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The Wyverns' Treasure
The Wyverns' Treasure
The Wyverns' Treasure
Ebook146 pages1 hour

The Wyverns' Treasure

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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After tangling with the deadly basilisk, Nathaniel Fludd is glad to return to England with his Aunt Phil. But someone has ransacked their home, and their best suspect is the sinister man who's been trying to steal the Book of Beasts.

Before Nate and Aunt Phil can find the culprit, they are called to Welsh countryside. The wyverns (giant dragons) are in an uproar. Could the same man who ransacked the Fludd house be behind the rift with the wyverns? And just what does he want with The Book of Beasts? But before Nate can solve that mystery, he must calm the dragons before it's too late. It's just another day at work for the world's youngest beastologist!

Release dateOct 4, 2010
The Wyverns' Treasure

R. L. LaFevers

R.L. LaFevers lives in Southern California. Learn more at her website:

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Rating: 4.023809590476191 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It left us wanting to read the next book. A great story!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Another great addition to this growing series! It may be listed for middle grade readers, but anyone with a bookish love for adventure, mythical creatures, and family can certainly enjoy it. This chapter finds Nathaniel and Aunt Phil on their way to Wales to uncover just what has the wyvern's in a tizzy. You won't believe your eyes at what they uncover, and just WHO is behind it! I love how close the stories fall in the time line (books 1 - 3 cover a mere two weeks)....unspoken promise of many adventures yet to come. Good...I hate saying goodbye (even if it's just until the next re-read) to characters I love....HAPPY READING!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is the third book in the Nathaniel Fludd, Beastologist series by LaFevers. It was in keeping with the rest of the books in the series and was a fun and quick read. The book takes a little over an hour to read and is aimed at younger age to middle grade children. I got this book as an advanced reading copy from netgalley.In this book Nathaniel and his Aunt return home to find their house ransacked...they suspect the man who did it may be the same one who tried to steal the Book of Beasts. Then they receive a message that the Wyvern's treaty has been broken. Aunt Phil and Nathaniel can only race to try and fix things with the Wyvern; hoping that some of the mysteries surrounding the man who is causing all the trouble will be revealed along the way.This book dealt more with the over-arcing story involving the mysterious man that has been causing a lot of trouble. The main story of the trouble with the Wyvern is also resolved nicely. If you liked the previous Nathaniel Fludd books you will like this one. Nathaniel is gradually getting more comfortable with his adventures and Aunt Phil is slowly accepting that Greasle might be a keeper.The illustrations are wonderful and the story is action-packed and fun. Overall story that young to middle grade kids will really get into. Nathaniel makes for an unlikely hero and Aunt Phil is always a lot of fun! I look forward to the next Nathaniel Fludd adventure.

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The Wyverns' Treasure - R. L. LaFevers


Text copyright © 2010 by R. L. LaFevers

Illustrations copyright © 2010 by Kelly Murphy

All rights reserved. For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to Permissions, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 215 Park Avenue South, New York, New York 10003.

The illustrations are pen and ink.

The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:

La Fevers, R. L. (Robin L.)

The wyverns’ treasure / by R. L. LaFevers ; illustrated by Kelly Murphy.

p. cm.—(Nathaniel Fludd, beastologist ; bk. 3)

Summary: When Nathaniel and Aunt Phil are summoned to the Welsh countryside to calm the giant dragons known as wyverns, they suspect the problem was caused by the same sinister man who has been trying to steal The Book of Beasts.

[1. Adventure and adventurers—Fiction. 2. Aunts—Fiction. 3. Dragons—Fiction. 4. Animals, Mythical—Fiction. 5. Orphans—Fiction. 6. Wales—Fiction.] I. Murphy, Kelly, 1977– ill. II. Title.

PZ7.L1414Wyv 2010 [Fic]—dc22 2010006786

ISBN: 978-0-547-31618-5 hardcover

ISBN: 978-0-547-85823-4 paperback

eISBN 978-0-547-50490-2









Chapter One


THERE WERE TIMES when Nathaniel Fludd wasn’t sure he’d survive living with Aunt Phil.

Hold on! she called over her shoulder. The field’s a bit bumpy.

Today was one of those times. With his feet resting on the weasels’ crate, Nate gripped the sides of the cockpit. He had no idea if all pilots were this bad at landings or if it was just Aunt Phil.

The nose of the plane dipped down. They were coming in a little fast, it seemed to Nate. And low, he thought, as they clipped a tree, shaving a good three feet off the top. Unable to stand it, he closed his eyes.

They landed with a jolt that sent his knees clacking into his chin. As they bounced and rolled to a stop, he tasted blood from where he’d bit his tongue. Once Aunt Phil cut the engine, Nate’s pet gremlin, Greasle, popped her head out of his rucksack. Is she done with all her hopping and bopping?

If you’re wondering if we’ve landed, yes, Nate said.

Aunt Phil jumped out and came around to the side. Can you hand me that crate? she asked.

Sure. Nate grasped the crate by the sides and hoisted it over the edge of the cockpit. Aunt Phil took it with a grunt. Then Nate grabbed his rucksack—Greasle and all—and climbed out of the plane. He felt like laughing for joy at the feel of solid ground under his feet.

Aunt Phil set the crate down on the grass and opened it. Roland and Sallie raced out, eager for their freedom after such a long journey. Nate watched as the weasels made a mad dash toward the nearby trees. Will they come back, do you think? he asked.

Of course they will, in a day or two. This is their home, after all. And speaking of home, Aunt Phil said, now that we’re here, I’ll have to do something about that gremlin of yours.

Hearing Aunt Phil’s words, Greasle dived down into the depths of Nate’s pack.

Aunt Phil did not like gremlins. She thought they were pests, and she hadn’t been happy when Nate had rescued Greasle. But Greasle had become his best friend, and he couldn’t imagine life without her. Even so, he kept his mouth closed. For now. Later, after Aunt Phil had had a decent meal and a hot bath, he’d try to talk her into letting him keep the gremlin.

Completely unaware of his scheming, Aunt Phil put her hands on her hips and looked toward the house. I wonder where Cornelius is? He’s usually here to welcome me home.

"Maybe he’s sulking because we actually made it home. He was pretty certain I’d mess things up."

Heard that, did you? I was afraid you had, but don’t mind old Corny. He’s gotten a bit protective from having lived through so many generations of Fludds. She grabbed the last pack. Come on, let’s get inside. I could do with a nice strong cup of tea.

Nate followed Aunt Phil to the back door, then nearly bumped into her as she stopped unexpectedly. That’s odd, she said.

What’s odd?

The back door is off its hinges. Scowling, she put her finger to her lips, then cautiously pushed the door open.


It took Nate a moment to realize what he was seeing. The house had never been tidy, but now it was in shambles. Tables were overturned and drawers were pulled out of bureaus. Some of the maps had been ripped from the wall and others were missing entirely. All the navigational instruments had been knocked from the shelves.

Corny, Aunt Phil whispered. Then louder. Cornelius! It was hard to miss the note of panic in her voice. She ran into the kitchen. Cooking pots littered the floor and broken crockery was scattered everywhere. Cornelius! Aunt Phil called out again. Are you here?

They listened for a long moment, hearing nothing but echoing silence. Aunt Phil’s shoulders drooped.

There was a faint rustling behind them. Philomena? Is that really you?

Cornelius! Aunt Phil whirled around. Her face lit up with relief as the dodo emerged from under the kitchen sink. You’re unharmed!


Harrumph, the dodo squawked. "If you call being browbeaten and terrorized unharmed, I suppose you could say that."

Indeed, the bird’s feathers were all ruffled and askew.

Poor Corny! Aunt Phil knelt down in front of him. Here, let me have a look at you.

It seemed to Nate that Cornelius was trying to look as pathetic as possible.

I see the boy made it back alive, the dodo sniffed.

Nate wanted to shout, Yes, I made it back, you dumb dodo! Instead, he kicked at a tin can on the floor and said, You’ve got a bit of rubbish stuck to your tail feathers.

Cornelius gave a small squawk of dismay. Where? he asked, craning his neck, trying to see his own backside.

Nate smiled in satisfaction, and Aunt Phil threw him a reproachful glance. Nate did very well, Cornelius. I told you he would. Then she changed the subject.

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