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Unbound: My Story of Liberation and the Birth of the Me Too Movement
Unbound: My Story of Liberation and the Birth of the Me Too Movement
Unbound: My Story of Liberation and the Birth of the Me Too Movement
Ebook257 pages4 hours

Unbound: My Story of Liberation and the Birth of the Me Too Movement

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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"Searing. Powerful. Needed." —Oprah

“Sometimes a single story can change the world. Unbound is one of those stories.
Tarana’s words are a testimony to liberation and love.” —Brené Brown

From the founder and activist behind one of the largest movements of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, the "me too" movement, Tarana Burke debuts a powerful memoir about her own journey to saying those two simple yet infinitely powerful words
me tooand how she brought empathy back to an entire generation in one of the largest cultural events in American history.

Tarana didn’t always have the courage to say "me too." As a child, she reeled from her sexual assault, believing she was responsible. Unable to confess what she thought of as her own sins for fear of shattering her family, her soul split in two. One side was the bright, intellectually curious third generation Bronxite steeped in Black literature and power, and the other was the bad, shame ridden girl who thought of herself as a vile rule breaker, not as a victim. She tucked one away, hidden behind a wall of pain and anger, which seemed to work...until it didn’t.

Tarana fought to reunite her fractured self, through organizing, pursuing justice, and finding community. In her debut memoir she shares her extensive work supporting and empowering Black and brown girls, and the devastating realization that to truly help these girls she needed to help that scared, ashamed child still in her soul. She needed to stop running and confront what had happened to her, for Heaven and Diamond and the countless other young Black women for whom she cared. They gave her the courage to embrace her power. A power which in turn she shared with the entire world. Through these young Black and brown women, Tarana found that we can only offer empathy to others if we first offer it to ourselves.

Unbound is the story of an inimitable woman’s inner strength and perseverance, all in pursuit of bringing healing to her community and the world around her, but it is also a story of possibility, of empathy, of power, and of the leader we all have inside ourselves. In sharing her path toward healing and saying "me too," Tarana reaches out a hand to help us all on our own journeys.

Release dateSep 14, 2021

Tarana Burke

For more than 25 years, activist, advocate, and author Tarana Burke has worked at the intersection of sexual violence and racial justice. Fueled by commitments to interrupt sexual violence and other systemic inequalities disproportionately impacting marginalized people, particularly Black women and girls, Tarana has created and led various campaigns focused on increasing access to resources and support for impacted communities, including the ‘me too.’ Movement, which has galvanized millions of survivors and allies around the world, and the me too. International nonprofit organization, founded in 2018. Her New York Times bestselling books You Are Your Best Thing and Unbound have illuminated the power of healing, vulnerability, and storytelling in the movement to end sexual violence.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Burke's memoir is by turn absolutely heart-breaking and inspiring. Her pain at her work possibly being overlooked and appropriated was so palpable and set the tone for the rest of the book. Such an important read for the current feminist movement.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I listened to the audiobook read by Tarana Burke. The killing of 15 year old Latasha Harlins was an injustice that was unknown to me until reading about it in this memoir, or Annie Lee Cooper, an African-American civil rights activist in the 1965 Selma Voting Rights Movement, who is best known for punching Dallas County, Alabama Sheriff Jim Clark and being shoved to the ground. Living in Marion, Alabama, 28 miles from Selma, I was made aware of the historical significance behind the voters right movement and the march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama that was caused by the shooting and death of Jimmie Lee Jackson which inspired the March in 1965, a major event in the movement that helped gain congressional passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. This opened the door to millions of African Americans being able to vote again in Alabama and across the Southern United States, regaining participation as citizens in the political system for the first time since the turn of the 20th century. “Sexual violence doesn’t discriminate, but the response to it does.”I’m grateful to Tarana Burke for her hard work and bringing awareness to sexual violence and creating the Me Too movement. Although I have never personally experienced sexual assault, but I have heard several accounts of incest involving family. I was especially enlightened to read (listen) to Burke speak on her journey and work in Selma. Alabama, particularly with Rose and Hank Sanders, Malika Sanders and Ms. Joanne Bland. I have met, crossed paths, and encountered this persons in various ways. However, I was unaware of their misgivings toward Ms. Burke during those times. As Senator Malika Sanders Fortier took the congressional seat in my district of Perry County, she has taken ill and her father, Henry “Hank“ Sanders is currently running for her senate seat once again. I adore and admire the work of Ms. Joanne Bland. This memoir was such an eye opener and a profound revelation. I hope that Tarana Burke keeps working within the organization’s that she is dedicated to and continues to make a positive impact on herself and others lives.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wow! What a powerful book. It was eye-opening to discover the true beginning of the me too. movement before the hashtag. I knew it had started before the hashtag but I didn't know the full story. And what a heartbreaking and courageous story it is. I couldn't put it down.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book moved me to tears and and filled me with rage. Burke gives us a powerful memoir that chronicles her journey to creating the Me Too Movement in 2005. She writes about the sexual violence she experienced as a child, her involvement in youth leadership, and how talking with other survivors of abuse led her to the theory of “empowerment through empathy.” This is a vital book that highlights the power of language, communication, and connection through shared experiences.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    audio nonfiction/memoir (narrated by the author)this is a painful topic and one that is not easy to listen to, even if you haven't experienced this degree of trauma personally, but that lends even more importance in the act of listening and understanding and acknowledging. And there can be real value in tears shed in sympathy and/or empathy.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I listened to the audiobook read by Tarana Burke. The killing of 15 year old Latasha Harlins was an injustice that was unknown to me until reading about it in this memoir, or Annie Lee Cooper, an African-American civil rights activist in the 1965 Selma Voting Rights Movement, who is best known for punching Dallas County, Alabama Sheriff Jim Clark and being shoved to the ground. Living in Marion, Alabama, 28 miles from Selma, I was made aware of the historical significance behind the voters right movement and the march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama that was caused by the shooting and death of Jimmie Lee Jackson which inspired the March in 1965, a major event in the movement that helped gain congressional passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. This opened the door to millions of African Americans being able to vote again in Alabama and across the Southern United States, regaining participation as citizens in the political system for the first time since the turn of the 20th century. “Sexual violence doesn’t discriminate, but the response to it does.”I’m grateful to Tarana Burke for her hard work and bringing awareness to sexual violence and creating the Me Too movement. Although I have never personally experienced sexual assault, but I have heard several accounts of incest involving family. I was especially enlightened to read (listen) to Burke speak on her journey and work in Selma. Alabama, particularly with Rose and Hank Sanders, Malika Sanders and Ms. Joanne Bland. I have met, crossed paths, and encountered this persons in various ways. However, I was unaware of their misgivings toward Ms. Burke during those times. As Senator Malika Sanders Fortier took the congressional seat in my district of Perry County, she has taken ill and her father, Henry “Hank“ Sanders is currently running for her senate seat once again. I adore and admire the work of Ms. Joanne Bland. This memoir was such an eye opener and a profound revelation. I hope that Tarana Burke keeps working within the organization’s that she is dedicated to and continues to make a positive impact on herself and others lives.

Book preview

Unbound - Tarana Burke


The vibration of my phone nudged me awake. It was Sunday morning, and I was sleeping in. Through half-shut eyes I watched my phone slide across the nightstand. Bzzzt! Bzzzt! Bzzzt! Bzzzt!

I thought about the halfhearted promise I had made to my mom that I would try to go to church that morning. It had to be her pinging me with a reminder, and a slight pang of guilt kept me from looking at my phone. I figured not seeing the message was basically the same as not getting it at all, so I closed my eyes tighter and rolled over in bed. I needed the extra rest.

The night before I had been out late with my girlfriends. It was unseasonably warm for New York in the fall, and we had decided to go to our favorite local spot, Sexy Taco/Dirty Cash. The bartender, Antonio, was a true mixologist, and ever since we came in one night and ordered what he deemed wack drinks, he made it his personal mission to broaden our horizons. We never ordered off the menu when he was on shift. We simply sat at the bar and got our life—joyfully socializing the way Black women do—as he made us new concoctions. We’d ohh and ahh and giggle and flirt until we were feeling good enough to float on home. With my low threshold for liquor, that was usually two drinks.

That Saturday was no different. We sat around the bar trying new things, eating, laughing, and cutting up before we took the party out onto the streets of Harlem. By the time I got home and crashed, I knew full well that it would be a late sleep the next day.

About an hour after the first buzz, my phone vibrated again. This time it was a Facebook notification from a friend, so I opened my phone to look and she had tagged me in a post that read

This one rocks. Tarana Burke look. Me too. Predators are everywhere. Work, home, houses of worship, you name it.


If all the women who I know who have been sexually assaulted or harassed wrote me too as a status … and all the women they know … we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem.

I grabbed the phone off of its charger in a panic and read the message again more carefully, thinking that the friend who posted it had written the entire thing. I was so confused about why she would do so without consulting me first. I’d been doing the work of bringing empathy into the fight against sexual violence for many years now using this language. I sent her a private message thanking her for tagging me and explaining that I had been working hard to relaunch my website and broaden the work around ‘me too,’ and that I didn’t want to diminish it by creating a simple hashtag in response to the recent news stories. I had, of course, seen the media coverage of the Hollywood mogul who had been exposed—in not one but two bombshell stories—as a serial predator of women, confirming years of whispers and not-so-subtle innuendos from some of his famous collaborators. I had read the stories of the high-profile actresses who had courageously come forward to talk about the horrific things they suffered at this man’s hands, and I had watched as the unfolding conversation reverberated across social media. Other than these women being survivors of sexual violence, none of what was happening in Hollywood felt related to the work I had been entrenched in within my own community for so many years. Seeing me too, the phrase I had built my work and purpose around, used by people outside of that community, was jarring.

My friend was confused too. She explained that she hadn’t created the original post or the hashtag; she was simply reposting it and giving me credit because she knew I had long been doing this work using that phrase. I asked if she minded deleting the post to slow down whatever was being spread. My heart dropped at the thought of inviting people to open up and share their experience with sexual violence online without a way to help them process it. I knew it could lead to emotional crisis in the absence of caring, empathetic environments. There was a knot growing in my stomach. This would be a disaster if it went viral.

Maybe it won’t catch on, I messaged as a rush of anxiety—and a creeping hangover—made my body flush.

And then she said it. It’s all over the internet.

My brain was scrambling. I went to my Facebook timeline and frantically scrolled up and down, but I didn’t see a single post using #metoo except hers. I let my body relax a bit and then remembered to check my notification from earlier. It wasn’t my mom guilting me about church; it was a text from another girlfriend with a screenshot of a series of tweets … all using #metoo. Underneath, she wrote, Hey sis, this you?

The blood drained from my head.

I sat up in bed and pulled out my laptop. It took less than thirty seconds on my Twitter feed to see the first #metoo tweet. I was not a prolific tweeter at the time and wasn’t very familiar with how to navigate it. I quickly FaceTimed my nineteen-year-old child—my big-hearted, caring, gender nonconforming, free-spirited child and activist in their own right—who was deeply familiar with my work and had also set up permanent residence in the Twittersphere.

I didn’t even wait for a hello. Baby, have you seen people using #metoo online? I asked, forgetting it was well before rise and shine for a Gen Y college student. They told me they hadn’t, and I tried to explain that something was happening but that I couldn’t quite find it.

Search the hashtag, Ma, they groaned.

Annoyed, I asked for explicit instructions. They walked me through it, and with just a few clicks, hundreds of thousands of tweets flooded my screen. My life flashed before my eyes: all the work I’d done, all the things I’d been through. In a daze, I managed to say I’d call them back later before hanging up. I scrolled down and down and down, each hashtag feeling like a needle pricking my skin. Some of the tweets had pictures attached, some were full of emojis, and others used every last one of the allotted one hundred and eighty characters.

And they all said #metoo.

I slammed my laptop shut and tried to take deep breaths before the anxiety welling up in my chest took over. I got out of bed, walked into my living room, and opened a window. I let the cool breeze hit my skin, trying everything I could think of to calm down, but the quickening in my heart made it feel like I was doing a hundred-yard dash over hurdles. I picked up my cell and frantically dialed Vernetta, one of my best friend’s, numbers. She didn’t answer, so I called another one, Yaba. She answered. It turned out the two of them were together.

Girl, I started, trying to steady my voice unsuccessfully before it all came spilling out, someone turned ‘me too’ into a hashtag and it’s all over the internet. I don’t know what to do!

Yaba is one of the most even-keeled and measured women I know. She doesn’t excite easily and is not prone to histrionics. Hearing the distress in my voice, she knew exactly what to say.

Just take a step back and breathe.

I listened to the calm of her voice as she reassured me that whatever was happening was not the end of the world and could likely be solved among our little group. My breathing steadied. The tears that had welled up in my eyes stayed pooled in the corners, and I tried to slowly collect myself.

"Now you said what is happening with ‘me too’?"

I walked her through my morning and explained that I was watching the hashtag grow by the minute on Twitter. It was apparently on Facebook too, but not significantly in our community—meaning Black folks—on either platform. The tears I was fighting back started streaming down my face as I thought about how this had ballooned so quickly.

This can’t happen, I said through my tears. "Not like this! Y’all know if these white women start using this hashtag, and it gets popular, they will never believe that a Black woman in her forties from the Bronx has been building a movement for the same purposes, using those exact words, for years now. It will be over. I was now outright sobbing. I will have worked all these years for nothing!"

Yaba put me on speakerphone so both she and Vernetta could try to soothe me and sort this out. My brain had switched gears, though. I was in full meltdown mode. Abruptly, I told them I had to go and hung up the phone. Yaba called me right back, and I sent her to voice mail, unable to catch my breath.

A text popped up on the screen. Bish, did you just send ME to VOICEMAIL?! I am going to give you a pass because you ain’t in your right mind at the moment—but you got ONE time. Answer this damn phone! The note was so typical of her that it made me chuckle. I pulled it together enough to call back, and she once again put me on speakerphone before delivering some straight talk.

"Listen, you know everybody and everybody that knows you knows that ‘me too’ is yours. We’ve been watching you do the work for years. In this day and age, you gotta pull out receipts. So—pull out your receipts! Put them out there and let them know this already existed."

She was right. It had been a little over eleven years since I had been living and working in Selma, Alabama, and had started using the phrase me too as a way for survivors to connect with each other and to make a declaration to the world. I had gone all over the country—any and everywhere folks would allow me space—talking about how the exchange of empathy between survivors of sexual violence could be a tool to empower us toward healing and into action. I reassured myself that I had conducted enough workshops, participated in enough panels, and given out enough T-shirts and stickers to earn the right to say that this work, and the phrase that encapsulated it, was mine. And I did know a lot of people. My long and varied background in social justice work, arts and culture, and journalism had afforded me a collection of friends and associates across multiple fields who I knew would stand up for me if I asked.

I pulled myself together and went searching through my phone. I remembered a video my cousin took of me a few years earlier. I was giving a speech at the 2014 Philadelphia March to End Rape Culture explaining what the ‘me too.’ Movement was and why folks should join us in furthering the work. I was wearing a black miniskirt with pink stiletto heels and a pink and white striped blouse. Atop the blouse was a black tee that had the words ME TOO printed in bold, bright pink lettering. It was our signature T-shirt.

I watched the video again and took a deep breath. It felt like the receipt I needed. I drafted a message to go with the video and uploaded both to all my social media pages.

It has been amazing watching all of the pushback against Harvey Weinstein and in support of his accusers over the last week. In particular, today I have watched women on social media disclose their stories using the hashtag #metoo. It made my heart swell to see women using this idea—one that we call empowerment through empathy—to not only show the world how widespread and pervasive sexual violence is, but also to let other survivors know they are not alone. The point of the work we’ve done over the last decade with the ‘me too.’ Movement is to let women, particularly young women of color, know that they are not alone—it’s a movement. It’s beyond a hashtag. It’s the start of a larger conversation and a movement for radical community healing. Join us.

Once the message was out there, I reached out to my networks in every industry—bloggers, journalists, influencers, writers, activists, organizers, artists, filmmakers—and asked anyone who had any reach to repost or retweet or find some way to amplify my post.

And then I waited.

Without exaggeration, next to giving birth, this felt like the longest night of my life. I had an outpouring of support from friends and chosen family, all familiar with the work I’d been doing and how much of myself I’d put into it. Some were in the work with me—comrades in the fight to end sexual violence, particularly child sexual abuse. Others were organizers, nonprofit leaders, writers, and public figures. But despite the support, my fear lingered about everything I’d worked toward coming crashing down around me.

My post and video were being shared widely, and in my speech I had talked about how tired and scared I was that my work would be co-opted. That was how I felt watching this hashtag galvanize social media. I shared my anxieties in a group chat I had with several others who are in the work. I talked about how overwhelmed I was, how I needed time to craft a proper response and get my website and talking points together. I told them that I felt hopeless because I couldn’t move at the speed of the internet. I had toyed with the idea of walking away from this work because it was so hard—and maybe this moment was a sign that I should give up. I had been trying in vain to amplify it for years, with zero resources and little support, and I was now going to have to fight a viral hashtag that probably wouldn’t be connected to the origins of the work at all. I was dejected.

At this point I knew little of how the hashtag had started. I had no idea that the actress Alyssa Milano had sent out the first tweet. I didn’t know the full extent of the responses, and I didn’t know if my attempt to insert myself by posting an old speech was shifting the conversation at all.

I put down my phone and climbed back into bed, attempting to will myself to sleep. Maybe I could stave off the anxiety burning in my chest. I lay awake for a moment before giving in to the urge to flip open my laptop and search Twitter again. It had been a few hours since I checked on the status of the hashtag. Every time I checked there was a whole new wave, and I felt compelled to scroll through it all.

About an hour into my scrolling, I came across a tweet that just said #metoo with a link attached. The link led to the woman’s personal blog where she had posted, in great detail, the story of her sexual assault in college. She wrote about how it wasn’t until she saw all the #metoo posts that she felt she could tell the story publicly and be embraced and supported. She wrote of the shame she had been carrying for years, and how the burden of her trauma kept her from living a full life. She wrote that witnessing the sheer number of people boldly saying #metoo online had made her feel less alone. This complete stranger felt less alone by discovering how many others had been carrying secrets like hers. And she felt less alone by watching other strangers release those secrets into the world.

So many people had pulled these memories from the pits of their stomachs and the recesses of their minds. They came forward not knowing what would come next, but feeling far too compelled by the promise of community to let the moment pass them by. They hoped, for the first time, that they might feel less alone by sharing.

Here was a woman feeling less alone because she had found a place to be seen.

Her post landed on my spirit like life lessons often do: hard, fast, and with aching discomfort. I sat up in bed, tears flooding my eyes again. This time I cried for the anonymous woman. I cried for the sheer volume of tweets I had seen that day. I cried because, though I was exhausted, I knew exactly what was coming.

My lessons are never low-key and my assignment is always plain and clear once it is revealed. I am hardwired to respond to injustice. It doesn’t always sit well with me, but I’ve learned the hard way not to ignore it. It’s the same wiring that led to the creation of the ‘me too.’ Movement. It’s what kept me working with children in the Deep South even when it required the kind of sacrifices that others might walk away from. And it’s why I have always had a community job in addition to any actual paying job. From the moment I understood that organizing was the work that had to be done to respond to injustice, I knew I wanted to do it in service of my community. That realization—clear as a bell—came to me as a young teenager, and that bell rang again for me that night.

What are you doing, Tarana? I asked myself. I was overcome with a new emotion, and I could not have ignored it even if I had wanted to. In the Christian church, they call what I was grappling with being convicted. I knew better than to run from this or agonize about whose movement it was. God had shown up and checked me on that. I had spent the whole day wringing my hands and pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to save my work. It took a story from a stranger for me to realize that my work was happening right in front of me. After deciding all those years ago that I wanted a life in service of community, in this moment I had to decide who I was going to be. Was I going to be who I said I was? The answer felt obvious. I didn’t want to fight about who got what credit. I just wanted to show the world why a movement like this was necessary.

Back in 2005 when I started working on ‘me too,’ it was so difficult to get people on board—including those who claimed to be in the service of our community. Activists, organizers, youth workers, social justice warriors, and the like would agree that it was necessary work, and congratulated me for taking it on, but they still wouldn’t do much to support or further our efforts. What motivated me to continue were the little Black and Brown girls who trusted us with their secrets, their pain, their shame, their worries, their anger, their fears, and their hopes.

It didn’t take resources to introduce the possibility of healing into their lives. It didn’t take wide-ranging support to stand up for them and others like them. It took vision. It took intention. It took tenacity. It took courage. And it took empathy.

I fell asleep with that on my mind and woke the next morning with a different fire. I didn’t know who, if anyone, would listen, but it was clear that I had to share my vision for this movement with the world. It was clear that all the folks who were using the #metoo hashtag, and all the Hollywood actresses who came forward with their allegations, needed the same thing that the little Black girls in Selma, Alabama, needed—space to be seen and heard. They needed empathy and compassion and a path to healing. I wanted to be a part of making sure they had what they needed.

The journey that began that Sunday morning in the fall of 2017 is its own story—one you’ve likely heard, watched, or read about again and again. The story I’m going to tell is about how we got to those two simple yet infinitely powerful words: me too. The story of how empathy for others—without which the work of ‘me too’ doesn’t exist—starts with empathy for that dark place of shame where we keep our stories, and where I kept

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