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The Complete Guide To Raising And Showing Chickens:A Comprehensive Handbook For Beginners And Experienced Chicken Keepers: Raising Chickens
The Complete Guide To Raising And Showing Chickens:A Comprehensive Handbook For Beginners And Experienced Chicken Keepers: Raising Chickens
The Complete Guide To Raising And Showing Chickens:A Comprehensive Handbook For Beginners And Experienced Chicken Keepers: Raising Chickens
Ebook79 pages58 minutes

The Complete Guide To Raising And Showing Chickens:A Comprehensive Handbook For Beginners And Experienced Chicken Keepers: Raising Chickens

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The Complete Guide To Raising And Showing Chickens: A Comprehensive Handbook For Beginners And Experienced Chicken Keepers

This book is intended for chicken enthusiasts, farmers, poultry keepers, and anyone interested in raising chickens.
The main focus of this book is the practical aspects of raising and showing chickens, tailored to both beginners and experienced chicken keepers. It promises a comprehensive guide for the reader to learn about this topic.

The book's purpose is to provide readers with a comprehensive guide to raising and showing chickens.
It aims to cover all aspects of chicken-keeping, from the basics of chicken biology and anatomy to the various breeds of chickens. Also, how to choose the right one for your needs, the practical aspects of raising, feeding, and caring for chickens, to the specialised topic of showing chickens in competitions.
The intended audience for the book is anyone interested in raising and showing chickens, whether as a hobby or a more serious pursuit.
This includes:

  • Beginners new to chicken-keeping want to learn the basics of getting started.
  • Experienced chicken keepers who want to learn more about different breeds,
  • raising techniques,
  • and how to show their birds.
  • Those interested in backyard chicken-keeping want to learn how to raise a small flock for eggs and meat.
  • People interested in keeping chickens as pets want to learn how to care for them properly.
  • Those interested in exhibiting their chickens in competitions want to learn how to prepare their birds for showing.

Overall, the book is designed to be a comprehensive and accessible guide for anyone who wants to learn more about raising and showing chickens. Discover the joys and rewards of raising chickens with 'The Complete Guide to Raising and Showing Chickens'.

This comprehensive handbook is the perfect guide for both beginners and experienced chicken keepers.


Release dateJan 17, 2023
The Complete Guide To Raising And Showing Chickens:A Comprehensive Handbook For Beginners And Experienced Chicken Keepers: Raising Chickens

Stirling De Cruz Coleridge

Stirling De Cruz-Coleridge is a published author, philanthropist and entrepreneur. He studied Psychology, Social Sciences, Biology, Neuroscience, Brain & Behaviour. Stirling writes from the heart and he is able to reach out to all kinds of different people in a genuine way to inspire, motivate and help them improve their lives for the better.

Read more from Stirling De Cruz Coleridge

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    The Complete Guide To Raising And Showing Chickens:A Comprehensive Handbook For Beginners And Experienced Chicken Keepers - Stirling De Cruz Coleridge

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