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Real Estate investing: 2 books in 1: Create Passive Income with Real Estate, Reits, Tax Lien Certificates and Residential and Commercial Apartment Rental Property Investments
Real Estate investing: 2 books in 1: Create Passive Income with Real Estate, Reits, Tax Lien Certificates and Residential and Commercial Apartment Rental Property Investments
Real Estate investing: 2 books in 1: Create Passive Income with Real Estate, Reits, Tax Lien Certificates and Residential and Commercial Apartment Rental Property Investments
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Real Estate investing: 2 books in 1: Create Passive Income with Real Estate, Reits, Tax Lien Certificates and Residential and Commercial Apartment Rental Property Investments

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Ready to delve into the world of real estate investing?

Want to start earning passive income?

Grab your copy and let's get started!

Investing in real estate can be challenging. There are a host of things you need to learn about and various things you need to prepare and plan for.

What kind of real estate should you invest in? How can I finance my venture? How do I organize deals?

These are just some of the questions that might be running through your mind.

With this guide, you can learn what you need to know to get started and to find a real estate investment that suits you.

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The world of real estate doesn't need to be such a puzzle. You can find a property that's right for your needs and strategy.

Start investing and earn true passive income!

Grab your copy today and learn how you can gain your financial freedom through real estate investments!

Release dateJan 7, 2023
Real Estate investing: 2 books in 1: Create Passive Income with Real Estate, Reits, Tax Lien Certificates and Residential and Commercial Apartment Rental Property Investments

Income Mastery

Phil Wall grew up quite poor and had to learn the value of "money" through hard work and perseverance. He has worked numerous low wage jobs like being a waiter, fast food counter cashier, and dishwasher. However, he managed to get a college degree and started to work at numerous banking positions. He enjoyed writing about money and helping others through writing books.

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    Real Estate investing - Income Mastery

    Book 1: Real Estate Investing:

    Master Rentals And Build Your Empire And Passive Income With Apartment Rentals, Multifamily Homes And Commercial Real Estate Flipping


    Income Mastery


    Every single person that wants a fix for their financial needs long term looking for that magic solution. Many people do not have a clue on what they should be doing, or where they should start. Utilizing real estate is one of the top proven methods of a guaranteed success on a long term basis. Look at it like having your own little real estate empire. Real estate is not an exception when it comes to fluctuations on the market. It will continue to climb as far as the value. This means that there will always be a way to increase your overall investment. We are going to dive into how you are going to build your own little empire and secure a good future for you and your family. Your investment success is waiting.

    Understanding Apartment Rentals 101

    WHEN RENTING AN APARTMENT, there is a fee that is paid in order to use the property. It is a fee paid to the owner in order to dwell inside of the home, it is called rent. You are able to live in the space that is outlined in the terms of a lease agreement. There will be aspects that are covered under the terms of the fee. There will also be late fees accumulated due to rent being paid after the date specified in the lease. There may even be restrictions. Rent works differently from landlord to landlord. It is crucial to ensure you understand all of the terms before you sign a lease agreement.

    Understanding the Payment Terms of an Apartment

    SHOULD YOU RENT AN apartment, you will pay a specified amount for the rent to the landlord. It will be completely outlined and detailed in the lease agreement. Rent is paid on one specific day on the month; every month. The rent amount will remain the same throughout the term of the lease. The length of the lease agreement is typically for one year. However, there are other apartment owners that will agree to a shorter or longer lease agreement term. Should you be late with your rent, the landlord may or may not allow a grace period. The grace period is a specified increment of time after the payment date that will ensure you do not get a late fee. If you pay your rent after the grace period ends, you will ensure a late fee. The amount of the fee will be listed in your lease.

    What is it that Rent Buys You?

    WHEN YOU RENT AN APARTMENT you are renting the space, but this rental prices will not pay for some of the other aspects of the agreement. There are other bills that you may be required to pay. For example, there are many places that will not pay for your utilities and some types of maintenance. You will possibly be liable for paying your own cable, internet, gas, and water bills. There are many apartment complexes that offer different aspects on the rental agreement. They will be listed. These items are called amenities. Amenities includes things like a pool, gym, or even a covered parking garage.

    Understanding Other Fees

    ONCE YOU HAVE DECIDED on an apartment, it is extremely important to understand the other fees that can be included in the lease agreements. You may be subject to paying a deposit, as well as one month of rent in advance. This will ensure that you are on good terms with the apartment complex. Some landlords may ask that you pay the last month’s rent in advance. There may be other types of fees or fines included with the specific rental property. Make sure that you look over and understand them all.

    When someone is on the hunt for an apartment, they will look at everything from the water pressure strength to the size of the closets. However, the primary focus will be on the amount of rent that is paid monthly. They will make sure that they get the best value and will ensure that it fits in their financial budget.

    Application Fee

    WHEN A PERSON DOES an application for an apartment, they will need to fill out an application. Typically, this application will have a fee attached to it. It will be so that a background check can be conducted to ensure good people are renting the apartments. No landlord wants felons living in their apartment complex. It is just asking for trouble. Landlords also run credit checks, which also cost money. This is to ensure that the tenant will pay the rent that is agreed upon.

    Application fee can really mean anything, depending on the potential landlord. It will typically cover the cost of running a history on finances, credit check, and to see if there have been any evictions on their background.

    The application fee that is paid is non-refundable. The application fee is not refunded even if the tenant is denied. This is because the money is used to run the checks. However, there are limitations in most states that limit the amount a landlord is able to charge the tenant for the application fee. It will vary from state to state.

    Background Check

    BEFORE A TENANT IS given permission to move into the apartment, the future landlord will run a background check to ensure that the tenant is not a criminal. At times, this will be included in the application fee. However, often times it is not due to the employment and credit check being included. This is normally done for other adults living in the apartment that is not on the lease.

    Security Deposit

    THIS IS THE MONEY THAT the tenant will give to the landlord to make sure that the tenant does not leave any major damage or steal anything from the apartment when they move out. If the apartment is in the same condition as when the tenant moved in, then the security deposit will be given back to the tenant upon viewing the unit. The security deposit normally equals two to three times the amount of rent.

    If there is no destruction caused in the apartment, the tenant will get all of the deposit back.

    In the bigger cities, the security deposit has been phased out due to deposit free type of tenting. It is an agreement for the tenant and the landlord to both carry insurance. This means both of them are responsible for any damage that has been done.

    First and Last Months Rental Payment

    IN ADDITION, THE LANDLORD may require an added type of deposit that is equal to the payment of two rental fees. This will cover the landlord should the tenant decide to skip out without paying the rent that was agreed upon. If the tenant moves out before the rental agreement time is up and the rent is not paid, this will cover those fees. If the tenant stays and pays, then the landlord will give it back.

    Move In Apartment Fees

    THERE HAS BEEN A NEW fee popping up in the apartment real estate market. This is move in costs. This fee covers changing of the locks from the previous tenant, putting the new name in the mailbox or the buzzer, and other things that need to be changed over from the last tenant. This is a non-refundable fee and is not used to fix anything that is broken.

    Parking Fees

    WHETHER OR NOT THE tenant has parking access in a lot, garage, driveway, or a specified assigned street parking, there is a parking fee that is typically a one time charge. This only covers the parking spot reservation and nothing more. However, it can also be used to repave, repaint, or even rearrange different parking spaces. There may be new codes or a permit sticker that is needed.

    Pet Deposit and Fees

    IF THE TENANT IS PLANNING on bringing a pet into the unit, or even getting a new pet, it is expected that there will be an additional fee or deposit. There will be a specific amount due upon the pet moving into the unit. This is a non-refundable fee normally; however, when the tenant moves out if there is no damage, then the fee can be given back to the tenant.

    Why Would I Want to Be an Apartment Landlord?

    A HUGE BENEFIT OF OWNING an apartment complex is the quantity of the units included. It is a wonderful way to make sure that you have a big enough income generated on a monthly basis. Apartments are a great investment for those that are looking to work with a management company. You can put your unites together to form a good business partnership.

    Advantages of Being a Landlord

    THERE ARE MANY ADVANTAGES to being a landlord. These advantages are so big that it tends to turn a typical person into an entrepreneur dreamer. It all falls down to having money coming in on a regular basis.

    Income from the renters is the biggest advantage there is. The rental properties will offer you a direct stream of income. The monthly rental checks will go straight into the bank account sat up for your real estate business. Ideally you will get more than just the offset of the cost of the rental properties. A good example of this is if you own a home that you will rent out for one thousand dollars a month, this home will then bring in twelve thousand a year. This money will go into your bank account. It is very difficult to argue with an income stream of this nature.

    You will receive income based on the property’s value growth. Since you own the home or units, you will stand to take in an increase for the value of the property over time due to the changing demands in the location. This happens even if the property itself does not change. This is going to be a variable type of income. It will depend on the area where the property exists. There are some areas may stay flat.

    Sweat equity is another value that adds to the property. It is when your properties are upgraded, and you are able to charge more for the property or properties. It could be an amenity that is added to the apartment complex like a pool or covered garage.

    What is a Multi-Family Home and How Does it Work?

    THE MULTI-FAMILY HOME is just one single home; however, there are multiple units in this one location. The wonderful part about a multi-family home is that you are able to have a steady income stream depending on how many units are rented out. When you decide to work with one of these types of homes, it will offer you a way to make sure that the mortgage on this property is completely paid, all the while adding money to your own account. If you choose to occupy the dwelling as well, then your home payment will be paid, along with receiving income.

    What is Commercial Real Estate Anyway?

    THIS TYPE OF PROPERTY is defined as a property that produces income for the owner. Commercial real estate can be any type of property and is able to include any of these:

    A gas station located in a neighborhood.

    An apartment building or complex.

    A skyscraper, office plaza, or office building.

    A laundromat or car wash.

    The specific reason this investment is called commercial is the fact that it will incur income for the investor. It will make sure you have a continuous income stream to financially set you free. There are five different categories that you can find just about every investor using when it comes to commercial properties. They are:

    Office buildings.

    Retail buildings.

    Multi-family homes.

    Different types of land.

    Miscellaneous properties. 

    There is a tremendous amount of money to be made using commercial real estate. In different positions there are people making anywhere from $80,000 up to $250,000 yearly. That is definitely nothing to scoff at. However, when you are wanting to make that type of money, there are three roles that you should fall into.

    Investor: Every successful investor builds their wealth through a long term type of ownership and consistently build their portfolios. A person can save enough money for one down payment on a cheaper apartment complex building. The income that is generated through this property will help the investor accumulate more income to spend on purchasing more properties.  Adding more value to the property will also offer more income from the units. This means that the investor will utilize the flow of cash to invest in more properties.

    Developer: Becoming a developer is a good way to make a lot of money in the real estate industry. Due to the money making potential there are many people who begin their careers working as a developer. They anticipate learning enough in order to open their own real estate firm. Many fail to realize that developing is of the highest risk when it comes to real estate. They bear the risk of losing equity, and going into debt.

    Broker: A broker that is good will have the potential to earn a much higher amount of money per year. Typically, they will make about $250,000 within the first two years of entering the game of commercial real estate. The brokers that are the most successful in commercial real estate will earn about seven figures every single year. When you are a broker, your money comes from commission. It is similar to being an investor or a developer, but you do not make the money in the very beginning. Typically, it will be the second year where the money will come in. The difference between being a broker and the other two is that there is a high income that is achieved without any risk of your own capital. With this position, you will earn money using your time and effort. There is a common misconception when it comes to being a broker. It is that being a broker means you just deal with sales. Yes, it does deal with sales; however, so do many of the other professions. A good broker will be an integral part of the client’s business. They will advise and offer different opinions on the types of investments, ways to control certain expenses, as well as offer suggestions on renovations and financing structures. They will be an amazing source of leads for attorneys, lenders, inspectors, appraisers, and the other types of vendors. 

    What Are Common Misconceptions About Commercial Real Estate?

    MANY IDEAS THAT PEOPLE have about commercial real estate is wrong when it involves buying and selling. This industry is definitely evolving, but there are many people that are not keeping up with the new trends. What the norm was a decade ago has changed over time. Two major key factors are properties are more efficient and there is the use of technology. You need to be aware of some aspects when you decide to be in investing:

    Real estate is not a scheme to get rich. It is crucial to know that there will be money made over time, but only by making good decisions. You will not become a millionaire overnight without some hard work.

    One thing to consider is that some investors are not just in it for money. There are landlords that actually care about their tenants. They will work with their tenants to ensure they help them with flexibility on the rental policies.

    Many people think that tenants do not have any rights. This is completely false. Many states offer a very clear outline of their laws to protect tenants. One rule is if the landlord chooses to evict a tenant, then the tenant does not have to get out right away. They will be given at least 30 days to figure out their situation.

    There is a myth that brick -and-mortar retail options are being replaced by the e-commerce boom. In reality, retail remains extremely vital to our economic stability. E-commerce has just added in some more convenient options for shopping. Sales that are done in person still hold 91 percent of all retail sales. Consumers typically look for a shopping experience that will be different from the typical transactional type of format. Stores that are able to offer a sensory type of experiences have the ability to sell more due to the ability to offer a different experience than the internet.

    Foreign investors have not soured on the United States commercial real estate like the myth suggests. In all actuality, investors from other countries are still investing in different opportunities. They may be more cautious, but they still have an interest in investing.

    Another myth is that the older closed in industrial properties are typically obsolete and vacant. In reality, the industrial properties are normally close to the major cities are very desirable for many last mile types of distribution facilities.

    Another misbelief is that suburban offices are no longer a desire in the industry. This is false. There are many suburban office spaces that are in high demand and it is a very big-ticket property, especially when it is rich in amenities. The needs of the tenant are more modern. They are seeking to bring in the younger type of workforce, so the office spaces that are desired normally are located in urban areas that are rich with culture.

    Everyone thinks that millennials are the multi-housing future when it comes to demand. This is not true. Seniors, as well as baby boomers, are on the incline of renting apartments. With the amount of student debt,

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