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Bought by the Alpha: The Alpha King's Breeder, #1
Bought by the Alpha: The Alpha King's Breeder, #1
Bought by the Alpha: The Alpha King's Breeder, #1
Ebook398 pages6 hours

Bought by the Alpha: The Alpha King's Breeder, #1

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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I just arrived at the Alpha King's castle, but I have no idea why I'm here. I think it's to pay off my family's debt, but when I'm taken to a fancy bedroom, I have the feeling I'm not going to be his maid....


I'm a nobody from a distant pack. My family owes a lot for medical expenses for my brother. I'll do what I can to help them, but when I find out I've been sold to Alpha King Maddox as his breeder, I'm not sure I can do that.

The king is cold and standoffish, and rumor has it he killed his first wife. But he's also sexy and alluring. My mind might be telling me no, but my body wants him in every way possible.

How am I going to survive as the Alpha King's breeder when I've never even been with a man before? Will he kill again?


Ever since my Luna Queen died, I've sworn to never love again. I didn't go looking for a breeder, but I only have a year until I must produce an heir or lose my throne. This beautiful girl, Isla, showed up on my doorstep just in time. Is it fate? Is she my second chance mate? No, I don't want one of those.

All I need is a kid.

But the more time I spend with Isla, the more I want not just any old breeder--I want her.

Over one million reads on Radish--one click this steamy wolf shifter romance right now!

Release dateFeb 4, 2023
Bought by the Alpha: The Alpha King's Breeder, #1

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I read through the 4th book because I was invested enough to find out what happens (the books beyond that are not about this couple). The concept is interesting and it's not a terrible book but there were a lot of plot holes that really frustrated me. Throughout those 4 books there were several instances of inconsistencies. I won't list them because they're spoilers, but it really put me off reading anything else. These are things that an editor or beta reader should easily catch. For me, this is a bigger offense than typos. You can usually understand what the intended word was, but plot inconsistencies leave you confused with no resolution.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed this book a lot! There are a few grammar and spelling errors but it’s not too bad. I hope I am able to find books 3-4 to read since they are unavailable on this app.

Book preview

Bought by the Alpha - Bella Moondragon



Rain pounds my back as I follow Alpha Ernest up the wide marble steps to a home I never expect to see in real life. I look around quickly, but he is walking fast, and I don’t have much time to see the outside of the mansion. I only know it resembles a castle. The dreary sky seems fitting, considering my bleak outlook.

Likewise, this castle is fitting for an Alpha King.

Under the wide porch, there is a bit of shelter from the wind. I pull my thin cloak around my shoulders. When Alpha Ernest’s fist pounds on the door, I jump. Everything about this day is unexpected and has me on edge.

The door opens a bit and a man with a thin, long nose gapes out at us. He is wearing a butler’s suit, and I relax only slightly.

Not that I expected the cruel king to open his own door, but I am thankful not to be faced with him right away.

Greetings! Greetings! Alpha Ernest says in his jovial, exceedingly loud voice. He laughs in the back of his throat, his gruff tone as raspy as the thunder in the distance. It is I, Alpha Ernest of Willow pack! His Majesty is expecting me.

The butler looks him over and then his eyes fall on me for a moment as if he isn’t sure whether or not the rotund, sweaty man in the white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows could possibly be an actual Alpha. The detail of Omegas that are hanging out in the car that brought us the two hours make it more convincing.

Come in, the butler says, pulling the heavy wooden door open.

Thank you, thank you, my Alpha says, and I follow him inside, absently wondering why he must say everything twice.

My happiness at being let in from the rain only lasts a moment as I follow along behind the two men who walk quickly down a long corridor. The inside of the house doesn’t resemble the castle in the sense that the floors are not made of stone—they are wood—and the walls are covered in drywall. But it is a huge building, and it is lavishly decorated with fine furnishings, all kinds of pieces of art from paintings to sculptures to ancient vases, and I try to keep up with our guide while my eyes roam over objects that are worth a hundred times more than what my parents make in a year—a thousand times more.

The sale of just one of these objects would have been plenty to pay off my parents’ debts. If I’d had just one painting to sell, I wouldn’t be here now.

I can’t think of that at the moment. My fate is sealed. I grasp my small bag in my hands and struggle to keep up. It doesn’t help that I haven’t eaten much of anything in the past week. I feel lightheaded.

We turn down a few corridors, and it’s clear to me that we are now in the part of the building that is for work instead of show. Artwork still hangs on the walls, but it’s not as elaborate. The doors we are passing seem to be offices, not libraries or parlors.

Wait here, the butler says, pausing outside of a closed door. He knocks, and I hear a low gravelly voice call him in.

I feel my heart begin to thump in my chest. I’m still not quite clear what Alpha Ernest has in mind for me. When I came to him for help earlier in the day, he asked me a few personal questions, a smile split his face, and then he told me to go home and pack all of my most prized possessions. He said to tell my family goodbye, if I was serious about paying off my family’s debts, and to be back in his office in one hour.

Then, we’d gotten in the car and driven here. I hadn’t asked any questions other than for him to put it in writing.

John and Constance Moon are no longer in debt to Alpha Ernest Rock if their daughter, Isla Moon, follows through with the agreement made with said Alpha on this day…. Dated, signed by both parties, and here I am.

Still not sure what that agreement is.

Alpha Ernest goes inside of the office, and I am tempted to strain to see inside, too, but I don’t. I’ve never seen him before, the Alpha King, the head of all of the Alphas and all of the territories in our region, for thousands and thousands of miles. I’ve heard lots of stories about him, though.

Presently, I am hoping that most of them are not true.

I would like to see his face, to know if the rumors of his attractiveness are accurate.

But I’d rather not see him at all, if I had a choice. Word of his cruelty precedes him, and it is said that he is just as brutal as he is handsome.

You may sit, the butler says, gesturing to a chair near the door that has closed behind Alpha Ernest.

I nod, but I am not capable of thanking him verbally right now, not when my teeth are near chattering with fear.

I sit down, still grasping my bag in my hands. I wish I had put on more than the thin cloak my mother had given me last winter. Cloaks were cheaper than coats, so that’s what I had.

I wouldn’t hide the trembling that was beginning to ravage my body, though.

Doing my best to ignore the shaking, I tried to focus in on the faint voices I could hear coming from behind the thick wooden door. I didn’t expect to be able to hear because the door looked sturdy, but Alpha Ernest is loud.

And Alpha Maddox…. Well, he just sounded agitated.

Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Alpha Ernest was saying.

When Alpha Maddox replied, it was harder to hear. He wasn’t as loud. I don’t know why you’re here unless it’s to pay me the money you owe me. At least, that’s what I think he is saying.

Unfortunately, sir, I don’t have the money—not exactly, the other man replies. I hear Alpha Maddox grumble in response. But I have something else to offer you instead. Something better.

Something better than the one and a half million dollars you owe me?

My heart catches in my throat and I nearly choke. One and a half million dollars? Did I hear that correctly? What in the world could Alpha Ernest have that is worth that kind of money?

Oh, yes! Alpha Ernest says. Please, sir, hear me out. I have a bargain for you. One that will allow me to settle our debt and help you with a certain… problem you have.

Problem? What problem could Alpha Maddox possibly have—other than the fact that he might have killed all of the people that he wanted to yell at.

I sit with my feet flat on the floor, my eyes focusing on the eggshell wall across from me, listening, not believing what I am hearing.

Ernest, Alpha Maddox says, you are the last person on earth I would turn to to help me solve a problem, not that I even know what you’re referring to.

Let me enlighten you, sir, if you don’t mind?

Alpha Maddox growls again. If he says anything else, I don’t hear it.

Alpha Ernest continues. You have just turned twenty-nine last month, yes? I assume Alpha Maddox confirms this because my pack Alpha continues. Everyone knows that the Alpha King is expected to have an heir by the age of thirty.

Alpha Ernest— the king says.

Give me only a few moments of your time, Alpha Ernest says, and I can imagine his hands up in front of him. You need someone who can bear you a child, someone with no complicated relationship involved, someone who is beautiful, with good, healthy genes. A strapping mother who has born many children and proven herself to be from good stock.

With every word he speaks, my heart leaps higher into my throat, even though my brain still doesn’t want to compute what he is saying.

What are you proposing, Ernest? Alpha Maddox says. I don’t have any problem picking up women. You know that, don’t you?

Yes, yes, of course! Alpha Ernest says. But women at court are complicated. They have expectations. I know you don’t intend to marry again. So… what you need is a willing, compliant, beautiful girl who is eager to spread her legs to earn money, bear you a child—or two or three—and then fade away. And I have just the girl for you.

I take a deep breath and hold it. Surely, Alpha Maddox will not agree to this. Why would he agree to this?

Why have I agreed to this?

Did I agree to this?

Let me see if I understand you correctly, Alpha Ernest, I hear Alpha Maddox say, and I can’t tell if he’s angry, offended… or intrigued. Are you proposing I take some girl you’ve brought with you into my home for the sole purpose of having a child?

That’s right, Your Majesty, Ernest says. I’m proposing you take on… a breeder.



I hear the word come out of Alpha Ernest’s mouth, watch his gums flap as his fat cheeks shift into a smile, his greasy mustache dancing as he tips his head up and blinks at me.

He’s like a shady used car salesman, trying to convince me to take something I don’t want or need.

Something that’s broken and doesn’t even work correctly—something that will never serve its intended purpose.

What he doesn’t know is that I’ve already been considering finding a breeder for the last few months. I just haven’t had the time to try to find a woman who would fit the requirements.

Everything he’s said is true. I certainly don’t ever want to marry again, no matter what. Even thinking about my wife makes my heart tighten up and my eyes begin to water. I have to immediately push her beautiful face from my mind. No, I will not ever take another bride.

That means, in order to have an heir, I have to find a woman who’d be willing to carry my child knowing that there are no strings attached.

That simply cannot happen with any of the women at court. They all want something more.

They all want me.

Finding a woman from one of the other pack lands has always been a possibility, and I’ve had a few Alphas mention their daughters from time to time, but I’ve never wanted to put a loyal Alpha in a position where I’d be using their daughter in such a manner. Whoever carries my child will essentially be unable to ever marry and have a normal life.

What other man would ever want her? Even if she found her fated mate, he’d know that she’d been with me, the Alpha King, and he’d never, ever be able to live up to those standards.

She’d live the rest of her life by herself, discarded and alone.

Who would want that?

Apparently, Alpha Ernest has found someone who won't mind. I need to know more.

Who is the girl? I ask, trying not to sound too interested, like I am humoring him. It isn’t too hard for me. My reputation for being abundantly cruel isn’t completely unfounded.

Her name is Isla Moon, Alpha Maddox. She is a member of my pack. Today, she came in and asked if I had any odd jobs she could do to pay off the debt she owes me, and I offered her this one. She accepted.

He is holding something back. I can tell by the way his eyes are wide, the way he shrugs his shoulders as he speaks. There has to be more to Isla’s story than this. Why does she owe you money? I ask him.

He only shrugs. Family debt. I’m not sure.

I study his face. He is lying. He knows exactly what it is. I wonder if the girl has been manipulated to be here of if she came of her own free will. Had she heard about the handsome, mysterious Alpha King and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to spend some time in his castle and frequent his bed?

I also want to make sure she isn’t some prostitute who is going to make me sick. Has she been… inspected?

No, he says. But that’s not necessary. The girl is a virgin.

I scoffed. How do you know that?

I’ve known her for her entire life, he says quickly. My pack is small. I know everyone. Of course, if you are worried, you can send your physicians in to see. If I am lying, I would gladly pay you twice what I owe you, sir. I would never deceive you about such a thing. I raise my eyebrows. He realizes he slipped up. I would never deceive you about anything.

Somehow, I doubt that. What does she look like? I ask.

She’s beautiful, he tells me. She’s outside the door.

I shake my head. I don’t want to see her yet.

She’s a small girl, about this tall. He raises his hand to show me she’s about five foot two or so. She has long, blonde hair that is curly, and her eyes are wide and blue. Her skin is smooth like porcelain and bright. She’s a bit skinny, I think, but she has large breasts and curvy hips.

I close my eyes and slowly shake my head at his crassness. It shouldn’t surprise me. I wonder if the girl can hear us. Is she intelligent? I don’t want my heir to be an idiot.

Oh, yes. She did very well in school. Top of her class. She went to college for a couple of years but had to drop out for… some reason. Again, he is holding back. He knows why. She’s a sweet girl. You will enjoy her. He winks at me, and I know he means sexually.

It makes my skin crawl because I know he wishes that he could enjoy her.

I don’t know why the girl has decided to come with him here, but I won’t be sending her back home with him, not today anyway.

I have a lot to do today, including a dinner party with an Alpha from a distant region. I decide I will keep her and possibly speak to her for a bit before I determine what to do. While it does sound like her services may be the solution to my problems, I’m not sure I’m ready for all of these complications.

How old is she? I ask him.

Twenty, I think, he says.

Twenty. She is young. When I was twenty, my father was still alive. I wasn’t even the Alpha King yet.

It seems like a very long time ago.

The image of my wife’s face flutters in front of my mind, and my mouth wants to move of its own accord.


I don’t say her name. I’ve learned not to. It makes people question my sanity, and since they already do that enough over my alleged viciousness, there’s no reason to have them think I’m seeing ghosts as well.

If there’s one thing they don’t need to worry about it's me seeing Rebecca. I’ve looked everywhere for her and have never seen her, not even once.

Rarely even in my dreams.

What do you say, Alpha Maddox? Why don’t we make this agreement? Take the girl. Enjoy her. If she gets pregnant and gives you an heir in the next year, my debts are erased. If she does not… I will find another way to repay you… plus interest.

Alpha Ernest extends his hand to me. I take a deep breath and look at his palm, not sure whether I should shake his hand or not.

Do I want to take the girl and keep her as a breeder—or send her back home with this man, possibly to her family, or possibly to become some sort of sex slave to him?


This way. Keep up, and don’t touch anything.

I follow along behind the tall, middle-aged, blonde woman in a suit as she walks very quickly through the castle. She’s wearing a pair of gray slacks and a black jacket, the shirt beneath with a white collar that’s buttoned up to her chin. Her hair is in a tight bun, and she has her nose in the air. She seems very proper, and I don’t think she’s very nice.

I keep thinking about that word. Breeder. What does it mean? Why am I here?

I do my best to keep up, but she’s walking so fast, and I have no idea where we are going or why we are going there. I didn’t hear much of the conversation between Alpha Ernest and Alpha Maddox. Once Alpha Ernest offered to sell me to Alpha Maddox to get rid of his debts, they began to negotiate much quieter, and I don’t know what’s happening now.

I walk through narrow halls, through larger openings that have pieces of artwork like vases and paintings, and even some suits of armor. Everything is regal and expensive as it had been before, and I wouldn’t touch anything even if she hadn’t told me to because I am afraid I might break something.

Everything here looks like it is worth more than my family makes in a year.

I have no idea why Mr. Thompson, the butler, has asked me to show you to this room, the woman says as I follow along, carrying my bag in front of me and trying to keep up. But apparently, the king has asked him to. I, personally, think it must be a mistake, judging by how you’re dressed.

My eyes immediately drop down to see what I am wearing, and I remember that I didn’t have much time to get ready to come on this journey. I am still wearing a black skirt and white blouse I had put on for work that morning under my black cloak. My shoes are old tennis shoes that have a hole in one toe, and because they are wet from the rain, they squeak a little. I’m sure she loves that.

I asked him if he meant for me to show you to the maids’ quarters, but he said no. I was to show you to this suite. Whatever in heaven’s name the king has in mind for you, it’s none of my business, but perhaps he’s got it in his head that you’re from Alpha Jordan’s pack, Maple pack, though none of them have arrived yet. I’ll set him straight in a bit.

Yes, ma’am, I say, trying to be polite.

She stops and spins around, her dark eyes like daggers. I am the head of the staff here at Castle Blackthorn. You will address me as Mrs. Worsthingshorethinshire. Do you understand me?

I stare at her for a long moment, wondering why she would address a guest in such a way. Her eyes are wild, and I imagine a maid would get a slap across the face for such an offense. I’m not even sure how to answer since I’m quite certain I cannot repeat back that name.

I most certainly will not say, Yes, ma’am.

So instead, I nod my head. Beg your pardon, I say.

She continues to stare at me for what seems like a minute or two before she says, I beg your pardon, Mrs. Worsthingshorethinshire.

I clear my throat and say, I beg your pardon Mrs. Worsthingshurtinshirthenshire.

She takes a deep breath and blows it out slowly. Worsthingshorethinshire. It’s not that difficult!

I am afraid she’s going to make me try to say it again, but she doesn’t. Instead, she spins around and starts walking once more, and I follow, feeling sorry for the maids who have to answer to her and attempting to practice her name as I go.

I do not like her at all, this Mrs. Worsthingstirshorethinsire… or whatever her name is.

And I just want to go home.

Your room, for now, is just down the hall from the king’s room. But don’t expect it to stay that way. Because, as I said, I believe there has been a mistake.

We round a corner quickly, and I run into a table. The contents, a silver bowl and a vase, clatter, and she turns around and comes at me. Be careful! she shouts.

I’m so sorry! I say, praying that nothing falls.

She rights the bowl and steadies the vase, shaking her head as she does so. I told you not to touch anything. If that happens again, you’re going to wish you never stepped foot in this castle! I don’t care who you are or why you’re here, young lady! In my castle, under my watch, there are consequences for breaking rules!

I take a step backward, feeling myself shrink a bit with each shout. I know I must try to say her name again as she towers over me, her face red with rage.

Yes, Mrs. Worthersthershirhirethire.

That’s not even close! she screams in my face. You’re incorrigible, aren’t you! It’s no wonder someone brought you here and left you!

I wonder how she knows that, but I say nothing, only watch the veins in her neck protrude.

I have seen that before, right before my boss at the flour mill would hit me because I dropped a bag or before my boss at the diner would beat me for accidentally spilling a tray of food. I’m not clumsy, but I’m not that strong. Eventually, after working eighteen or nineteen hours, I would grow tired, and things would slip.

I am afraid she’s going to hit me now, but she doesn’t. She only walks a few more steps before she produces a key and unlocks a door.

We walk inside what must be an antechamber because there’s another door. This room is mostly empty. Just a little sitting area and a table with another vase on it. It’s quaint and pretty.

She props the main door open with a doorstop and then continues. These are your rooms, for now, she says, leading me to the other door.

As she pushes the other door open, I step aside and bump the table, slightly, with my hip. I think nothing of it, though, because these are my rooms.

Until I feel pain radiating through the side of my face and am knocked off my feet, falling to the floor as my bag goes flying free from my hands so that I can try to catch myself.

I told you not to touch anything! she screams at me.

Shocked, I sit there on the floor for a moment, trying to grasp what has just happened. Did she just hit me for bumping a table in my own chambers?

Am I not supposed to sleep in the bed the king has appointed for me?

Or sit on any chairs?

Before I can react, she reaches down and grabs me by the collar of my cloak, yanking me to my feet. She is so much bigger than me, and stronger. She is shaking me as she screams, "Who do you think you are, coming in here and messing things up? You little tramp? She slaps me again, and this time, I manage to get my arm up to partially block it, but I still feel her hand make contact with my cheek. Over and over again, she swings at me, and it’s all I can do to keep her from knocking me down again.

Until I hear a commanding voice shout, What on earth are you doing?



The head maid lets go of me when we hear a male voice demanding to know what she is doing.

She turns to address him as I cover my face, pain radiating through my cheeks and nose.

Beta Seth, she begins, this girl was being careless with the king’s belongings and disrespectful to me. I was simply teaching her a lesson, the same way I would teach any new servant a lesson, sir.

I wipe a bit of blood from my upper lip with the back of my hand and turn to see a handsome man walk into the room. He is tall with dark blond hair and wide shoulders. His green eyes are focused on the other woman in the room, and his intense stare has her rigid stance wavering.

How dare you? he demands. You were asked to show Miss Isla to her room, Mrs. Worsthingshorethinshire. No one asked you to teach her anything. I can’t imagine she did anything careless. What could she have possibly done? I didn’t see anything broken between here and the king’s offices.

I watch as the woman’s throat moves viciously as she swallows. Well, she bumped a table in the hall and then again in here and…

In her own room? So what? He seems to be getting angrier by the moment, and as he takes another step toward her, Mrs. Whateverhernameisshire bumps into the table. I suppose now that you’ve bumped the table, we should teach you a lesson, hmm?

I notice then that there are two other men with him. Both of them are dressed in guards' uniforms. They are large, muscular men as well, and as Beta Seth raises a hand, they step forward.

Oh, no, Beta, please, she says. I didn’t mean to.

Well, I’m sure Miss Isla didn’t mean to either. But you took it upon yourself to slap her until her face is bleeding. So… I think Daniel and Stephen shall do the same to you. He snaps his fingers and moves aside.

I watch as one of the large men grabs her by the collar and the other begins to slap her across the face. It only takes a few smacks for her nose and lip to start bleeding. She begins to cry, begging them to stop.

Please, I say, my eyes wide. Please, don’t. I reach out to touch the Beta’s shirt sleeve, but I fall short of actually grabbing it. Can that be enough, please?

He turns and looks at me while the other two continue to slap her, taking turns now. He snaps his fingers and they stop, letting her go in the process, and she falls to the ground. You think she’s had enough, Miss Isla?

I nod. I wouldn’t have wanted them to slap her anyway. Even though she is an awful person, and she hurt me, I don’t like to watch others suffer.

He studies my face for a moment before one side of his mouth pulls up into a grin. You are… different, he assesses, and I don’t know if that’s good or bad. Daniel, take Mrs. Worsthingshorethinshire to her chamber to gather her things. She’ll be departing the castle now.

Yes, Beta Seth, Daniel says, and he hauls the woman up off the ground by her shirt collar as she begs to keep her job.

You’re firing her? I ask.

Yes, he answers as if it is the most obvious thing in the world. You haven’t even seen your room yet. Here we are.

I feel bad for the woman, even if she was a witch, but we have moved on, and as Beta Seth opens the door to my room, I can’t believe my eyes.

This is… my room? I ask.

That’s right, he tells me. King Maddox wanted the best room for you.

I stand in the doorway for a moment and take it all in.

To my left, there’s a large, cherry wood dresser with a beautiful mirror and a bench where I can sit and do my hair and makeup, if I had any makeup. Just down from there is a plush blue chair that looks cozy and inviting. A large window with drapes the same shade as the chair is next to it, and there’s a matching one on the other side of the bed.

The bed is massive, big enough for at least three people. It is a four-poster bed in the same cherry wood as the dresser, and the bedding matches the rest of the fabrics in the room. The mattress looks so plush and divine, I can’t wait to try it out. I’ve been sleeping on a thin piece of foam for so long, I can’t remember what a real mattress feels like.

Next to the second window, there’s a door, which stands ajar, and I can see that inside is a bathroom, and a clawfoot tub looks so inviting, I want to jump right in. The tile on the floor is black and white checkered, and it looks very sleek and polished inside the en suite bathroom.

There’s a large fireplace, though it isn’t lit at the moment. The mantel has some beautiful blue vases and over it is a cottage scene that I imagine I could stare at for hours.

Near the fireplace stands a larger armoire that matches the other furniture, and there’s another door that I imagine is a closet.

In the corner to my left is a round table in the same cherry wood finish with four chairs, upholstered in the same blue.

The carpet is beige, but there’s a large throw rug that has beige and blue woven through it.

Well? Beta Seth asks as I stand there gaping at all of this.

I think that Mrs. Worthershtirshirehover was right, I say, noting that he is chuckling at my butchering of her name.

What did Mrs. Worsthingshorethinshire say, dare I ask? Beta Seth questions.

She told me that she thought there’s been some mistake and that I’m actually supposed to be shown to the maid’s quarters. Beta Seth, sir, I begin, bowing my head in respect, "I went to my Alpha to borrow money to repay a debt, and he brought me here to repay a debt he owes to the king. I believe I should be working to pay that debt off. Shouldn’t I be in the

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