducement, they threw in a food bowl and a packet of tripe sticks, treats she adored all her life. She was very calm, gentle and loving, sang when she was happy and, in her heyday, she chased everything. We had the joy of Lily

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