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Gone for Good: A Novel
Gone for Good: A Novel
Gone for Good: A Novel
Ebook422 pages6 hours

Gone for Good: A Novel

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Gone For Good is the first in a new mystery series from award-winning author Joanna Schaffhausen, featuring Detective Annalisa Vega, in which a cold case heats up.

The Lovelorn Killer murdered seven women, ritually binding them and leaving them for dead before penning them gruesome love letters in the local papers. Then he disappeared, and after twenty years with no trace of him, many believe that he’s gone for good.

Not Grace Harper. A grocery store manager by day, at night Grace uses her snooping skills as part of an amateur sleuth group. She believes the Lovelorn Killer is still living in the same neighborhoods that he hunted in, and if she can figure out how he selected his victims, she will have the key to his identity.

Detective Annalisa Vega lost someone she loved to the killer. Now she’s at a murder scene with the worst kind of déjà vu: Grace Harper lies bound and dead on the floor, surrounded by clues to the biggest murder case that Chicago homicide never solved. Annalisa has the chance to make it right and to heal her family, but first, she has to figure out what Grace knew—how to see a killer who may be standing right in front of you. This means tracing his steps back to her childhood, peering into dark corners she hadn’t acknowledged before, and learning that despite everything the killer took, she has still so much more to lose.

Release dateAug 10, 2021
Gone for Good: A Novel

Joanna Schaffhausen

Joanna Schaffhausen is a scientific editor who previously worked as an editorial producer for ABC News, where she advised and wrote for programs such as World News Tonight, Good Morning America and 20/20. She lives in the Boston area with her husband and daughter. The Vanishing Season was her first novel.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was an easy and fluid read. The narrative was different in that it included a first person narrative of the main character - but also a secondary 1st person narrative in the form of other character's diary. The characters here are fleshed out enough for you to get a sense of who they are, and you get the sense that everyone has a purpose. The storyline moves quickly and the author packs a lot into it, right to the end. I highly recommend this book - it was a very enjoyable read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Starts a little slowly but stick with it and you'll find it's worth the effort. Excellent character development, great plot and the legal maneuvers were actually credible. Recommend for suspense and legal thriller fans. I look forward to more from this author.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I know I’m reading a good thriller when I’m not reading the book. I’m replaying the plot in my mind, analyzing and over-analyzing characters to try and get a step ahead.I could not stop thinking about Gone For Good by Joanna Schaffhausen. Like the amateur sleuths in the book, I was trying to find every possible clue, eliminating potential suspects, and connecting the dots to solve this complicated mess. There’s so much to unpack. The Lovelorn Killer cold case stalled unsolved for decades - so why did they start again? Many cop families are involved, both personally and professionally. Add in a social media group of amateur sleuths who get in way over their heads as they race to solve the case before the police. That’s plenty for Detective Annalisa Vega to handle, but throw her first love (and victim’s son) and her new partner (and ex-husband), and she’s dealing with more knots than the killer’s ties on his victims. Speaking of victims, guess which female detective is the next victim being stalked?I couldn’t escape this book when I wasn’t reading it and kept trying to unravel the clues and settle on a suspect. Be prepared to uncover the killer, change your mind, and kick yourself at the end for how close you had been to solving it yourself. Schaffausen does a great job presenting the evidence while posing the right questions that keep the reader guessing. Most importantly, she crafts an ending that ties up loose ends and makes sense.I can’t stop impatiently wondering when the next Annalisa Vega mystery will be published.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Annalisa Vega has only been a police detective for a few months when she’s called to a grisly murder scene with all the hallmarks of a 20-year-old dead case. Twenty years earlier, the killer was not caught, and the cops had precious little to go on because the killer was meticulous and left nothing behind, nothing but seven dead women. When there was no eighth victim, people assumed the killer was either dead or incarcerated until the eighth victim is killed. To make matters worse, Vega is assigned a new partner, her ex-husband, Nick Carelli. It is up to Vega to find the killer and bring him to justice.Schaffhausen has written a complex mystery featuring a tough-as-nails detective who has much to prove and much to lose. The author has created a unique killer who uses Shibari, the ancient Japanese ritual of torture and bondage using ropes, to kill his victims. While much of the killer’s modus operandi is left to the imagination of the reader, this no cozy mysteryWhile the book is well written, the characters, including Vega and the killer, are unique, and the storyline complex, there was something missing that was hard to define. It may be that when the author cuts away from Vega’s investigation to insert journal entries from the last victim, the reader is unceremoniously dumped out of the story.If you are looking for a different kind of mystery, this may be what you’re looking for.My thanks to Minotaur and Edelweiss for an eARC.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book was intense. I loved that I thought I knew what was going to happen. but right at the end I was thrown for a loop. I loved that it was paced in such a way that kept my interest and engaged. I thought it was very character driven and each character was very well fleshed out. I highly recommend this book to lovers of thrillers!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Review of Uncorrected Digital GalleyGrace Harper works in a grocery store, but she finds herself intrigued by cold cases the police have yet to solve. She belongs to an amateur sleuthing group called the Grave Diggers, and she’s insistent on investigating a serial killer known as the Lovelorn Killer who tied women up with ropes and strangled them. And now Grace lies on the floor dead, tied up with ropes and strangled.Is this a copycat murder? Or, after twenty years, has the Lovelorn Killer returned? Detective Annalisa Vega is familiar with the case . . . someone she cared about was one of the murderer’s victims. Now she’s determined to stop him before anyone else dies. But the cost of solving the case will be so much more than she’d ever imagined.Strong characters, a rich and intriguing [if a tad creepy] plot, and nonstop action make this a first-rate debut for the author’s new series. Although the plot leans toward grim, the characters and their relationships are interesting and their interactions keep the story from becoming too gruesome. With a strong protagonist and characters that are both realistic and interesting, the unfolding narrative pulls readers into the telling of the tale from the outset. There are more twists than might be expected, and some events hover somewhere between heartbreak and despair. But this tale of family, love, and determination speaks to the heart and keeps readers rooting for Annalisa. Readers are apt to find it difficult to set this one aside before turning the final page. Don’t miss it.Highly recommended.I received a free copy of this eBook from St. Martin’s Press / Minotaur Books and NetGalley #GoneForGood #NetGalley
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the publisher and NetGalley. This review is my voluntary and unbiased opinion.

    Detective Annalisa Vega is tasked with investigating a cold case after the death of Grace Harper, a true crime sleuth. Her online group called the Grave Diggers consisted of a variety of fellow amateur detectives. For some reason, Grace could not stop looking into the case of the Lovelorn Killer. She falls victim when her notes start to get close to solving the death of Katie Duffy, who was victim number 7 of the serial killer. Annalisa’s ex-husband, Nick Carelli, is transferred back from FL to help with the investigation. This case begins to become personal for Annalisa when the case brings up memories from her past. Her high school sweetheart was Colin Duffy, the son of the deceased woman whose father is also a police officer. It is further complicated by her relationship with her friend and sister-in-law, Sassy, who is married to Annalisa’s brother and a cousin of Colin Duffy. The more digging into this cold case uncovers more secrets that reveal some unsavory details of some high profile people.

    It’s great to see a new mystery series by this talented author.

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Gone for Good - Joanna Schaffhausen



Journal Entry #441

Do you remember the moment you realized you were going to die? I was five years old, lying in my princess bed with its canopy and pink dust ruffles. My mother had sent me there after I put her expensive brassiere on Louie, our beagle. I might’ve gotten away with it, but I also used the Polaroid camera to take a picture of him and showed it to our mailman. You think I’m the butt of all your jokes, Mama hollered at me. You’ll be sorry one day when I’m gone.

I already knew about dead people since Mama’s mother died of a heart attack when I was three. I understood she’d been on earth walking around like the rest of us, and then poof, she died and wasn’t coming back. I hadn’t considered it would happen to Mama and Daddy—or that if it happened to them, it would happen one day to me, too. I remember holding out my fleshy little hand and staring at it until my vision blurred. I was going to die. Worms would eat me. I imagined my skin melting away until I thought I could see my skeleton poking out underneath. I screamed so loud that Mama came running, and after that, I slept in her and Daddy’s bed for a week.

The truth is, I still look at my hand when I lie in bed at night and contemplate my death. I think the rest of us Grave Diggers have similarly morbid fascinations, whether they’d admit to it or not. We take on dead cases, gone cold so long that most others have forgotten about them or given up. We tell ourselves that we’re chasing other people’s deaths. We solve a case, and we feel like we got a win over the ultimate Man in Black. Maybe, though, we wonder who will be there to remember us when our time comes.

I’m writing this in front of a wall full of dead women. They were different in life—unique hairstyles, varying skin colors, different kinds of jobs—but they all look the same now. They are dead on the floor of their own homes, tied up like Christmas chickens. The intricate interlacing of the rope and knots reminds me of shibari or kinbaku, the Japanese ritual binding that can be a form of torture or erotic pleasure, depending on how you employ it. The man who bound these seven women surely meant to torture them. The police reports on their deaths emphasize that he suffocated them slowly, loosening the ties periodically to revive them before choking the life out of them completely.

Their eyes are all closed in the crime scene photographs. I presume that’s how they were found. I believe they shut their lids against the horror of what was happening to them, and also to deny him the pleasure of watching the light go out from their eyes. I’ve read up enough on his kind by now to know that they seek out that moment of transition. A beating heart and racing pulse, the shuddering breath that dies in the chest—these guys get off on that moment. So, I understand why the women closed their eyes while he stood over them, tightening the ropes. But when I look at their pictures, I wish I could see what they saw. They are the only ones who know his true face.

He’s older now, like the rest of us. He went underground twenty-one years ago after Victim Number Seven, which likely makes him anywhere between forty and sixty-five years of age. Many experts say he must be dead, but not me. I’ve been walking the streets he walked, looking in the same windows. Sometimes I think I catch a glimpse of his reflection in the glass, at least what I imagine he must look like. I bet he’s got the same wall of photographs that I have, but his are kept private where no one else can see. His newspaper clippings must be yellowed and fragile, so old that they look like ancient history. He surely believes he got away with it. But I’ve checked the weather reports for all seven murders, and now I know where to find him.

I’ve been working on this case for months, writing up all my notes, recording conversations, visiting the crime scenes. Last week, I went on TV and practically dared him to come after me. I lay awake all night afterward, thinking every creak on the stairs could be him. Those other women never saw him coming. When the storm rolled in off the lake and cut our power for five hours, I took a kitchen knife and hid in my bathtub with it. But it was then I realized how to get him, and so I can’t chicken out now.

People are going to think I’m doing this for the glory or the credit, and I’ll admit a nice, fat book deal would be sweet, but mostly, I’m thinking about that moment when he gets the cuffs slapped on him and dragged out in front of everyone. I want him to see it was me who found him. Me, an ordinary woman living in Belmont Cragin, working at a grocery store. Just the kind of woman he killed and presumed he’d get away with it forever. Because right now, he’s a faceless spook, a ghost story, and the women he killed get known only by the way he murdered them. You can google them to see it’s true. No one remembers that Shauna Atkins played Maria her senior year in West Side Story, or that Lauren Gardner wanted to be a foster mom. They are permanent victims now, the way he made them. So, I’m chasing him because they can’t. Because maybe when he gets his life taken away, they can get a little bit of theirs back.

I get shivers when I think about it. Literal goose bumps on my arms. He’s going to feel so small, so helpless and powerless. I imagine his perp walk in front of the cameras and I can almost see his fa—


Detective Annalisa Vega had sworn off dating when the third guy in a row ended the evening by asking to see her handcuffs. Or maybe her stomach had turned during the last homicide she’d worked, in which the ex-husband blew out a glass door with a double-barreled shotgun, hunted down his terrified wife, and executed her as she cowered next to the bed they’d once slept in together. Hard to make upbeat chitchat over apps and cosmos after viewing the remains of a relationship like that.

This guy is different, Sassy had assured her when she’d arranged the setup. I know him from church, which he attends with his mother. But don’t worry—he doesn’t live with her. Lured out from her reclusive lair by this ringing endorsement, Annalisa now regarded her date across the narrow two-person table and tried again to sell herself on his numerous good points. Todd Weatherby, tax attorney, had a full head of dark hair, nice teeth, no food on his tie, and he’d selected a lovely Wicker Park restaurant for their first date. Italian, with cloth napkins and a real candle flickering on the table. Her mother would be over the moon for him.

Annalisa wasn’t sure if this last point was for or against Todd Weatherby. Her mother, who had been positively apoplectic when Annalisa had up and married a cop at the tender age of twenty-one, now reminded her constantly that the clock is ticking since she had turned thirty.

Annalisa is a pretty name, Todd said gamely. Is it Spanish?

Portuguese. Her great-grandfather’s grandfather had emigrated to New Bedford in Massachusetts in the mid-1800s when the city boomed thanks to a thriving whaling industry. Family lore said Great Grandpapa Vega had once worked alongside Herman Melville, but Annalisa suspected this was just a fish story. Whatever the case, her own great-grandfather had jumped ship and moved west to Chicago to cash in on the surge of construction after the Great Fire. The Vegas hadn’t budged in the hundred years since, living and dying within the city limits like the place had a wall around its borders.

Todd is a nice name, she offered. Is it, um … English?

Maybe? I’m named after my uncle. He runs a button-manufacturing plant in New Jersey. Did you know buttons date back to almost 3000 BC? Their earliest known use was in Indonesia, back when they were made from shells. But later…

She repressed a yawn and drifted away inside her head. Maybe next time she could ask Sassy to recommend a good movie or a talented masseuse. I should just accept my destiny and adopt a cat, she thought. Or maybe two. They could keep each other company while she was at work. Todd was still talking, and she forced herself to focus on his words. He had his wine glass in the air as if to make a toast. Obligingly, she lifted hers as well. To us, he said. We are fated to be together always.

Uh … what? She held her glass back.

Us, he repeated, looking chagrined as he motioned between them. You know—death and taxes. We’re inescapable! He grinned at his own joke about their respective careers, and her smile became frozen in place. Get it? he prodded.

Oh, I got it.

He cleared his throat. Are you interested in the dessert menu?

Decision time. Ticktock. He looked at her with hopeful eyes. She knew she could do a lot worse, but she didn’t want a lackluster relationship just to say she had one. She wanted her parents’ marriage, soul mates for forty-four years and counting. George and Maria still held hands under the dinner table. Meanwhile, Annalisa went on these going-nowhere dates, making talk so small she needed a microscope to parse it. Her ideal dessert at this point was a pint of Ben & Jerry’s, alone, curled up on her couch with a Netflix backlog. I— In her purse, her work phone started to chirp, and she pulled it out for a look. Dispatch had sent a text asking her to call in, Code 10-54. A body. Oh, she said with what she hoped sounded like regret, I’m sorry, I’ve got to go. It’s work.

Work? Even at this hour?

She was already gathering her things. Homicide doesn’t punch a time card, she declared, maybe too cheerfully.

Todd deflated in his chair, unable to argue with this truism. Death, he said glumly, taking up his glass again. It’s inescapable.

Annalisa phoned in from her nondescript gray Civic, ready to point it wherever the dispatch captain directed her. He gave her an address in Belmont Cragin, which would be a relatively straight shot west, only about five and a half miles, but with city traffic it would take her close to half an hour. Okay, I’m rolling, she said as she started the engine.

Be advised it’s Code 3.

Code 3? She never had to run the lights and sirens since making detective. The victims were always dead and getting colder by the time she arrived. Ten minutes either way didn’t make a difference.

Patrol is wigged. I guess it’s a bad one.

She flipped on her light and mentally adjusted the drive time down to fifteen minutes. The trip down North Ave was pure Chicago—a wide boulevard flanked by a crowded mix of residential and commercial buildings. They passed in a blur tonight as she wove in and around slower traffic. What the hell could have the responding units so spooked they asked for a Code 3? Even your average beat cop had seen an eyeful after one year on the job.

She reached Belmont Cragin and slowed her pace as she cut over into the residential territory. Originally founded in the 1800s by a single saloon, the neighborhood principally housed the men and women who worked at the myriad businesses built up in Belmont Central. Violent crime was relatively unusual. Annalisa didn’t get many calls here, period, let alone anything that required a Code 3. She knew she’d hit the right street when she saw the swirling lights of four separate black-and-white units. Curious neighboring residents had turned on their lights and emerged from their homes, flocking in the street such that Annalisa had to slow down and nudge her car through the crowd. It’s the friggin’ event of the season here, she muttered as she gave up finding a parking space and abandoned her vehicle next to an older Chevy Lumina with three parking tickets on the windshield.

She frowned when she saw two uniformed officers come out of the front door, talking animatedly to one another as they jogged down the steps. A third guy headed inside as they came out—high traffic at what should be a protected scene. Aware she was arriving in a pencil skirt, a tight, arterial blood-red top, and stacked heels, Annalisa paused to shrug into a Chicago PD windbreaker despite the mild May temperature outside. She took a pair of gloves and booties from the boxes on her passenger seat and went to find the responding officer who’d called it in. He stood at the edge of the walkway near the neatly trimmed bushes, looking just as green. She noted a fine sheen of perspiration on his upper lip.

You’re the RO? she asked.

Yes, ma’am. Marc Reyes. I responded to a call asking for a welfare check at this address. The female resident—a woman by the name of Grace Harper—had not been reachable for several days and missed her most recent shift at work. I arrived at twenty twenty-five and found the front door locked. I went around to the back and saw the door to the kitchen had a panel smashed out of the window. I was able to reach in to open the door and immediately I smelled a strong odor of decomp inside the house. I followed the scent upstairs and found the female victim nonresponsive on her bedroom floor. He checked her reaction. Obviously deceased. That’s when I called it in.

And then who else did you call? she asked as she snapped on the gloves.


She nodded toward the house. You could be selling tickets out here, Reyes. There’s unis crawling all over the scene, and as a result, the gawkers are lined up like we’re putting on a World Series parade.

He had the grace to look embarrassed. The DB, she’s … well, a wild one. Freaky. I’ve never seen anything like it before. That’s some real sick shit in there—if you’ll pardon my language. I guess I got kinda shook up about it, being out here alone with her. I called my buddy Dickerson, and then he called his boys.… He trailed off, apparently aware how weak the excuses sounded. They know not to touch anything.

She could already see they weren’t wearing protective booties. God only knew what they’d trailed in and out of the house. I don’t care if they have an edict from the pope. They’re getting the hell out of my crime scene. No one except the ME goes in or out from now on, you hear me?

His gaze slid over her shoulder. Even him?

Hey, Vega, wait up, called a familiar male voice. She closed her eyes in resignation but did not turn around. The grape vine had told her that her ex-husband was back in town, back on the job, and now literally on her back as he braced himself on her shoulder to slip a bootie over his shoe.

Carelli. Making Nick Carelli’s acquaintance again over a dead body seemed like a fitting metaphor. Her commander, Zimmer, had asked her when Nick transferred back from Florida if Annalisa would have a problem working with him. Annalisa was the greenest detective on the squad, the newbie. Nick had almost ten years under his belt. She knew if she blinked which one of them Zimmer would choose to keep. The split was amicable, she had said to Zimmer. It’s ancient history. This last part was true enough. She and Nick had married when she was twenty-one and divorced before she turned twenty-three in a union that was, in hindsight, dead on arrival.

Her ex-husband leaned heavily on her shoulder as he slipped a bootie over the second expensive leather shoe. He still had a full head of dark hair, she noted with clinical detachment, and that same damn twinkle in his eye.

Dispatch called you, too? she asked him.

I was already in the neighborhood.

Sure. There’s a high school down that way, and it is prom season. I suppose her parents wanted her home by curfew, hmm?

He flashed a smile, genuinely amused as they started up the walkway. Hey, what happened? The last I heard, you wanted to be a lawyer.

The legal bills on top of regular bills meant it had taken her seven years to complete a typical four-year college degree, and by the time she’d finished, the last place she’d wanted to go was law school. She spent two years temping in offices, bored out of her mind. A recruitment poster on the L one day showed a pair of proud uniformed cops, one male, one female. It read: Protection. Honor. Compassion. These are our family values. Annalisa cared about keeping the city safe, but it was the word family that got her to call the number on the poster.

Yeah? she said to Nick. The last I heard, you’d moved back to Florida. Her brothers liked to think they’d chased him out of town, his tail between his legs.

What can I say? I missed the hot dogs.

You couldn’t have found work in another district?

Maybe I missed you, too.

She rolled her eyes. You didn’t miss me much when we were married, Carelli. It’s a little late to start now.

He held open the gate for her and eyed her cleavage as she walked past. I see I wasn’t the only one out on the town this evening.

She yanked her windbreaker closed. Let’s try to focus on work right now, shall we?

You’re the one who brought up dating. He extended a gallant arm toward the front steps. After you.

She climbed ahead of him and stopped on the small front porch to survey the scene while Nick poked his head inside. Party’s over, fellas, he hollered. Everyone out. Now. Three more uniformed officers, two male and one female, trailed out like naughty schoolchildren. Annalisa noted the stoop was well-kept, free of the dirt, sand, and salt that tended to accumulate over a Chicago winter. Grace Harper’s place had flower boxes filled with pansies and a decorative star affixed to the siding. Annalisa touched it with one gloved finger before following Nick inside the house.

She coughed when the smell hit her.

Yeah, she’s a ripe one, said Nick, making a disgusted face from his place by the windows in the front room. He inspected them for signs of tampering.

Annalisa looked around at the sparse but tasteful decor—warm beige walls, a couple of framed prints that you could find at any big-box store. The fireplace contained an iron candelabra with large white candles in it that appeared to have never been lit. The overstuffed pillows on the sofa were plump and precisely placed, no dents. Annalisa ran a finger along the top of the mantel and her glove came away clean.

The body must be upstairs, Nick said, heading for the staircase.

She nodded, not keen to follow him. The woman who had kept a house this pristine would be humiliated to find herself decaying on the floor, her fluids leaking everywhere. Annalisa went to the back of the house, to the kitchen, where she found the broken window pane that Reyes had mentioned. Glass shards lay all over the floor but the room was otherwise undisturbed. No dishes in the sink. No photos on the fridge. Annalisa sometimes used an imagined crime scene as motivation to tidy her own apartment. Anyone investigating your murder would think your place had been ransacked for heroin, she’d tell herself as she forced herself to put away the pile of laundry on her bed and pick up the landslide of junk mail from her kitchen floor. Looking around now, she realized it hardly mattered. Dead was dead, no matter how clean your house was. She was careful to hug the walls in case the forensics team could find footprints on Grace Harper’s otherwise squeaky-clean floor. Resigned for what lay ahead, Annalisa went to the stairs.

Nick appeared like a prowler from the shadowed hallway at the top of the staircase. Jesus. She grabbed her chest and stepped backward. You scared the crap out of me.

You’ve got to see this, he replied, a fevered glint in his eye. She followed him down the narrow hall to the bedroom, their feet creaking the warped wooden floor. For once, she was happy to have him take the lead. The bedroom door was old like the rest of the house, continually falling closed, and Nick pushed it open with the flat of his hand.

Annalisa halted the instant she saw the body. The female victim, presumably Grace Harper, was an average-sized Caucasian female with a tangle of dark hair. She lay nude and facedown, her hands bound behind her back and yoked to her feet and neck in a complicated series of slip knots. Her pale flesh was discolored around the neck, and the ligature around her throat suggested this was the cause of death. Annalisa breathed through her mouth and tried to ignore the creeping dread winding its way up her spine like a summer vine.

It gets weirder, Nick told her grimly.

She nodded to show she’d heard him, but she was unable to stop staring at the body. He had to tug her elbow to get her to move. They walked next door to another room, this one set up as an office. She could see a desk and chair. Nick walked into the room and turned so he faced the wall abutted by the desk, so Annalisa mirrored his posture. Oh, my God, she breathed when she saw the wall of photos. Dead women, all of them strangled by ropes. The one in the center could have been taken from the room next door. It showed a dark-haired woman facedown, her hands and feet bound together. The only difference was the red scarf around her neck. Annalisa gulped in air and stared wide-eyed at the picture, come to life right out of her dreams. Twenty years dissolved around her. She felt dizzy, sick.

It’s like a murder shrine, Nick breathed in fasciation. And someone went to a lot of trouble to stage a rerun. Look at that one—it’s the same number of knots, same position of the body.

He’s back. Annalisa swallowed twice in quick succession to bring back her voice. We’re going to have to tell her son.

Her son? I thought the vic lived here alone.

She reached out and stroked the picture of the other dead woman. It took all her power not to rip the photo down and hold it to her chest. Not Grace Harper’s son. Hers.


Her son? Nick asked as Annalisa stroked the photo of the other victim. You know that woman?

There was a time when she couldn’t have imagined a future without Katie Duffy in it. Now her corpse was tacked up on a dead woman’s wall—a dead woman who could have been her twin sister, from the looks of it.

I knew her, yes. Her son Colin and I, we … we went to school together. It was the barest truth she could tell. She’d been careful to keep Colin a secret from Nick during their brief marriage. She’d kept Colin from everyone. In her memories, he was always hers.

This is some supremely freaky shit, Nick said, rolling his shoulders like he couldn’t get loose. We find our victim dead on her bedroom floor, tied up like a Christmas roast, and she’s got pictures hanging up like she was alive to take photos of the event. It’s like she was working her own murder.

In a way, maybe she was. Annalisa’s gaze roamed over the wall.

What are you talking about?

You’re saying you don’t recognize this? She regarded him with surprise. This whole wall is covered in information from the Lovelorn Killer case. Katherine Duffy was the last known victim. She pointed at another picture at the top right that showed a similarly macabre corpse, bound in intricate fashion and laid out on the floor. That one looks like Lisa Sheffield. And there’s Denise Marklund. Grace Harper had tacked up all seven victims, along with a map showing the locations of the crimes and a police artist’s sketch of the possible suspect—a nondescript white man with a broad forehead and thin mouth. The picture had circulated for years without generating a single lead. The killer, if it was even him, wouldn’t resemble the sketch anymore.

Oh, right, yeah. The Lovelorn Killer. I remember that guy. He’s the one who wrote letters to the papers afterward about how much he loved his victims. He was so sorry he had to kill them. He scanned the row of victims. What a crock.

She looked at him, confused by his detachment. Then she remembered he was a first-generation cop who had been born in Jacksonville, Florida. He hadn’t grown up with this case in his house, an unwanted guest who moved in one night and then stayed for twenty years. Annalisa’s father was on the job for thirty years, and he once had a room just like this. She felt a fresh pang at the thought of Pops. She would have to tell him, too. He killed seven women over a period of a few years in the late ’90s. Then he dropped out of sight around Y2K. He murdered Katie Duffy on Halloween night and then nothing since. I think most people thought he was dead or locked up somewhere.

Nick glanced back toward the other room. Yeah? Well, it looks like he got hungry again. Either that, or he’s got a gifted understudy. You realize this is a goddamn powder keg we’re sitting on, right? The whole city’s going to go boom. He rubbed his hands together, maybe nervous, maybe excited by the prospect. Annalisa flinched. She had been caught in the explosion once before, her whole world imploded. Katie’s murder had been horrible on its own, never mind everything that had followed. Annalisa had known that her father worked on murder cases sometimes, but she had not understood then how one death could blow a hole through an entire neighborhood.

They went back to survey Grace Harper, careful not to get too close before the scene could be processed and documented. Annalisa saw the same meticulous character in the bedroom that she’d noted downstairs: a brass bed, neatly made, one nightstand that had a lamp, a clock radio, and a single mystery novel bookmarked halfway through, all precisely placed with no traces of dust. She drifted to the dresser, which displayed a series of different silver music boxes. All of them sat open but noiseless, like a row of clams gaping for a feed. Annalisa’s skin felt tight and itchy, looking at them. He opened all these music boxes, she murmured to Nick. I think he made her listen to them while he was strangling her. There was no way a woman as persnickety as Grace Harper would leave her collection sitting open like that.

She turned and saw Nick crouching by the bed. I think he must’ve sat here to do it. See how there’s a slight dent in the bedspread? And that rope looks like it probably stretches six feet or so. He sat back in comfort to watch her struggling on the floor. Nick rose and looked to the door. Where the hell is the medical examiner already? We need to get the scene processed now. This guy has at least a couple of days’ lead on us already.

The ME’s office is running late. What else is new? Bogged down by short staffing and an upsurge in opioid-related deaths in addition to the ubiquitous South- and West-Side gang violence, the Cook County Medical Examiner faced a large backlog of investigations, many of which were incomplete. Annalisa looked again at Grace Harper and the ligature marks all over her body. She suspected Grace would jump the line once the ME got a look at her.

She moved to check the bedroom window. There was a fire escape outside, but the window looked locked and undisturbed. The tidy bed said their victim hadn’t been surprised in her sleep, but the extended torture suggested the killer knew he could be alone with Grace Harper for many hours without being interrupted.

No photos on display, only one bedroom in the place. Seems like our vic was pretty isolated. He picked up the novel, opened it, and put it back down. You said that other woman had a son?

Colin. He’d been the sun in Annalisa’s sky once, the first boy to notice she was a girl in a family full of brothers. They’d been inseparable her whole junior year, right up until his mother died. She remembered him on the day of Katie’s funeral, sitting on a ratty lawn chair on the front porch and watching the rain gush down from the overflowing gutters. No delicate teardrop mist for Katie Duffy. It was an ugly rain, like someone took a hunting knife to the belly of a cloud. The rest of the mourners had crowded into the house, the street jammed with cars, many of them black-and-whites. Katie had been a cop’s wife once, her husband, Owen, partnered up with Pops, and her death brought out the whole family.

Annalisa’s eyes had been raw from crying that day, but Colin had stared straight ahead, no emotion evident on his face. His pale wrists and ankles had poked out from his dark suit. I brought you a coffee. She’d held out a paper cup that was steaming in the cold November air.

I don’t want coffee.

Inside the crowded house, the adults drank it by the potful, like it had magically restorative powers. She’d tried some for herself and it was dark and bitter, sour on her tongue. She’d drank it down anyway and felt it bubbling, lavalike, in the pit of her stomach. I’m so sorry about your mom. She’d wanted him to hold out his arms like he usually did, inviting her into his lap, but he didn’t even look at her.

I don’t like all this rain on her.

Back at the cemetery, Annalisa’s heels had sunk into the soft earth, and she had a flash of terror that she would slip all the way down to the coffins underground. Later she’d scrubbed the dirt off in the bathroom sink, sobbing as she’d washed away the dark smears of mud that once were human flesh. It’ll stop soon, she told him on the porch. Rain this bad, it doesn’t last long. We could go inside. To your room. They’d had many stolen moments in his twin bed, frantic couplings under an open window while their families laughed outside at a backyard

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