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Blake; or, The Huts of America
Blake; or, The Huts of America
Blake; or, The Huts of America
Ebook568 pages6 hours

Blake; or, The Huts of America

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An enslaved West Indian man travels the American South searching for his wife and raising a revolt in this classic American alternative history.

Martin R. Delany’s Blake (1859, 1861–1862) is one of the most important African American—and indeed American—works of fiction of the nineteenth century. It tells the story of Henry Blake’s escape from a southern plantation and his subsequent travels across the United States, into Canada, and to Africa and Cuba. His mission is to unite the black populations of the American Atlantic regions, both free and slave, in the struggle for freedom, whether through insurrection or through emigration and the creation of an independent black state. Blake is a rhetorical masterpiece, all the more strange and mysterious for remaining incomplete, breaking off before its final scene.

This edition of Blake, prepared by textual scholar Jerome McGann, offers the first correct printing of the work in book form. It establishes an accurate text, supplies contextual notes and commentaries, and presents an authoritative account of the work’s composition and publication history. In a lively introduction, McGann argues that Delany employs the resources of fiction to develop a critical account of the interconnected structure of racist power as it operated throughout the American Atlantic. He likens Blake to Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle, in its willful determination to transform a living and terrible present.

Blake; Or, The Huts of America: A Corrected Edition will be used in undergraduate and graduate classes on the history of African American fiction, on the history of the American novel, and on black cultural studies. General readers will welcome as well the first reliable edition of Delany’s fiction.

Praise for Blake; Or, The Huts of America

“An American literary classic most Americans have never heard of . . . The actual novel itself is unapologetically didactic, its characters mainly acting as mouthpieces for the author’s polemics—but those polemics possess a startling directness that makes a 21st-century reading of this fully-restored Blake as arresting as its original readers must have found it.” —Steve Donoghue, The Christian Science Monitor

“McGann has done a painstaking job of recovering the work, providing scrupulous editing, an excellent introduction, and copious notes that will undoubtedly draw added critical attention to the novel . . . Largely owing to its historical significance, this edition will be of most interest to scholars.” —L. J. Parascandola, Library Journal

“This version of Blake is without any doubt an edition to be welcomed, and will be cited as the principal text in the foreseeable future.” —Eric Sundquist, Johns Hopkins University
Release dateFeb 13, 2017
Blake; or, The Huts of America

Martin R. Delany

Martin Delany (1812-1885) was an abolitionist, writer, soldier, physician, and black nationalist. Born free in Virginia, Delany was raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he became a physician’s assistant and worked tirelessly during the cholera epidemic of 1833. Admitted to Harvard Medical School in 1850, Delany was dismissed after protests by white students threatened his life. After traveling to the South in 1839 to witness the conditions experienced by slaves for the first time, Delany moved to Rochester, New York to work with Frederick Douglass on his abolitionist newspaper The North Star. After a brief visit to Liberia and several years in Canada, Delany returned to the United States at the onset of the Civil War, eventually working as a recruiter for the United States Colored Troops and serving as the first African American field grade officer in the Army. During Reconstruction, he moved to South Carolina, where he worked for the Freedmen’s Bureau and dedicated himself to activism and politics. Delany was also a prolific pamphleteer, journalist, and novelist whose book Blake, or the Huts of America (1859-1862) is considered a pioneering work of black nationalist fiction. Towards the end of his life, Delany devoted himself to the Liberia Exodus Joint Stock Steamship Company, an expedition he envisioned as a response to the growing violence and voter suppression faced by African Americans following the withdrawal of federal troops from the South in 1877. In his final years, Delany returned to his work as a physician, supplementing his wife’s income as a seamstress in order to pay for their children to attend Wilberforce College in Ohio.

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    Blake; or, The Huts of America - Martin R. Delany

    PART I

    "By myself, the Lord of Ages,

    I have sworn to right the wrong;

    I have pledged my word unbroken,

    For the weak against the strong."



    The Project


    On one of those exciting occasions, during a contest for the presidency of the United States,³ a number of gentlemen met in the city of Baltimore. They were few in number, and appeared little concerned about the affairs of the general government. Though men of intelligence, their time and attention seemed to be entirely absorbed in an adventure of self interest.⁴ They met for the purpose of completing arrangements for refitting the old ship Merchantman, which then lay in the harbor near Fell’s Point.⁵ Colonel Stephen Franks, Major James Armsted, Captain Richard Paul and Captain George Royer, composed those who represented the American side—Captain Juan Garcia and Captain Jose Castello, those of Cuban interest.

    Here a conversation ensued upon what seemed a point of vital importance to the company; it related to the place best suited for the completion of their arrangements. The Americans insisted on Baltimore as affording the greatest facilities, and having done more for the encouragement and protection of the trade, than any other known place. Whilst the Cubans on the other side, urged their objections on the ground that the continual increase of liberal principles in the various political parties, which were fast ushering into existence, made the objection beyond a controversy. Havana was contended for as a point best suited for adjusting their arrangements, and that too with many apparent reasons; but for some cause, the preference for Baltimore prevailed.

    Subsequently to the adjustment of their affairs by the most complete arrangement for refitting the vessel, Colonel Franks took leave of the party for his home in the distant state of Mississippi.


    Colonel Franks at Home

    On the return of Colonel Stephen Franks to his home at Natchez, he met there Mrs. Arabella, the wife of Judge Ballard, an eminent jurist of one of the Northern states. She had arrived but a day before him, on a visit to some relatives, of whom Mrs. Franks was one. The conversation, as is customary on the meeting of Americans residing in such distant latitudes, readily turned on the general policy of the country.

    Mrs. Ballard possessed the highest intelligence, and Mrs. Maria Franks was among the most accomplished of Southern ladies.

    Tell me, Madam Ballard, how will the North go in the present issue? enquired Franks.

    Give yourself no concern about that, Colonel, replied Mrs. Ballard, you will find the North true to the country.

    What you consider true, may be false—that is, it might be true to you, and false to us, continued he.

    You do not understand me, Colonel, she rejoined, we can have no interests separate from yours; you know the time-honored motto, ‘united we stand,’ and so forth, must apply to the American people under every policy in every section of the Union.

    So it should, but amidst the general clamor in the contest for ascendency, may you not lose sight of this important point?

    How can we? You, I’m sure, Colonel, know very well that in our country commercial interests have taken precedence of all others, which is a sufficient guarantee of our fidelity to the South.

    That may be, madam, but we are still apprehensive.

    Well sir, we certainly do not know what more to do to give you assurance of our sincerity. We have as a plight of faith yielded Boston, New York, and Philadelphia—the intelligence and the wealth of the North—in carrying out the Compromise measures for the interests of the South; can we do more?

    True, Madam Ballard, true! I yield the controversy. You have already done more than we of the South expected. I now remember that the Judge himself, tried the first case under the Act, in your city, by which the measures were tested.

    He did, sir, and if you will not consider me unwomanly by telling you, desired me, on coming here, to seek every opportunity to give the fullest assurance that the judiciary are sound on that question. Indeed, so far as an individual might be concerned, his interests in another direction as you know, place him beyond suspicion, concluded Mrs. Ballard.¹⁰

    I am satisfied, madam, and by your permission, arrest the conversation. My acknowledgments, madam! bowed the Colonel, with true Southern courtesy.

    Maria, my dear, you look careworn; are you indisposed? inquired Franks of his wife, who during conversation sat silent.

    Not physically, Colonel, replied she but—

    Just at this moment a servant throwing open the door announced dinner.

    Besides a sprightly black boy of some ten years of age, there was in attendance a prepossessing, handsome maid-servant, who generally kept, as much as the occasion would permit, behind the chair of her mistress. A mutual attachment appeared to exist between them, the maid apparently disinclined to leave the mistress, who seemed to keep her as near her person as possible.

    Now and again the fat cook, Mammy Judy, would appear at the door of the dining room bearing a fresh supply for the table, who with a slight nod of the head, accompanied with an affectionate smile and the word Maggie, indicated a tie much closer than that of mere fellow-servants.

    Maggie had long been the favorite maid-servant of her mistress, having attained the position through merit. She was also nurse and foster-mother to the two last children of Mrs. Franks, and loved them, to all appearance, as her own. The children reciprocated this affection, calling her

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