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Mister Death's Blue-Eyed Girls
Mister Death's Blue-Eyed Girls
Mister Death's Blue-Eyed Girls
Ebook313 pages4 hours

Mister Death's Blue-Eyed Girls

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Based on an actual crime in 1955, this YA novel is at once a mystery and a coming-of-age story. The brutal murder of two teenage girls on the last day of Nora Cunningham’s junior year in high school throws Nora into turmoil. Her certainties—friendships, religion, her prudence, her resolve to find a boyfriend taller than she is—are shaken or cast off altogether. Most people in Elmgrove, Maryland, share the comforting conviction that Buddy Novak, who had every reason to want his ex-girlfriend dead, is responsible for the killings. Nora agrees at first, then begins to doubt Buddy’s guilt, and finally comes to believe him innocent—the lone dissenting voice in Elmgrove. Told from several different perspectives, including that of the murderer, Mister Death’s Blue-Eyed Girls is a suspenseful page-turner with a powerful human drama at its core.
Release dateApr 17, 2012
Mister Death's Blue-Eyed Girls

Mary Downing Hahn

Mary Downing Hahn’s many acclaimed novels include such beloved ghost stories as Wait Till Helen Comes, Deep and Dark and Dangerous, and Took. A former librarian, she has received more than fifty child-voted state awards for her work. She lives in Columbia, Maryland, with a cat named Nixi.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I remember reading books by this author when I was young and I wondered, when I picked this one up, if I would enjoy her writing as much as an adult. Verdict: very much so.

    This book is based on an actual event that Downing Hahn experienced when she was a teenager. She does an exceptional job of bringing a life altering moment to a book that doesn’t just entertain readers; it brings them into the minds of each person involved. The author achieves this with alternating chapters from different characters’ perspectives.

    This novel shows the doubts, uncertainties, and fears that violate death brings to those close to it and to the community at large. It reveals the darker sides of our human nature of herd mentality and how fear can make it fester and grow. It also shows that death, especially the kind these teens experienced, changes people. You cannot go back to the way you were before. Life will never be the same.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Mister-Death's Blue-Eyed girls is a haunting novel that deals with the unsolved murders of two teenage girls. The books focus is less about the murders themselves but rather the effect it has on the friends and family of the victim. Mary Downing Hahn based the story on a murder that took place in Washington, DC. In the afterward of the book she talks about how this event haunted her throughout her lifetime. The book is well written and the author does a good job with portraying the emotional responses of the teens in the story. This is an amazing book and I highly recommend it to others
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a great book which the author bases on an event that happened in her youth. It delves into young death and the grief process of those affected by the tragedy. Two young girls are murdered and their core group of friends all have different reactions to it. It is an interesting look at the 50's as well, referencing music, soda fountains, movies, etc. Hahn has many great books for young readers, but this is her delving into the teen genre. I would consider it a hit.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Review Courtesy of Dark Faerie TalesQuick & Dirty: A whole town is changed forever after two girls are killed in this 1950′s era thriller.Opening Sentence: He opens his eyes. It’s still dark, way before dawn. He’d willed himself to wake at three a.m., and he’s done it.The Review:This book was not what I was expecting based on the title. I honestly would have enjoyed it more if I had read the Afterword first, since I was expecting paranormal elements. The title comes from a poem by E.E. Cummings, and is adopted by the killer as a stand in for his name. The book is told from multiple third person perspectives, focusing mainly on Nora, and sometimes on Buddy, and occasionally on the murder, Mister Death. Through the different perspectives, we are able to see the story and characters as a whole, much like a mosaic.The novel starts on the eve of the last day of junior year for Nora, Ellie, and Cheryl. The three girls, along with a younger friend, Bobbi Jo, go out to a party and get drunk. The next day, Cheryl and Bobbi Jo are dead. The reader knows only that the killer is someone named Mister Death, and that he has a personal vendetta against the two girls. The book continues on as Nora, Ellie, and the rest of their peers try to cope with the murder of two of their classmates. The prime suspect is Cheryl’s ex-boyfriend, Buddy, and he gets a few chapters to explain his side of the story. The whole town thinks Buddy is the killer, except Nora.The whole novel is about how Cheryl and Bobbie Jo tears the life of so many people apart, and even decades later is still on the mind of their classmates. This novel deals with depression, fear, religion, and growing up on multiple levels shown through the different viewpoints of the characters. Nora wants to get past the murders, but those around her will either not let it go or talk about it to help ease her mind. Nora’s sections often are repetitive at the sentence level, and she struggles with the trauma that cannot be properly expressed.The novel moves slowly with multiple chapters for single days. That was one thing I did not necessarily like was how slow the novel is until over halfway through it. We get to know Nora the best since she has the most chapters. Nora starts out a good, naive Catholic girl until her world is turned upside down by the deaths. She searches for answers and finds none that placate her. She tries new things that go against her Catholic upbringing like booze, making out, and reading new authors like Walt Whitman and T.S. Elliot. In a way, the deaths free her to try things she might never have discovered, especially the authors.The other character who has multiple chapters is Buddy, the alleged killer. We learn from his first chapter that he did not kill the girls, which then leaves those to question who did. The town likes having Buddy as a scapegoat because he had a motive, and if he wasn’t the killer, then that means it could be anybody, and they had no other leads. We know that the murder is Mister Death, but his chapters do not have his real name. Buddy not only loses the girl he loves, but his whole town and family shun him for the rest of his life. He joins the Navy to escape the past. Nora talks to Buddy a few times, and we get to see Nora from a different perspective for the first time. I am glad that Nora does believe in Buddy’s innocence, even though it alienates her from everyone around her.Overall, the book is well written, but just not what I expected. I would recommend this for anyone who is interested in thrillers and stories about growing up during a difficult time.Notable Scene:“What’s so special about Cheryl anyway?” I ask. “Why do boys like her so much? She’s not all that pretty. Her teeth are so big she looks like a chipmunk.”We laugh again.Ellie reminds me of the time Cheryl sneaked out of a slumber party and stayed out all night with Buddy.I was there. I definitely remember.“That’s why they like her,” Ellie says. “She pets and stuff.”What exactly does petting mean, I wonder. Letting a boy touch your breasts or put his hand on your knee, maybe more. Stuff you’d have to confess, that’s for sure. But Cheryl’s not Catholic, she doesn’t have to tell a priest what she does with boys.“What do you think she was doing with Ralph down in the woods last night?” Ellie asks.We look at each other, wondering…By now, the trees have closed in around us, silent in the morning coolness, their trunks tall and straight. Slants of sunlight knife down through the leaves and dapple the path.Ellie tells me about a story she read in True Romance magazine. “The girl was a tease. She got a bad reputation and…”While Ellie talks, I glance over my shoulder, suddenly alert to a difference in the silence. A rustling in the leaves, a branch snapping, a sense of being watched, just like last night.I glance at Ellie. She’s fallen silent. Has she noticed something too?A crow takes sudden flight from a branch. His alarmed cry sets of a chorus of caws from a dozen crows. They all fly up into the air and circle the treetops. A murder of crows, that’s what my English teacher calls them–a flock of sparrows, a gaggle of geese, a murder of crows.FTC Advisory: Clarion Books provided me with a copy of Mr. Death’s Blue-Eyed Girls. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Its been a really long time since I read a book by Mary Downing Hahn but when I was younger I used to devour all her middle grade ghost stories. I was always fascinated by how easily she could scare the crap out of me and still keep me glued to the page. I think the same thing can be said about her new YA novel but instead of using a scare tactic to pull the reader in, it's the story's raw emotion that will grab you.Although the novel is told through the eyes of several different characters, including Buddy and Mister Death (the killer), you spend most of your time with Nora. Nora is an empathetic character who is easy to care about. Her internal struggle to deal with her friend's death is really what drives the novel forward and if you don't feel a connection with Nora it's likely this novel just isn't going to work for you.The novel has a slow pace which I think works well in showing how the characters and town deal with the crime's aftermath. This is NOT a crime novel but rather a coming-of age story built around a tragedy with some mystery elements thrown in. I think the 1950's small town setting adds a lot of intensity and atmosphere to Nora's own belief that bad things only happen to other people who live somewhere else.When I first picked up Mister Death's Blue-Eyed Girls I was only vaguely aware that it was based on an actual crime, as well as the author's own personal experience of that event. I think this fact adds greatly to the emotional depth of the story. You can feel the author's emotions leaking through the page and the weight of the story seems to have a greater importance.I was really surprised by just how much I enjoyed this book. Though it is heartbreaking, I do think the novel has something important to say about how people deal with tragedy. The novel is likely to only attract people who like coming-of age stories or historical fiction, but I do hope it finds a larger audience.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Mister Death's Blue-Eyed Girls started slow, but built in intensity as the novel progressed. Once I felt a connection to the different narrators and understood how they were each dealing with the murders, I had to know how everything ended up and if the murderer was ever caught.This novel started with a nightmare and, being set in the 1950s, continued on almost sleepily. The novel's intensity was driven by the characters and their internal struggles more than external action. Fans of plot-driven novels might have a difficult time with the pacing of Mister Death.I really loved the parts of the novel narrated by Nora, the one person who doesn't believe Buddy, the ex-boyfriend of one of the murdered girls, committed this horrible crime. She was so level-headed about the situation, even though it would have been way easier to pick a scapegoat and blame Buddy. After the murders, Nora begins to question her religion and the presence of God. I completely understood where Nora was coming from, but it was also easy to empathize with other characters, like her best friend, Ellie, who found herself a stronger believer afterwords. Even though it took me awhile to work my way through this novel, I'm glad I did. It was different than my normal reads and I found the character development and plot intriguing. If you're looking for a mysterious, character-driven novel, Mister Death's Blue-Eyed Girls is for you.

Book preview

Mister Death's Blue-Eyed Girls - Mary Downing Hahn

title page


Title Page





Part One

Party in the Park

Drinking Beer and Making Out

Part Two

The Last Day of School

At Ellie’s House


Running Home

Later the Same Day

Nora’s Dream

Part Three

The Long Way to Ellie’s House

The Detectives

Night Thoughts

Part Four

Just Suppose

The Viewing

The Last Visit

Part Five

Bobbi Jo’s Funeral

Ball on a Chain

Bobbi Jo’s Funeral Procession

Bobbi Jo’s Burial

Sacred to the Memory

Cheryl’s Funeral

Cheryl, Cheryl, Cheryl

At the Reservoir with Charlie

In Trouble

Part Six

Repercussions and Departures

Cheryl’s Diary

Bobbi Jo’s Diary

A Visit to the Priest

A Talk with Nora

A Meeting at the Gas Station

Cheryl’s Diary

Bobbi Jo’s Diary

Lonely Street

Part Seven

Dr. Horowitz

Ocean City

Ellie’s Diary

Ready to Leave Town Except for One Thing

Another Secret Meeting

Nora, Nora—What the Hell


Cheryl’s Diary

Ellie’s Letter

Part Eight

The Bookstore Beatnik

Five Pines Swimming Pool

Part Nine

What Is the Grass?

A Talk with Ralph

Buddy’s Letter

Ellie Comes Home

Nora’s Second Dream

Part Ten



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About the Author


3 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10016

Copyright © 2012 by Mary Downing Hahn

Buffalo Bill’s copyright 1923, 1951, © 1991 by the Trustees for the E. E. Cummings Trust. Copyright © 1976 by George James Firmage, from Complete Poems: 1904–1962 by E. E. Cummings, edited by George J. Firmage. Used by permission of Liveright Publishing Corporation.

All rights reserved. For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to [email protected] or to Permissions, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 3 Park Avenue, 19th Floor, New York, New York 10016.

Clarion Books is an imprint of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:

Hahn, Mary Downing.

Mister Death’s blue-eyed girls / by Mary Downing Hahn.

p. cm.

Summary: Narrated from several different perspectives, tells the story of the 1955 murder of two teenaged girls in suburban Baltimore, Maryland.

[1. Coming of age—Fiction. 2. Murder—Fiction. 3. Grief—Fiction. 4. Baltimore (Md.)—History—20th century—Fiction.] I. Title.

PZ7.H1256Mr. 2012



ISBN 978-0-547-76062-9 hardcover

ISBN 978-0-544-02224-9 paperback

eISBN 978-0-547-82237-2


To Jim

who has encouraged me to write this story since 1980

Friday, June 15, 1956

Before Dawn


HE opens his eyes. It’s still dark, way before dawn. He’d willed himself to wake at three a.m., and he’s done it. He hadn’t dared to set the alarm. What if someone heard it go off? No, he and his brother must leave the house without anyone knowing. Not his family. Not the neighbors.

Without turning on the light, he dresses slowly, carefully—dark shirt, dark pants—then glances at his dim reflection in the mirror. His face looks the same as usual. A pale oval in the shadows, expressionless. The kind of face nobody remembers.

He smiles at himself. The man you meet at the top of the stairs, that’s who he is: the man who isn’t there. The man you should pay attention to, the man you shouldn’t offend. Vengeance is mine, sayeth the man who isn’t there.

Quietly he opens his kid brother’s door. He’s still asleep, head under the covers even though it’s June and already hot.

He touches his shoulder lightly and whispers, It’s time.

His brother sits up quickly, startled. Has he forgotten what they’re going to do today?

Get dressed, he says in a low voice.

His brother hunches his shoulders and looks up at him—a kid. Still a kid. Always the baby.

You can’t back out, he whispers. We’re brothers. A team.

I been thinking, his brother says. I’m not so sure . . .

His brother is scared. He can almost smell it on his breath and in his sweat. He squeezes his brother’s arm until he winces and tries to pull away. He tightens his grip, hurting him, not caring. Get up, he mutters. You gave me your word.

Yeah, but maybe—

Maybe nothing.

His brother looks like he might cry. "They didn’t do anything to me," he whines.

What somebody does to me, they do to you. That’s what being brothers means. He gives him a yank. Get dressed.

His brother gets out of bed. He pulls on jeans and a dark T-shirt. Now they look like twins. Neither one worth looking at twice.

Slowly they go downstairs. They hear their father snoring. Their mother mumbles in her sleep. Ordinary, everyday stuff. Nothing unusual. Yet.

In the basement rec room, he goes straight to the stag’s head mounted over the TV, a trophy from his father’s hunting days. Gently he lifts the rifle from its resting place on the stag’s hooves. Nice touch, that—include the hooves so you can display the deer along with the gun that killed him.

He loaded the rifle last night. It’s ready to go.

In the kitchen his brother is waiting, tense, still scared. Together they sneak outside into the darkness. The row houses are silent. Not a light anywhere. Not a car to be seen or heard. He and his brother could be the only people in the world, surviving on their own in some kind of science-fiction novel. Not such a bad idea.

They cross the road and lose themselves in the park’s shadows. They pass swings hanging empty but twirling slowly in the breeze, chains clinking like tiny bells. They pass the sliding board, a sheet of silver in the darkness; the jungle gym, the rec center, a barbecue grill, picnic tables. To their left is the baseball diamond. And the lake. To their right is the woods.

They go to the right, slipping through the trees like Indians, their tennis shoes as silent as moccasins. They cross a small bridge over a creek. The water gurgles. A frog croaks. The water smells of mud and dead weeds.

They stop about ten feet from the bridge, at the foot of a maple tree with low limbs perfect for climbing. Holding the rifle carefully, he scrambles from branch to branch, up into the leaves.

Can you see me? he whispers to his brother.

No. His brother peers up into the tree. You want me to climb up there, too?

We talked about this yesterday. Hide in the bushes. When you hear the gun, come running. I’ll need you to help me then.

His brother looks around uneasily. He’s still scared. It’s so dark, he says. Why can’t I stay with you?

He scowls down at him, frightening him even more with the fierceness of his face. You’d better not ruin this.

Stinking with fear, his brother backs away toward the lake. I won’t mess up, he says in a shaky voice. I’ll help you like I promised.

He watches his brother disappear into the shadows. For a while he hears him crashing through the undergrowth. He sighs. His brother is a loser. Not as smart as he is, not as quick. Slow and clumsy and as nervous as a girl—that about sums it up.

At last the woods are silent again. Except for the birds. They’re waking up and singing like they’re auditioning for a Disney cartoon. So damn optimistic. So cheerful. So happy to be alive. They get on his nerves. He aims the rifle at a mockingbird on a nearby branch. Fingers the trigger. Doesn’t pull it, though. Not because he doesn’t want to.

He leans his head against the tree trunk and breathes in the smell of damp woods. It’s like when he was little and his father took him hunting and they waited in a tree for a deer to step out of the bushes. Patience, it takes patience.

Part One

The Day Before

Thursday, June 14

Party in the Park


DESPITE the summer heat, I’m sprawled on my bed, radio turned up loud to get the full benefit of Little Richard singing Tutti Frutti. Dad’s not home from work and Mom’s outside hanging up the wash, so there’s nobody to scream Turn that radio down!

The window fan blows warm air on my face. I close my eyes and drift off into a daydream about Don Appleton, a boy in my art class. I’ve loved him since eighth grade. Not that he knows it. Not that he loves me. Anyway . . .

The car radio blasts Tutti Frutti, and the wind blows through my hair. Don smiles at me as he slides one arm around my shoulder, and I move closer to him, till I’m practically sitting in his lap. The way Cheryl rides with Buddy, her hand on his thigh. He kisses me and someone blows a horn at us. You’re so pretty, he whispers. I really like you.

Up ahead is the frozen custard stand. Peggy Turner—Don’s real-life girlfriend—is there with her friends. They all stare. They can’t believe Don is with me. Right in front of them, he kisses me again, and then he—

Nora, phone! my little brother hollers up the steps. Phone! Jolted out of my daydream, I holler back, Who is it? I’m too hot to move.

I don’t know, he yells. Some girl.

Dull from the heat, I go downstairs and take the phone from Billy.

It’s Ellie. A bunch of kids are getting together in the park tonight, she says. Can you come?

My mood suddenly improves. Sure, I say.

Sleep over at my house, she says. We’ll walk to school together tomorrow. Last day! Yay!

Who’s coming? I cross my fingers and hope Ellie will say Don, Don will be there. Which is silly, because he isn’t in the same crowd. Don’s on the basketball team. He dates cheerleaders and majorettes. He lives in Dulaney Park, the rich part of town. I got Mom to drive me by his house last Halloween, just to see what it looked like. I was scared he might see me, so I crouched on the floor and peeked out the car window. His house was all lit up. Some trick-or-treaters were ringing the doorbell, and I told Mom to drive on in case Don came to the door.

All the kids will be there, Ellie says. Paul, Gary, Charlie, Cheryl, and lots more. You know how our neighborhood is.

More exciting than mine, that’s for sure. As I speak, I see Mr. and Mrs. Clements drift past our house, their little dog trailing behind them. They’re old. Their dog is old. Old houses, old people—I guess they go together. Not a person on our block is under forty except Billy and me. Boring, boring, boring.

Ellie lives a mile away on the other side of Elmgrove, in Evergreen Acres. It used to be woods when I was little. Block after block, street after street of row houses built after the war for veterans and their families.

Everybody’s young there, even parents. Most of the dads fought in Europe and Africa and all those islands in the Pacific. My dad was too old for the draft, but Ellie’s father was in the navy. Joined up after Pearl Harbor, the first guy in his town, he told me.

And the kids there—dozens of them, from babies to teenagers. Bikes and wagons and sandboxes in every yard, hopscotch games drawn on the sidewalks, toys scattered on front steps, baby carriages and strollers on porches, ball games in the street, dances in the rec center, souped-up cars with loud radios. It’s never boring on Ellie’s street.

After dinner, I toss what I need into my overnight case, kiss Mom, make a face at Billy, and follow Dad to the old Buick parked in the driveway. He grumbles about driving me over there, but I’m thinking he doesn’t really mind because he can have a beer with his buddies at the Starlight on the way home.

When we’re near Ellie’s house, I tell Dad, Just let me out at the corner of Thirty-Third and Madison. Then you won’t have to bother with turning around and all.

He glances at me and nods. I hope he hasn’t guessed how much the old Buick embarrasses me. Not only is it out of style, but it has dents on the side and the paint is faded and dull. Inside, the drab ceiling liner sags and the upholstery is torn and frayed. The scratchy old army blanket covering the back seat is disgusting. In the heat, it smells like dust.

Worst of all, the radio’s broken. If my parents ever think I’m responsible enough to get my driver’s license, I can’t possibly take my friends anywhere in a car that doesn’t have a radio.

The thing is, Dad’s an automobile mechanic. Not that you’d guess it. He’s English, and he has a posh accent to prove it. Most people think he’s a college professor at Towson State. Sometimes I let them go on thinking that.

Anyway, he keeps the Buick running like a top—to quote him. What does he care what the car looks like? What’s important is the engine.

Here? Dad pulls over on the shoulder and stops.

I open the door, eager to escape before anyone sees me getting out of the car. That’s Ellie’s house right there, three doors down. I point at the brick row houses, each with its own small yard and its own chain-link fence. Where I wished we lived instead of in a poky old bungalow down at the wrong end of Becker Street, two doors up from the train tracks.

Ellie’s waiting at the door, ready to go. Like me, she’s wearing short shorts, a sleeveless blouse, and scuffed white Keds. Her red hair is pulled back in a curly ponytail. Dump your stuff in the hall, she says. The rec center just opened.

Mrs. O’Brien sticks her head out of the kitchen and smiles. Good to see you, Nora.

You, too. I smile at Ellie’s mother. She’s dark-haired and sweet-faced, younger than Mom and fun to be around. Best of all, she makes me feel welcome. Special, even. Ellie’s friend. Catholic like Ellie. Not the kind of girl you worry about. A nice girl.

In other words, a boring girl. A flat-chested, tall, skinny girl. Not the kind to sneak out or smoke or be a bad influence.

Gary’s bringing his records, Ellie tells me as we leave the house. "He’s got everything—Fats Domino, Little Richard, Shirley and Lee, the Platters, Chuck Berry, Bill Haley, the Crew-Cuts, Bill Doggett."

We cut across the ball field to the rec center, a low cinderblock building backing up to the woods. In the daytime, it’s a summer camp for little kids who sit at picnic tables and weave misshapen potholders on little metal frames, string beads on string, squish clay into lopsided bowls—the same old boring craft projects I hated when I was little. The kind of stuff adults think is creative.

At seven thirty, the sun is low enough to cast long shadows across the grass. The rec center’s white walls reflect the sky’s pink light. I hear the Penguins singing Earth Angel. The song transforms the hot, dusty park into a place where a boy could fall in love with you—or break your heart.

Oh, no. Look who’s here. Ellie grabs my arm and points at the parking lot beside the rec center. Buddy’s sitting on the hood of his old black Ford, smoking a cigarette. Hair smoothed back into a perfect ducktail, white T-shirt with the sleeves rolled up to hold a pack of Luckies, Levi’s low on the hips, motorcycle boots even though he doesn’t have a motorcycle. A cool cat, that’s how he sees himself. Short and skinny and weasel-faced, that’s how Ellie and I see him.

Why’s he hanging around here? I ask. I thought all the graduates went to Ocean City the minute they got rid of their caps and gowns. It’s what I’m doing next year. I picture myself lying on the beach, getting a good tan. A boy walks toward me—Don, of course, by himself for once. He sees me, he smiles, he—

Ellie says, I hope he’s not planning to start something with Cheryl.

She broke up with him at least a month ago, I say. I thought it was all over between them.

Ellie shakes her head. For her, but not for him. He calls her all the time. She won’t talk to him, she tells him to stop calling her, but he keeps on doing it. Her parents won’t let him near the house, so he parks his car down the street and watches for her to come out. She won’t go anywhere unless Bobbi Jo or I go with her.

I didn’t know that. I’m thinking how much in love they used to be, always together—CherylandBuddy, BuddyandCheryl. I’d seen their names carved on a tree in the park and scratched in cement on a new sidewalk. I’d thought then it was true love, it would last forever.

There’s lots you don’t know, Nora. Ellie drops her voice to a whisper, her eyes widen. Remember that black eye she had last April? Buddy did that.

I stare at Ellie, horrified. She’s never told me anything like that.

She walks to school with me almost every day now. She tells me stuff then. Ellie pauses. Actually, I wasn’t supposed to tell anybody about the black eye. So don’t mention it, okay?

I glance at Buddy, still lounging by his car. I hate him. And I really do. I feel my hatred, I taste it, dark and bitter.

Me too. Ellie’s voice rises. We stand there and glare at Buddy.

He turns his head, sees us, and waves. He doesn’t know what we know. We look the other way and pretend not to notice him.

Behind us, we hear Cheryl calling, Wait up! She’s with Bobbi Jo, Ellie’s neighbor. They run to catch us, backlit by the setting sun, one a little taller than the other, both blond, Cheryl’s hair in a long ponytail, Bobbi Jo’s short and curly. They’re both wearing white shorts and blue shirts. I can’t help noticing that Cheryl’s shorts are tighter and shorter than Bobbi Jo’s. Her blouse is also cut much lower, lots lower than I’d dare wear. But then, I don’t have as much on top as she has. They’re both wearing too much bright red lipstick. Cheryl’s idea, I think.

While we’re waiting, I avoid looking at Buddy. I thought this was a get-together for our class, I whisper to Ellie. Bobbi Jo doesn’t even go to Eastern—plus she’s only fourteen.

Ellie looks surprised. Don’t you like Bobbi Jo?

Of course I like her. It’s just that . . . Honestly, it’s just that when Bobbi Jo’s around, boys notice her, not me. But I’m not about to admit that to anybody.

Cheryl slings her arms around Ellie and me. Hey, you all. She’s wearing enough perfume to knock you over.

"He’s here, Ellie hisses, not looking in Buddy’s direction. Damn, damn, damn. Cheryl glances at Buddy, still sitting on the hood of his car, still smoking, still watching us. I was hoping he wouldn’t come."

Buddy doesn’t move, but he stares hard at Cheryl. Some of his friends have joined him. Like Buddy, they wear tight Levi’s and white T-shirts. Vincent, Chip, and Gene. My father would never let me date guys like them. Not that I’d want to. Their droopy eyes and curled lips scare me.

With an eye on us, Vincent says something to Buddy and laughs. Buddy doesn’t even smile. He just keeps watching Cheryl. It’s creepy the way he looks at her with that cigarette hanging out of one side of his mouth, like he thinks he’s Marlon Brando or something.

He’s going to ruin everything, Cheryl says. I hate him.

We won’t let him near you, Bobbi Jo says.

We’ll be your bodyguards, Ellie says.

Or to be more exact, I add, "your Buddy guards."

We laugh, draw closer together, and walk toward the rec center, arms linked. We’re a gang, all four of us. Buddy and his friends aren’t going to ruin our fun.

But maybe it won’t be fun. Maybe it’ll be like all the other parties. Everyone will dance except me. I’ll be the wallflower, hiding in the girls’ room trying not to cry, wishing I was home, wishing I hadn’t come. My mood plunges, I feel like leaving now, before anything bad happens. But of course I can’t leave. What would the others think? I have to stay even if I end up crying in the girls’ room.

Gary stands by the record player. He’s got a stack of forty-fives ready to go. At school he’s the guy who runs the movie projector in science class. He sets up the microphone when it’s needed. He does sound effects for school plays. I wonder if he ever feels like I do. Maybe he’s just pretending to like being the disc jockey while the other kids dance.

A few couples are slow dancing to Unchained Melody, one of my pretend songs for Don. Slow and dreamy and romantic. Perfect for slow dancing. I dedicated it to him once on a late-night radio show: To Don from a secret admirer.

When the disc jockey read what I’d written, I almost died of mortification. What if Don guessed I was his secret admirer? I was scared to go to school the next day, but he acted the same as always, kidding me about the picture I was painting in art class. A masterpiece! But wait, is this horse crippled?

Nora—a nice kid, but who likes nice kids?

I watch the couples hold each other tight, swaying slowly as if they’re dancing underwater. As if they’ ll die if they’re separated. Cheryl and Buddy used to dance like that at parties in Ellie’s basement rec room. Not anymore.

At least they’d been in love. Maybe it didn’t last long, but still . . .

Hey, Nora. Ellie nudges me. Let’s get a soda.

The four of us head to the cooler. We don’t want to stand around looking like we’re waiting for someone to ask us to dance. There aren’t many boys here yet, and the ones who are here have partners. Or, like Buddy and his friends, they’re leaning against their cars, smoking and watching the scene.

I thought there’d be lots more kids, Bobbi Jo says, obviously disappointed.

Cheryl looks around and shrugs. It’s early.

Before we finish our sodas, kids start arriving. Cars pull into the parking lot, radios blaring. Doors slam. The concrete floor fills with dancers, jitterbugging now to Maybelline.

That’s when Ralph Stewart shows up. What’s he doing here? He’s from Don’s neighborhood, a basketball player, a big wheel, not the type to hang out in our part of town. I crane my neck, hoping to see Don follow him in, but it’s just Ralph. He stands there, scanning the crowd.

Oh my God, Cheryl whispers. He came! I asked him, but I didn’t think he’d really come. Her face is red. I can almost hear her heart beating faster.

I glance at Ellie. She doesn’t look surprised. This must be another secret they shared walking to school.

With a big grin, Ralph saunters over, takes Cheryl’s hand, and leads her into the crowd of dancers. Cheryl laughs, tosses her ponytail, moves fast, hips shaking. Ralph matches her every move. He’s so cute, I think. Maybe not as cute as Don, but almost. How does Cheryl get

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