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Return by Minor Road
Return by Minor Road
Return by Minor Road
Ebook86 pages27 minutes

Return by Minor Road

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About this ebook

In her mid-20s, Heidi Williamson was part of a Scottish community that suffered an inconceivable tragedy, the Dunblane Primary School shooting. Those years living in the town form the focus of her third poetry collection. Through rivers, rain, wildlife and landscape, Williamson revisits where ‘the occasional endures’ and discovers the healing properties of a beloved place that helped form her.

Release dateApr 30, 2020
Return by Minor Road

Heidi Williamson

Heidi Williamson loves to travel, study history, and write stories. When she's home, she's based near Asheville, North Carolina. When she's not home, she explores beautiful places, both in the United States and abroad. In addition to her work as an author, Williamson spent more than twenty years in communications and philanthropy, most recently as the chief strategy officer for a charitable foundation.

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    Book preview

    Return by Minor Road - Heidi Williamson

    I   What the river leaves behind

    13 March 2018

    The city, though it has only a village population, is well worth visiting… It has a mineral spring, to which many visitors resort during the summer months. Tannahill’s beautiful song of ‘Jessie, the flower of Dunblane’ has given it popularity. The Allan runs through the village. A beautiful foot road by the river… runs between Dunblane and Bridge of Allan.

    Bradshaw’s handbook for tourists (London: Adams, 1858)

    On the anniversary of the tragedy, survivors and relatives of victims from Dunblane posted a video of support to students affected by the high school shooting in Parkland, Florida.

    Dunblane Stands with Parkland, 13 March 2018


    The wall

    Nights you call out, I pad

    the hallway to your duvet flung wide,

    your leg dangling down, tender and crooked,

    still warm, your small palm cooling on the wall.

    Your soft toys shift and slide as I cover you.

    My mind slides towards small absent ones

    I cared for in passing. Long ago, I glanced into

    the room of a girl who turned from the wall in

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