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The Fall Of Gondolin
The Fall Of Gondolin
The Fall Of Gondolin
Ebook314 pages6 hours

The Fall Of Gondolin

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"An essential historical reference for Middle-earth fans" (Entertainment Weekly), The Fall Of Gondolin is the final work of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth fiction, completing Christopher Tolkien’s life-long achievement as the editor and curator of his father’s manuscripts.

In the Tale of The Fall of Gondolin are two of the greatest powers in the world. There is Morgoth of the uttermost evil, unseen in this story but ruling over a vast military power from his fortress of Angband. Deeply opposed to Morgoth is Ulmo, second in might only to Manwë, chief of the Valar.

Central to this enmity of the gods is the city of Gondolin, beautiful but undiscoverable. It was built and peopled by Noldorin Elves who, when they dwelt in Valinor, the land of the gods, rebelled against their rule and fled to Middle-earth. Turgon King of Gondolin is hated and feared above all his enemies by Morgoth, who seeks in vain to discover the marvellously hidden city, while the gods in Valinor in heated debate largely refuse to intervene in support of Ulmo’s desires and designs.

Into this world comes Tuor, cousin of Túrin, the instrument of Ulmo’s designs. Guided unseen by him Tuor sets out from the land of his birth on the fearful journey to Gondolin, and in one of the most arresting moments in the history of Middle-earth the sea-god himself appears to him, rising out of the ocean in the midst of a storm. In Gondolin he becomes great; he is wedded to Idril, Turgon’s daughter, and their son is Eärendel, whose birth and profound importance in days to come is foreseen by Ulmo.

At last comes the terrible ending. Morgoth learns through an act of supreme treachery all that he needs to mount a devastating attack on the city, with Balrogs and dragons and numberless Orcs. After a minutely observed account of the fall of Gondolin, the tale ends with the escape of Túrin and Idril, with the child Eärendel, looking back from a cleft in the mountains as they flee southward, at the blazing wreckage of their city. They were journeying into a new story, the Tale of Eärendel, which Tolkien never wrote, but which is sketched out in this book from other sources.

Following his presentation of Beren and Lúthien Christopher Tolkien has used the same ‘history in sequence’ mode in the writing of this edition of The Fall of Gondolin. In the words of J.R.R. Tolkien, it was ‘the first real story of this imaginary world’ and, together with Beren and Lúthien and The Children of Húrin, he regarded it as one of the three ‘Great Tales’ of the Elder Days.

Release dateAug 30, 2018

J.R.R. Tolkien

J.R.R.Tolkien (1892-1973) was a distinguished academic, though he is best known for writing The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion, plus other stories and essays. His books have been translated into over 80 languages and have sold many millions of copies worldwide.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A bit repetitive as it's the same story a couple of times over
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A lovely book. I enjoyed reading the fleshed out tale, even though it wasn't very long. I was a bit surprised that the book was as long as it is. Christopher has included the many versions of the tale and related tales that his father wrote as he formed the story of Middle Earth through the years. I believe it was helpful that I had just reread the Silmarillion before I began this. Some very helpful information at the end, including a map, genealogies, glossary of words which are of obscure meaning to some modern readers and definitions of place names. The illustrations, of course are lovely. All in all, I am very glad to have purchased this to sit beside my Lord of the Rings collection.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Love this stuff!!! really enjoyed the breakdown on the various versions of the story and how he shared it all in one place. Such an important part of the backdrop of Middle-Earth
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Classic J R R Tolkein. Although it was great to read all the versions that he wrote, I would have appreciated a more concise version.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Like Beren and Luthien and The Children of Hurin and a few of the other recent releases (though this is THE last according to Christopher Tolkien) .... I always feel bad about giving it 3 stars rather than 4, where it could/should probably be, but just can't do it.

    Sadly, this is in the same vein. Its barely enough material to meet out a novella, but is then re-told 3 times, and with a ton of add-ons, behind the scenes, and all kinds of things, that by the end unless you're a massive Tolkien and Middle-Earth fan it all becomes jumbled in your head, especially due to some characters having two names (three in some cases) and locations having two names, events happening similar but with slightly different changes or different people involved, etc.

    Usually I can keep universes in tact in my mind, many universes at once even (Star Wars, 40K, the main arc canon of Middle-Earth, A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones {I count them as two unique}, Stover's works, Stackpole's works, Lynch's works, and so many other fantasy and elsewise universes), but the... smaller, lesser, far-back-in-history, archaic stories of Middle-Earth, like this, Children of Hurin, even Silmarillion, etc, I have trouble keeping all in place in my mind.

    And I think its kind of because of publications like this. The story of the Fall of Gondolin is about 90 pages, roughly. (Not going back to check on it). It's then re-told. And re-told in smaller portions/pieces another three times roughly. This is all intercut with descriptions, explanations, behind the scenes information, language explanations, etc, by Christopher Tolkien.

    The main story itself is wonderfully written, though cuts off (obviously), and starts up with little exposition (again, obvious reasons why). Its a tragic moment in the history of Middle-Earth and the story and telling behind it is done very well as only Tolkien can do.

    I think either sadly, I'm not as huge a fan of Middle-Earth/Tolkien as I was in high school, or due to my much larger reading history, getting piece-meal story with lots of behind the scenes, isn't the excitement it was when I first started to see Chris Tolkien releasing JRR's works when I was younger. Too much to keep juggled and up in the air in my head perhaps that reading the same story 3 times with different spellings of key names/places/battles doesn't hold the same excitement as it used to; or the same interest perhaps.

    I'm still glad these books and works were released. Don't get me wrong about that. And I definitely know there is a huge market and a huge fan base ready and willing to read all of these (as am I to be honest, just perhaps with after-effect not as much taken out of it as I used to/as most will get out of this work). I think all of the explanations, expositions, behind the scenes, is also tremendous, and a great service Chris is doing to his father's honor and legacy.

    Perhaps this is just me merely wishing I got as much out of this as I know most/many will, or maybe wishing for the time when I enjoyed fantasy and Middle-Earth far more than I do now; or perhaps my time is far more limited, so reading the same story three times feels more time-consuming than when I was in high school and time was endless.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    If you read The Silmarillion and enjoyed it, then this book will be great. It presents more details, connects well with different myths of Tolkien's universe, and gives you a glimpse into the creative process of how the sausage was made.If you read The Book of Lost Tales (part 2), then this book will be not so great. It will show you different versions of the story, but any of them nor Christopher's commentary adds a fresh and significant value to the version published in the aforementioned book.The story of Eärendil made the read worth it for me. This is a small piece, but I loved the way it completes Tolkien's cosmology and mythology. And illustrations, Alen Lee (as always) did a fabulous job here.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Years ago I tried reading The Simarillian after having consumed LOTR and The Hobbit. I failed miserably to enjoy the story, so I did not have a whole lot of hope when starting The Fall of Gondolin. Happily, I loved every minute of it. Almost 40 years of living gained me a greater appreciation of the detailed work that went into Tolkien's masterpiece, LOTR, and the extensive world that he created.The Fall of Gondolin tells through 3 different tales written by JRR Tolkien during his lifetime of the decimation of the Noldor elves but ultimately where hope would be found 6500 years later. The main character is Tuor, grandfather of Elrond and how he made his way to Gondolin, partook in protecting the city as it fell and ultimately led the remaining elves out of the city. Christopher Tolkien's commentary about his father and the construction of Middle Earth and the tales set it was also fascinating.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This material should be familiar to all Tolkien readers. The story of the Fall of Gondolin appears in the Silmarillion and is also included in Lost Tales. However, this is the story of how it was written, when it was written and how it evolved. Included are several versions of the tale that were written by Tolkien himself over the years, with commentary from his notes about how the story came to be. The full tale is less than 70 pages long and all of the other versions are shorter, so much of this book is commentary and notes. This is a fascinating tale from the 2nd Age of Middle-Earth, one of the classic tales of humans and the Noldor and one of the greatest of Tolkien's stories. It is always great to read something new by the master.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Fall of Gondolin by J.R.R. Tolkien is another tale of ‘Great Tales’ of the Elder Days. There are three books total in the ‘Great Tales’ of the Elder Days which include Children of Húrin, Beren and Lúthien, and The Fall of Gondolin. I enjoyed reading these tales. Tolkien has brought to light more characters and their labors which provided me with great details of Tolkien's world he had envisioned. A lot of trials, loss, and tragedy struck the peoples of Gondolin. I loved reading about some of the history of Tolkien's world. The characters are deep with trials of their life lead and their losses. A big treat for me was reading Christopher Tolkien's telling of his father's revisions, additions, and his father's thoughts. This had to be a daunting task and with the help of Christopher's colleagues, he was able to bring to light these tales of the elder days and to give a bit of insight as to what Tolkien's father had in mind concerning his passion of his created world. Christopher Tolkien doesn't get the credit he deserves for helping bring his father's world to light, and I am without question indebted to him for his toiling efforts of bringing this epic story to a full and completed tale, as fully as he could, and bringing it to the public for our enjoyment. I will cherish these stories and will pass them to my children and grandchildren in the hopes of them loving this epic story as much as I do.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book will probably appeal mainly to serious Tolkien fans. It presents three different versions of the story The Fall Of Gondolin, one of which is complete but written in a very 'old world literary' style that I found hard going, and another of which is easier to read, more verbose, but incomplete. The book also includes a lot of commentary from Christopher Tolkien about the various versions, the reasons behind the final one being unfinished, as well as some other related works.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A very interesting book, if you have read no more tha the Hobbit, Lord of the Rings and Silmarillion.There are the coming of Tuor to Gondolin (same text you find in Unfinished Tales) and the first version of the fall of Gondolin (the one you find in the Book of Lost Tales, part II)Plus some bits and pieces from the rest of the HoME
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    In The Fall of Gondolin, Christopher Tolkien continues his project of editing his father’s three great tales of the First Age of Middle Earth. He writes in his introduction, “When the time had come, as I supposed, to end at last this long series of editions it occurred to me to try out, as best as I could, a different mode: to follow, using previously published texts, one single particular narrative from its earliest existing form and throughout its later development” (pg. 13). In this, Tolkien follows the method he used in Beren and Lúthien (2017) rather than that of The Children of Húrin (2007), which told a more-or-less coherent story adapted from the various alterations (using the appendix to explain those changes).The story focuses on the secret Elven city of Gondolin and the arrival of Tuor, one of Húrin’s kinsfolk, who comes to the city at the behest of Ulmo, the Vala who rules over the waters and the sea, in order to warn of Morgoth’s planned attack. Turgon, who built the city, refuses to abandon it and Tuor settles among the people. Tuor weds Idril Celebrindal and fathers with her Eärendel the Mariner. Their union is the second between Elves and Men following that of Beren and Lúthien (and thus also helps to foreshadow the union of Aragorn and Arwen). At the time of Morgoth’s sack of Gondolin, Tuor defends Idril and Eärendel as they flee the city under the onslaught of Morgoth’s Balrogs and fire drakes. Glorfindel defends them against a Balrog in the mountains, enabling them to flee to the sea.In his conclusion, Tolkien refers to the Lost Tale of Eärendel, never written, before discussing how it relates to the Fall of Gondolin. Though he cautions, “To set out and discuss these often contradictory outlines in their clipped phrases would be contrary to the purpose of these two books [the present one and Beren and Lúthien]: the comparative histories of narratives as they evolved” (pg. 241). He does, however, focus on the two main variants of the conclusion in order to complete his story. As the final of the three tales of the First Age, The Fall of Gondolin more than measures up to expectations. J.R.R. Tolkien’s prose is as ever a delight to read and Alan Lee’s illustrations compliment the text as no other. A must-read for Tolkien fans.

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The Fall Of Gondolin - J.R.R. Tolkien

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I will begin this book by returning to the quotation that I used to open Beren and Lúthien: a letter written by my father in 1964, in which he said that ‘out of my head’ he wrote The Fall of Gondolin ‘during sick-leave from the army in 1917’, and the original version of Beren and Lúthien in the same year.

There is some doubt about the year, arising from other references made by my father. In a letter of June 1955 he wrote ‘The Fall of Gondolin (and the birth of Eärendil) was written in hospital and on leave after surviving the Battle of the Somme in 1916’; and in a letter to W.H. Auden of the same year he dated it to ‘sick-leave at the end of 1916’. The earliest reference of his that I know of was in a letter to me of 30 April 1944, commiserating with me on my experiences of that time. ‘I first began’ (he said) ‘to write The History of the Gnomes¹ in army huts, crowded, filled with the noise of gramophones’. This does not sound like sick-leave: but it may be that he began the writing before he went on leave.

Very important, however, in the context of this book, was what he said of The Fall of Gondolin in his letter to W.H. Auden of 1955: it was ‘the first real story of this imaginary world.’

My father’s treatment of the original text of The Fall of Gondolin was unlike that of The Tale of Tinúviel, where he erased the first, pencilled manuscript and wrote a new version in its place. In this case he did indeed extensively revise the first draft of the Tale, but rather than erase it he wrote a revised text in ink on the pencilled original, increasing the multiplicity of change as he progressed. It can be seen from passages where the underlying text is legible that he was following the first version fairly closely.

On this basis my mother made a fair copy, notably exact in view of the difficulties now presented by the text. Subsequently my father made many changes to this copy, by no means all at the same time. Since it is not my purpose in this book to enter into the textual complexities that all but invariably accompany the study of his works, the text that I give here is my mother’s, including the changes made to it.

It must however be mentioned in this connection that many of the changes to the original text had been made before my father, in the spring of 1920, read the Tale to the Essay Club of Exeter College at Oxford. In his introductory and apologetic words, explaining his choice of this work in place of an ‘Essay’, he said of it: ‘It has of course never seen the light before. A complete cycle of events in an Elfinesse of my own imagining has for some time past grown up (rather, has been constructed) in my mind. Some of the episodes have been scribbled down. This tale is not the best of them, but it is the only one that has so far been revised at all and that, insufficient as that revision has been, I dare read aloud.’

The original title of the tale was Tuor and the Exiles of Gondolin, but my father always later called it The Fall of Gondolin, and I have done the same. In the manuscript the title is followed by the words ‘which bringeth in the Great Tale of Eärendel’. The teller of the tale in the Lonely Isle, on which see Beren and Lúthien here–here, was Littleheart (Ilfiniol), son of that Bronweg (Voronwë) who plays an important part in the Tale.

It is in the nature of this, the third of the ‘Great Tales’ of the Elder Days, that the massive change in the world of Gods and Elves that had taken place should bear upon the immediate narrative of the Fall of Gondolin – and is indeed a part of it. A brief account of those events is needed; and rather than write one myself I think it far better to use my father’s own condensed, and characteristic, work. This is found in the ‘Original Silmarillion’ (also ‘A Sketch of the Mythology’), as he himself called it, which can be dated to 1926, and subsequently revised. I used this work in Beren and Lúthien, and again in this book as an element in the evolution of the tale of The Fall of Gondolin; but I use it here for the purpose of providing a concise account of the history before Gondolin came into being: it also has the advantage of itself deriving from a very early period.

In view of the purpose of its inclusion I have omitted passages that are not here relevant, and here and there made other minor modifications and additions for the sake of clarity. My text opens at the point where the original ‘Sketch’ begins.

After the despatch of the Nine Valar for the governance of the world Morgoth (Demon of Dark) rebels against the overlordship of Manwë, overthrows the lamps set up to illumine the world, and floods the isle of Almaren where the Valar (or Gods) dwelt. He fortifies a palace of dungeons in the North. The Valar remove to the uttermost West, bordered by the Outer Seas and the final Wall, and eastward by the towering Mountains of Valinor which the Gods built. In Valinor they gather all light and beautiful things, and build their mansions, gardens, and city, but Manwë and his wife Varda have halls upon the highest mountain (Taniquetil) whence they can see across the world to the dark East. Yavanna Palúrien plants the Two Trees in the middle of the plain of Valinor outside the gates of the city of Valmar. They grow under her songs, and one has dark green leaves with shining silver beneath, and white blossoms like the cherry from which a dew of silver light falls; the other has golden-edged leaves of young green like the beech and yellow blossom like the hanging blossoms of laburnum which give out heat and blazing light. Each tree waxes for seven hours to full glory and then wanes for seven; twice a day therefore comes a time of softer light when each tree is faint and their light is mingled.

The Outer Lands [Middle-earth] are in darkness. The growth of things was checked when Morgoth quenched the lamps. There are forests of darkness, of yew and fir and ivy. There Oromë sometimes hunts, but in the North Morgoth and his demonic broods (Balrogs) and the Orcs (Goblins, also called Glamhoth or people of hate) hold sway. Varda looks on the darkness and is moved, and taking all the hoarded light of Silpion, the White Tree, she makes and strews the stars.

At the making of the stars the children of Earth awake – the Eldar (or Elves). They are found by Oromë dwelling by the star-lit pool, Cuiviénen, Water of Awakening, in the East. He rides home to Valinor filled with their beauty and tells the Valar, who are reminded of their duty to the Earth, since they came thither knowing that their office was to govern it for the two races of Earth who should after come each in appointed time. There follows an expedition to the fortress of the North (Angband, Iron-hell), but this is now too strong for them to destroy. Morgoth is nonetheless taken captive, and consigned to the halls of Mandos who dwelt in the North of Valinor.

The Eldalië (people of the Elves) are invited to Valinor for fear of the evil things of Morgoth that still wandered in the dark. A great march is made by the Eldar from the East led by Oromë on his white horse. The Eldar are divided into three hosts, one under Ingwë after called the Quendi (Light-elves), one after called the Noldoli (Gnomes or Deep-elves), one after called the Teleri (Sea-elves). Many of them are lost upon the march and wander in the woods of the world; becoming the various hosts of the Ilkorindi (Elves who never dwelt in Kôr in Valinor). The chief of these was Thingol, who heard Melian and her nightingales singing and was enchanted and fell asleep for an age. Melian was one of the divine maidens of the Vala Lórien who sometimes wandered into the outer world. Melian and Thingol became Queen and King of woodland Elves in Doriath, living in a hall called the Thousand Caves.

The other Elves came to the ultimate shores of the West. In the North these in those days sloped westward in the North until only a narrow sea divided them from the land of the Gods, and this narrow sea was filled with grinding ice. But at the point to which the Elf-hosts came a wide dark sea stretched west.

There were two Valar of the Sea. Ulmo (Ylmir), the mightiest of all Valar next to Manwë, was lord of all waters, but dwelt often in Valinor, or in the Outer Seas. Ossë and the lady Uinen, whose tresses lay through all the sea, loved rather the seas of the world that washed the shores beneath the Mountains of Valinor. Ulmo uprooted the half-sunk island of Almaren where the Valar had first dwelt, and embarking on it the Noldoli and Quendi, who arrived first, bore them to Valinor. The Teleri dwelt some time by the shores of the sea awaiting him, and hence their love of it. While they were being also transported by Ulmo, Ossë in jealousy and out of love for their singing chained the island to the sea-bottom far out in the bay of Faërie whence the Mountains of Valinor could dimly be seen. No other land was near it, and it was called the Lonely Isle. There the Teleri dwelt a long age becoming different in tongue, and learning strange music from Ossë, who made the sea-birds for their delight.

The Gods gave a home in Valinor to the other Eldar. Because they longed even among the Tree-lit gardens of Valinor for a glimpse of the stars, a gap was made in the encircling mountains, and there in a deep valley a green hill, Kôr, was built. This was lit from the West by the Trees, to the East it looked out onto the Bay of Faërie and the Lonely Isle, and beyond to the Shadowy Seas. Thus some of the blessed light of Valinor filtered into the Outer Lands [Middle-earth], and falling on the Lonely Isle caused its western shores to grow green and fair.

On the top of Kôr the city of the Elves was built and was called Tûn. The Quendi became most beloved by Manwë and Varda, the Noldoli by Aulë (the Smith) and Mandos the Wise. The Noldoli invented gems and made them in countless numbers, filling all Tûn with them, and all the halls of the Gods.

The greatest in skill and magic of the Noldoli was Finwë’s elder son Fëanor.² He contrived three jewels (Silmarils) wherein a living fire combined of the light of the Two Trees was set, they shone of their own light, impure hands were burned by them.

The Teleri seeing afar the light of Valinor were torn between desire to rejoin their kindred and to dwell by the sea. Ulmo taught them craft of boat-building. Ossë yielding gave them swans, and harnessing many swans to their boats they sailed to Valinor, and dwelt there on the shores where they could see the light of the Trees, and go to Valmar if they wished, but could sail and dance in the waters touched to light by the radiance that came out past Kôr. The other Eldar gave them many gems, especially opals and diamonds and other pale crystals which were strewn upon the beaches of the Bay of Faërie. They themselves invented pearls. Their chief town was Swanhaven upon the shores northward of the pass of Kôr.

The Gods were now beguiled by Morgoth, who having passed seven ages in the prisons of Mandos in gradually lightened pain came before the conclave of the Gods in due course. He looks with greed and malice upon the Eldar, who also sit there about the knees of the Gods, and lusts especially after the jewels. He dissembles his hatred and desire for revenge. He is allowed a humble dwelling in Valinor, and after a while goes freely about, only Ulmo foreboding ill, while Tulkas the strong, who first captured him, watches him. Morgoth helps the Eldar in many deeds, but slowly poisons their peace with lies.

He suggests that the Gods brought them to Valinor out of jealousy, for fear their marvellous skill, and magic, and beauty, should grow too strong for them outside in the world. The Quendi and Teleri are little moved, but the Noldoli, the wisest of the Elves, become affected. They begin at whiles to murmur against the Gods and their kindred; they are filled with vanity of their skill.

Most of all does Morgoth fan the flames of the heart of Fëanor, but all the while he lusts for the immortal Silmarils, although Fëanor has cursed for ever anyone, God or Elf or mortal that shall come hereafter, who touches them. Morgoth lying tells Fëanor that Fingolfin and his son Fingon are plotting to usurp the leadership of the Gnomes from Fëanor and his sons, and to gain the Silmarils. A quarrel breaks out between the sons of Finwë. Fëanor is summoned before the Gods, and the lies of Morgoth laid bare. Fëanor is banished from Tûn, and with him goes Finwë who loves Fëanor best of his sons, and many of the Gnomes. They build a Treasury northward in Valinor in the hills near Mandos’ halls. Fingolfin rules the Gnomes that are left in Tûn. Thus Morgoth’s words seem justified and the bitterness he sowed goes on after his words are disproved.

Tulkas is sent to put Morgoth in chains once more, but he escapes through the pass of Kôr into the dark region beneath the feet of Taniquetil called Arvalin, where the shadow is thickest in all the world. There he finds Ungoliant, Gloomweaver, who dwells in a cleft in the mountains, and sucks up light or shining things to spin them out again in webs of black and choking darkness, fog, and gloom. With Ungoliant he plots revenge. Only a terrible reward will bring her to dare the dangers of Valinor or the sight of the Gods. She weaves a dense gloom about her to protect her and swings on cords from pinnacle to pinnacle till she has scaled the highest peak of the mountains in the south of Valinor (little guarded because of their height and their distance from the old fortress of Morgoth). She makes a ladder that Morgoth can scale. They creep into Valinor. Morgoth stabs the Trees and Ungoliant sucks up their juices, belching forth clouds of blackness. The Trees succumb slowly to the poisoned sword, and to the venomous lips of Ungoliant.

The Gods are dismayed by a twilight at midday, and vapours of black float in about the ways of the city. They are too late. The Trees die while they wail about them. But Tulkas and Oromë and many others hunt on horseback in the gathering gloom for Morgoth. Wherever Morgoth goes there the confusing darkness is greatest owing to the webs of Ungoliant. Gnomes from the Treasury of Finwë come in and report that Morgoth is assisted by a spider of darkness. They had seen them making for the North. Morgoth had stayed his flight at the Treasury, slain Finwë and many of his men, and carried off the Silmarils and a vast hoard of the most splendid jewels of the Elves.

In the meanwhile Morgoth escapes by Ungoliant’s aid northward and crosses the Grinding Ice. When he has regained the northern regions of the world Ungoliant summons him to pay the other half of her reward. The first half was the sap of the Trees of Light. Now she claims one half of the jewels. Morgoth yields them up and she devours them. She is now become monstrous, but he will not give her any share in the Silmarils. She enmeshes him in a black web, but he is rescued by the Balrogs with whips of flame, and the hosts of the Orcs; and Ungoliant goes away into the uttermost South.

Morgoth returns to Angband, and his power and the numbers of his demons and Orcs becomes countless. He forges an iron crown and sets therein the Silmarils, though his hands are burned black by them, and he is never again free from the pain of the burning. The crown he never leaves off for a moment, and he never leaves the deep dungeons of his fortress, governing his vast armies from his deep throne.

When it became clear that Morgoth had escaped the Gods assemble about the dead Trees and sit in the darkness stricken and dumb for a long while, caring about nothing. The day which Morgoth chose for his attack was a day of festival throughout Valinor. Upon this day it was the custom of the chief Valar and many of the Elves, especially the Quendi, to climb the long winding paths in endless procession to Manwë’s halls upon Taniquetil. All the Quendi and some of the Noldoli (who under Fingolfin dwelt still in Tûn) had gone to Taniquetil, and were singing upon its topmost height when the watchers from afar descried the fading of the Trees. Most of the Noldoli were in the plain, and the Teleri upon the shore. The fogs and darkness drift in now off the seas through the pass of Kôr as the Trees die. Fëanor summons the Gnomes to Tûn (rebelling against his banishment).

There is a vast concourse on the square on the summit of Kôr about the tower of Ing, lit by torches. Fëanor makes a violent speech, and though his wrath is for Morgoth his words are in part the fruit of Morgoth’s lies. He bids the Gnomes fly in the darkness while the Gods are wrapped in mourning, to seek freedom in the world and to seek out Morgoth, now Valinor is no more blissful than the world outside. Fingolfin and Fingon speak against him. The assembled Gnomes vote for flight, and Fingolfin and Fingon yield; they will not desert their people, but they retain command over a half of the Noldoli of Tûn.

The flight begins. The Teleri will not join. The Gnomes cannot escape without boats, and do not dare to cross the Grinding Ice. They attempt to seize the swan-ships in Swanhaven, and a fight ensues (the first between the races of the Earth) in which many Teleri are slain, and their ships carried off. A curse is pronounced upon the Gnomes, that they shall after suffer often from treachery and the fear of treachery among their own kindred in punishment for the blood spilled at Swanhaven. They sail North along the coast of Valinor. Mandos sends an emissary, who speaking from a high cliff hails them as they sail by, and warns them to return, and when they will not, speaks the ‘Prophecy of Mandos’ concerning the fate of after days.

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The Gnomes come to the narrowing of the seas, and prepare to sail. While they are encamped upon the shore Fëanor and his sons and people sail off taking with them all the boats, and leave Fingolfin on the far shore treacherously, thus beginning the curse of Swanhaven. They burn the boats as soon as they land in the East of the world, and Fingolfin’s people see the light in the sky. The same light also tells the Orcs of the landing.

Fingolfin’s people wander miserably. Some under Fingolfin return to Valinor to seek the Gods’ pardon. Fingon leads the main host North, and over the Grinding Ice. Many are lost.

Among the poems that my father embarked on during his years at the University of Leeds (most notably the Lay of the Children of Húrin in alliterative verse) was The Flight of the Noldoli from Valinor. This poem, also in alliterative verse, was abandoned after 150 lines. It is certain that it was written at Leeds, in (I think it extremely probable) 1925, the year in which he took up his appointment to the professorship of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford. From this poetic fragment I will cite a part, beginning at the ‘vast concourse on the square on the summit of Kôr’ where Fëanor ‘made a violent speech’, described in a passage of the Sketch of the Mythology p.32. The name Finn at lines 4 and 16 is the Gnomish form of Finwë, the father of Fëanor; Bredhil at line 49 the Gnomish name of Varda.

But the Gnomes were numbered    by name and kin,

marshalled and ordered    in the mighty square

upon the crown of Kôr.    There cried aloud

the fierce son of Finn.    Flaming torches


he held and whirled    in his hands aloft,

those hands whose craft    the hidden secret

knew, that none    Gnome or mortal

hath matched or mastered    in magic or in skill.

‘Lo! slain is my sire    by the sword of fiends,


his death he has drunk    at the doors of his hall

and deep fastness,    where darkly hidden

the Three were guarded,    the things unmatched

that Gnome and Elf    and the Nine Valar

can never remake    or renew on earth,


recarve or rekindle    by craft or magic,

not Fëanor Finn’s son    who fashioned them of yore –

the light is lost    whence he lit them first,

the fate of Faërie    hath found its hour.

Thus the witless wisdom    its reward hath earned


of the Gods’ jealousy,    who guard us here

to serve them, sing to them    in our sweet cages,

to contrive them gems    and jewelled trinkets,

their leisure to please    with our loveliness,

while they waste and squander    work of ages,


nor can Morgoth master    in their mansions sitting

at countless councils.    Now come ye all,

who have courage and hope!    My call harken

to flight, to freedom    in far places!

The woods of the world    whose wide mansions


yet in darkness dream    drowned in slumber,

the pathless plains    and perilous shores

no moon yet shines on    nor mounting dawn

in dew and daylight    hath drenched for ever,

far better were these    for bold footsteps


than gardens of the Gods    gloom-encircled

with idleness filled    and empty days.

Yea! though the light lit them    and the loveliness

beyond heart’s desire    that hath held us slaves

here long and long.    But that light is dead.


Our gems are gone,    our jewels ravished;

and the Three, my Three,    thrice-enchanted

globes of crystal    by gleam undying

illumined, lit    by living splendour

and all hues’ essence,    their eager flame –


Morgoth has them    in his monstrous hold,

my Silmarils.    I swear here oaths

unbreakable bonds    to bind me ever,

by Timbrenting    and the timeless halls

of Bredhil the Blessed    that abides thereon –


may she hear and heed –    to hunt endlessly

unwearying unwavering    through world and sea,

through leaguered lands,    lonely mountains,

over fens and forest    and the fearful snows,

till I find those fair ones,    where the fate is hid


of the folk of Elfland    and their fortune locked,

where alone now lies    the light divine.’

Then his sons beside him,    the seven kinsmen,

crafty Curufin,    Celegorm the fair,

Damrod and Díriel    and dark Cranthir,


Maglor the mighty,    and Maidros tall

(the eldest, whose ardour    yet more eager burnt

than his father’s flame,    than Fëanor’s wrath;

him fate awaited    with fell purpose),

these leapt with laughter    their lord beside,


with linkéd hands    there lightly took

the oath unbreakable;    blood thereafter

it spilled like a sea    and spent the swords

of endless armies,    nor hath ended yet.


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The Tale of


Then said Littleheart son of Bronweg: ‘Know then that Tuor was a man who dwelt in very ancient days in that land of the North called Dor-lómin or the Land of Shadows, and of the Eldar the Noldoli know it best.

Now the folk whence Tuor came wandered the forests and fells and knew not and sang not of the sea; but Tuor dwelt not with them, and lived alone about that lake called Mithrim, now hunting in its woods, now making music beside its shores on his rugged harp of wood and the sinews of bears. Now many hearing of the power of his rough songs came from near and far to hearken to his harping, but Tuor left his singing and departed to lonely places. Here he learnt many strange things and got knowledge of the wandering Noldoli, who taught him much of their speech and lore; but he was not fated to dwell for ever in those woods.

Thereafter it is

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