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Demon Seekers: Into Darkness
Demon Seekers: Into Darkness
Demon Seekers: Into Darkness
Ebook107 pages1 hour

Demon Seekers: Into Darkness

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About this ebook

Archangel Sayetta returns in physical form to continue her search for the second of eight archangels born into the physical world. A visitation from Archangel Raphael alerts her to the location of the second Archangel Haniel. Haniel's soul resides with the body of Lucas, a history professor. He thinks he is bipolar because of the voice he hears

PublisherJune Lundgren
Release dateFeb 1, 2023
Demon Seekers: Into Darkness

June Lundgren

I am a psychic medium, animal communicator, nurse, healer, and international author. I live on a farm in Oregon City, Oregon with my husband, son and a variety of animals. My books include A Mediums Guide to the Paranormal and Paranormal Encounters and Paranormal Encounters Book 2, The dark side of the paranormal, Outta Time and Demon Seekers: the journey begins which are available on and My new book Demon Seer will be released in December 2019.I have appeared on Ghost Adventures: graveyards of the pacific: Norblad Hostel

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    Book preview

    Demon Seekers - June Lundgren




    Written By

    June Lundgren

    Copyright 2017

    Table of Contents








    WHO AM I?




    Chapter 1


    It was a late spring evening, and Gabe was out feeding the animals. He leaned casually against the stall next to Gabe with his arms crossed. He suddenly had a sense of someone standing behind him. Turning his head, he saw Raphael, the archangel. His lean body, encased in jeans and a pullover shirt, was an imposing figure. He stood just over seven-foot tall; his black hair and blue-green eyes seemed to pull you in. The impression was one of the total being chilled and relaxed, but the somber look on his face belied his relaxed pose.

    It’s time. He stated abruptly.

    Now? Gabe asked.

    You leave in three weeks for London. There you will find archangel Haniel and help him face the darkness.

    Who is Haniel, and why does he have to face the darkness? Does Sayetta know about this?

    She does now. He told her, disappearing.

    London, you’ve got to be kidding. We’ve only been home for a month. Three weeks, Gabe muttered to himself, talk about short notice!

    He finished feeding the animals, returned to the house, and found Sayetta waiting.

    She watched him enter the house; the morning sun behind him illuminated his light brown hair and muscular body. He had an athletic build and was taller than most humans at 6’4". His face was a little too rugged, looking to be classically handsome, but his amber eyes seemed to have hidden depths to them, hinting at past lives.

    He told you, didn’t he? She asked.

    Yeah, he did. I guess I should be grateful that it wasn’t three days instead of three weeks. He muttered sarcastically.

    You mortals all have this preoccupation with time; we have no such concept. Things will happen when they are meant to. She commented ruefully.

    I guess I had better start making arrangements for the trip. Then a thought occurred to him. What about a passport? How are we going to get you a passport?

    I don’t need a passport or to travel on a plane. I will meet you at the airport when your flight arrives. I will let you make your arrangements while I return and give Him a progress report on my assignment.

    Uh, ok, see you at the airport then, Gabe responded, unsure what else to say.

    Sayetta disappeared, and Gabe stood for a moment staring at the spot where she had been standing. Shaking his head as if to clear it, he headed into his office.

    Entering the office, he turned on the computer and gathered his passport and the adapters he would need for the trip. Pulling an empty travel bag out of the closet, he placed the extra electronic cords and adapters inside. 

    The chiming of the computer alerted him to new emails awaiting his attention. Turning the monitor on, a box popped up; it was a message from Sayetta.

    He clicked on the message, and it said, ‘Don’t forget the IR camera; we’ll need it.’

    How in the world did she do that’ he asked himself, ‘I mean, she doesn’t even have a computer on the other side.’

    A second message popped up; opening it, he read, ‘Think about it, everything runs on electricity; it’s only a matter of manipulating the energy.’

    He pulled the camera off the shelf and placed it in the box with extra batteries and chargers. Smiling ruefully, he knew when he was outmatched. He sent a text to Trish to give him a call.

    Hearing a noise behind him, he turned to see his two Pitbull’s had wandered into the room. Each of the dogs carried a toy in its mouth.  He reached down to give each of them a scratch. He heard the word ‘play’ in his head. He enjoyed the fact that he could now speak to them telepathically.

    You want to play, do you? He asked them, grinning. Alright, I suppose this can wait; we’ve got plenty of time.

    He opened the kitchen door and let them out into the backyard. They ran for several minutes tossing their toys in the air and catching them. Running back to where Gabe stood, they dropped the toys at his feet. He promptly picked them up and threw them as far as he could. The play continued for the next hour until the two dogs lay panting and spent in the grass.

    Alright, you two, rest a while; I’ll get my laptop and join you outside. He told them. Entering the house, he grabbed his laptop and cell phone and headed outside. He placed his laptop on the patio table and then went back into the kitchen to get some iced tea for himself and water for the dogs.

    He pulled up a chair, turned on his laptop, and began to work on his latest book. He didn’t know how long he sat writing but was startled by the ringing of his cell phone. He saw Trish’s number on display and answered the call looking at the phone.

    Hey Gabe, what’s up? she asked as she usually did without even a hello.

    He laughed, Well, hello to you too? he said. He was always teasing her about it. She was not one for meaningless pleasantries; she always got straight to the point.

    Sorry, I’ve been a bit preoccupied lately. I received an email from a friend of mine in England. He’s a medium and has been through a rough patch lately.

    Trish, why don’t you take a break and meet me for lunch at Bob’s diner today? We can talk about your friend, and maybe I can find a way to help.

    You know, I could use a break; I’ll meet you there at 12:15. It will be good to have someone who understands what I am talking about. You’re the only one I know who would understand.

    Well, what about Sid? He’s a medium; wouldn’t he understand?  Gabe asked, confused.

    I love Sid to death, but this is something he wouldn’t understand, let alone be comfortable with. See you at Bob’s. She said, hanging up.

    Gabe hung up the phone, wondering what problem her friend could have that another medium wouldn’t understand. ‘Oh well,’ he thought, ‘I’ll find out soon enough.’

    Getting up from the table, he stretched, shut down his computer, gathered up his things, and headed into the kitchen.  The dogs followed him inside and plopped down under the kitchen table. Pulling a large glass jar out of the cabinet, he filled it with water, added tea bags, placed a lid on it, and sat it in the kitchen window where it would get plenty of sun.

    He had a couple of hours before meeting Trish, so he did a little house cleaning. An hour later, the cleaning was done, and he had started the laundry. Looking at his watch, he realized he would have to get moving if he was going to make it to Bob’s on time. Grabbing his keys, he opened the inner door to the garage and whistled for the dogs. They both came bounding into the garage at breakneck speed, nearly knocking him over.

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