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Catch a Better Life: Daily Devotions and Fishing Tips
Catch a Better Life: Daily Devotions and Fishing Tips
Catch a Better Life: Daily Devotions and Fishing Tips
Ebook755 pages3 hours

Catch a Better Life: Daily Devotions and Fishing Tips

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Bass fishing pro Jimmy Houston gives outdoor enthusiasts from beginners to bassmasters spiritual insights and fishing tips in this yearlong devotional.

What does a fishing lure have to do with following Jesus? How can casting our lines remind us of our commitment to godly living? In what ways does the underwater world teach us about God's purposes? In Catch a Better Life, hugely popular pro fisherman Jimmy Houston shares wisdom from the Bible along with plenty of savvy fishing advice. Each entry in this 365-day devotional includes:

  • a Scripture verse from the Old or New Testament
  • a brief meditation that applies insights from the art of fishing to spiritual growth
  • a pro fishing tip

With its colorful photos and a presentation page, this full-color book makes a perfect gift for:

  • the outdoor enthusiast
  • anyone who loves to fish or wants to learn
  • followers of Jimmy Houston as TV host and fisher extraordinaire
  • retirement parties, Father's Day, Grandparents' Day, birthdays, Christmas

If you love God's creation--along with the excitement of the catch--and want to grow in your spiritual life, reel in this fisherman's devotional guide to following God with purpose.

PublisherThomas Nelson
Release dateApr 5, 2022

Jimmy Houston

Jimmy Houston, “America’s Favorite Fisherman,” has been fishing on national television since 1977. His fishing show, Jimmy Houston Outdoors, is one of the most widely viewed outdoors shows on the air and is consistently ranked as the #1 outdoors show on ESPN. A huge crowd favorite at bass tournaments and over 100 personal appearances a year, Jimmy represents most of American’s top outdoors related companies, such as Bass Pro Shops, Garmin, and Tracker Boats. In 2017, Jimmy was presented a Bass Pro Shop Angler of the Century award.   Jimmy has written five books, including Hooked for Life, The Reel Line, Catch of the Day, and Caught Me a Big ’Un, which was a #1 selling fishing book. Jimmy has a growing presence on YouTube and Facebook with both his Jimmy Houston Outdoors channel and his Catch of the Day daily devotions channel. He is a deacon at Midway Hill Baptist Church near Sulphur, Oklahoma. Jimmy and his wife of over 57 years live in southern Oklahoma.

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    Book preview

    Catch a Better Life - Jimmy Houston



    GENESIS 1:20

    God said, Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures.

    We all love to fish waters that are teeming with fish. When I first fished the Thousand Islands area on the St. Lawrence River, I could not believe how many bass were there.

    If it was a good-looking spot, there was a bass there. You could actually call your shot. It was like speaking a bass into existence.


    The lower end of lakes—near a dam—is usually better in the cold winter months.

    In fact, God did exactly that. He spoke everything into existence: land, water, animals, and yes, fish! Wouldn’t that be an awesome power to have? Well, you have it; you can speak joy into others’ lives by saying something nice—you can speak courage into your kids and friends with words of encouragement. Speak health and peace with prayer and understanding words to people who are hurting. You can speak love with a simple smile. Speak something great into existence today.


    PROVERBS 3:9–10

    Honor the L


    with your possessions . . . so your barns will be filled with plenty.

    The key to being successful in tournament fishing, or just fishing, period, is preparation and commitment. For a pro angler, it is a three-day official practice that creates success or failure. We work daylight until dark those three days in all types of weather and harsh conditions. Why? To have success during the actual tournament days!


    Use marker buoys to lay out creek channels in open water.

    One key to being a successful Christian is tithing—honoring God with what He has provided us. When we honor God with what we have, He will fill our barns with plenty! And we know we can’t outgive God. Obviously, our possessions are not just money. We also honor God with our time and talents. And the plenty that God fills our barns with is also more than money. It is joy, peace, health, wisdom, favor, understanding—and more. Honor God today with what you have, and watch your barns overflow.


    PSALM 27:8

    When you said, Seek My face, my heart said to You, "Your face, L


    , I will seek."

    Tournament fishermen tend to cover every part of their bodies with masks, gloves, and long sleeves to protect themselves from the sun. It is all but impossible to recognize any of them on the water. At one time during the coronavirus pandemic, my wife, Chris, went into our bank. Later she said, I feel really funny walking into a bank wearing a mask. I’d imagine!


    Small hair jigs fished under a bobber are great in clear, cold water.

    God asks us to seek His face. He doesn’t wear a mask. He is asking us to get personal with Him. He wants believers to have a personal, one-on-one relationship with Him. Think about that. The God who created the universe and flung the stars into existence wants to be involved in everything we do. If your relationship with God is long-distance, not personal, ask Him to come into your heart, and make Him Lord of your life.


    NUMBERS 11:17

    I will take of the Spirit that is upon you and will put the same upon them.

    Tournament fishermen often work with one or two other pros and share information about how to catch bass on the lake they are fishing. We all enjoy these bits of helpful information, since we are not allowed to get information from noncompetitors. It takes a good friend to share information with someone he or she is competing against.


    If you find schools of bass twenty feet deep and deeper, use a jigging spoon.

    God is an even better friend—and He is willing to share more than we can ever imagine. The moment we repent of our sins and ask Him to be our Lord and Savior, God gives us His own Spirit. The Holy Spirit is there to give us answers in any situation. He guides us into what to say and do and gives us wisdom, understanding, discernment, and strength when we need it most. God’s Holy Spirit is God’s great gift to us!


    MARK 1:40

    Now a leper came to Him, imploring Him, kneeling down to Him and saying to Him, If You are willing, You can make me clean.

    We all have our favorite lure. Many would say a sinking worm, shaky head, or an even smaller rig, a drop shot. For me, it would be a spinnerbait. I might not catch quite as many, but the pure excitement and teeth-jarring strike makes it my favorite—my confidence bait.

    The man with leprosy in today’s verse had all confidence in Jesus and in His ability to heal him. He showed that and humbled himself by kneeling down. Jesus’ answer was that teeth-shattering strike: I am willing; be cleansed, and the leper was (v. 41). Jesus died on the cross to cleanse us of every sin we have ever committed. We need faith to believe Jesus is the Son of God and has the power to forgive us. We need to humble ourselves, repent of our sins, and ask Jesus to save us—and He will.


    When the water is super cold, try the old twin spin on steep banks.


    JOSHUA 21:45

    Not a word failed of any good thing which the L


    had spoken to . . . Israel. All came to pass.

    Ilove it when a plan comes together. We all do! We all dream and plan for that great fishing trip, a huge personal best bass, the perfect memory with our family. Often it happens; sometimes it doesn’t.

    Has God put a good thing in your mind and on your heart? Has it come to pass? I believe it will. Not all of what we want to happen comes from God. Much of it is simply our own wants. But God places dreams, goals, and promises inside us through His Holy Spirit. God is working today to make those come to pass. He is setting up the right people, the right situation, and the right time to make it happen. We need to do our part. We need to honor God in all we do until that good thing comes to pass.


    A lipless crankbait or rattlebait works great in cold water above grass.


    JOHN 15:16

    You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit.

    One of the great things about fishing is you get to pick who you play with. You can fish with your wife, husband, kids, girlfriend, or your best buddy. You choose your fishing partners.


    Huge bass suspend over the top of schools of shad in the winter.

    Isn’t it awesome God chose you and me to be His? The God who created the moon and stars chose us. What if Roland Martin or Hank Parker chose you to be his fishing partner? Well, this is much better than that. This is God! We pick our fishing partners to have fun and catch fish!

    By the way, this scripture is Jesus talking. Do you see the last part of the verse: that you should go and bear much fruit? God chooses us to bear fruit. That fruit includes joy, peace, and love. What fruit can you and I bear today?


    2 CHRONICLES 27:6

    Jotham became mighty, because he prepared his ways before the L


    his God.

    Young tournament fishermen coming out of college and high school today are amazingly talented. Some will be successful tournament fishermen; most will not. Making a living fishing is still a difficult game to play.


    Place old Christmas trees around docks for bass and crappie.

    Jotham became king when he was twenty-five, and his dad, Uzziah, when he was sixteen. Both were young, but both became mighty and prosperous and reigned as king nearly seventy years combined. When you add in Jotham’s grandfather and great-grandfather, they reigned 137 years. All became king from ages seven to twenty-five. All became successful; all were in the same family; all followed God. Whether you come from a Christian family or not, you can be the one to start a great family tradition. Prepare your ways, every day, before the Lord and you will not only become mighty; you just might be preparing the way to success for generations.


    PROVERBS 5:21

    The ways of man are before the eyes of the L


    , and He ponders all his paths.

    The new fish locators that we fish with today are amazing. They are eyes under the water. We see structure and fish better than ever. We have learned how to identify species and size. We even watch the fish strike our bait.


    Heated fishing docks are a great place to beat these cold winter days.

    Today’s scripture tells us that God sees our ways. He knows everything we are doing, everything we speak, even what we are thinking. He knows our hearts. It’s amazing that God has the power to immediately punish us for our mess-ups and sin, but He doesn’t. This scripture tells us He ponders our paths. This means that in God’s mercy, He is giving us time to repent and come to Him and be saved. His mercy is waiting on you right now to cover and forgive your sins.

    JANUARY 10

    JOSHUA 24:15

    If it seems evil to you to serve the L


    , choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. . . . But as for me and my house, we will serve the L



    Fishing is full of choices; we have hundreds of choices to make on every fishing trip. We make decisions every cast. These decisions aren’t life-and-death, but they are important for success and extremely important for tournament fishermen.


    Paddlefish congregate in rivers during winter and can be found with today’s fish locators.

    In our house, we have today’s scripture on a plaque beneath our television. Everyone who looks at that television sees that scripture. Focus on the first line: "If it seems evil to you to serve the L


    ." Unfortunately, right here in America and around the world, millions believe it is evil to serve the Lord! It is time for those of us who do serve Him to stand up and proclaim who we serve. Serving the Lord has more advantages in your life, your family, your finances, your health, your career, everything, than serving anything else. It’s your choice.

    JANUARY 11

    ACTS 4:33

    With great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon them all.

    Ido around a hundred personal appearances a year. These include boat shows, churches, trade shows, conventions, and motivational speaking. I visit with thousands of folks at these events every year. They come to talk with me and listen to my views on whatever subject and venue I may be working. And it’s all in person.


    The Disney World lakes have great guided fishing trips available.

    The early spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ was all done in person too. There were no television ads, no social media, no email blitzes, and thankfully no robocalls. Do you think the gospel would have ever evangelized the world if God wasn’t making it happen? Of course not. The reward new believers received here on earth was great grace. This was favor from God, and it is the same great grace available to you and me. It might be good to tell someone about Jesus today!

    JANUARY 12

    2 CHRONICLES 26:5

    He sought God in the days of Zechariah . . . and as long as he sought the L


    , God made him prosper.

    Everyone who fishes seeks help on most fishing trips. We check the lake report and fishing reports, and if we know a friend who has fished the lake or lives there, we give him or her a call to see what’s happening. We want to make that fishing trip a good one.

    How much more important is it to seek God in everything we do and seek Him daily? Today’s verse about God making a man prosper is about Uzziah, who became king of Judah at sixteen and reigned fifty-two years. When we think of prospering, we usually think only about money. How about God making us prosper in health, in our families, our relationships, our church, our peace, our joy, and much more? I think most of us want to prosper—and when we seek God in all we do, we will.


    Use square-bill crankbaits that won’t contact the bottom for smallmouth bass.

    JANUARY 13

    MATTHEW 24:30

    They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

    One cool thing about tournament fishing is making it back to the weigh-in on time and having your spouse waiting. I was so nervous on tournament days when my wife, Chris, was fishing her Bass ’n Gal tournaments, watching for her boat to make it in on time to the weigh-in area. She always cut it to under a minute from being late.


    If you tournament fish, make sure you have a good spot very close to the weigh-in area.

    Jesus is coming back to earth, and He is coming back right on time at a time decided by God alone—He will not be one second late. Many believe the signs are here and the second coming of Jesus could happen anytime. It would be difficult to debate that stand. What I do know is I am ready, and it will be as sudden as the blink of an eye (1 Corinthians 15:52). Are you ready?

    JANUARY 14

    PROVERBS 15:8

    The prayer of the upright is His delight.

    It is easy to talk about prayer in tournament fishing. I’ll be the first to admit I’ve said a bazillion prayers in tournament competitions—before, during, and after. Some say they never pray for fish. Yeah, right.


    To set the hook on a swim jig, simply wind faster.

    For most of us, prayer is really important, and we pray a lot. But how important is it to God? From an upright person, it is His delight. God loves to hear the prayer of those who belong to Him. We become righteous by the blood of Jesus. We are upright before God by the way we live. On those days when you do and say things that honor Him, that is a perfect time to pray. He will delight in your prayer; and that is when God’s favor comes crashing through. God’s blessings will rain down. Give it a shot. Live this day uprightly and pray to God, thanking Him for today. See what happens!

    JANUARY 15

    JOSHUA 24:29

    Now it came to pass . . . that Joshua . . . the servant of the L


    , died, being one hundred and ten years old.

    God told me I would live to be ninety-five—not quite 110, like Joshua, but still a long life. I didn’t hear God’s voice from heaven but from inside my heart, spoken to me by God’s Holy Spirit.

    When the dam broke and we lost our lake here at Twin Eagle Ranch in Oklahoma in 2015, I stood on the bank and cried. It was like being stabbed in the heart by a dagger. It hurt that much. We had enjoyed this lake for twelve years and caught so many fish.


    Fish bluff banks in winter.

    God brought to my mind the scripture that says God will pay you back double for your loss. He told me I would enjoy this lake again twice that long. Twenty-four more years—to age ninety-five! I think then I will be like Hezekiah and ask God for fifteen more. If God is willing, that’s 110 years, same as Joshua. When you have bad things happen, trust God to always make it right.

    JANUARY 16

    MATTHEW 6:6

    But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.

    Most everyone who loves to fish has secret fishing holes—places that always seem to have fish. And you need to be a pretty special friend to even be invited to share these secret places. I’ve had places on Lake Tenkiller so secret that I wouldn’t even fish if there was another boat in sight. We simply will not share these secret spots!


    Throw a crankbait on a falling tide.

    What Jesus was saying to His disciples in today’s scripture about praying in a secret place is to not make a big showy deal about your praying. No long, flowery, wordy prayers that are meant to impress those listening. Jesus asked that we pray in secret and talk to God in private, as a friend. The amazing thing is that God rewards those prayers out where all can see. It’s our choice: we can pray to be praised by man or pray to be blessed by God.

    JANUARY 17

    JOHN 14:26

    The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things.

    How would you like a free lesson from Kevin VanDam, Roland Martin, or my wife, Chris, to teach you all things about bass fishing? These three have a combined twenty-three B.A.S.S. and Bass ’n Gal Angler of the Year titles. That’s right—twenty-three! And I don’t even know how many tournament wins.


    Mark a waypoint on your locator on any deepwater structure.

    Today’s scripture, spoken by Jesus Himself, offers each of us something better. It offers us God’s Spirit. We receive this as a free gift from God the moment we are saved. Jesus called God’s Holy Spirit the Helper. The key is how much and how often we are allowing God’s Spirit to help us. We are often offered help by others that we don’t accept for some reason, such as pride, lack of time, obligation, or sometimes even hate. Pay close attention to what God’s Holy Spirit is saying to you today. He’s trying to help.

    JANUARY 18

    LUKE 18:14

    I tell you . . . everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.

    Fishing is like baseball; it is an extremely humbling sport. Many at the top level of tournament fishing are almost afraid to brag. I know I am because it is almost a kiss of death in tournament fishing.


    Before fishing deep structures, it is best to see the fish; and with today’s electronics (fish finders and Aqua-Vu cameras) we can!

    The Bible implores us to be humble. In today’s scripture, Jesus was talking about a sinful tax collector who was justified by humbling himself before God. We humble ourselves by how we speak and act but mostly by who or what we put our trust in. Are we placing ourselves before God? How about our money, our jobs, our fame, or our accomplishments? God is a jealous God. He allows no other but exalts those who put Him first. When God exalts, we live in His favor, His blessing, His protection. I like that deal!

    JANUARY 19

    EPHESIANS 6:12

    We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness.

    Some fishing trips are spectacular, almost all are good, but some seem doomed from the start. We forget something important, we have a flat, the boat ramp is closed, a motor breaks down, or the weather turns horrible. One bad thing seems to lead to another, as if we are living under a dark cloud. Well, we are.


    Follow the birds to locate schools of flickering shad.

    Since man’s fall, we have been living in an evil world. At no other time in my

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