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Ifa the key to its' understanding full
Ifa the key to its' understanding full
Ifa the key to its' understanding full
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Ifa the key to its' understanding full

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This book and the subsequent ones that are interesting for those who want to know, those who want to acquire the key to open the door of life's treasure, those who decide to go further to extend their knowledge in general; those, in addition to practitioners, who are looking forward to having a reference book at hand. In one word This book (and subsequent readings) can be of great benefit to everyone.


Just like the practice of any Ifá profession requires a full time dedication. In most of the In those cases, those who teach Ifá prefer that their students memorize all their stays in Odù Ifá. These teachers they believe that when memorized it is easier to refer to any stay in the Odù than when it is subject to the written. That is why teachers have their students memorize and recite each stay in an Odù before to go to the next Odù.

Release dateJan 20, 2023
Ifa the key to its' understanding full

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    Ifa the key to its' understanding full - Fasina Falade


    The offspring of a Bàbáláwo. The offspring of a Yerbero must never show anger. It should never be recalcitrant. The son of the head of a community should never create chaos in his community.


    These were the statements of the Ifá to Adekanmbi who was the son of Okanran-Sode (Okanran-Ogbé) when he heard that Awo was being initiated I joined them and was initiated.


    In addition to having a level of mandate at all times, Ifá also says that an Omo-Awo should never possess no reward in money or any other material Ifá says that money is just a way to end and not determine it. Consequently, money should never occupy an important position in your life.

    In Iwori-Wowo (Iwori-Ose) Ifá says:

    Ìwòrì-wówó-wówó. Ìwòrì wokùn-wokùn. Ìwòrì wokùn tán or tòò wo'de or Díá fún Eni Ilèélè Ti won ò níí téní fún láíláí. Njé ení í léele. Ti won ò níí téní fún láíláí. Ni orúko ti àá pe owó.



    Iwori looks at the money. Iwori looks at okun's ornaments. Iwori look at the okun ornaments before you see them copper ornaments. These were Ifa's statements to a person on the floor, the person on the floor.

    Who should not be honored with a mate. Who should never have been given a mate. It is the name given to money.


    If an Omo-Awo prefers Ifá knowledge of material goods and money, he will be highly respected. To them They will also be taught how much they need the Ifá and how their colleagues denied it. Either way, the Omo -

    Awo is taught during his training period which will form the majority of his success and popularity in later stages of his life. In Ogbé-Ate, Ifá says:


    Omo bó kóFá, or kóFá. Omo bóó tèr'r, or tèrù. Odómodè tó kó'Fá. Tó lóhun ò níí fi sin àgbàlagbà. Día Fún

    Akiri-tojulé. Èyí tíí se Àrèmo Òkánjúwá. Émi ò pé n ó pín-ì'wó. Ifá ni e kó mi or Bi nbá tètè kú Ma là, sé maa



    Child, if you want to have problems with Ifá procedures, make it a child who studies Ifá. But whoever says it will not work. To no greater He will never learn the Ifá that distinguishes An Awo from the rest of the



    These were the declarations of Ifá A Akin -toyule (the one who moves from one house to another). The first to be born of the greed of man I am not responsible for the sharing of money. What I want is to teach Ifá. If I don't die young. I will succeed and surely I will be rich.


    One can see that Ifa requires absolute dedication and sacrifice to achieve success, any Omo-Awo who plans to be successful, with little dedication will fail completely. In Ifa, the essential attributes of an Omo-Awo are patience, honesty, level of mandate and dedication. All of this will be rewarded when Omo-Awo is Independent. This is the reason why Ifa says that you first need to suffer to acquire knowledge, then From that, one can be sure that he will succeed and fulfillment. In Òtúrá-Elejin (Òtúrá-Ogbè) Ifá says:


    Tisé-tiyà lomodé kèkerè fi n kó'Fá. Bó bá dàgbà tán. Níí ri èrè e èè je o. Diá fún Òtúrá. Ti yòò towó b'okò ní Isàgá. Mo fa'hun rere me or. Ìgbá Òtúrá t'owó b'okó. Ló là wálé. Mo t'owó b'okò. Mo fa'hun rere me o


    A child studies Ifá with dedication and suffering. When he grows up. He will have all the rewards. This was the declaration of Ifá to Òtúrá. When he was able to dip his hand. In the pot of success. I dip my hands in the boat. And I bring out all the good things in life. When Òtúrá put his hands in the boat. He started to be successful since. Your residence to your home. I dip my hands into the pot. He started to be successful from your residence to your home. I dip my hands into the pot. And I get all the good things out of the lifetime.


    Ifá said that the Omo-Awo that has the required perseverance will be successful, after it completes successfully their studies.


    Not only this, Ifá also said that the Omo-Awo will be highly distinguished and recognized in society. What they need to be consistent in their quest for success and achievement.


    In the Iwori-Wotu (Iwori-Òtúrá), Ifá said:


    Iwòrì-Wòtu pèèrèpè

    Díá fún eni Jánhín-j ́nhín

    Èyí ti yòò si wáá d'eni règìrègì

    Won ní kó Sákáalè, èbo ní Síse

    Ò gbé'bo ó r'úbo

    Eni jánhín –jánhín ni mo wá

    Neither you nor

    Òpè, Ifá ló so mí d'ògbóni o



    Iwori-wotu peerepe

    He was consulted by Ifá of the unrecognized, who later

    Would make a distinguished personality

    He was advised to offer a sacrifice

    He accepted I have existed as an unrecognized person. This was how

    was doing until now

    The central spirit, Ifá is what has turned me now, into a

    Important person. If an Omo-Awo is ready to surely persevere its limit

    It is heaven.




    Ifá is divided into 2 large areas that an Omo-Awo is expected to study and master: These are:

    a) Eyo Ifá or Akijero: this is the area that deals with Ifá messages, offers sacrifices and performs rituals.

    b) Atese Ifá: This area deals with special Ifá preparations for the expectations and aspirations of the client. Both

    Areas complement each other but are not necessarily the same.


    An Omo-Awo who specializes in Eyo or Ifá Akijero is an expert in revealing the mysteries of life. He knows the problems or challenges of the client before the consultation arrives: he knows what kind of sacrifice to offer to solve the customer problems; knows exactly when and how the problem started and how to solve it. So those who know they specialize in Eyo Ifá they are specialists in Irúbo, etutu (appease deities), Ikosedaye (looking at the fate of the

    newborn, usually does between 2 or and 6 or day after the birth of the child) and Itelodu (initiation according to Ifá to determine the purpose of the life of the initiate. Those who do are known as Bàbáláwo Akeyo or Alakijeru.


    This group of Awo are in great demand anywhere. That is why they hardly stay

    at home. They are continually traveling from one place to another.


    The second group specializes in Atesse, also known as Alatese is a congregation of those who have learned and become experts in special Ifá preparations.


    For example, a woman is being molested by witches and is being prevented from getting pregnant. his array has been locked. It is the duty of an Akeyo to make a correct diagnosis of their problems and make the offering appropriate to neutralize the evil mechanisms of witches.


    After doing this the woman's requests will be answered. But there is still a problem the uterus blocked, which is a disease, which must be cured using the appropriate medicines. It is the duty of an Alatese do this.


    Awo Alatese specializes in making special preparations for ills, illnesses, victory, success financial, child behavior, long life and others.


    An Omo-Awo does its best if it studies both fields extensively. However, the area of expertise of an Omo-Awo will be determined according to what his baba-Ifá concentrates during the training of the omo -Awo, Despite omo-Awo's interests, he is highly influenced by his teacher.


    To be successful in the 2 areas especially in Alatese, the Baba-Ifá needs to give your student one special preparation so you have the power and ability to put Ase in everything you use to prepare or manage.


    STEP SEVEN: ITELODU (Initiation)


    Itelodu is advisable for anyone equally for practitioners and non-practitioners of Ifá. From

    Either way, the initiation for women is not as detailed as that for men, in the sense that a

    woman cannot see Odú while men are expected to see and have Odú before it can be said that her itelodu is finished.


    For an Omo-Awo, itelodu can be done after, during or before training. All I Love -Awo they receive their most powerful Ase, when they are initiated.


    Not only Omo-Awo, everyone on earth who is fortunate enough to have their itelodu ceremony must know that the door of your destiny will be opened to you that night.


    It begins to be your responsibility to find your purpose in life, follow it and fulfill it. As a fact Ifa leads everyone to do exactly that.


    In Ogbè-Ate, Ifá said:

    A kìí jì ní kùtùkùtkù

    Ká má mo Odú tú dá ni s'áiyè

    Díá fùn Olúpo Àláelú

    Èyi t f''èyín ti

    Tò n fekún sùráhùn ire gbogbo

    Èyí ti ilé ayé ni lára kokooko bí ota

    Wón ní kò Sákálè, ebo ní Síse

    Kò sì lo réé te ifá

    Ó gbé'bo, ó r'ubo

    Kò pé, kò jìnnà

    Go gbogbo wá ya dé tùtúru

    Ifá give or, Allah

    Òpè abìse wàràwàrà



    It is not advisable for one to get up at dawn

    From your life, without knowing the Odú that gives you

    Birth to one.

    This was Ifa's statement to Olupo Alaelu

    Who support.

    And I was mired in regrets of his inability

    To reach all Ire in life

    He for whom his life was as hard and difficult as stone.

    He was advised to offer a sacrifice.

    And they also told him to start.

    He accepted.

    Before long not too far

    All Ire in life comes to him in abundance

    Here comes Ifa, the personification of Ase

    The spirit of the palm tree that

    It ensures that these predictions will pass quickly.


    There are many advantages that anyone can get from Itelodu, they are too many to list here, but some of the most important are:


    Gives Ase to initiates in any of their chosen careers.

    It shows you the easiest direction to achieve your predestined or desired goals

    It gives them the opportunity to recognize originality and unity in their individuality

    It gives them the opportunity to gauge their achievements in life and vis-a-vis their destiny.


    It gives them the ability to predict what their future will look like.

    It assures them a guide and protection of the deities.

    It makes them able to master their destiny and their future.

    Guide them through the falls.


    Despite everything, Ifá does all this through Itelodu, there are some responsibilities that Ifá gives to initiates to the Omo-Awo, Baba Ifá, and equally to the uninitiated practitioners. These responsibilities form the character of people and everyone must follow them to the letter and strictly. Also in Ogbè-Ate, Ifá said:


    Ogbè wàà tè k'àra ó rò wá

    Mo gbá, mo tè ni irègún Ifá

    Díá fùn Òrúnmila

    Bàbá yòò te omo rè n'Ifá

    Wón ní kó Sákáakè, ebo ní Síse

    Ó gbè'bo, Ó rube

    Nigbàtí mo gbà

    Baba a me sì tea me

    Àìgógbòn nínú

    Àìmèrò níkùn

    Nìì mú'nìì wo Igbdù léèmeta

    Bí a bá te Ifá tàn

    Are you òrò Èsù Òdàrà fi kù, Ifá?

    Bí a bá te Ifá tán

    A kìí fi àjákù igbà á gu òpe

    A kìí bé ludò láì mò'wè

    A kìí rì iku nílè ká torí bòó

    A kìí fé obinrin Awo

    A kìí gba aya ìsègùn

    A ò gbodò mú obinrin aborè wole kélékélé lòó fé

    A ò gbodò bà obinrin inmùlè ení sèké

    Olúwo eni kìí bi ni loro ká sé

    Koíko ti erin gbérí mó

    Únrúnmilà ló te Akódá

    Ó te Asèda

    Or I plowed you

    Únrúnmila Ágbonnirègùn Olójo ìbón

    Oun nikan soso la ò mo eni to tèé

    Njé bí a bá tè mi tán

    Màá tùn'ra mi tè

    Èèwò ti a bá kà fún mi

    Màá gbó

    Títè la té mí

    Màá tùn ra mi tè o



    Ogbé, come and be initiated to be at ease. To take Ifa's hand and then be fully initiated is the request that each one has for Ifá. These were the Ifá statements for únrúnmilà when he planned Starting his son Òrúnmilà was advised to offer A sacrifice. He accepted.


    When I received Ifa's hand my father carried out the Itelodu for me lack of intelligence lack of deep thought. This is what I know compels people to be initiated in three repeated occasions. After being started. Esu Odara's departure needs to be taken seriously

    Why should Esu Od ara give extra consideration?

    After being started we should not wear worn out clothes to climb a palm tree. We should not jump into river without knowing how to swim we should not take doubtful risks that can cost us our lives. We must not take away the wife to Awo. We should not take the wife away from a doctor. We must not have an illicit channel knowledge in the ritual of the wife we should not make malicious plans with the wife of a friend against


    We should not lie to our Olúwo in any way that has been exhaustively established

    We must not get up again. Orunmilà was the person who started the Akoda. He also started Aseda, he also started Araba. Only Òrúnmilà Agbonniregun was the person who

    we don't know who started it. Now after I have been initiated I will complete it with a own initiation All these things that are my taboos. I will surely avoid it. I have been initiated, I will restart myself same.


    An important point to keep in mind is: the person who conditions the Itelodu during the ceremony is you Olúwo.


    It is possible to have a different Olúwo than your Baba-Ifá. The person who trains us is our Baba-Ifá. For another Besides, the person who carries out our Itelodu is our Olúwo. A person can be our Baba-Ifá and also the Olúwo if the person who teaches us Ifá carries out the itelodu. Both the Baba-Ifá of the omo-Awo and their Olúwo were He must honor and respect like his parents, even if the students are older than the teachers.


    Omo-Awo Training Period:

    Well, the training of any Awo in a life process. According to Ifá, a dead person

    it is the beginning of other knowledge for those who live. There is a minimum period for an Omo-Awo to keep their teacher before he is allowed to practice on his own as Bàbáláwo or Iyánífá.


    Depending on how brilliant the Omo-Awo is, it must take at least 5 years to learn Eyo Ifá and another 5 years minimum to learn Atese Ifá before they can start on their own. After complete the 10 years with the other Baba-Ifá, Omo-Awo will still go with another Baba-Ifá to spend with the other 5 or 10 years before returning to his father if he is a Bàbáláwo he can practice under his father's supervision for another 5 or 10 years. After all this time you can proudly declare yourself a Bàbáláwo or Iyánifá.


    Now, like Bàbáláwo or Iyànifá, he will look for the time to order the older Awo to learn the Ifá that distinguishes a Bàbáláwo from the others. The more they master this unique Ifá (especially Atese Ifá) the more successful the Bàbáláwos or Iyánifá will be.





    The tools most used by Bàbáláwos in the Ifá divination process worldwide are: Ikin, Opele, Opon-Ifá, Ìyèròsùn, Irrogue, Ajare, Ago, Ide Adaasa, Orukere, Agogo and Ibo.



    It is a special palm nut, which all Bàbáláwo use for divination, there are many characteristics that distinguish an Ikin from other palm nuts, (Ekuru).


    1.-Ikin cannot be used to make palm oil. For example, if an Ikin is added to 10,000 nuggets during the palm oil manufacturing, all the oil would be ruined even if it was emptied into the pot and put on the fire or mix with water instead of floating as usual.


    2.-: Only the Ikin has four or more eyes while the Ekuru have only three eyes. The palm centers with 3 eyes are not accepted in the Ifá divinations, although there are some Bàbáláwo who add 2 or 3 to their Ikin so that serve as messengers for other Ikin. In any case, it is recommended that you only have Ikin with 4 eyes and some with 5 or 6 eyes.


    3.-S: The palm trees where the Ikin are found are different from those where the ekuru are found, this palm tree is called Opelodu.


    An Ikin hand consists of 16 palm nuts. A Bàbáláwo is expected to have at least 2 hands From Ikin, when a Bàbáláwo dies one of the hands will be buried with him, and the other will be inherited by his son. Everybody Ifá rituals are carried out with Ikin, who is the authentic representative of Ifá on earth.



    An Ikin hand consists of 16 palm nuts. A Bàbáláwo is expected to have at least 2 hands

    From Ikin, when a Bàbáláwo dies one of the hands will be buried with him, and the other will be inherited by his son. Everybody Ifá rituals are carried out with Ikin, who is the authentic representative of Ifá on earth.


    Since an Ikin has 16 palm nuts, this symbolizes and represents the 16 greatest Odú del Ifá.


    Ikin's history dates back to desderúnmilà's visit to the land in an ancient town called Apa. Some People hated únrúnmilà and his minister in Apa, so much that they turned others against him and lied against him. Without Announcing it Òrúnmilà went to live next to an Opelodu after some time, things got difficult and uncontrollable for the inhabitants of Apa. In the search for únrúnmilà to help them they met a Bàbáláwo known as Ogbigbiniero who told them where únrúnmilà was living.


    The people found únrúnmilà and tried to convince him to come back with them all saying:

    Ifá ká relè o, Mòkúnn Elérè

    Mòkun Ótan

    Mèsín ilé lláwè

    Gbólájókòó omo Òkinkin tíí tú eyín erin fon

    Ifá, iwo lará iwájú

    Nimi ni èrò èyin

    Ará iwájú nii kó èrò èyin logicbon

    Iwo lòó ko'mo lóràn

    Omo enire

    Omo enire

    Omo eníkan saká bi Gabon

    Èwi nilé Adó

    Ounce and Idèfa

    Imirimi lodè Òwò

    Omo threw mèji tíí sáré win-win

    Lórí eréwé

    Omo iná jó'ko mó d'elùjú

    Jàre wáá dá so ró mi

    Mòkun Òtan

    Mèsin ilé lláwè

    Gbólájókòó omo Òkinkin tíí mérin fon

    Í ní ti a bá ti ko'ni

    Bèé làá kí ni

    Bí a bá ti kí ni

    Bèé làá jè ni

    Únrúnmilà, Èlà, p "elé

    Omo Pònpò-tòóró

    Omo ekùn jeran sùn

    N gbórùn lé sègi

    Awo, Awo to bá tètè dé

    Won ó moo rèè ká Sègi

    Èyí ti ò tètè dè

    Won a rèé ká'yùn

    Sègi ni n ó Kàá

    Ngó ká Ákún

    Sègi ni n ó kàá

    Ngó ká'yùn ikú gboro

    Mo ó wá ki o ni Iko-Áwusí


    Mo ki o nílé Idòró-Máwúsè

    Mo ò wá kí or ní Ìwonràn,

    Nibi Ojúmó ti gbé n mó wá

    Oba Aládé or jíire lónìí

    Tàbì o ò jìíre

    Òpùrùrù àparò

    Ifá, or jìíre or.


    Únrúnmilà, please follow me home,

    The Mokunn Elere

    Under the title of Mokunn of Otan people

    Under the title of Mesin del pueblo llawe

    The one whose name is Gbolajukuu, the personality

    Important it blows you to the defenses

    Of elephants like trumpets

    Ifá, you are the leader

    I am your follower

    The leader who teaches followers

    Of wisdom

    You are the one who teaches it

    Just like a brother

    Enire's offspring

    Enire's offspring

    Offspring of who is agile and strong

    Under the title of Ewi of the Adu people

    Under the title of Onsa of the Idefa people

    Erimi under the title of the Owo people

    Offspring of 2 snakes running smoothly

    On top of the leaves

    Offspring of the Fire that burns the farm

    But that the desert is not allowed to burn

    Please come and steal me appropriately

    The holder of the Mokun title of the Erele people

    The holder of the title of Mokun of the Otan People

    The holder of the Mesin title of the llawe people

    The one whose name is Gbola jukoo the important

    Defense blowing personality

    Of elephants like trumpets

    He runs any time we see someone

    So we should greet the person

    And at any moment we are greeted

    So we must respond appropriately

    Únrúnmilà, Ela, be gentle please

    Offspring of the leopard you consume

    Animal meat to survive

    Offspring of the slim club

    Offspring of the beggar for assistance

    So I will be able to decorate my

    Neck with beaded beads

    Those Awo who arrive early

    They will be able to carry the Segui accounts

    Those who are late

    They will only carry Iyun's accounts

    It is the follow-up accounts that I want to carry

    I don't want to carry Akun's accounts

    It is the follow-up accounts that I want to carry

    Certainly not iyun's long accounts

    Now I will come to greet you from Iko-Awusi

    I will greet you from Iwonran

    Since the glorious dawn of the day

    The crowned king, I hope he is well today

    Or you don't sleep well and you feel good today

    The smooth flight of a partridge

    Ifá, you are expected to feel good.


    When únrúnmilà heard all the prayers of the inhabitants of Apa, he was moved. Either way he He told them that his mission on earth was already successfully accomplished. Then he gave them the 16 sacred walnuts of palm and said:


    Owó le bá féé ní láyé

    Eni ti e ó maa bi niyan

    Omo le bá léé ní láyè

    Eni ti e ó maa bi nìyen

    Àikú bá féé ní láyè

    Eni ti e ó maa bi nìyen

    Ire gbogbo le bá féé ní láyè

    Eni ti e ó maa bi nìyen

    Únrúnmilà afèdè-fèyò


    Ifá re'lé Olókun

    Kò dé mó

    Ó ní eni ti e bá ti rí

    E sa maa pèé ní Baba



    If you are looking for riches on earth

    That's the person you need to ask

    If you want children

    That's the person we need to ask

    Únrúnmilà, the one who speaks different languages and languages


    Ifá has not gone to Olokun's house

    And it will never come back

    He said to anyone you see

    You address him as Baba


    This is how únrúnmilà left this world, for the house of Olokun for the last time. Either way he left the 16 Ikin as his representatives on earth. Whatever one needs can be obtained when Ifa is consulted. Since that time, people have continued to use the 16 Ikin to ask questions and to ensure the good things about life for Ifá.


    Also on line 13 and 14 of this room Ifá says that if a client needs some or all of the good things of life should be addressed to them as Baba. That is why any Ifa practitioner, no matter how young be, he is named Bàbáláwo, the father of secrets. This is acceptance of consejorúnmilà's advice.


    Before Ikin can be used, it must be blessed through certain spiritual rituals.

    This is better left to experts specialized in that. Also when a person is initiated,

    Ikin must be given which must be at least 2 hands, Ikin cannot be used only for divination.


    It is commonly used in conjunction with Opón Iyèròsùn and Ajere. Ikin is the most important instrument for Ifá divination. Either way, there is a lower equivalent to Ikin which is Òpèlè.



    This is an instrument with 4 pairs of seeds, each side must be joined with a chain or stamen, when the seeds are thrown by a Bàbáláwo, their forms normally determine the Odù-Ifá that will be revealed to the client and will contain the message.


    Òpèlè is derived from the following:

    Seeds of Òpèlè or Ese agutan, egbere, gold seeds, coconut oil, the skeleton of the fish Aro and copper. do and how they are strengthened to be able to use it is something that is better to leave it in the hands of the fit únrúnmilà recommends the use of Òpèlè in Èji-Ogbé where Ifá said:


    Únrúnmilà nì í hùn

    Mo ni kilò n kùn si Baba Elésí Oyán

    Kí lò kùn sì Baba Òkinkin tú téyín erin f

    Ó nì òrò ló kùn ikún òun

    Tó'hun ò r'éni àá báá sóó


    Únrúnmilà let out a big growl

    I said "why are you growling

    The Elesi of the town of Oyan "

    "Because you're growling, the Agba

    the one who plays the drum of the people of Ojum?

    "Because you're growling, the blower

    of the defense of the elephant?

    Ifá replied that he had a lot to say about it but that

    He had no confidence in anyone.


    During the beginning of life, there were 401 Irúnmolè who used to get down from heaven to earth. When they came, it was always for the purpose of fulfilling a particular mission. After this, they could go up to heaven.

    One day 400 went to únrúnmilà's house to talk with him but they found him talking to himself. They Asked because I was doing that and it had caused me to do it. He told his colleagues that he had many things in Mind you couldn't trust anyone. This hit the Irunmolé and everyone left angry. Everyone left outraged that they used to tell him everything that happened to Òrúnmilà and they were very disappointed to

    Ôrúnmilà and they were very disappointed that Òrúnmilà did not trust them enough.

    Únrúnmilà called them to return and they will listen to him but they refused. So he went to each one to his house to explain to them that what they asked about the highest quality that It has a person that you totally trust is who knows everything from start to finish. This explanation made them even mad more, enough so that they felt capable of knowing everything from beginning to end. There and then Òrúnmilà he decided to test them to see if they were able to pass the exam.

    A few days after the incident, úngún passed by casarúnmilà's house, his friend called him and asked where I was going. Úngún replied that he was going to the market to buy a machete and a sword, but únrúnmilà convinced him that stop by and grab some cola nuts from their Ifá, so Ògún could eat them on the way to the market Ògún entered the home to leave almost immediately. Úngún exclaimed that únrúnmilá was keeping the best swords and machetes that He had seen, úngún said the instruments were new, strong and made of the highest quality steel. Orunmilà asked his friend if he would like to have them. Únun said he would like to. Then únrúnmilà told him that They played some Ayo games before úngún returned home with swords and machetes. Úngún accepted. During all that time Ògún did not think about anything other than the game. He allowed Orunmilà to defeated 6 times. Later, he apologized and told Orunmilà that it was time for him to go home.

    Orunmilà agreed. Ògún re-entered únrúnmilà's house to collect the sword and machetes to go back out immediately. He exclaimed that the machetes and the sword he had found there were not new, strong, sharp or of good quality but the swords and machetes were old, worn, rotten, rough and lower no longer in use. Únrúnmilà asked him to take them home but úngún refused and accused Òrúnmilà of having it cheated.

    Únrúnmilà pointed out to Ògún what had happened. Some did not know the beginning and the end of everything. Was there angry. He said that when úngún saw the new, strong and sharp weapons he saw the beginning of the matter and when he saw the rustic, old, rough and no longer used weapons saw the end.

    When anything is clothing, home, furniture, they are new, strong and can be enjoyed is just the beginning of things when these things get old and useless. This is the end of things, úngún was forced to admit that you didn't know the beginning and the end of things.


    When anything, whether it's a house, clothing, furniture, is new, strong and enjoyable, that's the beginning of all matter. Those things later become old, weak and useless. That is the end of the matter. Según se he was forced to admit that he did not know what the beginning and the end of the subject were.


    Two days later, Sàngó also passed by únrúnmilà's house. Orunmilà greeted his friend and asked him (a Sàngó) to where he was ruling. Sàngó told him that he was securing a new Ose 21 for his use. Únrúnmilà le he asked Sàngó to enter his house and take some cola nuts from the top of the Ifá to consume way to the market.

    Sàngó entered únrúnmilà's house and ran almost immediately without the cola nuts. It was directly with únrúnmilà and accused him of not warning him that there was a new Apètèbí in his house. Sàngó explained that the

    The new Apètèbí was very young and beautiful, and she was asleep completely naked. Únrúnmilà explained that the damsel he was not an Apètèbí. He asked Sàngó if he wanted the damsel as his wife. Sàngó answered yes. Únrúnmilà le he asked Sàngó to play Ayò before he went to speak to the one who was going to be his new wife. Sàngó accepted.

    After a while Òrúnmilà defeated Sàngó in six sets. It was then that Sàngó entered his friend to have a chat with who would be his wife. He left immediately after, exclaiming that the young woman and beautiful damsel that he had known a while ago was old, ugly and chimuela. Orunmilà asked him to take it away. The he refused. Orunmila pointed out that he did not know the beginning and the end of things either. The beautiful young damsel was the beginning of the matter while the ugly old woman was the end of the matter Sàngó admitted that truly He did not know the beginning and the end of matter.

    Thus, Òrúnmilà examined all the Irúnmolè and all failed. All of them admitted that they did not know the beginning and consequences (end) of the matter. They said that only únrúnmilà knows the beginning and the end of the matter.


    Orunmilà said that he also did not know the beginning and the end of the subject. He put his hand in the bag and moved the Òpèlè.

    He said that only Òpèlè knew the beginning and the end of all matter. This shows that whatever we are We must consult with Ifá so that we know how it will turn out and not make us stupid and to prevent any regrets.


    There is no credible argument that Òpèlè is faster than Ikin. However the second is superior to Òpèlè There is a saying among the Awo that states: Baálá ilé sonú, wón lon sán Òpèlè; kinni oun tó kí wón ó lo rèé lu Ikin fó ju iyen lo? which can be translated as: The head of the house is missing and they they used Òpèlè to consult. What could be more serious than this to guarantee the use of the Ikin by the Ikin to break it into pieces? This shows that serious and important things deserve the use of Ikin instead of Òpèlé.


    Opón Ifá:

    Opón Ifá is the divination tray. It is one of the instruments used by any Bàbáláwo.

    Opón Ifá is made of Ikókò 22 , Àgbálùmò 23 wood or any other tree in this category. flat and rectangular or circular in shape. They are also cut with a variety of designs including human representations, animals and spiritual forms or objects. Objects such as: vipers, frogs, snails, turtles and lizards are very common. The Opón Ifá must have at least one stylized side representing Èsù

    Òdàrà as the eye that sees everything in divination. In each Opá Ifá these sides can be 2, 4 or even 8.


    There are two types of Opón Ifá. The large one should be between 15 and 50 cm (6 to 20 inches) in diameter. This is used to make sacrifices and to put Odù in Ìyèròsùn during divination. The second type is smaller than first. It is usually 10 to 15 cm in diameter (4 to 6 inches).


    It is used to properly recite spells in the preparation of medicines. It is never used to sacrifices. The large Ifá Opón should be used instead of the small one if the medicine is too much and does not fit in it. Ifá names Opón as Aláìkú (the one who will never die) this is because when Opón is used for divination, in the the moment the Odù is marked, the message will start to appear according to what is in Opón. As a fact, it He believes that during the period of únrúnmilà on earth he used to sit in the Opón before speaking. Is by that the Odú must first sit before the Bàbáláwo or Ìyánifá begins to speak. In Òtúrá rerá (Òtúrá Ògúndá) Ifá said:


    Igbó tééré kan'ko

    Ándán tééré kan dò

    Ònà wérè-wèrè-wérè kan ibi à n ré

    Díá fún Aláìkú

    Omo ayélóhùn kere

    Orúko ti áá pe Opón-Ifá

    Wón ní kó rubo si laìkú araa re

    Ó gbé'bo, ó rube

    Kò pé kò jinnà

    E wá bá ni làìkù kangiri

    Àìkú Kangiri làá bá ní lèsè Òpè.


    The fine forest reached arable land

    The fine savanna reached the stream

    The small gaps reached our destination

    These were the declarations of Ifá to Aláìkú (who will never die)

    Offspring of the one who has a strong and clear voice

    The name given to Opón Ifá

    He was advised to offer a sacrifice for longevity.

    He accepted after a while, not long

    Join us where we are enjoying never ending

    of the life. How is the practice at the feet of Òpèlè the holy palm


    Ìvèròsùn or Ìyè:


    This is a divination powder normally extracted from a particular tree. The name Ìyèròsùn is actually Ìyè (dust) Ìròsùn (Ìyòsùn tree) which means that Ìyèròsùn is a powder derived from the Ìyòsùn 24 tree , it is the wood dust that the termites of the Ìròsùn tree make. Sometimes Èlùbó, (sweet potato flour) is used instead from îyèròsùn. Either way this is not a common practice. Ìyèròsùn is sprayed on the Opón Ifá and scattered on the surface to mark the Odú Ifá. This powder is very important for Ifá and a competent Awo can use it to realize your purposes. This powder has been blessed by Òlódúmaré and whatever a Bàbáláwo or Ìyánifá wishes to do with it must pass a long time until properly prepared. The position of the Ìyéròsùn in Ifá is so important that the Ikin does not can be used without this powder. Therefore, the most sacred aspect of Ifá cannot be carried without the use of Ìyèròsùn during divination.


    In Ogbè-Atè (Ogbè-Ìretè), Ifá tells us how the situation was handled when Ìyèròsùn never chose to leave with

    Ifá forever. In this Odù Ifá it says:


    Omi í gbón

    Pankàrà á gbón

    Pankàrà kíí fé kí ómi ó te ohun rì

    Bójúmó bá mo

    A máa lé térétéré lójú ómi

    Dìá fún Ìyé

    You are Olókun Sèníadé

    Nijó to n wóko ìnmòràn ní yíyàn

    Wón ní kó Sákaalè, ebo si sise

    Ó gbébo, ó rube


    Ifá made it mandatory for the Awo to have to go with Irùkèrè wherever they went, especially when they went to a divination. Thus, Ìrùkèrè became a close company of all the Awo.


    Under normal conditions, the Ikin must have its own container called Awo -Ifá. Either way, during

    the Ajere divination process is used as a temporary container. Ajere is always very close to Ifá. In

    Ògúndá-Tàsiá (Ògúndá-Òtúrá)


    Isu ú kú

    Isu ú fara jo oro

    Abata sunwon, sunwon se gbèdègún

    Díá fún Òkankànlékú Irúmòlè

    Won nlo rèè fè Ajere

    You are Àjàlórun

    Díá fún Òrúnmilà

    Ifá nlo rèè fè Ajere

    You are Àjàlórun

    Únrúnmilà ló wá fé Ajere

    You are Àjàlórun

    Njé Ìmònmò dá ki n ráyè

    Kí n ri Ajere o

    Ìmònmò dá kí n ráyè

    Kí n rì Ajere o.


    Sweet potato tuber died

    Sweet potato tuber looks like cactus

    The swamp place is dry and serene

    They were the ones who consulted the Ifá for the Irúnmolè

    When he went to ask for Ajere's hand

    Ajàlórun's daughter (Heavenly Deity)

    They also consulted the Ifá for Òrúnmilà

    When he went to ask for Ajere's hand

    Ajàlórun's daughter

    Please let it light up for me to see

    Let me be able to see Ajere

    Let it light up for me so I can see

    Let me see Ajere


    The 401 Irùnmolé wanted Ajere as their wife. Only únrúnmilà was able to pass the established test by Àjálòrun. From that moment Àjálòrun ordered that Ajere never separate from Ifá. That's why Ajere always It is located near Ifá.


    Àpó Ifá (Ifá bags):


    Orunmilà used to go out with bags during his time. Essentially, there are two types of Àpó Ifá. The Àbirà

    and Amìnìnje kùn. Àbìrà is a small bag used to carry Òpèlè and Ìbò. It has a cord with which the bag is It hangs on the right shoulder and is positioned on the left side of the Babáláwo. On the other hand, Aìnìnjekùn is a bag large used to carry belongings such as clothing, sacrificial material and some relevant objects for the bàbáláwo when going on a trip.

    Both Àbirá and Amìnìnjekùn used to be made of leopard skin, but these days, you can only see the Ifa practitioners carrying Òpèlè and ìbò in their pockets or in small bags made of cloth. The time when loaded in Amìnìnjekún seems to be gone forever. The Bàbáláwo are called Akápó (those who use the Ifá bags) for the practice of bringing them.


    Idè Ifá (Ifá accounts):


    Idé is made with Otútú-Opòn beads that are worn around the neck, wrist or waist by Ifá priests to be identified. The wives of the Bàbáláwo, known as Apètèbí, also use the beads around the waist, wrists, neck, and most recently around their ankles and wear earrings and rings as a mark of ID.


    Kò pé, kò jìnnà

    E wá bá ni ní wòwó ire


    The stream is wise

    The broken pumpkin is equally wise

    The broken gourd does not want the stream to submerge it

    When it's morning

    The broken pumpkin will float cautiously over the stream of water

    These were the declarations of Ifá to Ìyè

    Who was the offspring of Olókun Seníadé

    When she was looking for an ideal husband

    He was advised to offer a sacrifice

    She accepted

    After a while, not long

    Join us in the midst of abundant Ire


    In the Odù, Ifá explains that Ìyè was looking for an ideal husband. She was first with Àkùko (rooster) who was a jobless man who always amused Ìyè. Later she married Odíderè (parrot) who proved to be a gossipy and frivolous person. He couldn't keep any secrets. She left him and married Àronì 25 , he took things borrowed including parts of his body. She left it. After he went to marry Ifá, the relationship proved to be very

    rewarding. From that moment Ìye and Ifá became inseparable. It should be noted that when Ifa said that Ìye married Ifá does not necessarily mean a man-woman relationship, but it can be a relationship especially spiritual and ritual.


    These types of expressions are very common in Ifá, as we will see as we move forward in this work.


    This is the horse or cowtail that the Ifá priests use as part of their clothing, which is

    set aside as a priest during Ifa divination. Irùkèrè means Irú (tail) Òkèèrè (cow).


    Irùkèrè is used in sacrifices. It is also used to clean the marks of the Odú Ifá of the opón Ifá during

    the query.


    In Idin-kanràn (Odì-Òkànràn), Ifá explains the relevance of Irùkèrè to any Bàbáláwo or Iyànifà. In this Odù Ifá says:

    Ápe átànà níí jèbi àdá

    Awo etu ni ò gbrleji sùn

    Díá fún Olókun Sèníadé

    Wón ní kó rubo Òfò odúnnìí

    Ó febo s'aló



    The palm tree at the crossroads is guilty of being hit with machetes.

    The usher cannot accommodate two sleepers

    These were Ifá's statements to Olókun Sèniadé

    When asked to offer a sacrifice against that year's loss.

    She delayed the sacrifice.

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