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Ross-Book 39 The Ghosts of Culloden Moor
Ross-Book 39 The Ghosts of Culloden Moor
Ross-Book 39 The Ghosts of Culloden Moor
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Ross-Book 39 The Ghosts of Culloden Moor

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He only needed to accomplish one good deed, but there's an entire town that needs his help, along with one hopeless lass who captures his heart. Located in the Sierra Nevada, the tiny town of Delight has fallen on hard times. Once a bustling little ski village, it has become obsolete as people pass it by for the larger ski resorts in the area. Cassie Simmons has lived her entire life in Delight, but she's not immune to the hardships felt by everyone in town. She's been on a downward spiral ever since her divorce. Her anger and sadness coupled with the dwindling customers to her bookstore

PublisherJennae Vale
Release dateDec 30, 2022
Ross-Book 39 The Ghosts of Culloden Moor

Jennae Vale

Jennae Vale is a best selling author of romance with a touch of magic. As a history buff from an early age, Jennae often found herself day-dreaming in history class - wondering what it would be like to live in the places and time periods she was learning about. Writing time travel romance has given her an opportunity to take those daydreams and turn them into stories to share with readers everywhere.Originally from the Boston area, Jennae now lives in the San Francisco Bay area, where some of her characters also reside. When Jennae isn’t writing, she enjoys spending time with her family and her pets, and daydreaming, of course.

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    Ross-Book 39 The Ghosts of Culloden Moor - Jennae Vale


    N umber thirty-eight. Soni gazed directly into his eyes as she spoke.  It was his turn to go.  He had no idea what to expect, but he'd happily face it to get his boon.  Bonnie Prince Charlie, the Young Pretender, the Young Chevalier.  Charles Edward Louis John Casimir Sylvester Severino Maria Stuart was the reason he was dead and that was exactly why he sought revenge. Flashes of that fateful day so many years ago brought back unwanted memories.  Memories of anger and fear.  Memories of the Bonnie Prince riding off, deserting them.  Memories of Lord Elcho calling after the receding back of the prince. Memories of his noble steed, Ronan, falling beneath him.  Jumping from his back, rage in his heart, he’d taken on the nearest Englishman only to be cut down from behind.  His final memory was collapsing to the ground, his head resting on Ronan's neck.

    He would no longer be number thirty-eight. No one had called him by his name in over two hundred years.  It was a wonder he remembered it at all. Ross Seton, he said, approaching her. Just like that, the flashbacks stopped. He straightened his shoulders, standing tall and proud, I'm ready.

    Isn't there someone you'd like to take along with ye? she asked. Standing there in a hooded cloak, her face was serious, but then her lips slowly curved upwards and a sparkle of mischief could be seen in her eyes.

    Ross glanced around at the others, not understanding.  Nae.  The only one I'd want by my side is my horse, but I've nae seen him since I've been here.

    Call him, she said.

    A small flicker of hope burned in his heart.

    Go on.  Call him, Soni repeated.

    He vaguely recalled a special whistle.  Two short and one long.  Would it work?  He gave it a try and far off in the distance he heard a whinny.  He whistled again and this time the ghostly figure of a horse galloped towards him.  The horse who'd been his trusted companion on that fateful day would be with him again. 

    Soni smiled and stroked Ronan's nose as he came to a halt before her.  There. Now yer ready.

    This had to be one of the worst days of her life. Well, the day she had found out Jason was cheating on her with her best friend was the worst. This one was definitely coming in a close second.

    Cassie, please listen to me. We need to sell the house, Jason pleaded.

    No. She was adamant. There was no need for discussion.

    Is that all you have to say? Just ‘no’? She could see Jason’s calm exterior giving way as his voice went from pleading to angry.

    That’s it. You can’t sell it. I live there. Her eyes narrowed and anger sparked her voice. He wasn’t going to kick her out of her home.

    He took a deep breath before lowering his voice and speaking. "I can’t afford that place and the apartment."

    Do you really think I care about your little problem? Why should she after what he’d done?

    Obviously you don’t. Cassie, it’s too big for you and you can’t afford it either. If he thought logic was going to work on her, he was dead wrong.

    She tapped her fingers impatiently on the store counter. Who says?

    The electric company for one. When was the last time you paid the bill? He was pointing a finger at her now and obviously fighting for control. They called me looking for payment, Cassie. They’re going to send the bill to collections.

    That’s neither here nor there. I won’t let you sell it. She knew she was being unreasonable, but he deserved it.

    Think about it. We need to move on with our lives, it’s what’s best for both of us, he barked, his eye twitching.

    I don’t really care about what’s best for you, anger set her blood to boiling. He had humiliated her and she’d be damned if he got his way. If she had to, she’d spend the whole winter without heat before doing him any favors. Her embarrassment and shame seemed to have no end. Delight was a small town and no matter how hard she tried to avoid him and Jenny, she seemed to constantly run into them. It couldn’t be helped, of course, with only one small grocery store and gas station in town. She’d been worried at first that everyone in town would see her as a loser, but they’d surprised her and taken her side over Jason and Jenny’s. Still, in her eyes she had lost and selling the house would be one more thing to add to the list of ways her life had been destroyed by Jason’s infidelity.

    Seeing him now, his anger directed at her and her own anger near the boiling point, she couldn’t believe she had ever loved him. They’d been college sweethearts who spent every spare moment together. He’d been the cutest guy in school and all the other girls envied her. But what had that gotten her? A year and a half of marriage that ended when she found out he was sleeping with her best friend. Her ex-best friend. Jason’s twitching eye should have been the thing that gave him away. It had been twitching for months before she found out about his little secret. Now she understood why.

    I know and I get it. I’ve done the unforgivable, but Cassie please be reasonable. He was back to pleading. He tugged at his eye to no avail. The twitching continued.

    She turned her back on him, refusing to continue this ridiculous conversation. I’ve got work to do.

    You know, she heard the change in his voice, you ought to think about selling this place, too. It’s been a loser from day one. And now he was being hurtful on purpose.

    She felt her hackles rising and counted to ten and then twenty. She wouldn’t let him get to her. A moment later the door closed. She peeked over her shoulder and he was gone. She blew out her breath and felt all the fight go out of her. The sad part was he was right about the shop. Business had been bad lately. Heck, it had been bad for months – ever since the new resort opened. She kept

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