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The Case of the Disappearing Quarterback
The Case of the Disappearing Quarterback
The Case of the Disappearing Quarterback
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The Case of the Disappearing Quarterback

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I know what you’re thinking. Yea. I know what you’re all thinking. You’re all thinking that this is another murder mystery. Right? Be honest but that is what you are thinking. Some mafioso serial killer is on the loose whacking quarterbacks. Well I survived and I played quarterback. That is why I disappeared for thirty five years. I never got killed like twelve of my football friends did! Somehow I slipped through the cracks and made it to seventy one which is my age as I type these words. I suffered three concussions, a bruised sternum, a torn rotator cuff, three broken noses, two nose surgeries, one mouth surgery, three torn ligaments, another stomach surgery, five knee surgeries including two 3D printed ceramic artificial knee surgeries, sixty stitches in various sundry locations on my face and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The titanium in my legs sets off alarms when I walk through the metal detectors at airports. “Just a flesh wound” as so eloquently stated by Monty Python in the British comedy Holy Grail.

I have twelve friends who are deader than doornails just like Marley in A Christmas Carol. But I digress let’s get to the story.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJan 11, 2023
The Case of the Disappearing Quarterback

Mike Boryla

Mike Boryla began writing creatively in 2010 and eventually received a vision from the Lord, who told him that He was going to make him ten times more famous as a playwright than he was as a Stanford All American and Pro Bowl quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles. Today, he’s seventy-two years old, which is seventeen years over the average lifespan for NFL players of his generation.

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    The Case of the Disappearing Quarterback - Mike Boryla


    The Case of




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    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-8359-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-8360-2 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-8358-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022920929

    WestBow Press rev. date: 01/10/2023





    Chapter 1     Knicks and Knees

    Chapter 2     Keep Your Poise, Mike

    Chapter 3     Annie and Bombshell

    Chapter 4     Twist and Shout

    Chapter 5     Have No Fear

    Chapter 6     Lifting Weights

    Chapter 7     Playboy

    Chapter 8     Welcome to the NFL, Rook!

    Chapter 9     Concussion

    Chapter 10   It’s Showtime


    About The Author


    This book is dedicated to my wife Annie, my faithful companion, without whom I wouldn’t have had the audacity to attempt to write this book, or the hope to actually finish it.

    Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the

    LORD has risen upon thee. For behold darkness will cover

    the earth and deep darkness the people: But the LORD

    will rise upon you, and his glory shall appear upon thee.

    —Isaiah 60:1–2



    I would like to thank my mother for being the biggest influence in my life. She was a small-town girl from Ogallala, Nebraska. When I was fourteen, she told me to marry a nurse and have boys. Without her protection, my F5 tornado father would have made me road kill and shredded my life, like he did to countless others.

    Daniel Student, my artistic director at Plays and Players Theatre who accepted my football musical when I emailed it to him randomly. Thanks Daniel for having me convert it into a one-man play and making me a very good stage actor, like famous Spalding Gray—or so says the Philadelphia Inquirer.

    Roger Rodd helped me turn my mediocre-at-best one man play The Disappearing Quarterback into a huge success. He and I are the only football players on the planet to write and perform their own one-man football plays. His one-man football play was called Footsteps. He nicknamed me Young Buck when we were nineteen years old at Stanford. To this day, he and my Stanford friends still call me Young Buck even though I am an old goat.

    Before I met Annie I was a loner, misfit kind of guy. When we got engaged, I told her that if I hadn’t met her I would have ended up living in a cave in a box canyon outside of Ouray, Colorado. I would have books and supplies air-dropped to me and automatic calibrated machine guns set to go off if anybody happened to wander up the path to my cave. Without her I would have become a modern-day Scrooge in A Christmas Carol, as solitary as an oyster. Bah Humbug.

    Last but not least my son with Down Syndrome, Ryan. He has shown me that I don’t have to be so moody. He is always in a good mood. He is nice to everyone and incredibly consistent. He is a great mime actor. A lot of my acting expressions came from Ryan’s daily comic routines.


    As I drove out of San Francisco headed for Philadelphia and this new professional football career, it was one of the neatest feelings I ever had. Young, dumb, and headed for Philly—it didn’t get any better than that. Little did I know that to the womanizing alcoholic compulsive gambler owner of the Philadelphia Eagles, I was fresh meat from the California coast, seasoned well and ready to be seared on the gridiron of Veterans Stadium. I had no idea that my youth was over. Now I had to learn how to handle and play football with dangerous narcissists.

    This book is mostly the story of my favorite year: the wonderful, iconic year of 1969 when I was a senior quarterback at the Jesuit Regis High School in Denver, Colorado. Here in the post-pandemic reality, the world has been turned upside down. It will never be the same again and there’s not as much laughter anymore. But my senior year at Regis has never changed. It’s still as wonderful as it was back in 1969. Whenever I think about the fun I had playing football with the Regis Raiders, I smile. I’ll never forget it.

    In regards to my NFL career, I just want to give you a little heads up. Being the starting quarterback in the NFL on a pathetic team isn’t quite the picnic they make it seem. Sometimes I felt like a convicted vampire being tied up and led to the sacred rock of execution overlooking the falls in Gabon by pygmy witch doctors in my favorite French book Beyond the Mist. There’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and judgment day is going to come. I survived, but twelve of my football friends are deader than doornails.

    Chapter One



    A blue-collar red-neck crowd fills the Philadelphia Arena in 1957. It is a sold-out basketball game against their hated rivals, the New York Knicks. The fans behind the bench have been

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