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The Ghost Below: Rove City, #0
The Ghost Below: Rove City, #0
The Ghost Below: Rove City, #0
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The Ghost Below: Rove City, #0

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Fia loves her job as an electrician aboard a space-faring city vessel. She is skilled at her work, and appreciates not having too much facetime with other humans. 

She just has one problem: a colleague has taken an interest in her—interest she doesn't return. 

When she finally works up the courage to tell him no, he takes offense and reports her to her supervisor for insubordination.

Her punishment? Her boss assigns her to repair the conduits in the bowels of the ship, reported to be haunted by a ghostly voice. 

As Fia nervously delves into the darkest, most unknown corners of the ship she calls home, she wonders just what she will find down there: friend or foe? Or something else entirely?

This is a short story set in the Rove City universe, set roughly 150 years prior to book 1, Midnight Wings.


Release dateJan 11, 2023
The Ghost Below: Rove City, #0

Ariele Sieling

Ariele Sieling is a Pennsylvania-based writer who enjoys books, cats, and trees. Her first love, however, is science fiction and she has three series in the genre: post-apocalyptic monsters in Land of Szornyek; soft science fiction series, The Sagittan Chronicles; and scifi fairytale retellings in Rove City. She has also had numerous short stories published in a variety of anthologies and magazines and is the author of children's books series Rutherford the Unicorn Sheep.She lives with her spouse, enormous Great Pyrenees dog, and two cats.You can find her work on Kobo, Amazon, Barnes&Noble, Apple, GooglePlay, and Payhip. Visit for more information.

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    Book preview

    The Ghost Below - Ariele Sieling

    About Rove City

    Rove City is a series of novellas set in a space-faring city. Each story is a fairytale retelling which revolves around a different central fairy tale character.

    Ghost Below, the story you are about to read, is set in Rove City about 150 years prior to Midnight Wings, the first in the Rove City series of novellas. It is very loosely based on Beauty and the Beast.

    There are currently 8 books available in the series. Each of the main characters will receive a full trilogy from their perspective. While I recommend reading them in chronological order, each trilogy can be read on its own.

    If you’d like to support me, please consider signing up for my Patreon. All Patrons receive free ebooks of every book I publish via BookFunnel, in addition to sneak peeks, cover reveals, custom art, behind-the-scenes info, and more!

    I hope you enjoy reading The Ghost Below!


    Step by step, Fia moved through the dark maintenance tunnels of the Rove City central Tower, touching cables, tightening their junctions, and listening to the hiss of the air system. The only thing separating her from the deep recesses of space was one metal wall. She loved how it made her feel—the thrill, the excitement, the constant reminder of her own mortality. The bowels of the city were dark, warm, and comforting. The headlamp she wore provided enough light for her to do her work, and the soft glow of the fiber optic cables gave the space a warm, mysterious feel. She loved Rove City.

    Occasionally, she wiped dust off of the wires’ casings or bent down to listen to them. They sang to her in many voices, but if she heard the snapping of sparks, she marked it with a red flag made from a tiny LED with a magnet, and came back later to adjust it.

    Fia’s routine looked something like this: rounds, minor repairs, rounds, minor repairs. If a major repair needed to happen, then everything else stopped. Sometimes she even thought time stopped, because whenever she finished fixing something, she felt her brain SNAP and everything was just like it had been before.

    She stepped into the steam room, which, as usual, was filled with clouds of steam. The plumbers loved it in here—the steam wasn’t supposed to leak, but the plumbers left a few holes and used it like a sauna, where they would just hang out and relax. Her routine took her through here once a day, unless a major repair interfered.

    Hey, White Rabbit, Logger said, doffing an imaginary hat. In her mind, he was the king of the plumbers—and not a very good king, at that. He was the only one who talked to her. The others lounged on crates with their shirts off, chattering about meaningless drivel that didn’t concern her. She preferred the plumbers that ignored her, for a wide variety of reasons, but starting with the fact that Logger was a creep.

    Hello, she said, trying not to make eye contact. She skittered out the other side, following the long EM2156L cable which started in the Emergency Control room and spidered out all across the ship, and crossed her fingers that Logger wouldn’t follow her—again. She wanted to finish

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