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The Carnivore Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Optimal Health by Returning to Our Ancestral Diet
The Carnivore Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Optimal Health by Returning to Our Ancestral Diet
The Carnivore Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Optimal Health by Returning to Our Ancestral Diet
Ebook648 pages11 hours

The Carnivore Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Optimal Health by Returning to Our Ancestral Diet

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In the tradition of bestsellers like The Plant Paradox and The Keto Reset Diet, The Carnivore Code reveals the shocking truth about so-called healthy foods, and presents a complete program to reclaim your health with the true ancestral diet

We are living longer than ever before, but we aren’t living better—millions of people suffer from diseases like diabetes, depression, joint pain, heart disease, and autoimmune illnesses. Millions more have tried and failed to lose weight and keep it off. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. And you know how frustrating and disheartening it is to cycle through diets, treatment plans, and prescriptions that provide little relief—and may actually add to your suffering.

There is a better way, and it starts with the food you eat. The carnivore diet is scientifically proven to reduce inflammation, improve sleep, reduce joint pain, improve mental clarity, and help you lose weight. Dr. Paul Saladino has experienced the incredible benefits of a meat-based diet firsthand, and has helped hundreds of patients transform their health using his diet plan.

In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Saladino reveals the shocking truth about foods we’re told are essential for good health, like whole grains, plants, and leafy greens. He dismantles those myths one by one and reveals the healing potential of an all-meat diet: the diet our bodies were designed to eat. With step-by-step guidance, complete with sample meal plans and frequently asked questions, The Carnivore Code is the only plan you need to experience the incredible benefits of the carnivore diet for yourself.

Release dateAug 4, 2020

Paul Saladino

Paul Saladino, MD, is the leading authority on the carnivore diet. In addition to hosting the podcast Fundamental Health, he has been featured on The Doctors and numerous podcasts, including The Joe Rogan Experience, The Minimalists, The Model Health Show, Bulletproof Radio, The Dr. Gundry Podcast, The Ben Greenfield Fitness Podcast, and many media outlets. He lives in Austin, TX. 

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    The Carnivore Code - Paul Saladino

    title page


    Title Page






    Section I

    Chapter One: Our Beginnings

    Chapter Two: Our Worst Mistake

    Section II

    Chapter Three: Chemical Warfare

    Chapter Four: Broccoli-Superhero or Supervillain?

    Chapter Five: Of Unicorns and Fairy Tales

    Chapter Six: Attack of the Oxalates

    Chapter Seven: Of Kidney Beans and Parkinson’s Disease

    Section III

    Chapter Eight: Myth I—Plant Foods Are Superfoods

    Chapter Nine: Myth II—Fiber Is Necessary for a Healthy Gut

    Chapter Ten: Myth III—Red Meat Will Shorten Your Life

    Chapter Eleven: Myth IV—Red Meat Causes the Heart to Explode

    Section IV

    Chapter Twelve: What to Eat on a Nose-To-Tail Carnivore Diet

    Chapter Thirteen: Common Pitfalls When Starting a Carnivore Diet

    Chapter Fourteen: The End of the Road and Beginning a New Way of Life

    Frequently Asked Questions





    About the Author

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    Copyright © 2020 by Fundamental Press LLC

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, address HarperCollins Publishers, 195 Broadway, New York, NY 10007.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

    ISBN 978-0-358-46997-1 (pbk)

    ISBN 978-0-358-51324-7 (ebk)

    Cover design: Michaela Sullivan

    Cover photographs: iStock / Getty Images Plus

    Illustrations by Judy Cho


    To my mother, father, and sister. You have shown me unwavering love and support throughout all of my adventures. I owe the best parts of who I am to you all.

    And to my patients, you are my inspiration and my greatest teachers. I am so much richer from hearing your stories, and what you have taught me is immeasurable.


    The carnivore diet has suddenly arrived into a prominent position in the world of ancestral health. Over the years, I’ve come across the occasional fringe character touting a carnivore-style diet and never paid it a second thought. Back in the 1970s, Venice Beach bodybuilders were known to eat only steak and eggs for a few weeks to get cut up for contests. In 2017, when fitness expert Danny Vega told me that his prolonged carnivore experiment generated dramatic improvements in blood values, as well as increased energy and peak performance, I shrugged off the story because it didn’t align with my personal belief system. As a guy who prides himself on being able to think critically, remain open-minded, and always willing to revise his positions when new information arises, I humbly apologize for my resistance.

    In recent years, the carnivore message has evolved from fringe to legit. In 2019, when Dr. Paul started making the rounds of podcast interviews, his carnivore message caught my attention and held it. Truth be told, I was captivated by the way Dr. Paul gracefully addressed the most controversial aspects of carnivore with reasonable, precise, and scientifically validated responses. For example, we know that most plants, including the vegetables beloved by all the diet experts, contain anti-nutrients that are difficult to digest and even toxic. That’s why we must elaborately soak, sprout, ferment, and cook our plant foods to render them edible. Even then, many of us experience side effects like gas, bloating, and digestive pain that are so commonplace we have come to view them as normal. As Paul will detail in this book, it’s not normal to suffer when consuming meals that are supposed to be healthy!

    Carnivore is an area where I am doing some deep thinking, research, and personal experimentation. Placing sustainably raised nose-to-tail animal foods at the center of your diet and minimizing exposure to inflammatory foods (not just grains, but even vegetables in sensitive people) is simply too compelling to ignore or dismiss with a stylized reaction. Carnivore seems extreme at first glance, but researchers confirm that human evolution was driven by a nutrient-dense diet where calories came predominantly from nose-to-tail animals and secondarily from the plant kingdom. We most certainly evolved as omnivores—don’t let any whole food, plant-based zealot or carnivore stalwart tell you differently—but when Dr. Paul proposes that plants were merely the survival foods of evolution, we must carefully consider this premise. After all, as you will learn in the book, our ancestors’ increasing consumption of nutrient-rich animal foods was strongly correlated with an increase in brain size. This was the primary catalyst for us to branch away from our leaf-chewing ape cousins and ascend to the top of the food chain.

    Granted, the carnivore argument advanced so clearly and comprehensively in this book is just one point of view. Today, there are many loud and passionate voices in the health and diet scene dispensing so much information that it’s easy to get overwhelmed, confused, and frustrated. What I appreciate about Paul’s message is his measured and respectful tone and his ability to thoughtfully weigh opposing points of view. That said, Paul wastes no time and pulls no punches in attacking what he believes to be misinformation, flawed science, or conventional wisdom propaganda. When even my beloved Bigass Salad is taken to task, it leaves a lasting impression. I’m confident that this book will do the same, and I encourage you to absorb the information in the same good spirit with which Paul wrote it: with an open mind, a willingness to learn and grow, and a desire to discover the most satisfying and nutritionally optimal diet for you.

    Mark Sisson

    October, 2019

    Miami Beach, FL


    I like puzzles, and the puzzle of what humans should eat in order to kick as much butt as possible is absolutely the most fascinating one I’ve ever found.

    If you were going to construct the ideal diet for humans, what sort of metrics would you use to define this selection of foods? I would want this diet to include (1) all of the nutrients that we need to function optimally (2) in the most bio-available forms (3) with the smallest amount of toxins. It should have all of the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other building blocks we need to thrive but none of the stuff that messes up our biochemistry or causes inflammation and cellular damage. Sounds reasonable, right? I call this the optimal diet riddle. It’s really the holy grail of nutrition and medicine, and I believe that a nose-to-tail carnivore diet is the best solution to it. But don’t just take my word for it; that’s what this book is all about. It’s my shot at convincing you that animal foods are the best foods on the planet and that plant foods are sub-optimal, containing smaller amounts of nutrients that are much less bio-available and a myriad of toxins that do nothing but harm us.

    This book is going to ruffle some feathers. It’s going to be controversial, it’s going to have a lot of critics, and it’s going to challenge many long-held beliefs that have wrongly been accepted as canon. But I’m okay with the push-back, because it’s also going to help a whole lot of people.

    So now I ask you, Do you want to be radically healthy? Do you want to have endless energy, mental clarity, a rocking libido, a sexy physique, and emotional resilience? Of course you do. We all want to be the best versions of ourselves and show up as powerfully as we can.

    This book is the story of how we can all reach our radical potential. These goals are attainable for every single one of us, and I believe that the biggest factor in achieving them is what we consume in our diet. The food we eat is the key determinant in whether we take the path toward obesity, brain fog, and fatigue, or the path toward optimization.

    There’s just one tiny problem . . . we’ve forgotten what we are supposed to be eating. Okay, let’s be honest, this is actually a really big problem, and it shows! As a whole, our health today as humans is pretty abysmal, and it’s not getting any better. Estimates are that an overwhelming 87.8 percent of Western populations have some degree of insulin resistance and metabolic dysfunction. Let’s let that sink in for a second . . . 87.8 percent! That’s a staggeringly large number and a vicious indictment of how unhealthy we are today.

    As a physician, I have seen the evidence of this firsthand, and it’s not pretty. So many people that I have encountered during my medical career have suffered with illness that Western medicine was powerless to correct. Sure, we could offer medications that might ameliorate symptoms for a short amount of time, but often, the side effects of these are worse than the diseases that are being treated. Inevitably, the underlying inflammation also continues undetected and ultimately leads to even more issues down the road.

    Throughout my medical training and practice within mainstream allopathic medicine, I’ve come to one very disappointing conclusion: the system that I was trained in isn’t helping people lead better lives. Sure, it can correct acute problems like a ruptured appendix or a broken leg, but when it comes to chronic disease and correcting the root cause of illness, it’s failing miserably.

    This isn’t a book about what’s wrong with the medical system, however. Those books have been written, and that’s not my goal here. This is a book about how to take back your own health with careful attention to what you are eating and, in the process, manifesting your inner superhero, who can kick more butt than you’ve ever thought possible. All I will say about the current medical system is that it will never be able to treat the root cause of illness until the fundamental paradigm of treating disease changes. Physicians need to realize and accept that food has everything to do with whether we become deeply sick or vitally healthy.

    The Lost User Manual

    If you’re still reading this book and you think there’s some truth to what I’ve said thus far, you are almost certainly asking a very important question: how do we figure out what we should eat? Which foods will make us into the demigods we all deserve to be and which will only serve as roadblocks on this quest? I’ve been obsessed with this question for the better part of two decades, and the pages you are holding are the result of my own personal quest to find the answer.

    I believe that the solution to the riddle of what we should be eating lies in our user manual, the template that we should follow for proper fuel and nutrition. Sadly, this user manual isn’t an actual book that is delivered to our ecstatic families along with our slippery bodies when we enter the world. That would be amazing and would make this question a lot easier to answer. Alas, the universe doesn’t work this way. Our user manual is really a code written into our genes. It’s in our DNA and it’s been there since we became human about 3–4 million years ago.

    So how are we supposed to rediscover this code in order to become the superhuman beings we are meant to be? We’ve clearly lost the user manual somewhere along the way, as our previously discussed declining health would indicate, and we are now suffering the consequences. Growing up, whenever I would lose my Transformers or GI Joes, my mom would always ask me where I last saw them. There’s a lot of wisdom in this. I think we should begin our search for the user manual where we last saw it. Our ancestors knew the answer to this puzzle, and this special set of knowledge was passed down between generations, woven into our being from before we were even born.

    Ultimately, this book is an adventure story. It’s the narrative of my own personal search to rediscover the code that will allow all of us to thrive in ways few of us thought possible. I’ve been looking for this piece of treasure for many years, and I think I’ve finally found it. It’s been an incredible experience that I can’t wait to share with you, but before we dive in, I think it’s important to display a bit of my past and where I’ve been on my own personal journey.


    My father is a physician and my mother is a nurse practitioner, so I was exposed to medicine a lot while growing up. Dinner-table conversations were about things like atrial fibrillation, hypertension, and cholesterol. When I would go with my dad to the hospital, I saw illness firsthand at a young age, and this created a fascination within me. I wanted to know what was wrong with my father’s patients and how they could return to health. I had to know why a patient suffered from heart failure or a stroke, why they struggled to breathe, or why their bones had become so brittle. I wanted to know why certain people were healthy with bodies that functioned well and why others experienced sickness and disease. The underlying factors causing these disparate outcomes have always been fascinating to me.

    Even though my parents were healthcare professionals, there wasn’t much emphasis on healthy eating in our home. We ate a pretty standard American diet that included TV dinners, fast food, bread, pasta, and processed carbohydrates. I also grew up in a time period when fat was the enemy, having been wrongly demonized by the cereal and processed food industries since the 1950s. After school I remember ravenously devouring multiple bowls of cereal, never feeling full. I also experienced irritability, childhood obesity, asthma, and eczema. I was a child of the low-fat era, and it showed.

    My health got a little better in college, but it certainly wasn’t ideal. I studied chemistry at the College of William and Mary with the original intention of going to medical school. During my four years of college, I had numerous severe eczema flares and often required oral steroids like prednisone. Those drugs quelled the raging autoimmune process that was going on, but they also caused horrible insomnia, mood swings, and weight gain. Things were still way out of balance, but I had no idea that these symptoms could be caused by the foods I was eating. That notion wasn’t even on my radar, because it’s not something that is taught in premedical courses nor in the formal medical training of my family or any of the doctors I saw. I studied really hard in high school and college, and by the end of my time at William and Mary, I was a bit burned out. I’d been successful at gathering a number of accolades while there, graduating suma cum laude and being elected to Phi Beta Kappa, but I knew that medical school wasn’t the right next step.

    Instead, I became a vagabond and had a fantastic time doing it. At that time in my life, I had no idea how long my gallivanting would last, but the freedom was intoxicating. I spent a summer in Maine teaching outdoor education to middle school students and then headed West to the wilderness lands I had seen only on calendars. Many adventures followed: a thru hike of the 2,700-mile Pacific Crest Trail, multiple explorations of the New Zealand backcountry (highlights included swimming a flooded river and nearly falling off a mountain while lost), and years as a ski bum in such hallowed locales as Telluride, Alta, and Jackson Hole.

    After six years of personal exploration and adventuring around the American West, my scientific curiosity was reawakened, and I again began to crave academic learning. The thought of medical school crossed my mind at that time, but I was dissuaded by the brutal lifestyle I had seen my father assume as an internist. I opted instead to become a physician assistant (PA) and hoped that this would provide me with some balance between seeing patients and maintaining a healthy personal life outside of work.

    Working as a PA in cardiology provided me with my first real taste of what being in the trenches of Western medicine was like. It stunk. I was immediately disillusioned and disappointed with what I encountered, but this wasn’t due to lack of intelligent or kind and well-intentioned physicians. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to be mentored by many incredibly talented individuals who taught me a lot about how medicine is practiced. My greatest disappointment was in the overall medical paradigm and the medical system itself. Neither in the hospital nor in the clinic were patients getting better, and the progression toward worsening disease was constant. At times, their decline was slowed by medications, but the march toward morbidity was relentless.

    I began to question my role in all of this. Was I really helping people lead fuller, higher-quality lives with statins, blood pressure medications, insulin, and blood thinners, or was I just delaying the inevitable? Was there really no way to reverse conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes by addressing them at their root? Did our ancestors suffer the same cruel chronic illnesses that we face today? Or had there been some sort of fundamental shift in the way that we are living that could be behind these observed departures from mental clarity, strength, healthy body composition, and vitality?

    I didn’t have the answers to these questions at that time, but I knew in my core that these were the questions I should be asking. I realized that seeking these answers would be a worthwhile endeavor and perhaps the most worthwhile venture that I could possibly embark on. After spending a few years as a PA, I realized that I couldn’t go on working within a system that I didn’t believe in when such fundamental questions as these remained unanswered.

    The Second Time Around

    Not many people get to go to medical school twice, but in many ways, I did. During my four years of medical school at the University of Arizona and my following four years of residency in psychiatry at the University of Washington, I saw everything from a different perspective than during PA school. The six years I had already spent in medicine (two in PA school and four practicing as a PA in cardiology) allowed me to have a different approach the second time around. I asked a lot of questions. I think I pissed off more than a few professors, attending physicians, and residents with my incessant entreaties for deeper knowledge regarding the cause behind diseases we encountered. The same was true in residency. Since the days of following my father in the hospital, I always wanted to know why, and I hoped these would be my opportunities.

    You can probably guess what I’m going to say next—they weren’t. There were a few glimmers of hope and ah-ha! moments during those eight years, but for the most part it was more of the same. As my good friend Dr. Ken Berry likes to say, medical school and residency are about teaching you which pill to give. They are not about understanding what is causing illness. So I did what I was supposed to and learned over and over again which pill to give. I crushed my board exams at the end of it all but still didn’t feel like I knew how to help my patients get well, and that was profoundly disappointing. I had studied as hard as I possibly could and learned all the answers to the standard questions, but still my patients were suffering. It wasn’t supposed to be that way.

    To add insult to injury, I also hadn’t been able to heal myself. During my time as a physician assistant, I had discovered the paleo diet and the concept resonated with me. For the decade that followed, I shunned grains, beans, and dairy and ate a strictly organic diet based around animal and plant foods. With this change, I definitely noticed some improvements in body composition and mental clarity, but my stubborn eczema persisted and became very severe at times. During medical school, I began learning Jiu-Jitsu, and practicing this marital art humbled me in ways I had not experienced previously in my life. It proved to be both the source of great suffering and deep satisfaction. Unfortunately, all of the time on the mats with elbows and knees exposed caused my eczema to flare severely, and eventually it became infected with a strain of streptococcal bacteria. As a result, I developed impetigo, followed by cellulitis, and then an episode of sepsis. I was plagued with fever and chills and had to get IV antibiotics. It was not exactly the ideal scenario for a third-year medical student in the midst of the most grueling portion of his education.

    Somehow, I survived. Trust me, it wasn’t the salads that got me through, but we’ll get to that soon enough. In residency, the ezcema continued to flare intermittently, and at times, it was so severe that most of my lower back was a weeping, infected, mess. By this point, I knew that food was a huge factor in health and disease. I had tried cutting out things in the past: high-histamine foods, high-oxalate foods, high-lectin foods, nuts, seeds, and chocolate. Eventually, I tried cutting out everything I could think of for several months. I was basically eating avocados, salads, and grass-fed meat, along with a few supplements that I thought I needed based on my genetics. Still, my body attacked itself and the eczema continued to besiege me.

    I’ll never forget the day I was listening to Jordan Peterson on Joe Rogan’s podcast while driving to the Washington coast to go surfing. I’m sure the weather was rainy and cold and the waves were mediocre, but that trip was entirely worth it. At the end of the podcast, I heard Jordan talk about his meat-based diet. He related how it had helped his daughter, Mikhaila, overcome a lifetime of severe autoimmune disease and how it had helped him lose weight and resolve his own sleep apnea and similar autoimmune issues. Suddenly, I had a paradigm-shifting thought that changed the course of my life from that moment forward. What if my own autoimmune issues and so many of the inflammatory problems we see manifested as chronic disease today could be triggered by the plants we are eating?

    Immediately, I dismissed the idea, burying it beneath a mountain of decades of indoctrination that plants, fiber, and phytonutrients were essential for human health. How would I poop without fiber? What about all the benefits of these so called polyphenolic compounds? What about my microbiome? Wouldn’t all the good bugs living in my gut starve without pre-biotic starches? All of the Jiu-Jitsu I had studied during medical school could not prepare me for the grappling match between everything I had been taught and this new, radical notion that was about to take root in my brain. A royal rumble of epic proportions did indeed occur, but after months of studying the literature and a careful consideration of the ideas behind the carnivore diet, I decided to give it a try. I knew that if I didn’t change something, my eczema wasn’t likely to get any better, and I wasn’t satisfied with using medication to treat it long term.

    Within the first three days, I knew there was something special about this way of eating. I began to feel a level of emotional calm and an increasingly positive outlook on life unlike anything I had experienced before. I wasn’t expecting this feeling, but it was a pleasant surprise. It felt like some sort of sand paper had been wrapped around my brain but was slowly being removed. Suddenly, things were softer and smoother in my psyche. I now believe that this was due to gradual resolution of low-level inflammation in my body that began in my gut and was translated to my brain. Some have described similar improvements in mental clarity with states of ketosis, and this no doubt played a role later in my carnivore journey, but when I first began to explore this way of eating, I included honey in my diet and was getting plenty of glucose. It was the removal of plants that had resulted in this profound change in my experience of life, and I was deeply intrigued at what other benefits a carnivore diet might have.

    Since then, I have been eating only animal foods and am thriving like never before. My outlook on life remains extremely positive, my emotions are stable, my sleep is restful, and my body is strong. My energy is full, my libido robust, and yes, I poop every day and it is beautiful.

    Bloodwork, you ask? Remember that I am a physician obsessed with understanding how all of these things work. I’ve literally done hundreds of assays on myself, all of which have looked great. My kidneys and liver are healthy, and I definitely don’t have scurvy. Nor do I have indications of inflammation or insulin resistance. In fact, my inflammatory markers are nearly undetectable and my blood sugars are in the ideal range throughout the day without any significant change after I eat. What about my autoimmune disease? Since going carnivore, I haven’t had a single eczema flare. Prior to making this change, I had been suffering from eczema every month with many periods of persistent rash and itching.

    My story is not unique. There are now thousands of people with experiences similar to mine demonstrating improvement and resolution of a variety of diseases such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s, lupus, thyroid disease, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psychiatric illnesses like depression, bipolar, and anxiety. This is in addition to the thousands of others who have used the carnivore diet to lose weight, reverse diabetes and insulin resistance, or to improve libido and mental performance. Many of their incredible stories are catalogued at the website, which is indexed by condition.

    Sound too good to be true? It did to me, too! It sounded totally crazy when I first heard about it, so if you are having those thoughts, you are in good company. The experience that I had with this way of eating was so impactful that I dove headfirst deeper into the research in an effort to understand the benefits, the mechanisms behind the benefits, and the potential pitfalls. This book is the story of what I learned along the way and how I came to believe that so many of our long-held nutritional beliefs are flat out wrong and often prevent us from achieving our true potential. The majority of the disease and illness we experience today is autoimmune and inflammatory in nature, and I believe that by focusing on nutrient-rich animal foods while avoiding the toxins found in plants that trigger these processes, we will swiftly return to our ancestral birthright of radical health and vitality.

    The Goal of This Book

    My goal is to share with you why I thoroughly believe in the carnivore diet, and why it makes sense from an evolutionary, medical, nutritional, and biochemical perspective.

    In Section I, we will begin at the beginning, a time when we knew how to eat, and a time when we thrived as humans because we were hunting and eating animals . . . lots of them! We’ll then talk about the time in human history when I believe we lost the user manual. Seduced by the cult of the seed, we stopped hunting and began farming. As you’ll see, the resulting impact on our health was strikingly detrimental.

    In Section II, we will explore why our decision to increase the consumption of plants was a bad idea. Ultimately, neither plants nor animals want to get eaten. But while animals have their legs, fins, teeth, and horns as defense mechanisms, plants are stuck in the ground and have been for 450 million years. During this time, in order to survive, they had to evolve complex chemical defense mechanisms that can wreak havoc in our bodies if we don’t pay attention to them.

    In Section III, we will compare the nutritional quality of animal foods to plants and will illustrate how animal foods are the clear winner in this duel. One of the things I find most egregious is when animal foods are unjustly vilified, so we’ll then debunk many of the myths we’ve been told about animal foods, including notions that meat will cause cancer and heart disease or shorten our lives.

    Section IV is devoted to the nuts and bolts of how to eat a nose-to-tail carnivore diet. I’ll break it all down for you in great detail and will do my best to leave no question unanswered. We’ll cover several areas of the carnivore diet: what to eat, different styles of eating carnivore, and how to include organ meats. Based on your goals, we will also include when to eat and how much should be eaten.

    If you are most interested in learning about how to construct a carnivore diet and want to jump into this way of life ASAP, you may want to skip to this final section of the book and read Chapters Twelve and Thirteen first. In Chapter Twelve, you’ll also find some personal stories shared by others in the carnivore community who have found incredible improvements with this way eating.

    We’re almost ready to jump into the meat of it all, but before we do, I want to talk about one more key concept that will help frame all of our further discussions of the carnivore way of life.

    The Quality of Life Equation

    I’m well aware that many of the concepts I’ll talk about in this book depart abruptly from societal norms and that many of you may be asking yourselves, Is he really suggesting that I should only eat meat for the rest of my life? I could never do that!

    This book isn’t meant to limit but, rather, to empower you with knowledge to make choices that will positively affect your quality of life. It is also intended to help you along your own personal journey to have the most optimal experience of life each and every day. Ultimately, this is your adventure. By sharing with you what I’ve learned, I hope to give you the tools needed to embark on your own quest, rather than to simply mimic mine.

    One of these tools is the Quality of Life equation. Simply put, when following this equation, the goal is to always solve for your highest quality of life, and in order to do this, we’ll need to know what our goals are. Each person has unique experiences and different goals depending on where they currently are in their journey, and these factors will translate into a different highest quality of life for each person at any given moment. For some, the highest quality of life will always be optimal performance, both mentally and physically. In this situation, deviating from an intentional way of eating, be it carnivore, keto, or paleo, would result in a lower quality of life because their performance might decline. I myself fall into this category. The good news is that this book isn’t written only for people like me, but also for the men and women who are better at moderation than I am.

    I know that for the majority of these individuals, performance is the main goal most of the time. At other times, community or relaxation takes priority and participating in activities aimed at fostering these needs leads to the highest quality of life. This is totally okay. It’s okay not to want to be a carnivore or even carnivore-ish all of the time. As long as we are solving for the highest quality of life as much as possible, we’ll be living amazing lives, full of rich experiences, personal growth, and profound health.

    Let’s consider an example to illustrate how the quality of life equation works. Meet Joe, a forty-five-year-old man who’s happily married with two healthy and energetic children. Joe has noticed that he’s gained about 20 pounds over the last few years, feels less energetic, has a waning libido, and some aching joints. A friend told Joe about this crazy carnivore diet that he’s been on for the last few months and delights in sharing with him tales of weight loss, improved sleep, increased energy and sex-drive, a better mood, and less joint pain. Joe’s friend hands him a copy of this very book and encourages him to read it. Intrigued by the idea, Joe reads the book intently and decides to give the carnivore diet a try.

    This is where the quality of life equation comes into play. Joe decides that his main goal is improving his health and gaining improvements in many of the things that have been nagging him recently. If I could give Joe advice, here’s what I would say to him:

    High five, Joe! I really think you are going to feel amazing on this diet. It’s going to be a change from what you are used to, but in exchange for the hard work of making this lifestyle change, I’m willing to bet more than a few rib eyes that many of the things you’ve noticed becoming sub-optimal over the last few years will quickly begin to improve. It’s not going to happen overnight. Give it at least a month or two, but by the end of those thirty to sixty days, you’re going to feel amazing. Here’s one more thing to think about as well: the closer you can adhere to the diet, the better your results will be, but if you slip up, it’s definitely not the end of the world. There are also likely going to be special occasions when your highest quality of life is not performance and optimizing your health, and that’s totally okay. If you want to have a dessert with your wife on your anniversary or a bite of cake on your son’s birthday because that shared experience is meaningful, realize that may be your highest quality of life in the moment. You’re not going to torpedo the whole endeavor when you do something like that from time to time. Do these things intentionally and then return to your original goals by again asking yourself what your highest quality of life is. It will probably be back to optimizing your own health, and with that shift, you can return to a focused effort on the carnivore diet. Always seek your highest quality of life.

    The quality of life equation isn’t meant to be a get-out-of-jail-free card or an excuse to eat cake. It’s a gentle nudge to always be aware of what nourishes your soul most in the moment. It gives you the freedom to pause any effort to change your lifestyle if your highest quality of life temporarily changes. As I mentioned earlier, for some people, the highest quality of life will always be improving their personal health. Those with autoimmune disease or significant evidence of inflammation might fall into this category. For those who are generally well and looking to optimize, however, there might be a bit more flexibility.

    This is your life. This is your adventure. You decide what your goals are. I’m just here to share with you the amazing things I’ve discovered so that you can go on your own Rambo adventure mission. With that said, the time has now come, brave adventurers! Let’s begin our quest to find the lost user manual, crack the code, and become radically healthy humans!

    Section I


    Our Beginnings

    I still remember my mom’s recommendation when I lost my GI Joes and Transformers. She was spot on with her suggestion to look for them where I last saw them, and I think we should do the same in our search for the lost user manual. So where did we last see the precious tome that holds the key to our optimal health and performance? Within our history.

    There is a caveat along any theoretical journey back in time: anthropology isn’t perfect, and we don’t have a time machine to go back and witness past events. I’m working on building one, but I’m having trouble finding a source of the 1.21 gigawatts needed to power it. Until I figure that puzzle out, we can use the evidence that is available to reconstruct our history as best we can—and that’s what we’ll do in this chapter. Onward! An incredible adventure awaits us!

    Indiana Jones Stuff

    Eating animals has been an integral part of our existence as humans and pre-humans for a very long time, probably for at least 5–6 million years. Primate evolution preceded ours by about 60 million years, and during that time period, the size of the primate brain stayed essentially constant at around 350 cubic centimeters (cc), with some variation among species depending on body size. This research means that 60 million years of eating fruit and leaves didn’t result in a bigger brain for our primate predecessors.

    It is thought that the hominid lineage diverged from chimpanzees about 6 million years ago when our distant ancestors came down from the trees and entered the open grasslands of Northeastern Africa after the shifting of tectonic plates caused changes to their environment. The oldest fossils from our lineage are dated to about 4.2 million years ago and were discovered in northern Kenya. This genus, known as Australopithecus, includes fossilized female remains affectionately named Lucy after the well-known Beatles song that was played nightly in camp during the arduous process of excavation. Lucy appears to have walked upright, like a human, but the size of her brain is estimated to be only slightly larger than her chimpanzee ancestors. By looking at skeletons like Lucy’s and others from more recent times, we are able to track the brain size of our distant relatives along the timeline of our history and see a fascinating story unfold.

    The size of our predecessors’ brains gradually increased after Lucy’s time, and then, about 2 million years ago, something incredible happened: they suddenly began to grow much more rapidly. They continued to increase in size, attaining an apex volume of 1600cc about 40,000 years ago. This increase in brain size correlated with a growing complexity in the neocortex (the outer portion of our brains) and upgraded intelligence—both of which allowed for better communication and more-sophisticated group behaviors, like organized hunting. Bigger brains equaled smarter people and smarter people figured out how to hunt animals in groups more successfully.

    This dramatic change in brain size raises a foundational question: what was the magical event that occurred 2 million years ago that allowed our brains to grow and our ancestors to become more intelligent? No one knows for sure, but there are a couple of key clues in the archeological record. 2.5 million years ago, with the appearance of Homo habilis, is also when we begin to see the first evidence of stone tools and the hunting of animals. Fossilized animal skeletons from this time period show damage from weapons and cut marks on bones from the earliest butchering practices.¹,²,³ There’s evidence that our ancestors were eating some animal foods prior to this point in history during Lucy’s time, 4–5 million years ago, but 2 million years ago, we appear to have evolved from scavengers to hunters.

    As scavengers, we could access only a few parts of the animal, like bone marrow and brain, that were encased by skeletal tissue other animals couldn’t break through.⁴,⁵ However, when we could hunt animals in organized groups with stone tools, we suddenly had first dibs on all parts of our kill. That meant we had access to the visceral (abdominal) organs and fat as well as the muscle meat. I believe it was the eating of these parts of the animal, with all of their unique micronutrients and caloric abundance, that allowed our brains to grow beyond the initial increase in Homo habilis and made us into the humans we are today. Eating animals nose to tail is what made us human! Transitioning from scavengers to hunters appears to have been the defining moment in our evolution as humans.

    Some would argue that it was cooking that resulted in the sudden increase in the size of the human brain, but many scientists agree that our torrid love affair with fire did not begin until about 500,000 years ago, 1.5 million years after our brains began to grow exponentially.

    In the following graphic, you’ll see a representation of the size of our ancestors’ brains over millions of years. At approximately 4 million years ago, you’ll see Lucy and her Australopithecus lineage. Her brain was the size of a small grapefruit. Between Lucy and Homo habilis, however, the brain increased to the size of a medium grapefruit: about 500cc. Then, 2.5 million years ago, with the advent of stone tools and hunting, our ancestors’ brains began to grow even more rapidly. In fact, they doubled in size over the next 1 million years. Based on the fossil record, it appears we reached a maximum brain size of 1600cc about 40,000 years ago, and that our brains have shrunk slightly since then. The takeaway message from this graphic is that a significant change in the rate of growth of our ancestors’ brains coincided with stone tools and hunting. We are the humans we are today because we began eating animals.


    As we’ll see in the next chapter, there was a colossal shift in the way we ate that coincided with a gradual shrinking of our brains. It was when we began eating less animals and more plants. Clearly, eating animal foods has been a vital part of our evolution from the beginning. Katherine Milton, a researcher from UC Berkeley, came to the same conclusion in her paper The Critical Role Played by Animal Source Foods in Human Evolution, which states:

    Without routine access to animal source foods, it is highly unlikely that evolving humans could have achieved their unusually large and complex brain while simultaneously continuing their evolutionary trajectory as large, active and highly social primates. As human evolution progressed, young children in particular, with their rapidly expanding large brain and high metabolic and nutritional demands relative to adults would have benefited from volumetrically concentrated, high quality foods such as meat.

    How Much Meat Were We Eating?

    But weren’t our ancestors eating both plants and animals? Weren’t we gatherers as well as hunters? Great question! As I began digging into the anthropological literature, I asked myself the same thing. Thankfully, we do have a sort of time machine here that helps us answer this question.

    In order to determine the proportion of animal foods in the diets of our predecessors, we can examine the amount of δ15 nitrogen in their fossilized bones. By looking at levels of this isotope, researchers are able to infer where in the food chain animals reside by identifying their protein sources. Herbivores generally have δ15N levels of 3–7 percent, carnivores show levels of 6–12 percent, and omnivores display levels between these two. When

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