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Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Alone was the note Cade knew best. It was the root of all her chords.

Seventeen-year-old Cade is a fierce survivor, solo in the universe with her cherry-red guitar. Or so she thought. Her world shakes apart when a hologram named Mr. Niven tells her she was created in a lab in the year 3112, then entangled at a subatomic level with a boy named Xan.
   Cade’s quest to locate Xan joins her with an array of outlaws—her first friends—on a galaxy-spanning adventure. And once Cade discovers the wild joy of real connection, there’s no turning back.

Release dateOct 1, 2013

Amy Rose Capetta

A. R. Capetta holds an MFA in Writing for Children & Young Adults from Vermont College of Fine Arts. They have a particle-level love of mind-bending science and all sorts of music. They adore their small patch of universe, but also look intently at the stars. Entangled is their first book. Entangled is their first book with Houghton Mifflin.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Cadence (Cade) lives on a planet named Andana, barely eking out a living by playing music. Humans, in this future, are second class citizens and barely tolerated on some planets. Cade has grown up alone and has no idea where she came from. One day, a holographic Mr. Niven, comes to give Cade a disc which contains clues to her past. Cade discovers she is Quantum Entangled to a boy named Xan. She realizes that the noise in her head is quantum interference and that when it is silenced, Xan is in trouble. Cade must find Xan, but getting off Andana is tricky. She manages to secure passage on a smuggling ship, where she finds new friends willing to help her. Entanglement is much more complicated, with the Unmakers hot on their trail, trying to get to Xan first. Cade and her friends realize that their quest is really to save the human race.A website compared this book to the tv series Firefly, but I have to admit that thought would not have occurred to me. But since I read the comparison, I can see some connections in a way that space is sort of a wild-west, no form of organized government and humans barely surviving. I think the world building and the introduction of new races, were lacking in detail. The descriptions of music and playing the guitar were very detailed, leading me to believe that the author has a lot of background knowledge in this area. I like that the ship was alive and could accept or reject passengers. The demise of the human race was a bit of a mystery throughout the story that was never really resolved. I really wanted to like this book because I heard he author speak and she is very lovely, but I had a hard time getting through the story. The book jacket is very attractive and will appeal to sci-fi readers, but I think that they will have a hard time getting through the text. This book is the first volume of a two volume series, so the character development is not complete in this book. This book could be recommended to music lovers and also to a high school GSWA organization because the author does make a significant attempt to include a lesbian couple in her story. There is really nothing that is graphic, objectionable or controversial in this story so it would be appropriate for a school library.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is exactly what I've been wanting from YA Science Fiction. With a deliciously unique flavor and a fantastically written narrative, ENTANGLED is setting the bar high for teen sci-fi.What I loved: Cade. She is such a fascinating protagonist. From her troubled upbringing to living off her music, her rocker style to her no-nonsense attitude, Cade is one hell of a girl. She also has flaws, makes mistakes, and can't make up her mind. Despite Cade being a super-special human with super-special abilities she isn't annoying, whiny, or entitled. Her quirky voice, interesting slang, and authentic outlook on life kept me turning the pages.I also loved: The romance. Or should I say, lack thereof? Don't get me wrong, there is romance in this story. It is tertiary to the two more important plot points - Cade finding and rescuing Xan, and Cade's own journey of self-discovery. The romance is extra. It's delightful, and a little weird, and completely tantalizing, but it's not that big of a deal. And I really respect that in a YA novel.And even more love for: The sci-fi elements! Quantum mechanics can often seem wonky or cliched in fiction, but it was not that way here. Big, fancy, sciency words weren't just thrown around to sound cool - the author knows what she's doing. Spaceships and aliens, quantum entanglement and telepathy, holograms and spacesickness. The science in this fiction is delightful. I wanted more: Everything! Which I shall receive in the upcoming sequel. Recommended: Highly! To all fans of science fiction and fantasy, aliens and spaceships, music and friendship.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    "It's like Firefly, and the main character has an electric guitar," was what I heard about this book at BEA, so I was absolutely up for this.

    It lived up to its promise. A fun science fiction adventure, with the promised guitar, interesting alien races, menacing bad guys and a good ensemble spaceship crew. I'm a big fan of some of the perils the worldbuilding creates.
    Though on reflection, I think it was more reminiscent of Farscape than Firefly. In a way that worked for me.

    Thing that didn't altogether work: the central conceit of "Entangled," and what that means when two people are "entangled"... got a little murky for me. I wasn't sure what it actually meant in terms of powers conferred on people, and had some trouble decoding what it meant as a relationship: siblings? lovers? Although the events of the plot don't clearly telegraph a sequel (which is a huge point in this book's favor, set against most of the rest of YA lit, lately), I wonder if a sequel might more clearly explain how someone who is "entangled" can use that in this universe.

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Entangled - Amy Rose Capetta

Copyright © 2013 by Amy Rose Capetta

All rights reserved. For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to [email protected] or to Permissions, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 3 Park Avenue, 19th Floor, New York, New York 10016.

The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:

Capetta, Amy Rose.

Entangled / by Amy Rose Capetta.

p. cm.

Summary: Seventeen-year-old Cade, a fierce survivor, feels alone in the universe until she learns that she was created in a lab in 3112 and entangled at a quantum level with a boy named Xan, sending her on a galaxy-spanning journey toward a real connection.

[1. Science fiction. 2. Adventure and adventurers—Fiction. 3. Life on other planets—Fiction. 4. Friendship—Fiction. 5. Robots—Fiction. 6. Guitar—Fiction. 7. Musicians—Fiction.] I. Title.

PZ7.C173653Ent 2013



ISBN 978-0-544-08744-6 hardcover

ISBN 978-0-544-33624-7 paperback

eISBN 978-0-544-15726-2


For Julia


And my family—

For being one of the best songs in the universe

Chapter 1

PURE STATE: A quantum system that cannot be described as a mixture of any others

Saturday night, and Cade was headed to the one place on Andana that she didn’t hate. The one place where she could be around other humans and almost stand it.

First she put on the right armor: black skirt, black gloves. Spiked her lashes with a bit of black-market mascara, checked the effect in a broken-tipped triangle of mirror. Added two matching oil slicks of eyeliner. Grabbed her guitar.

Slapped and echoed up the metal ladder, out of her glorified cement bunker, into the empty-stomach rattle of the desert.

Her footprints crumbled in the sand as soon as she shifted her weight. Each breath was dust and dust and air, in that order. Each breath made her lungs curl into fists, ready to fight their way back to some blinked-out mother planet—a place she would never see because it didn’t exist.

Cade swung her guitar case over the line that meant the end of the Andanan deserts and the beginning of Voidvil. It was a real line—dunes on one side, and, on the other, buildings that shot like dark fingers out of the sand.

Cade didn’t love the deserts of Andana. But she wanted to peel off her own skin and give it a firm shake when she thought about living in Voidvil. It was a human town—really a human trap—a place where people piled on top of each other deep and high in apartment towers crusted with the black of fire escapes.

On the bubbled-tar sidewalks at the edge of town, men and women stared at Cade and her guitar case. Smiles crawled onto their faces. The closer she got to the center of town, the louder the voices grew, the closer skins got to each other, got to her, sweating to close the in-between inch. The lips here smiled too, but the eyes were empty, glassed-and-gone with spacesick.

Cade didn’t have spacesick.

She had something worse than that.

Her destination sat deep in the ground, a blister under nine stories of pressing, smelling, never-stopping human. Cade dropped down a corkscrew of stairs into the wet-stone smell of Club V.

The room wasn’t much when she looked at it. A small stage, set back and painted the shiny black of an insect shell. The space was good for a crowd, but half-crammed with a glass bar that Cade wasn’t old enough to drink at. Four laws governed the humans on Andana and this, of course, was one of them. Not that she cared. She wasn’t there to fuzz herself. Or fade out. Or meet people, even.

Or meet people, ever.

You’re late, said the owner, a nonhuman who liked to tell humans that his name was Mr. Smithjoneswhite. He held a drink, something amberish on the rocks, with one of his long arms. He had six of them, and two legs, spanning out from a central nervous system that was actually central. He could regrow a limb if he had to, in a process that was filled with pus and fascination. Handy in bar fights, too.

You’re late, he said again, and Cade wondered if he was trying to start a bar fight, right now, with her.

I don’t go on for two hours.

Be on stage, he said. On time. His accent was thick, like he was slurping the words off a plate. Cade could speak passable Andanan, but he insisted on English. Didn’t want her mangling the mother tongue.

It’s the setup, he said, waving one limb at the stage. Isn’t it? It’s taking you too long. Too much time staring at yourself in the mirror. It was a low and unoriginal punch. Humans were the only species that used mirrors. Other species knew what they looked like without a bit of glass-and-backing, or had gone past a looks-based understanding of each other.

Too good to make a bit of talk with me, little girl? Mr. Smithjoneswhite asked, rattling his slow-melt ice at her.

Cade put her tongue between her teeth, to keep herself from grinding them to white dust.

Just make sure I get paid.

She shouldn’t have come back without seeing the money from last week. Of the four laws that Cade and all the humans on Andana had to live with, the first one declared that they weren’t cleared for work. Too weak. Not built for the climate here, and definitely not built for space. So they bartered and black-marketed. It was clear that Cade had a talent, so of course someone like Mr. Smithjoneswhite was willing to step in, fill out the official forms, shuffle a few coins into her hand at the end of the night. But last week had been two sets, three encores, shameless cheering, no coin. And she slithered back. It was a sour move, because it showed Mr. Smithjoneswhite how much she needed this place, needed it more than the money.

I’ll see you get paid, he said. From the drink sales tonight.

Cade looked up into his face—a blur of features, like it had been stamped by someone with a shaky wrist. Right, she said. "For both weeks."

He tipped the end of his two upper limbs, his version of a nod. Cade swept past, and kept up the stomping and scowling. But for the first time in seven days, she felt something other than pissed off.

Because Cade was at the club for the same reason as every other Saturday. She would wait out the amateur screechgasm of the opening acts, bits of foam tucked into her ears as insurance against awfulness. She would take the stage, set up her amps and pedals, and give a tender squeeze to the pegs on the neck of her impossible, unscratched, cherry red guitar. The color of a fruit no one had eaten in centuries, and still, it looked delicious.

Plug in.

Turn the volume up. up. up.

Drown the unbelievable noise that crashed through her head.

The Noise was the barrier, the thing that kept Cade from living with other humans. They made so much scurrying, screeching, nattering sound, and when that hit the Noise, pressure changed, and she was sure her brain would start leaking out through her nose.

Cade kicked the metal skeleton of a chair to an isolated spot backstage and sank her head between her hands.

She knew there must have been a time before the Noise, but it was roped off, along with a few glaring, all-white memories of her most primitive years. People in white. White rooms. White lights, clean and sharp as a seven-blade knife. Cade wanted to look at those memories but she didn’t have clearance, even inside her own head. She was stuck with the years of less-than-life that had passed since she’d been dropped at the Parentless Center on Andana.

And she was stuck with the Noise. It wasn’t a clear stream of words or music or even random screeches of sound. It was those things and more—unclear, unwashed, unbearable. There were different strands of it. Frequencies. Sometimes she could pick them out, sometimes she had to cave and crumble. Cade was a smashed radio, all the stations of the universe pouring in.

The opening acts—Andanans on sand-skin drums, a band with four lead singers, a lone man on a battered trumpet—came and went. Cade set up the stage in record time, feeling the shift of muscles under skin. She never needed help with even the heaviest of her amps, and she never felt tired, and she never got sick. Two girls even younger than Cade, dressed in some kind of plastic strings and spacetrash, stood at the corner of the stage and whisper-shouted about it—a favorite snatch of gossip at Club V.

She’s not human, not all human.

Some Hatchum in her bloodline, you think?

She doesn’t have the double pupils. Or the orbital. Anyway, they don’t snug humans.

Something snugged something to make her.

Yeah, but what?

Cade made a note: Play an ear-obliterating chord in their faces.

She stood in the center of the stage and held Cherry-Red—just held her, the weight welcome and sinking. The different colors of the lights warmed into her. Blue on her right side, red on her left, a whole row of colors pressed up hot, breaking over her back. It was enough to convince her that all lights should have color. Not the dark nothing of space, or the bright nothing of the desert sun.

Cade fiddled with the strings until her fingertips were satisfied. If they fit just right, she could play harder and faster than anyone in Voidvil. And when she did that, the Noise retreated—if only a little bit. Last Saturday night, she’d been onstage and she was sure that for a moment she’d felt the Noise flicker. When she tried to play the same song at home, re-create the conditions, the static in her head had blasted on.

But another flicker? That was something to look forward to.

The crowd was bigger than last week, splitting the seams of the room. People spilled over the borders of each other—arms overlapping, backs pressed to chests. The crowd was a creature of its own, with a long tail stretched up the stairs. And when Cade raised her pick, not even in a brass way, the creature went quiet and held its breath.

Cade bit into the first chord.

The song chose itself. A wild, cat-scratch number that yowled when she added distortion. Within a few minutes, it gave way to something else—driving, drumming, a pop of knuckles against steel. Cade never planned sets. That made it easier for her to sneak up on the Noise, overwhelm it. But it gave her no ground tonight. When she dialed volumes up, the Noise dialed itself up. When she strung notes into melodies, the Noise melted into chaos.

Cade looked up from the snarl of her fingers on frets and distracted herself with the crowd.

The ones closest to the stage had spacesick. They loved to dance, a spastic dance that involved half snugging your neighbor in public. The spacesicks that touched each other the most, without even seeming to notice it, were the farthest gone. Cade wondered how long it had taken—how many months, years, of exposure to the dead black of space—to make them like that. She looked over their heads, into the safe middle.

But she snagged on someone in the second row, a man wearing a lab coat. Human, from the looks of him. Of course, humans weren’t cleared for labwork on Andana. The man’s eyes—clear, no glass—scanned her up and down.

Cade slammed into another song. Verse-chorus-verse. Comfort food. It was the kind of tune that raised its middle finger to the Noise, slapped order thick and sweet on top of chaos. But then she got to the bridge—and Cade was sour at getting over bridges. She couldn’t see the other side, never reached the shore. When the bridge crumbled, the Noise was waiting.

Cade grabbed the audience and dragged it down with her.

She filled them with strange intervals, waves of feedback, tones that picked out other tones so high they could only be felt in the drone of the air, so low they foamed up through the floorboards. She gave people the Noise, thick as black market coffee. Unfiltered.

And she got loud. So loud that there was no room in her head, her body, the club, the planet, all of space.

She’d reached the part of the set when the crowd had the annoying tendency to fall in love with her. She could see it happening. Hands went loose, bodies fell into the troughs after notes, crashed into the new ones. Talk died out and cheers evolved, strange and throaty. Some of the glass went out of the spacesicks’ eyes, but Cade didn’t trust it to stay gone—the longer a person had the sickness, the thicker and more constant the film. The people in the front row glassed over one by one, then reached up weedy arms to touch her. Mr. Smithjoneswhite didn’t care as long as no one rushed the stage.

Cade knew this had nothing to do with her. People didn’t want her. They wanted the music, this string of notes that kept them beating in time with something other than themselves, in touch with something more than themselves. Cade wanted that, too. It was the only thing she and these slummers had in common.

The last chorus trickled out, weak. Cade wanted to play harder, faster, louder—but she would get one note away from hitting a stride and he would be there again, looking up at her, pale and patient. Lab coat.

Cade wondered if he was just another one of her looped-out admirers. But he didn’t have the look. He was calm and at least halfway to old—with eyes that rarely seemed to blink. Like they had to be reminded to do it, for appearances.

He stared on and on, his eyes insisting on some kind of connection. But Cade was connected to no one, and the few people who had pretended to care about her were useless. At best. Cade sliced one of her meanest looks at lab coat, one of her very best back offs. Then she stared at the bar, at the stairs, at the walls, but the white of his coat was always there, catching the corner of her eye.

Cade stirred things up again, built a new and terrible song. The song to demolish all songs, to smash the Noise, to put an end to the horrible world in her head. She crested to the top of it, reached her fingers for the next note, felt the strings close around the trenches she dug, over and over, into her skin.

And then.

Dark. Quiet. Hush.

The Noise blinked off.

Chapter 2

QUANTUM UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE: States that the more carefully one property has been measured, the less possible it becomes to know any other property

Cade pummeled through song after song.

The Noise might have flickered last week, but this was full shutdown. Cade had trouble hearing notes over the wash of silence in her head. She needed to get clear and figure this out.

She made it to the end of her set, prodded by a splinter of hate for Mr. Smithjoneswhite. Then she ran off the stage and pinballed down a short black hall. The balance in her head was wrong, or gone. It felt like walking on a string over a deep ravine. With each step, she slipped, was deeper into the mist—or made of it. Cade was alone in her hollowed-out head.

She worked past the snake of the bathroom line to the room at the end of the hall where performers could trash whatever they needed to trash, fade out, snug fans. Cade went on last, which meant she had the place to herself. She plunked down in front of the mirror. A whole sheet of it, only cobwebbed at the corners with cracks.

I must have done it, she thought. Actually done it. Played so loud that I scared off the Noise.

She examined her head from twelve different angles. Tried to see past the sinkholes of knotted dark hair and the second skin of makeup, through her olive eyes, through their black pits, into the welcome new void.

I wonder how long it’ll last.

And then.

At least I can still think in here. That’s something.

Behind her, a voice slivered through the cracks around the door.


No knock. Usually her fans knocked and when she opened the door—if she opened the door—they smiled up at her, little puddles of apology, like their hands just couldn’t help themselves. She either flashed her nastiest smile or her seven-blade knife.


She didn’t have time to waste on this. She had a head to spread out in. Get comfortable.

What? she cried, toward the hall.


She would stop this thing in utero. She put on her tough girl face, a third skin that clapped on tight over the makeup. Flung open the door.

The white outline of a man flashed against the dark hall.

Lab coat. Of course.

He looked older than she’d thought, his hair a muddle of gray and black. His wrinkles seemed to—not fade, or shift as he moved his face, but—blink. Like wiggles of static.

You felt it, didn’t you, he said. Just now. The shift.

Cade took a tiny step, like a caught breath, backwards. This old spacecadet must have been talking about some important event in the relationship he’d invented for them in his head. She thought of his showy, obvious spot in the second row. Best to be careful. Cade crossed her arms, pursed her mouth so tight the lipstick pebbled.


I need you to listen to me, the old man said. Urgent words, but his voice was even.

Sure, Cade said. But her eyes said, No. Get off. Step back.

I know things about you.

He reached out one wrinkle-spurting finger, and Cade crumpled away from it. But he didn’t touch her. He didn’t even try. Just hovered near her temple—a straight line from his cracked old fingernail into her brain.

The shift, he said. It’s different now, Cadence. Can’t you feel it?

He waited for her to respond, but Cade was stunned to a full stop.

What did you call me? she asked.


She let the old man in.

He stood in the armpit of shadow just behind the door, facing the sheet of mirror. Cade weighed her options—keep him, waste him, send him on his nerve-shattering way.

Who are you? she asked.

I have both a name and a number, he said. The number is for paperwork and formalities. You can call me Mr. Niven.

How do you know what’s happening to me? she asked. No, wait. First of all, how do you know—

Your name. Cadence. Born June third, 3112. He was using the Earth calendar. Definitely human. But the rote way he reported things—feeding them out like strings of facts—felt strange.

I know your name because I know you, he said. I know you because I was there on the night you were born, and for the first eight hundred and twenty-nine days of your life. This period and duration of acquaintance makes us old friends, Cadence.

I don’t have friends, she said. New, old, or otherwise.

But she was still hung up on those three letters, tacked to the end of her name. The nudge from bare-bones Cade to the sweet, curving fleshiness of Cadence. There had been times—bottomless nights in the bunker—when she’d been sure she made the name up, just to prettify herself, or pretend she had a past that she didn’t.

But she did. And here it was. Babbling at her.

You weren’t born on Andana, Mr. Niven said. You were born on Firstbloom.

That was a mobile lab station. One of the few that had been set up—in space, of course, since no planet would host a troop of human scientists. Rotating crews so no one stayed long enough to turn spacesick.

Firstbloom. Cade had heard of it, sure, but it had just been a word. Not the place where she was born.

No parents, Mr. Niven said. You were bred and raised for Project QE. He kept slinging facts, and Cade took them like punches.

No parents. No parents? But she’d never had parents, so what did it matter if they were just globs of genetic material or flesh and blood? And this way she’d never have to waste one more thought on how they died, or if they had just left her, or if they had loved her. It was better this way. Cade had seen enough tubies to know that they turned out fine, and sometimes much better than their parented counterparts.

When she reached the other half of what Mr. Niven had said, though, it brought her brain up short.

Project what?

Project QE. Shorthand, of course. For Quantum Entanglement.

Each new unknown was a serious blow to the side of the head. Cade sat down—slumped there, a heap of slit-up clothes and chipped nail polish and toughness melting off her in sheets.

What is that? Her words came out small. What is quantum entanglement?

It will be easier if I show you. Mr. Niven reached for the top button of his shirt without so much as glancing down.

Cade’s hand swerved three times. Once to fish out her knife, twice to unsnap it, three times to deal out the short, flat blade that worked best on humans. She slid the tip of the knife through the stale air of the dressing room toward Mr. Niven’s chin—which didn’t so much as bob. Cade never should have let him in that room. Her wrist itched to undo the mistake.

But Mr. Niven had a few buttons popped now, and what Cade saw against his pale, almost transparent skin stopped her. A hole in the gulch at the center of his collarbone. Or not a hole. It glinted. A dark circle of glass embedded in the skin. He closed his eyes and the hole flooded with light, and the light streamed together, focused itself on the grime-white wall, and burst into a picture.

Mr. Niven was a projector. Cade wondered if it was an upgrade that came standard with being a scientist.

The picture took a minute to set and harden. White walls. White light. A room full of babies.

Cade dropped the knife and didn’t even know it until she heard the clatter.

Am I one of those . . . ?

Shhh, Mr. Niven said, the sound full of crackle, like it was being heated on a burner. We are about to begin.

Hello, a voice boomed out of Mr. Niven’s mouth. Not his voice. Hearty, cheerful. It even changed the shape of his lips, stretched them wide around the warm sounds. Welcome to Project QE. A few shots of babies crawling at each other, blinking their damp eyes, crabbing their little hands. You might wonder why you’re looking at a room full of infants.

Here was the childhood Cade almost-remembered. She didn’t know whether to touch the makeshift screen with soft fingertips or run as fast as she could back to her bunker.

These children have been split into pairs based on careful breeding and selection, the voice boomed. Final tests and preparations are being carried out, and soon this batch of standard human children will undergo the process of quantum entanglement.

You’ve said that twice now, Cade muttered, but what does it—

A flash of white, so hot Cade had to throw a hand to her eyes. Something had been spliced out. The picture flicked back on two babies sharing the frame. Swaddled in spotless white diapers. Out of the two, it was simple enough to find herself. A swirl of black hair, light-brown skin, green-black eyes. The other was pale as a cloud and twice as fat, in a soft-folded, babyish way.

Here we have Cadence and Xan.


The name clinked, like Cade was a metal bank and the name Xan was the first coin she’d ever dropped into it.


That name meant something. More than that. It was worth something. But Cade would have to come back to it later to figure out what, because the great big mouthy voice boomed on.

These two are optimally suited for entanglement. Our greatest hope lies with them.

Another white-hot flash. Another splice.

The two babies sprawled in a new room, whiter, if possible, than the last one. "Cadence and Xan took well to the process.

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