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Bots in Suits: Using Generative AI to Revolutionize Your Business
Bots in Suits: Using Generative AI to Revolutionize Your Business
Bots in Suits: Using Generative AI to Revolutionize Your Business
Ebook133 pages1 hour

Bots in Suits: Using Generative AI to Revolutionize Your Business

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The dawn of mainstream generative artificial intelligence (AI) is here, and pretty soon it will radically transform the way the world does business. While there's a lot of unknowns, one thing is for sure: business leaders who understand how to use this technology will have a massive advantage, while those who don't risk getting swept away with the times. Which one do you want to be?


In this book, business consultant Nick Gausling shows you how to use generative AI for your business through highly realistic example dialogue with an AI chatbot. This isn't just dry theory; the dialogue in this book was largely co-created with a real AI. You'll walk away with a strong sense of what this technology is capable of in a business setting, and hopefully a few great ideas of your own on how to apply it in your business.


This book is intended for any business leader, entrepreneur, small business owner, consultant, professional, contractor, or employee who is looking to gain some practical knowledge about what is going on with this groundbreaking new technology and how they might use it in their own business activities. Whether you're a senior Fortune 500 executive near the pinnacle of your career, a member of Gen Z who just recently entered the work force and wants to make a splash, or anything in between, this book is for you.

Release dateFeb 1, 2023
Bots in Suits: Using Generative AI to Revolutionize Your Business

Nick Gausling

Nick Gausling is a business consultant who currently resides in Houston, Texas, with his wife and dog. He previously held leadership positions in a multibillion-dollar specialty furniture retailer and a functional beverage manufacturer with national distribution. Nick has also been involved with startups and small businesses in sectors such as tech, CPG, professional services, venture capital, and financial services. You can find out more about working with Nick, how to connect with him on social media, and even schedule a free introductory meeting on For more business content, be sure to subscribe to Nick’s free Customers, Costs, and Cash Flow newsletter at

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    Book preview

    Bots in Suits - Nick Gausling

    Nick Gausling

    Bots in Suits

    Using Generative AI to Revolutionize Your Business

    First published by Romy Group LLC 2023

    Copyright © 2023 by Nick Gausling

    Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. All brand names and product names used in this book and on its cover are trade names, service marks, trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective owners. The publishers and the book are not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. None of the companies referenced within the book have endorsed the book.

    While this book has been prepared with reasonable diligence, the author and publisher expressly disclaim any and all responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

    Most of this book was co-created by author’s interactions with OpenAI’s public prototype of ChatGPT (January 9, 2023 version). OpenAI has no affiliation with either the author or publisher and takes no responsibility for any content herein.

    First edition

    This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy

    Find out more at



    Additional Disclaimers

    A Note on Licensing & Copyright

    1. Logistics & Supply Chain

    2. AI & Data Science

    3. Sales & Customer Experience

    4. Finance & Fintech

    5. Cloud

    Appendix: Example Prompts to Quickly Solve Business Problems

    About the Author


    This isn’t a book for me to teach you something I know, at least not in a conventional sense. No, this is a book for me to show you something. You see, the vast majority of the text in this book wasn’t actually drafted by me, but it was in a very real sense directed, constructed, and created by me. How is that possible? This is the emerging world of augmentation with generative artificial intelligence.


    Fictional literature, movies, shows, and games have long been filled with stories of sentient machines, but we are living through the first period in history where that fiction is actually becoming a reality. Granted, we’re still in the very early stages, and many people tend to overestimate the current state and capabilities of AI. Odds are if you’re reading this book in 2023, then in your lifetime you probably aren’t going to see a true technological singularity leading to an ultra-futuristic state where superintelligent bots have automated virtually every part of life. However, that doesn’t mean that AI doesn’t already exist (it does), or that the recent developments haven’t been remarkable (they have).

    The industrialized world is already highly-familiarized with some of AI’s precursor technologies. In a very basic search framework, you digitally look for text-based items and a rudimentary matching technology tries to find exactly what you’re looking for (this is primitive search, like when you use Ctrl + F on a document). To get more advanced, statistical inferences and models may be layered in to predict what you’re looking for even when you didn’t write it exactly that way (this is contemporary search, like you find in a search engine). Voice recognition can also be integrated to translate between data that exists as sound and data that exists as text, enabling things like Hey, Siri or Okay, Google followed by some request that meets pre-defined parameters. The concept of language modeling then attempts to understand how people actually communicate in practice in order to make these types of searches and requests more accurate, seamless, and authentic.

    But none of this is really ‘AI.’ These algorithms and models, while highly complex and requiring an advanced knowledge of fields like statistics, math, linguistics, and computer science, are still primarily behaving as programs following orders from the code. The intelligence element of artificial intelligence necessarily contains some aspect of learning, growing, or adapting without direct human intervention and control. True, somewhere along the road a human has to set the bot on the path to learning and maybe correct it from time to time, but is that conceptually so different than a parent teaching a child how to learn and adapt? AI has existed for a while now largely in a field called Machine Learning. It has some impressive use cases, but compared to the futuristic visions and expectations of the artists, it is still very new.

    In November 2022, a company named OpenAI released a new technology called ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) as a public prototype. ChatGPT is built upon OpenAI’s earlier GPT-3 language model. The company has founding ties to some of the most noteworthy innovators in tech like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel. While ChatGPT has only been out for a few months as of the time of this writing, the world is already captivated by discussions of what possibilities await. That’s because this class of artificial intelligence known as generative AI can actually generate new content (like a person) based on its knowledge base.

    The public release of ChatGPT represents a watershed moment for business because it is now so easy to get fast, on-demand answers to or ideas for complex topics while speaking the way you do naturally. You don’t need to think about how to phrase a query into a search engine that will be SEO-tailored to find exactly what you want, then read through countless websites only to find a fraction of the relevant information. Instead, you can now dialogue with an AI the same way that you would a colleague and it will (hopefully) tell you what you need to know. And because the nature of AI is to learn and adapt, new, more advanced use cases will no doubt be developed through experimentation over the coming years.

    You should think of this book as a how-to. It’s for me to demonstrate practically through conversations with an AI how you — as a business leader, owner, manager, executive, entrepreneur, consultant, contractor, or employee — can use this emerging technology to enhance your business activities. It is not meant to be a comprehensive or cutting-edge treatment of the specific subjects referenced in each chapter, which were chosen for illustration purposes only to demonstrate the breadth of the AI’s business knowledge and how it can respond to different queries. So while it’s great if you do learn something new, please don’t go into this expecting to unlock the absolute latest & greatest insights about supply chain, sales, fintech, cloud, or any other such business topic referenced in the following chapters (especially if you’re already an expert in one of those subjects). The goal of this entire book is to show generative AI in action and inspire you to unlock your own creativity towards its use in your business.

    So feel free to skip around to different chapters as you see fit, since each stands independently. In fact, I recommend starting with the Appendix as it has many examples of standalone prompts which show the quick, practical value of this technology to help you solve various business issues. It’s a good baseline before we dive into some of the more nuanced conversations in the main chapters, which attempt to show how you can chain an AI along with a train of thought as opposed to asking single, isolated questions.

    Lastly, I recommend that you create a ChatGPT account (which is currently free as of this writing, though it probably won’t stay that way) and try it out for yourself as you read along with me. But don’t just repeat the queries that I use in this book; think about applying the technology to your business and ask things that you personally would find helpful. Who knows: you might even think up a whole new use case for generative AI! You can sign up for ChatGPT at

    I didn’t write this book to make money; I wrote it because this is a monumental opportunity for business and society, and I want to contribute to the conversation by inspiring people to use generative AI for good: to advance, create, and build new things. Like any tool, it also has the potential to be used for ill. I hope and believe that those who want to use it for good will outweigh the bad.

    So if you walk away excited about the potential of generative AI in business and with at least one or two concrete ideas on how you can apply it for some good that creates real value and helps people, then

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