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Once More, With Feeling: Revising Your Manuscript (Million Dollar Writing Series)
Once More, With Feeling: Revising Your Manuscript (Million Dollar Writing Series)
Once More, With Feeling: Revising Your Manuscript (Million Dollar Writing Series)
Ebook71 pages58 minutes

Once More, With Feeling: Revising Your Manuscript (Million Dollar Writing Series)

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About this ebook

The newest volume in the Million Dollar Writing series, Once More, With Feeling is a guide by New York Times Bestselling author Jody Lynn Nye to revising your finished manuscript.

Nye goes point by point over the topics you should review when working toward a final draft of a new book. From narrative hook to resolution, with discussions of formatting, resources, and numerous examples of problem-solving, this volume should be by the elbow of any aspiring writer.
Release dateOct 1, 2019
Once More, With Feeling: Revising Your Manuscript (Million Dollar Writing Series)

Jody Lynn Nye

Jody Lynn Nye lists her main career activity as 'spoiling cats.' When not engaged upon this worthy occupation, she writes fantasy and science fiction, most of it in a humorous bent. Since 1987 she has published over 50 books and more than 170 short stories. She has also written with notables in the industry, including Anne McCaffrey and Robert Asprin. Jody teaches writing seminars at SF conventions, including the two-day intensive workshop at Dragon Con, and is Coordinating Judge for the Writers of the Future Contest.

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    Once More, With Feeling - Jody Lynn Nye

    Once More, With Feeling

    Book Description

    The newest volume in the Million Dollar Writing series, Once More, With Feeling is a guide by New York Times bestselling author Jody Lynn Nye to revising your finished manuscript. Nye goes point by point over the topics you should review when working toward a final draft of a new book. From narrative hook to resolution, with discussions of formatting, resources, and numerous examples of problem-solving, this volume should be by the elbow of any aspiring writer.

    Once More, With Feeling

    Revising Your Manuscript

    Jody Lynn Nye



    Why Revise?

    In the Beginning

    Read on As If You Have Never Seen This Book Before

    Story Bible

    Revise as Necessary

    Further Considerations

    Outside Help

    About the Author

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    Once More, With Feeling

    Copyright © 2019 Jody Lynn Nye

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the express written permission of the copyright holder, except where permitted by law.

    The authors and publisher have strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in creating the Million Dollar Writing series. We don’t believe in magical outcomes from our advice. We do believe in hard work and helping others. The advice in our Million Dollar Writing series is intended to offer new tools and approaches to writing. We make no guarantees about any individual’s ability to get results or earn money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. We do want to help by giving great content, direction and strategies to move writers forward faster. Nothing in this book is a promise or guarantee of future book sales or earnings. Any numbers referenced in this series are estimates or projections, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings. All numbers are for the purpose of illustration. The sole purpose of these materials is to educate and entertain. Any perceived slights to specific organizations or individuals are unintentional. The publisher and authors are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, financial, or other professional services. If legal or expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.

    EBook ISBN: 978-1-68057-064-9

    Trade Paperback ISBN: 978-1-68057-065-6

    Cover design by Janet McDonald

    Cover artwork images by Adobe Stock

    Art Director Kevin J. Anderson

    Published by

    WordFire Press LLC

    PO Box 1840

    Monument CO 80132

    Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta, Publishers

    WordFire Press eBook Edition 2019

    WordFire Press Trade Paperback Edition 2019

    Printed in the USA

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    To Bill, my first and best beta reader


    Congratulations! You finished a book. You’re exhausted and excited. When you typed the words The End (or just acknowledged that the final period was the last one), you ascended into an echelon that fewer than two percent of all the would-be writers ever do: the ones who have finished something that they wrote.

    Go ahead and pat yourself on the back. It’s a real attainment. You have every reason to be proud. You put your ideas on paper (let’s be real: on your hard drive). If it was nonfiction, you organized your facts and checked them, presented them in an interesting manner, and concluded with your observations about your chosen subject. If it was fiction, you built a world from scratch, peopled it with characters whom you like and believe in, set them on a journey in which they succeeded or failed to accomplish their goal, and had fun doing it.

    You had fun, didn’t you? If you didn’t, I promise you your readers will be able to tell. But we can handle that part later.

    Now is the time to celebrate in the way that you like best. Pop the champagne cork, buy yourself something to commemorate, go out to dinner with loved ones, sleep without feeling that the book is going to kick you out of bed in the middle of the night to write something you forgot. Take a break.

    (Musical interlude)

    Did you take a break? Good.

    Now it’s time to move onto the next stage. No, it isn’t where you attach the document to a message and send it to your agent or publisher or an online book publication service. It’s time to revise your manuscript.

    When you write, you write as a reader. You wrote this book because you believed that it didn’t exist before,

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