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Girls Like Me
Girls Like Me
Girls Like Me
Ebook277 pages2 hours

Girls Like Me

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Fifteen-year-old Shay Summers is trying to cope with the death of her father, being overweight, and threats from a girl bully in school. When she falls in love with Blake, a mysterious boy online, insecure Shay doesn't want to tell him who she is. But with the help of her two best friends, as well as an assist by Kermit and Miss Piggy, ultimately Shay and Blake’s love prevails.
     Girls Like Me is a fun and fresh poetic take on teen angst, social media and online anonymity, and high school romance.

Release dateOct 4, 2016
Girls Like Me

Yves Lola StVil

Lola StVil was seven when she first came to the US from Port-au-Prince, Haiti. She attended Columbia College in Chicago, where her main focus was creative writing. She is the author of the best-selling Guardians series and the Noru series.

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Reviews for Girls Like Me

Rating: 3.0833332833333333 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I really liked the cover of this book but I couldn't get 5 pages into this book. The way the lines were broken up made absolutely no sense and distracted from the story being told. And I'm saying that from the perspective of a poet. I also didn't like what I saw of the main character so far. Anyone who thinks everyone is out to get her because they want her to be healthy is not the sort of person I am interested in reading about. She seems like she's going to be a brat.

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Girls Like Me - Yves Lola StVil

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Title Page





Girls Like Me

About the Author

Connect with HMH on Social Media

Copyright © 2016 by Lola StVil

For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to [email protected] or to Permissions, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 3 Park Avenue, 19th Floor, New York, New York 10016.

Cover illustration © 2016 by Noelle Stevenson

Cover design by Whitney Leader-Picone

The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows:

Names: StVil, Lola, author.

Title: Girls like me / written by Lola StVil.

Description: Boston : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2016. | Summary: Fifteen-year-old Shay is trying to cope with being overweight and getting bullied in school, but when she falls in love with mysterious Blake, insecure Shay needs the help of her two best friends to make love prevail.

Identifiers: LCCN 2015033387

Subjects: | CYAC: Novels in verse. | Self-esteem—Fiction. | Bullying—Fiction. | Love—Fiction. | Friendship—Fiction. | Humorous stories. | BISAC: JUVENILE FICTION / Stories in Verse. | JUVENILE FICTION / Love & Romance. | JUVENILE FICTION / Humorous Stories. | JUVENILE FICTION / Social Issues / Bullying. | JUVENILE FICTION / Girls & Women. | JUVENILE FICTION / Social Issues / Adolescence.

Classification: LCC PZ7.5.S78 Gi 2016 | DDC [Fic]—dc23

LC record available at

ISBN 978-0-544-70674-3 hardcover

ISBN 978-1-328-90102-6 paperback

eISBN 978-0-544-86814-4


This book is for my family:

Ricaldo I’m okay with takeout—again Cherubin,

Cindy The wheels are in motion St. Vil,

Arnold How much is this going to cost me? St. Vil,

And most important, my mom, Marie Did you eat? St. Vil.

I love you.

O! be some other name:

What’s in a name? that which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet.

Romeo and Juliet


I whip out fake smile reserved for

Monday mornings, cheerleaders


Kara stitches series of mom-esque words

Forming dubious praise

Your face is so pretty this morning

= You look fat

I made egg white omelets and wheat toast

= So you will no longer be fat

It’s nice out. You should walk home today.

= So you can be less fat

Kara is stuck

With me

Shay Summers: pretty-faced fat girl who

Reads. Writes. Thinks.

Too much

Dad died

Selfish, Dad, very selfish.

Don’t be late for school

= Don’t stay behind, pig out, get more fat

Flashes her best fake smile

The one she keeps in the freezer

So that it stays




See you later

Finally alone, I call on my friends:

Breakfast burrito. Banana cream pie. Butter.

They are all missing

There’s been a massacre

Kara’s soldiers:






Wiped out all my friends

Not even condiments


I recall

My love

Could it survive savage, unprovoked attack?

Scour area

Attempt rescue

No survivors

Rest in peace,

Apple-wood bacon

Flash of red packaging

Resembles my lover’s face

A prayer

A hope

Fragile but real

Pull in closer

Oscar Mayer Bacon!

Turkey bacon?

All is lost . . .


By the time I got to school I was

Fully enraged

I plotted various ways to get rid of Kara

Ways that were

Painful. Slow. Public.

Met up with my best friends

Dash and Boots.

Told them about

Horrific event


Outrage. Anger. Protest.








Hell no, we won’t go! Hell no, we won’t go!

Followed by roar of rebels

Determined not to be subdued by

Fascist taste-free establishment!

Um . . . I kind of like turkey bacon

Dash is right; you should try it

And the (fat-free) cheese

Stands . . . alone.

And Here They Are

Meet the traitors

I mean my friends.

D   A   S   H

And I became best friends in a matter of minutes

Two years ago

First day of school at

Chester A. Arthur High.

He walked into homeroom wearing a

Bedazzled T-shirt that said

I’m not gay but my blow-up doll is.

He was sent to the principal’s office

I would share

Similar fate


Teacher made us

Sit in

ABC order.

Shay Summers sits next to arch nemesis

Kelly Stokes

K   E   L   L   Y

Is what happens when Beauty sleeps with


We went to the same junior high.

At face value

Her face had


Her eyes, cobalt-blue orbs of


Her lips, heart-shaped


Her skin, flawless


But Kelly was a road trip to the

Grand Canyon

No matter how much it promises to

Enchant. Amaze. Delight.

Once you get there

You realize

It’s just an empty hole

She never says anything that doesn’t come out of

Teen Cosmo

Never reads anything that doesn’t have

Super-high-gloss finish


I’m fairly certain her ego has its own


Enough, Shay

Make an effort

Jump into the chasm . . .


Maybe she was

Miss Understood

Cool Chick

Deep Deep Deep





So I Smiled

Turns out deep down

Is not that deep

After all

Kelly looks at me

Like I’m a hobo

Trying to pee on her

I have done the unthinkable

She mumbles loud enough for

E   V   E   R   Y   O   N   E

On the

P   L   A   N   E   T

To hear

"Quick, get up, Shay! The chair can only hold

A ton"

Rage Bubbled

Up from throat

Prepared to erupt and melt the smug flesh off her

Perfectly sculpted bones

Prepared a litany of profanity that would make any

Truckers. Sailors. Mobsters.



The Grand Canyon is just a hole!


Where’s the alphabet soup

Of curses?

The string of profanity that’s supposed to wrap

Itself around her neck till she turns


The Only Color in the World Now

Is tomato red

Spreading across my cheeks


Are frozen



No control over breathing

Can’t find rock to crawl under

The teacher sent me

To the principal’s office.

There I found

Dash waiting also

He was scribbling doodles and letters on scrap paper

I admired his M

It could have come out of a penmanship workbook.

Except he added more loops than were needed

He said, That’s me: more loops than needed.

I told him about my run-in with

Kelly Canyon

The principal/chef

Served us two boilerplates of


I had a side of glazed


And Dash had the stuffed


For dessert we both had the caramelized


Next morning, Canyon

Found a magazine cutout of a model

Taped to her locker

Someone had made an air bubble above the model’s head

It said Feed Me

The M had an extra loop

Like I said

Friends for life.

My Other Best Friend

And I met at the nurse’s office

When I was there to avoid


I am the CEO of

Getting Out of Class Inc.

My excuses are

Prompt. Polished. Perfect.

And what’s more

I have amazing range

I’m not like your average

Teen going AWOL

I don’t kill off

Grandmothers or get cramps

My excuses come complete with

Actors. Script revisions. Dress rehearsals.

That day I was faking stomach pains

Had full written menu

Of all things that could have caused my


I did the well-rehearsed brave face so that they knew how much

I really wanted to stay in gym class.

The suffer in silence face

Is the meatloaf and mashed potatoes of excuses

I saw her as soon as I entered

She was beautiful. Beaming. Bald.

She wore

Army everything, including

Combat boots

Punk rocker cool? I asked.

Brain tumor chic, she said.

I looked around for a rock to crawl under

To hide shame

With no rock to be found anywhere

I sat a few chairs away from her

In my

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