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The Missing Hours: A Novel
The Missing Hours: A Novel
The Missing Hours: A Novel
Ebook267 pages4 hours

The Missing Hours: A Novel

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

From the critically acclaimed author of Invisible City and Conviction, The Missing Hours is a novel about obsession, privilege, and the explosive consequences of one violent act.

From a distance, Claudia Castro has it all: a famous family, a trust fund, thousands of Instagram followers, and a spot in NYU’s freshman class. But look closer, and things are messier: her parents are separating, she’s just been humiliated by a sleazy documentary, and her sister is about to have a baby with a man she barely knows.

Claudia starts the school year resolved to find a path toward something positive, maybe even meaningful – and then one drunken night everything changes. Reeling, her memory hazy, Claudia cuts herself off from her family, seeking solace in a new friendship. But when the rest of school comes back from spring break, Claudia is missing.

Suddenly, the whole city is trying to piece together the hours of that terrible night.

Release dateSep 14, 2021

Julia Dahl

Julia Dahl is the author of Conviction, Run You Down, and Invisible City, which was a finalist for the Edgar Award for Best First Novel, one of the Boston Globe’s Best Books of 2014, and has been translated into eight languages. A former reporter for CBS News and the New York Post, she now teaches journalism at NYU.

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    WARNING:This book is about acquaintance rape and revenge. There is strong language.This book revolves around the "rich" and "elite" in New York. When Claudia decides to stay on campus her freshman year during spring break, she'd never imagine how her life would spiral out of control. After literally running in to Trevor the day she wakes up from a night where she's had too much to drink and blacked out, she latches onto him as her anchor. She cuts ties with her family and disappears. Her family tries to find her and discovers what happened that night. The story itself was ok. , and it definitely showed how the rich and powerful think they are untouchable. For me this wasn't my type of book. There was a lot of strong language that didn't seem necessary at times. Thanks NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and Minotaur books.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Last September, here in Ontario, Canada one headline was on every news“London Police updated its investigation into multiple reports of sexual assault and violence at Western University, revealing on Tuesday that they are aware of allegations made on social media regarding 30 women.” CityNewsSoon after 9000 students at Western University walked out of class to protest what called “culture of misogyny”This book is about the same topic, same parts was really hard to read but I believe we need to read these stories. They might be just stories but rape happens in real life and to many students in well known universities.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A novel about a spoiled rich white college girl becomes much more when a video of her blackout rape emerges. Claudia Castro, NYU freshman, has been neglected by her famous parents and spends her time shopping and getting drunk. She's a frustrated graphic designer who sees no career path and just slides into the influencer life. Trevor, a farm boy from Ohio and dorm friend, helps Claudia out when she is brutalized and ends up doing her vengeful bidding. She's hardly a sympathetic character, especially as compared to Trevor and to her older sister Edie, who had renounced the high life, but the denouement redeems her and sparks the empathy that was missing throughout the rest of the book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Wealth may shield the rich from many of society’s rules the rest of us face, but when Claudia Castro wakes up the next morning, she remembers nothing. Drinking led to a total blackout. And as she and a guy who lives in her dorm at NYU try to unravel what happened it turns out that she was videoed in a very compromising position. When the video makes it to the internet, she knows all hell will break out and she seeks revenge. She disappears and her family are desperate to find her. And if nothing else that being reminded that the internet has changed what is seen by the public is “revenge is best served cold.” Claudia makes sure of that.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    When Claudia wakes up, she cannot remember the past hours. When she looks in the mirror, she hardly can recognise the girl she sees. Obviously, something really bad has happened, her body can tell it, she, however, does not know what it is. She is afraid that somebody at her dorm might see her in that state, luckily it is spring break and most of her fellow students at NYU are gone, just one boy seems to be there. When Trevor sees her, he knows that the girl needs help, yet, the girl is Claudia Castro, super rich and an Instagram famous artist. But that doesn’t count, when somebody is in need, you help. And that’s what Trevor does - not knowing in what a mess all this is going to end.“The Missing Hours” is a dark novel about the one of the nastiest crimes imaginable. Julia Dahl opens the plot with the big question about what might have happened, once this is answered, the next question follows: why? But then it becomes much more interesting to observe what the experience does to Claudia. She has been assaulted, that much is obvious, and quite often, there are only two options: either the victim withdraws completely blaming herself for what has been done to her or she fights her assailant. The author interestingly chooses to go both ways turning the novel into an intense and gripping read.The plot is mainly driven by emotion – (unrequited) love, hatred, vindictiveness, but also despair and loneliness. The characters go through challenging times and emotions that they are unable to control, too young and unexperienced they make choices which turn out to be totally wrong, but in their state of being blinded by their feelings, the cannot respond in any other way. It is easy to understand what they do and why they do it, even if you know that nothing good can come from it.On the other hand, the novel also raises the question about who is there when you are in need. Quite normally, it should be your family, but things are complicated with Claudia’s parents and her sister is about to give birth and surely has other things to care about. Sometimes a stranger can be your saviour, not being too close might be the best for a complicated situation.What I really liked about the novel is how the protagonist’s conflicting thoughts are conveyed. She feels ashamed, blamed herself, is worried about what might people think of her even though she obviously is the victim. She is educated, knows exactly what to do in such a case and yet, decides not to do what is recommended. As a reader, you can see why she acts in that way and is nevertheless struggling with her choice.A fast paced thriller which has a lot more depth than one might have expected.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Claudia may be different from most of us because of her privilege of famous parents, wealth, a knowledge of a secure future. Nonetheless, her plight will resonate with many of us. She wakes up with no memory of how the night before ended, clearly beaten up and sexually abused. Her fast paced life in New York City has led her to a night of club-hopping and drinking, but then everything goes blank. Like many young women she is reluctant to report her assault, especially because she has a reputation on social media and among her friends for being wild. She realizes that she missed the birth of her niece and so feels alienated from her beloved sister, and does not feel that her parents will offer any comfort or solutions. Instead she befriends a fellow NYU student, who offers her a sounding board and unquestioning sympathy (as well as infatuation). The story that follows is quite different from Dahl's mysteries, but the focus on character development is just as strong. Even the more minor people in this novel show complexity, strengthening the power of the issues raised regarding friendship, loyalty, revenge, and entitlement.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Review of Uncorrected Digital GalleyClaudia Castro, a freshman at New York University, seems to lead a privileged life. She comes from a famous family, has a huge trust fund, has attracted mega-followers on Instagram. But beneath the glitz, her family is less than perfect and life is messy. She has decided to use her college time to find her way toward something positive, something meaningful.But after a night out [and too much to drink], she discovers her phone is missing, her memory is hazy, and she doesn’t remember much of the events of the previous evening. But she’s relatively certain she knows what happened . . . and the video sent to her phone confirms her worst fears. When she misses the birth of her sister’s first child, Claudia believes her sister is angry with her and decides to stay away from her family. And then she disappears.Dark and disturbing, this narrative speaks to the way society views victims as it explores the aftermath of a gruesome assault. From the outset, the narrative pulls the reader into the telling of the tale and the propulsive action keeps the pages turning. Despite the troubling subject matter, readers will find it difficult to set this book aside before reaching the final page. With characters that are believable [but not necessarily likable], the unfolding story takes several twists and turns as it moves in unexpected directions. There are some surprises along the way, but at its heart, this is a story of consequences, of obsessive revenge, of entitlement and privilege. It is interesting to note that most of the characters in this absorbing tale are uber-wealthy and tend toward cliché. Claudia has access to almost unlimited funds. And as for the young men involved in the assault, one comes from a rich and privileged family, the other stands on the verge of a mega-record deal. An implied entitlement here appears to give the young men a pass despite their horrific attack on Claudia. This, then, is an important aspect of the narrative, allowing for an examination of the power wielded by rich, connected individuals. But, in seeking redress, Claudia also acts from a position of affluent power. Is vindication dependent upon wealth? How is using wealth for retaliation different from using wealth for power and privilege? And does retaliation “balance the scale?” Is it acceptable because it comes only as a response to the attack? Are the attackers and the victim all lacking a moral compass or do money and privilege cancel out moral rightness? Obviously, there is much to consider here, but the highlights of the unfolding story are the overcoming of a devastating attack and a family’s realization that they are stronger together, supporting each other.Highly recommended.I received a free copy of this eBook from St. Martin’s Press / Minotaur Books and NetGalley #TheMissingHours #NetGalley

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The Missing Hours - Julia Dahl



The details of whatever happened were gone from her mind, but present all over her body. Claudia dropped her hand below the stiff dorm bed and felt for a water bottle. It was nearly empty, but she sucked the liquid down and it was enough to get her sitting. Upright, there was pain. Her skirt was bunched around her waist, and her underwear was gone. She stood and as she took off the skirt she noticed it was damp. Claudia brought it to her face, then recoiled: unmistakably urine. But the bed wasn’t wet. In the corner of the room she found a pair of shorts. She pulled them on and dragged herself across the common area to the bathroom.

When she sat on the toilet Claudia cried out. The sting was shocking and prolonged; the soreness deep as a canyon. She was going to get a UTI. Do I have a pill for that? That was the first question she asked herself. And the answer was no. She’d used the last one when she hooked up with Ben Herman over Christmas and never managed to call in a refill. So, it was going to be a call to her family’s doctor, who might mention the request to her mother. Or a visit to NYU’s health center. The health center made her think of herpes. Did he use a condom? That was the first question she couldn’t answer. Because, who was he?

There was no paper on the roll and when she looked down she saw blood. Claudia feebly wiggled her hips and pulled up the shorts.

When she filled up the water bottle at the sink Claudia had to confront the mirror. Her lip was split and had bled onto her chin. Her right eyelid was purple, swollen half shut. She stood in the windowless bathroom for a long time, waiting for the shock to fade. Waiting to find something familiar in the face there. But the familiar was gone.

She ran the water until it was warm, cupped her hands beneath the tap, and brought them to her face. Twice, three times. She rubbed lightly and the caked red on her chin loosened, ran pink into the sink. Where can I hide until this goes away? As much as it sucked, the dorm—mostly empty for spring break—was probably best.

She pushed aside the moldy shower curtain and turned the tap to hot.


Claudia was supposed to be in the room for the birth. The doula had suggested Edie Castro choose one person to hold each leg, and she’d picked her new husband, Nathan, and her little sister. But when Edie called from the backseat of the taxi traveling up First Avenue, Claudia’s phone just rang and rang.

It’s me, Edie said to the voice mail. My water broke. I’m on my way.

She hung up and texted the same message.

A contraction came and she stretched back, trying to straighten her legs, as if she could make the cramp spread out; curl her toes instead of her writhing middle. Nathan reached for her hand and hit the button on the app to record the duration of her pain. It was just after midnight. Outside the windows the lights of the city smeared by. They pulled up to Emergency and Nathan jogged in to get a wheelchair.

Edie texted her parents and Claudia again from the intake area. Once they got in a room, Nathan set up a laptop and a speaker, but there were only four songs on the birth playlist they’d started back in January. Neither of them were ready for this.

But Claudia didn’t rattle. When Claudia got here, it would be all right.

An hour passed and Edie lost count of the strangers coming in and going out of the room, looking at the monitor she was attached to, helping her squat over a bin to pee. Finally, just after dawn, the doctor asked if she felt like she should start pushing. At 7:07 a.m., a 5-pound 9-ounce little girl came shooting out into the world, squint-eyed and crying. Edie was crying, too, her arm thrown over her eyes. They sewed her up and put the baby on her chest. Edie looked down and saw the hair on the girl’s head. What was she supposed to feel? What was she supposed to do? Where was Claudia?

The nurses took the baby to be inspected, and Edie and Nathan were alone in the room for the first time since they’d arrived. She was supposed to have given birth in their little rental house in Poughkeespie with the midwife she’d chosen. She was supposed to be surrounded by candles. She was supposed to be able to lay her head back on her own pillows and gaze at the photographs she’d taken of the places and people who made her feel happy and strong. But that plan dissolved when her mother had announced that if Edie didn’t have the baby in the city, at the best hospital, she’d lose access to her trust fund. So now she was shivering in a room where the lights never seemed to go down and the machines never stopped buzzing. She closed her eyes and asked Nathan for a blanket.

I can’t believe how great you did, he said.

Edie kept her eyes shut. She tried to give him a smile but it probably looked like a wince.

Have you checked my phone? she asked.

Claudia hasn’t called. But I looked at her Instagram.

Edie opened her eyes. What?

She went out last night.

Let me see.

He handed her his phone. Claudia’s last post was a selfie (#staycation #springbreak #nyc) uploaded at 11:04 p.m. from a bar on Bleecker. An hour before Edie texted from the cab. Her sister looked drunk in the photo; her eyelids low, her mouth captured in a scream-smile. Yes! Look at me! I’m having so much fun! They’d talked about this exact thing two days ago. Two days! I could go at any time, Edie said. Make sure you have your phone. It was hard to wrap her mind around it: Claudia had missed the birth. All the arrangements, the fucking class they took together—and her sister just got wasted.

The nurses wheeled the baby back in a plastic bassinet, swaddled tight and sleeping.

Has someone started you expressing yet? asked the nurse. Edie shook her head. The nurse told her to squeeze her breast. Like you’re trying to get frosting out of a tube. She held a tiny plastic cup beneath Edie’s nipple, but nothing came out. Keep trying, said the nurse. It can take some women a while. Kept switching breasts.

A few minutes later, Edie’s father, Gabriel Castro, peeked in the door.

Can I come in?

Edie pulled her gown back up over her shoulder. Her dad’s hair was rumpled; he was wearing a Pavement T-shirt, jeans, and an old pair of Vans. Millions of dollars and half a dozen Grammys after leaving dusty Central California, her dad still dressed like a boy who’d just gotten off a cross-country bus. Six months ago, Edie’s mom, Michelle Whitehouse, had announced that after more than half a life together, she was leaving him. So that boy was now almost fifty, graying, and alone. As far as Edie could tell, her dad hadn’t left the family’s town house in a month. But when Nathan set the swaddled child in her father’s arms, he giggled. He couldn’t contain the happiness the little person she’d made gave him. That was something, thought Edie. Had she made the right decision keeping the baby? This was a check in the yes box.

Does she have a name? Gabe asked.

I think Edie wanted to wait till you guys were all together to tell everybody, said Nathan. He looked at Edie, who shrugged. What was the point of a big reveal? Claudia was probably passed out in some asshole’s bed, and her mom, well, she could go fuck herself.

Lydia, said Edie. Lydia Castro McHugh.

Gabe looked down at the baby and put a finger on top of her ear, just peeking up from the swaddle. Hello, little Lydia. Welcome to New York City. He looked up at Edie, eyes glassy. It’s a beautiful name. She’s beautiful. Nathan, we’re surrounded by beautiful women.

Nathan smiled. He was sitting beside Edie and he leaned forward, kissed her on the cheek. For the next hour, Gabe held sleeping Lydia. He paced the room, he sat on the pink-and-blue loveseat, he whispered in her ear as he looked out the window at the city below. It was Saturday, and traffic on the FDR was light. The sun shone off the East River and the Roosevelt Island tram carried people across in a glass capsule. When Lydia woke and started to cry, he handed her to Edie and asked, Where’s your sister?


Claudia Castro walked right into him as she came out of the elevator. Trevor was in sleep shorts and shower sandals. He’d run out of toothpaste and was headed to get some at the Rite-Aid on University.

Whoa! he said. She stumbled back, her sunglasses falling to the floor. Trevor took in her broken face. Oh my gosh, are you okay?

He bent down to pick up the glasses.

I’m so sorry, he continued when she didn’t answer. We’ve got a first aid kit in our room.

I’m okay, she said, taking the glasses without looking up. Thanks.

She walked past him. Limped, actually. Favoring one leg, bent slightly at the waist like she had a cramp. Trevor watched her go—he couldn’t help it. Perfect little half-moons peeked beneath the edge of her shorts. Her butt was small, but it moved just enough that he felt it. After the drugstore, he got in the shower and rubbed one out before church.

On his way back to the dorm, Trevor stopped at a café on MacDougal and ordered coffee and a blueberry muffin—everybody likes those, right? Unless she was gluten free. Or vegan. Trevor didn’t know many vegans in Canton, but a lot of the girls he met since arriving in New York had some dietary restriction or another. Either way, it was a gesture. Her roommate, Whitney, who he’d been hooking up with for a couple months, was big on gestures. Hopefully Claudia was, too.

It’s Trevor, he said after knocking at her door. He smiled into the peephole. I live down the hall. We bumped into each other earlier.

Claudia opened the door just a few inches. She was still wearing the sunglasses, but they didn’t cover all the wounds on her face.

There’s cream and sugar in the bag, said Trevor, raising the coffee.

She looked puzzled, like he’d changed the subject.

I’m Trevor, he heard himself say again.

Claudia accepted the coffee and the brown paper bag with the muffin inside.

Thanks, she said, and shut the door.

At the little desk in his bedroom, Trevor tried to focus on his paper for Comparative Religion. He was writing about the concept of nirvana in Buddhism. It had to be six pages and use at least four primary sources, but he gave up after two hours and barely a page. He was supposed to be imagining a life free of spiritual poison, but all he could see was Claudia Castro’s face.

She knocked on his door that evening.

Hey, she said. I’m Claudia.

Trevor smiled, too big, probably. But whatever. He was happy to see her.

Are you going back out? she asked.

I could.

I’m sorry to ask but is there any way I could give you some money to go to the drugstore? I can’t find my phone and I don’t really want to run into anybody.


Thanks. She handed him a hundred-dollar bill and a list handwritten on the back of a subscription card for Marie Claire magazine. No rush or anything. I just…

You don’t have to explain, said Trevor. Do you want some dinner, too? I was gonna get ramen.


He nodded. It wasn’t exactly a lie. He had been planning on ramen for dinner, but the plan involved microwaving a dollar-packet from their common room cabinet microwaved with bathroom sink water, not the $20 bowls they sold at the Japanese place down the block.

Sure, she said. I’d take some rice and veggies. Thanks.

An hour later, Trevor knocked on her door.


I really appreciate it, said Claudia. She was still wearing the sunglasses.

He paused after handing her the food. He wanted to ask what happened. Somehow, he sensed he could help.

Do you want to come in? she asked.

They ate at the coffee table. Claudia was quiet and he looked around the room for something to talk about. Trevor had been here to hook up with Whitney, but they spent most of the time in her bed. For Whitney, Claudia was the Holy Grail of roommates: rarely there. She’s rich, Whitney told him as an explanation. On a chair near the window Trevor saw an oversized leather portfolio case and he remembered that Whitney mentioned Claudia took art classes. But he didn’t know anything about art and he didn’t want to say something stupid, so the silence continued until Claudia asked why he was still on campus over spring break.

I’ve got a lot of work to catch up on. Again, not a lie, but not the whole truth. The whole truth was that he hadn’t raised enough money to go to Costa Rica and build houses with his church group. His parents would have liked to see him, but going home was exhausting and flights expensive. What about you?

Obviously, I should have gotten out of town.

She didn’t elaborate. He noticed her water glass was empty so he got up and refilled it, then gathered their takeout detritus and bagged it.

I should go to bed, she said.

Cool. Thanks for dinner. Stupid, he thought. I brought it to her.


After the boy from down the hall left, Claudia called the security desk downstairs and was told, for the third time, that no one had turned in her phone. It had been twenty-four hours and she still had no idea how she’d gotten back to bed, or who she’d been with past eleven o’clock the night before.

She’d blacked out only one other time, on Martha’s Vineyard last summer. After a graduation dinner at a restaurant near their seaside estate, Claudia’s parents had allowed her to stay and drink with her twenty-two-year-old sister, Edie. The bartender made key lime martinis and after two they stumbled down to the yacht club at the Edgartown harbor. Alcohol, the great equalizer: The prep school kids from Boston and New York were sharing a bottle of vodka with the barbacks and servers who worked on the island. The last thing she remembered was accepting someone’s coat around her shoulders. The next morning, after she woke up in a deck chair, her sister informed her that at some point she’d announced to everyone she wasn’t going to let anybody fuck her until college.

You said it was going to be the ‘Summer of Blow Jobs!’ howled Edie.

No, I didn’t, said Claudia, although it sounded like something she might say, especially if she was drunk.

Nathan is a witness, said Edie.

It’s true, said Nathan, Edie’s scruffy boyfriend from Vassar. He’d spent the summer with them and knocked Edie up that August, right under their parents’ noses.

They were all sitting in the breakfast room, a wall of French doors flung open onto the stone patio. The pool, the grass, the sand, the ocean, the blue sky: Claudia could stand up and run straight into the horizon from the table.

You were pretty messed up, said her sister. I thought you went off to puke, but you never came back.

You didn’t try to find me?

I figured you’d go home, and I was right.

I don’t even remember getting here.

You probably blacked out, said Nathan.

Before that night, Claudia had assumed people who said they didn’t remember what happened when they were drunk were lying. Or at least they weren’t being literal. The idea that she’d said and done things she had no memory of was disturbing—and, in the case of her alleged Edgartown exclamation, mildly humiliating—but sitting alone in her dorm room now, staring into the black hole in her mind, she realized she hadn’t even considered how lucky she’d been that night on the island. She could have fallen off the dock, hit her head on one of the night-silent boats, and been washed away by the black water. She could have tripped stumbling home and gotten hit by a sleepy driver. She could have been raped.

Claudia took three Benadryls and slept for twelve hours on the shitty dorm mattress, dreaming of banging on doors and falling down stairs. In the morning the fear became more acute: the infection was coming. She needed the pills and she needed to find her phone.

Trevor knocked about an hour later, while she was working up the courage to go outside.

I’m on my way to the library, he said. I can pick something up if you want.

He was very good-looking: symmetrical features, clear skin, dark brown eyes, a hint of muscle beneath his T-shirt. As he waited for her answer, Trevor fiddled with the chain on his neck, revealing a simple gold cross. A week ago, Claudia would have considered hooking up with him, even though she was pretty sure her roommate already was. A week ago, she would have taken in his scent and imagined what he tasted like. She might have smiled and flirted and wondered if he could make her stop thinking about Ben for a little while. But not now. Now there were whole pieces of her that seemed to have been swept away. Why couldn’t she remember? Claudia looked at Trevor and thought: I need to get

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