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The Light of Winter
The Light of Winter
The Light of Winter
Ebook341 pages4 hours

The Light of Winter

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A fierce winter storm, prophesied of old, heralds the birth of seven special girls.

Born on separate continents, into very different circumstances, they all share one thing: mysterious, ball-like devices, which find their way into each of the girls' possession. Th

Release dateApr 7, 2023
The Light of Winter

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    The Light of Winter - Troian W Anderson


    The Light of Winter

    Copyright © 2022 by Troian W Anderson

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review. For more information, address: [email protected]


    ISBNs: 978-1-80227-910-8 (eBook)

    978-1-80227-911-5 (Paperback)

    978-1-80541-003-4 (Hardback)

    The Light of Winter

    Troian W Anderson

    This book is dedicated to our Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

    and women the world over.

    Honesty, Integrity, Love and Faith.

    These were the pillars of her life.

    The love of nations.

    The ability to make one comfortable in her presence

    and see others as equals.

    All carried out with great humility.

    Only now do we learn the extent of her kindness, compassion, wit,

    and the exemplary life lived.

    It would appear we love her more

    in death than we did in life.

    And therein lies the lesson. 

    Learn about people, rather than believe our

    personal and suggested misguided assumptions.


    If you so choose.


    Lynne the Mother, Amanda the Patient, Sarah the Wise,

    Rachel the Nurturer, Charlotte the Resilient, Caitlin the Younger and Zoe the Potential.


    Grace the Lady, Ffion the Witty, Sienna the Weirdo,

    Millie the Quiet and Harper the Joy.










    Morty and Ellen


    Morty and Ellen






























































    I suppose it began many years ago with a visit to a fortune teller.

    Excited to learn of what could be, I listened intently. Toward the end of my reading I was told I would die before a certain age.

    Being a firm believer in the afterlife and such, I took this on board but with a pinch of salt, because time is subjective, and this was so far into the future there was no need to worry about it yet . As the years went by and this particular birthday grew closer, I would think of this prediction on a more regular basis, but not so much so that it affected my daily life.

    Though I loved my work, it did occasionally become the daily grind (at that time I was a chef), however, it was that career that gave me the opportunity to travel and eventually migrate.

    After my migration I had a complete reversal of lifestyle.

    I really was living my dream and eight years in the making, I had my moment of Great Revelation, an Epiphany if you will.

    The night before the predicted birthday and not wanting to go to sleep that night, I sat in the garden while the others slept.

    My mind whirring, conjuring many scenarios of what would happen should the dreaded prediction come to pass.

    Almost crying and beginning to shake, and only two cigarettes left from the pack of twenty five, Midnight grew closer.

    If this prophecy came to pass, I only had minutes left.

    Midnight struck!

    DEAD! But still alive.

    PHEEEW. Relief.

    It wasn’t death in the way one would assume, but the death of a mindset and an identity.

    Some of the things we hear or are told, if they do come to fruition, rarely will it be how we envision it, so wait for the event and enjoy the experience.

    The old saying comes to mind;

    To Assume makes an ASS of U and ME.

    The lifestyle change, as a consequence of my migration caused a very very gradual alteration of my thought processes, and this event brought the clarity I so desperately desired.

    I now saw the world in a far clearer light.

    So the prophecy did come to pass and it was the old me, my old identity that died.

    I wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass. 

    To build an identity without inherited beliefs but well researched ones, I knew would bring great peace to me.

    I have always loved meeting people and learning of their lives, including struggles, Joys and achievements etc, but in this new land there were nations from all over the world.

    There were people from all nations and some from lands where apartheid was law.

    When they migrated they brought their mindset with them, and after learning of their lives and life experiences, I understood why they thought the way they did.

    On one occasion whilst discussing views and opinions of other races, it was pointed out to them that friends of theirs were of said races.

    Their reply was

    But they’re different.

    What a revelation that was for me.  

    It showed, regardless of our assumptions and beliefs, if we take the time to get out of our comfort zone and question what we believe to be, more often than not we will prove our assumptions and beliefs incorrect.

    (Maybe that’s why we are never taught to question them. We always want to be right, and the person we know always tells us the truth is us! Even when cognitive dissonance sets in, we always know the truth.)

    Arewe really our identity?

    It’s the people of the world that make it the beautiful enchanting place it has always been, so travel, engage, and with an open mind, one by one, eliminate your prejudices.

    I took my own advice and met many wonderful people along the the way, many became friends and many became the family I chose for myself.

    So for the family I have and the family I chose:–


    You have been so patient, understanding, encouraging and helpful in creating my vision, and I’m sorry to inform you but this is the tip of the iceberg. 

    Without your support this would not be.


    For the gift that inspired this story, all you’ve done to help this see the light of day and just for being you.

    Naomi Fitzgerald.

    My Anchor, guinea pig, sounding board and guide, you have been instru­mental in all of this and more, for which I will be eternally grateful.

    Graham Picasso Griffiths.

    For your advice, direction and support during this and other projects, your friendship of so many years, your off the wall crazy fantastic ideas and artwork.

    Dr Stuart Elsworthy for your deep friendship, the encouragement and advice during this and other projects.

    Tess Maria for our lifelong friendship, varied conversations including the suggestion of a pseudonym. Very wise of you.

    And for friends and contributors:–

    Gary Jones for your kindness and support, and for giving me the time to complete this project.

    Stephen Jenkins especially and my first term classmates at Creative Writing, Garth Olwg, Mary-Lou, Rebecca, Paul, Adrian, Elaine, for all insights shared and especially Sarah for introducing me to VANTABLACK.


    To Publishing Push and all staff included in this project, Sophie, Ben, especially Amy, for her meticulous work to make this what it has become, and Gladys for her care, interest, professionalism, and friendliness. Noel, for formatting the book. Thank you!

    If we don’t know, we assume.

    Most of life is an assumption.

    Don’t live an assumed life,


    In memory of:

    My Late Father Leonard

    For instilling in me the values I live by, 

    whilst without judgement

    allowing me to navigate my life and learn for myself.

    My Late Uncle Raymond

    as the wisest man I have ever known,

    you guided me at the very beginning of this project

    and simultaneously helped me understand me.

    My Late Friend Jean Elsworthy

    For making our short time

    feel like we‘d known each other for a lifetime.

    You really were that special.

    It was time.

    The last supernova visible from Earth was in 1054 and it lasted twenty-three days, but this was very different.

    A jar in Earth’s rotation caused a ripple throughout the galaxy, awakening long dormant energies. The universal equilibrium, momentarily off kilter, released something that was to bring great change to humanity. Its current direction of travel as a species was heading back to the Stone Age.


    One of the primary mirror panels now had six indentations. With eighteen mirrors in total, NASA were hopeful the damage wouldn’t impact their search beyond the Big Bang.

    With infinite space available to them, they chanced on a small area at the time of the coming of the seven.

    The new James Webb telescope captured the light anomaly immediately before partial destruction. It appeared to be a supernova, but excitement and devastation experienced simultaneously left the NASA scientists dumbstruck and panicked. The debris impacted with such force a complete blackout ensued and the coming weeks were focused, stressful and full of anticipation.

    Excitement built over the period of recalibration and the night finally arrived. With the scientists poised at their computers, anxious to enter coordinates, the ambience was electric, but silent.

    The numbers were entered and while the telescope tracked towards its pre-determined position, they sat engrossed in their monitors, waiting for images to be streamed.

    They couldn’t believe their eyes. All present were baffled.

    There were no remnants of the supernova.

    Staring at the empty space, the black hole and neutron star were conspicuous by their absence. They had no evidence to verify the only image of this anomaly.

    Was this a chance impact or universal forces keeping harmony?

    Though reported without the required evidence, the official line taken by NASA was this.

    With only a solitary image, the suspected supernova witnessed by the James Webb telescope was an error in analysis. Rays from the sun reflecting from the back of the moon during the solar eclipse onto what they believed to be distant space debris displayed itself as a carbon copy of supernova properties.

    This caused astronomical refraction of light on a scale never before witnessed from debris and this was the basis of the agency’s error.

    Their embarrassment was felt worldwide.


    As a youngster, Antonis was an aspiring actor with a very bright future. His research and imagination were so comprehensive, he knew his characters inside out. He played them so convincingly he could have been each and every one he portrayed.

    This was cut short after the sudden loss of a loved one caused him to re-evaluate his life. This was when he discovered philosophy. He was so taken with this school of thought, everything he believed important to his life fell by the wayside, and as he sat, quietly contemplating in his government office, he felt the ripple.

    He knew this was the beginning of the end and would result in his long-awaited omnipotence.

    Lifetimes within a life, his searching produced his first real result by chance, and his knowledge of other worlds spurred him to re-evaluate his government position and find a job that would assist him in finally ending his search.


    Surprising for such a young man, but it was no coincidence that his drinks of choice were stouts and porters.

    Engraved with his name and a weather map, he held his favourite pint glass with an unsteady hand. Crystal clear with facets spiralling top to bottom, he slowly poured his new find.

    The vision and aroma began to settle him.

    As a lover of coffee and of stout, this was his perfect blend.

    Once the dark fluid velvet escaped the bottle, its aroma filled the room, changing the ambience from a quiet, lonely and oppressive kitchen to that of a vibrant coffee house and, through his anguish, it immediately teased a smile.

    From the bending of the cap releasing the gas to the final sip, this wasn’t a drink to be glugged. It was a delight for all the senses.

    He wasn’t a drinker, but an appreciator of quality. As a consequence, six beers in, he was almost asleep, but still contemplating what interim position he could apply for whilst considering his future.

    Tired in his stupor, he studied the bottle’s label. With such a flavourful character, he was affronted by the emblazoned Coffee Stout.

    Without a doubt, this should be a porter, he thought. Between contemplations of interim jobs and beer classifications, he concluded, Yes, definitely a porter.

    As he drifted off to sleep, he was wondering hotel, train station or hospital.


    The nameplate on the office door read:


    Director of Science

    Antonis was always known, and only every referred to, as Ant. He insisted on the unusual placing of his initial after his surname. Being read that way conjured deceptive perceptions, especially for foodies and others who knew of the dessert.

    A former government minister, everyone knew of his appointment weeks before commencement, causing speculation as to what kind of person he was and the type of boss he would be. To most, his name suggested a sweet man of many layers with something hidden within.

    Amongst the staff, there were those with a tendency towards the spiritual and though he looked mid-forties, they described him as an old soul, saying he’d been here before, meaning they believed him to have been incarnated many times.

    This was not the case.

    Though his handbag intrigued some, his introduction to the senior staff went very well.

    He had an uncanny ability of reading people and, with a great understanding of body language and interpretation of facial expressions, without exception, all were an open book to him.

    He pandered to what he knew each individual expected of this first meeting and portrayed himself accordingly.

    The staff believed at least two of their guesses were correct, but only time would tell if there really was something hidden deep within.

    During the first month as he settled in, he made a point of making himself known to every member of staff including personal meetings with those that were to report to him directly. This was when the gossip of his insistence on punctuality began.


    Joseph was one of the last members of staff Ant met with. A focused intelligent young man who never suffered fools gladly.

    Punctuality was important to him too. He made his way to Mr Backlav’s office and he was on schedule to arrive at the office slightly earlier than necessary.

    His colleague Andrew caught sight of him as he passed.

    Joseph, he shouted.

    He stopped and walked back to the glass-fronted office.

    Do you have the forecast models for the next two months? The meeting was brought forward and I have to give a presentation to the directors first thing tomorrow morning and I’m way behind schedule.

    The visual prediction software on the recently installed state-of-the-art computer system was underperforming; its accuracy trending far below the promise of the supplier and expectations of the directors and government ministers.

    That meeting isn’t due until the end of the week, Joseph replied.

    I know. They sprung it on me twenty minutes ago and I’ll have to work late tonight to be ready by the morning.

    It’s almost complete. I can get it to you after my meeting.

    Andrew continued the conversation. Who’s your meeting with?

    Mr Backlav, he replied as he looked at his watch. Shit!

    It was just approaching four fifteen.

    I have to go. I’ll get them to you as soon as I get back.

    Rushing along the corridor, he decided against the lift and taking three steps at a time, he arrived on the fourth floor out of breath. With a quick pace, he read the nameplates as he passed.


    Chief People Officer


    Programmes Director


    Technology Director/Chief Information Officer


    Services Director

    Arriving at the office door at the end of the hall, he noticed the unusual placement of the initial and made a mental note to ask the director at the end of his meeting.

    Knock, knock.

    Come in, Joseph.

    Before he could apologise and explain his lateness, Antonis said, You’re late.

    Joseph began to explain but was cut short by Antonis raising his index finger to subtly pursed lips.

    Punctuality and order. Some of the keys to success.

    A strange statement, Joseph thought, but as he quickly scanned the room, he noticed an order to it. On entering, he knew this was the director’s space. Almost feng shui, but not.

    The energy was off.

    Assisting the flow of energy throughout, all elements were represented. There was an excessive amount of metal in the form of shelving units, abstract sculptures and unexpected water features. They were specifically placed, but were of a forced water design, fountain-like and not the free-flowing nature of a waterfall.

    His eyes finally rested on the curious sight on Ant’s desk.

    The marble and the bag.

    Though Joseph knew he had been late, it was only by two minutes.

    Antonis remained calm and said, Friday at quarter past four. See you then.

    Joseph stood speechless. He had plans for his half day Friday, but he dared not attempt rearranging and, comprehending the mood of the room, he offered no reply.

    Without a word, he turned and headed for the door.

    Reaching for the handle, he noticed Ant’s mission statement.

    Taking pride of place on the back of the office door hung a hand carved, thin stone tablet within an ivory and gold inlay frame. It looked like an ancient artefact with one word only: ACHIEVE.

    All that entered read it on exit, and it was always in Ant’s view.

    From behind him, he heard Ant say, Do it!

    Joseph left and closed the door behind him.

    There was something not quite right about the director, and he had Ant’s cards marked from the start.

    Paying more attention as he made his way back to his desk, the synchronicity of the nameplates stirred something within.

    He remembered the day Ant was introduced.

    The CEO and only these four of the many directors and officers were present. He wondered if there was any significance to this and his appointment.


    All meetings were scheduled for fifteen minutes past four in the afternoon.

    Numbers were as important to him as precision and accuracy. He understood timing was everything to achieve the results he desired.

    Staff weren’t invited in until thirty seconds before their appointment. This was just enough time for them to enter the room and take a seat.

    This gave Ant the three minutes he required to inform each person of his expectations from their one-to-one. Whether they were sat or not, he would begin at precisely quarter past. Sat with his arm slightly raised in front of him, he stared at his rose gold and grey LIV GX-Diver’s watch. He wasn’t a diver and it wasn’t the most expensive watch, but by far it was one of the most accurate timepieces on the market.

    During every introductory meeting, he would stop talking three seconds before the eighteenth minute to allow the other person to begin at four eighteen precisely.

    This was crucial.

    The meetings were formatted in a way that allowed the person to feel comfortable in his presence. He was a captivating man when necessary and, without exception, each staff member, trance-like and without prompt, would disclose many things about their lives; some things quite unnecessarily.

    Those on time enjoyed their meeting and thought of him as very friendly but they couldn’t have been more wrong.

    After their meetings, Ant knew the members of staff discussed between themselves their perceptions of him.

    They all liked him but the consistent curiosity surrounding the precisely placed marble and bag, and the order of his office, overtook the basis of conversation.

    Knowing people have their individual quirks, like strange items used as lucky charms or doing things in a specific order to achieve a desired outcome, they accepted this as an eccentricity of his. The marble was odd though.

    The coloured glass within was not what any of them expected to see. The form of an ear took the place of the usual wavy strands of encased colour. The bag, a tan coloured Radley, was odd too. Not because of the gold-coloured Scottie dog bag charm or the occasional wave-like shimmer, but just because it was there.

    A woman’s handbag

    Formerly the Minister for Science, he resigned his post as it was no longer tenable due to the Prime Minister’s incompetence, or so he said. In reality, it was no longer tenable because the results he required personally were not being achieved, and there was no way he could use his powers to achieve them as this would expose him and possibly his lifelong quest.

    A master of connections, he permeated all realities, and the information he possessed prior to this point had been gathered over millennia, but the recently acquired information from his widely dispersed, multi-dimensional and genetically imbued drones was all pointing to a weather event.

    To give up was never a consideration. The prize was too great.

    Resigning his ministerial post was necessary as past intel gathering had been fruitless and now it had become a weather-related goal. Now was the perfect time for him to become involved with the Meteorological Service of Canada.

    He was the only candidate they wanted and their devious ways made that happen.

    Once appointed, making headway was now certain.


    With the installation of the new software complete, data from previous years was

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