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Loved by the Alpha: The Alpha King's Breeder, #2
Loved by the Alpha: The Alpha King's Breeder, #2
Loved by the Alpha: The Alpha King's Breeder, #2
Ebook357 pages6 hours

Loved by the Alpha: The Alpha King's Breeder, #2

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I've accepted my new life as the Alpha King's Breeder—even though it almost killed me. And the danger isn't over yet.


Being with Maddox is even more amazing than I ever could've dreamed. I've accepted that I'll never be his Luna Queen, and I'm content just being with him. But his enemies are still out there, and some of them might come after me again to get to him.

Is it worth it?

As the mystery about who I am and where I came from unfolds, I begin to wonder if there isn't another place I'm meant to be, other than by Maddox's side, but he won't even hear of it.

I'm his. For life.


I have to keep Isla safe, no matter what. She might think that I'm being unfair, keeping her here when she wants to leave, but it's only to make sure my enemies don't get to her.

The more time I spend with her, the clearer it becomes that I have feelings for her, but I can't let it distract me. I have to keep my mind free to handle my enemies so I don't lose my kingdom.

I still don't intend to take a Luna Queen, but as Isla begins to realize she's not who she's always thought she was, I have to wonder if the Moon Goddess might have other plans.

Will I end up married again after all?

Over one million reads on Radish. Don't miss the exciting second book in the series!

Release dateFeb 5, 2023
Loved by the Alpha: The Alpha King's Breeder, #2

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    Book preview

    Loved by the Alpha - Bella Moondragon



    I am ashamed of the fact that I am crying when I get back to my room. I want to scream and break something. I think about how it was when I first arrived at the castle and that old witch, Mrs. Whateverthehellhernamewas got mad at me for accidentally running into something. Now, I want to pick up an antique and toss it across the room.

    I can’t believe what’s happening! Not only did my own sister refuse to answer my questions about where we came from, King Maddox just described me as a friend to a very, very pregnant little girl.

    I lay down on my bed and pull a pillow over my head, angry sobs coming out. What in the world have I gotten myself into?

    How the hell did I think I could actually stroll into the castle and mean something to the king?

    He’s the KING, after all, and I’m nothing. I’ve never been anyone.

    Even if my parents truly were once the king and queen of Maatua, they certainly aren’t now. That island has been described as cursed by everyone who has ever heard of it.

    It seems to me like my entire family is cursed at this point. My parents, having to leave their homeland, my brother’s illness, my kidnapping and near-death experience.

    And falling in love with the cruel king who obviously doesn’t mind making little weaklings like me think that he has feelings for us when he really doesn’t at all.

    Hearing footsteps behind me, I flip around, pulling the pillow off of my face far enough to see who is in my room.

    Thankfully, it’s not Maddox. It’s Poppy, and she looks concerned. She sits down next to me, and when I roll back over and put the pillow back in place, she rubs my back.

    Didn’t go well, huh? she asks me after a few minutes, which actually makes me laugh.

    You can say that again, I reply. I’m not bawling and crying anymore, but I am still upset. Her hand is soothing in a motherly way, though.

    I’m so sorry, she says, still smoothing her hand down my back. Did you speak to your sister?

    I sit up, pulling away from Poppy as I move my pillow aside and lean back against the headboard. I try not to think about the times I’ve actually hit my head on this headboard while making love to Maddox.

    Poppy hands me a wad of tissue, and I swipe at my eyes. I spoke to her. She wouldn’t tell me anything. It seems pretty clear to me, though, that we are from Ma–that place. Everyone says it’s best not to even say the word.

    Poppy snickers. I didn’t take you as the superstitious sort, Isla.

    I shrug. Yeah, well, I need to be more careful. Things aren’t exactly going well right now.

    Her smile becomes even more sympathetic. You’re alive. That’s something.

    I guess that’s true. Goddess, my emotions are all over the place, though. I sniffle a few more times and wipe my nose.

    Well, dear, you were poisoned. Your body is probably trying to adjust.

    I nod. Maybe she’s right. Anyway, King Maddox came back as I was leaving his office. And he was pissed that I was in there.

    Poppy’s eyes almost bulge out of her head. Seriously? Why? He said you could use his phone. As far as I can tell, he has no business being mad that you were in there if he wants to keep getting in there. She gestures with the top of her head at my lower body, and I want to laugh.

    But it’s too much of a sore subject for me to laugh at the moment.

    Instead, I sigh. I’m not sure that he does, I say. He had some… girl with him.

    What? Her eyes are so big now, they look like cereal bowls with pupils, and her mouth hangs open after she’s said the word.

    Yeah. She was young, too. Way younger than me. And… super-duper pregnant. So it seems I’ve been relieved of my services. In fact, considering her baby was about to pop right out of her, I guess I wasn’t ever needed in the first place.

    Shut up! Poppy insists, dropping her hand on my leg, hard. I know she didn’t mean to smack me, not that hard anyway, but it stings a little. No fucking way!

    I can only shrug again. I’m just telling you what I saw, Poppy.

    She is shaking her head. I can’t believe he would do such a thing! I mean, it’s not like he has been a saint since the Luna passed, but I can’t imagine that he would sleep with someone who isn’t even old enough to be his… sister.

    I don’t know what that means. I think she’s just so flabbergasted she doesn’t know what to say, and I am right there with her.

    Anyway, I say, I may as well figure out what to do now. I have no reason to stay here. I guess I can go home, but I’m not sure my mom wants to see me right now.

    You can’t leave! Poppy blurts. I don’t want to be the maid to just any old whore!

    I raise an eyebrow at her. As opposed to me? An extra-special whore?

    She bursts out laughing, but I’m not sure what’s so freaking funny. That’s not what I meant. You’re not a whore. You’ve only been with one man.

    I am glad I can amuse her. I slowly shake my head. I didn’t intend to be with any other man either, but now… well, if I’m ever going to have a family or anything, I’ll need to find someone who will love me.

    And here I was thinking perhaps King Maddox was my fated mate! Maybe the Moon Goddess had it in her heart to give him a second chance mate, and that could be me.

    The idea almost makes me laugh aloud.

    But I bit my tongue. There wasn’t anything funny going on here, except for whatever the hell Maddox was up to with that little girl.

    Don’t decide anything now, Poppy says, patting me on the leg where she smacked me a little while ago. You have plenty of time to decide what you want to do.

    I hope she’s right because I don’t want to leave right this very minute, but I also have to wonder what I will do if Maddox comes storming into my room and demands that I leave in the same tone he used when he found me in his office.

    I’ll go get you something to eat, Poppy says. You’ve got to be tired after everything you’ve been through.

    Thank you, I tell her, feeling bad that she’s even waiting on me. I don’t think I need a maid when I am likely no longer the Alpha King’s Breeder.

    I’m just a glorified guest in the castle who might be asked to leave at any moment, and honestly, I don’t want to give Maddox the satisfaction of tossing me out on my ass.

    And if he does tell me to leave, I guarantee he’ll take back the credit card he’s given me, as he should, as well as the little amount of cash I have.

    Why would he pay me for having sex with him? That wasn’t what I was supposed to do here. I was supposed to have his baby, and he doesn’t need me for that anymore.

    Poppy gives me another sympathetic look and then leaves the room, leaving me lost in my thoughts.

    Eating something fattening and going to sleep sounds tempting. But I’m not sure that’s what’s in my best interest now. If I have to leave the castle, I need a plan in place….

    I’ll have to go somewhere.

    I think of the cufflinks. I think of the mystery surrounding my homeland. I think of the curse….

    Maybe I know where I’ll go after all….


    Sydney is sitting in the chair behind my desk, sobbing, as she speaks to her mother on my phone. I am angry. At a lot of people. Including her.

    I’m not mad that she was in an awful position and got herself knocked up by her aunt’s husband. I don’t think that was the girl’s fault, even though I can tell by the one-sided conversation I’m overhearing that she wasn’t taken against her will by Alpha Bryant. He wasn’t her first. This was the problem that had sent her to her aunt and uncle’s house to begin with.

    Little Miss Sydney had spreaders disease–the inability to keep her knees together.

    But she was only nineteen–a little older than I had thought–and she clearly didn’t feel like she was loved at home.

    I’ll let her stay in the castle until her child is born, and then, after that, we’ll reevaluate the situation. Perhaps she can work here as a maid or something.

    Beta Seth comes in and says, Her room is ready. It’s on the bottom floor, like you asked, so she won’t have to climb stairs, but in the opposite wing as your room, so no one will assume anything is going on.

    Thank you, I tell him, glad I have a Beta who is reliable. Did you assign her a maid and tell Mystica to come and check her out?

    He nods. She’s on her way, so Sydney might need to get off of the phone.

    The girl looks up at his words, and it’s clear she’s heard him as she manages to tell her mother goodbye. It seems like Sydney loves her mama even if she’s disappointed her time and time again.

    I will need to have my phone de-snotified before I use it again with all of those tears and mucus flowing out of the girl. She plucks a tissue from my desk and heads toward us.

    Beta Seth will take you to your room, I tell her.

    Thank you, King Maddox, she says, and I think she’s actually batting her eyelashes at me. I recoil in disgust.

    I want to say she’s too young for me, but that’s not true since she’s basically the same age as Isla, but the fact is, Sydney is far too pregnant for me to even consider what she might look like not pregnant, and she’s obviously wild and immature.

    Besides that, I’m not interested in anyone other than Isla.


    I’ve fucked up.


    After Seth and Sydney leave the room, I sigh and wonder what I should do.

    I shouldn’t have yelled at her. Thinking back, I’m pretty sure I told her, or at least gave her the impression, that it was fine for her to use my phone. I was just angry when I walked in.

    And I honestly didn’t want her to see me with Sydney. I didn’t want to explain something that had no explanation because I hadn’t done anything wrong.

    I know what I need to do. With a deep breath, I head down the hallway toward Isla’s room.

    When I arrive, I stop and stare at the closed door for a moment, gathering my thoughts.

    The door to her antechamber is unlocked, so I walk in, but when I reach her bedroom door, I pause again before knocking.

    She doesn’t answer.

    Isla? I call.

    Again, it’s quiet.

    Isla, it’s Maddox. Like she wouldn’t know that. Can I come in?

    She says nothing, and I notice I don’t smell her like I usually do. I don’t sense her.

    A bit of panic wells up inside of me as I remember how terrified I was when I discovered she was gone before.

    I try the door, and it’s locked, but I am better prepared this time. I pull the keys out of my pocket and unlock the door.

    My heart stops.

    Her room is empty.



    What the hell do I think I’m doing?

    I can’t answer that question because if I pause to ponder the absurdity, I will turn back immediately.

    Who in their right mind sneaks out of the castle after sunset when some crazy woman who has already tried to kill her is on the loose? And I don’t even have a fucking clue where I’m going!

    But… I keep running anyway.

    Because… at this point… do I even have a choice?

    As soon as Poppy left my room, I tossed a few items into a backpack that I knew I could carry on my back in my wolf form. I’m not used to shifting. I’ve only had my wolf for a short amount of time. Most of us don’t get them until we are fifteen or sixteen.

    I got mine at eighteen.

    And there was never any reason back home to shift. I was always too busy working in the factory or wherever, and that requires thumbs.

    I have shifted a time or two in my life, but I’ve never really let my wolf run. Now, with the darkness of the forest enveloping me, I run as fast as I can.

    Sneaking out was easier than I expected. I guess everyone was out looking for Zabrina and Alpha Jordan or whoever was still missing. I didn’t even know if they’d found anyone that day, other than Maddox’s pregnant lover.

    I’d gone out the door closest to the garage, the one I’d been dragged out of by Private Wylie a few days ago when I didn’t understand why anyone would want to take me, when I thought perhaps Maddox was hurt, but I didn’t know….

    I’d run right out as fast as I could, looking for guards that never appeared. Then, I’d shot across the castle grounds to the fence and managed to climb over. It wasn’t that hard. If Zabrina could do it, then so could I.

    Once I was in the woods, I’d undressed, stuffed my clothes into the backpack, and shifted. I put the bag back on and took off.

    All I have with me now is a couple of outfits, whatever cash I had in my wallet, and a few pieces of jewelry I thought might be worth something.

    I didn’t take Maddox’s credit card. I felt bad about taking it, for one thing, and the other reason was I didn’t want him to be able to chase me down. The cash, I didn’t mind so much. After all, I had done some work for him. It wasn’t like it had been my idea to quit trying to be his breeder. He’d made it clear to me that I was no longer needed.

    Now, as the woods narrow in around me, the brush growing thicker and reaching out to snare my light-colored fur, I have to wonder where the fuck I think I’m going.

    I’m running away from somewhere, not toward somewhere.

    I don’t know if I should aim for my hometown or if I should try to make it to the port and see if I have enough money to catch a boat to Maatua. Do boats even go to Maatua? I have no idea.

    What I do know is I can no longer stay in the castle and see Maddox, even if it’s just from time to time, and pretend that it doesn’t bother me that he no longer wants me. I love him too much for that.

    This way is better for all of us.

    I continue to run, knowing the castle is growing smaller behind me, and the world is growing larger and scarier in front of me.

    All I can hear is the sound of my own breathing, the rustle of the leaves around me, and the call of the nightbirds to one another.

    And… maybe the sound of paws hitting the ground in the distance….


    I am spinning around in the center of Isla’s bedroom trying to figure out what the fuck is going on when Poppy walks in with a serving tray in her hands. She doesn’t even bother to tip her head to me anymore, we’ve grown so used to one another over the last few days with the adventure we went on.

    But she does look confused. Where is Isla? she asks me.

    I was going to ask you the same thing, I say. Do you know where she went? My heart is beating a million miles a minute as I wait for the maid to respond. I am hoping this is all some sort of misunderstanding. Perhaps Isla has gone into Poppy’s room to rest because she is angry at me and doesn’t want to speak to me.

    Poppy hastily sets the tray down on the table and rushes over to Isla’s chest of drawers. She pulls open the top one and yanks out a credit card. I recognize it as the one I have given Isla to use. I am confused, but I take this as a good sign. The fact that the credit card is still there makes me think that she hasn’t left the castle. Surely, if she was going to attempt to run away, she’d take that with her.

    Shit! Poppy says, dropping the credit card on the top of the dresser like it’s made of lava.

    What? I ask, not understanding.

    She’s gone! she exclaims.

    I know. But where is she? I ask, thinking it’s obvious that she’s not in the room.

    Poppy shakes her head and gives me a look that makes me feel stupid for the first time in many years. "No, Your Majesty. I mean she’s gone! She’s taken off."

    How the hell do you know that from finding a credit card? I ask, not convinced.

    She took her wallet, all of her cash, but left this. She picks it up again and waves it at me. It makes sense that she wouldn’t take your credit card. You can track that!

    I suddenly realize that the maid is right. I hadn’t been giving Isla enough credit. Of course, that would occur to her.

    Where the fuck do you think she went? I ask, panic washing over me again.

    Poppy shakes her head. I don’t know, but she was so upset when you yelled at her and brought that little pregnant slut into the castle! Please tell me that’s not your baby, Alpha Maddox!

    I want to growl at her. Since when do I have to answer the questions of the maid? No, I did not impregnate that girl! I say, snarling at her. Are you saying that Isla thought that I was the one who knocked the girl up?

    The maid stands her ground, folding her arms across her chest and shrugging. What else was she supposed to think? she wants to know. You yelled at her for using your office, something you’d previously given her permission to do, and then you stroll in with a little girl who’s clearly about to pop.

    Son of a bitch, I say, dragging my hand down my face. I know that Isla was upset at me for losing my temper, and I don’t blame her for that. And I can even see her questioning who the father of Sydney’s baby is. But I can’t imagine she would ever think that I would do something like that!

    But then… Isla hasn’t known me that long. She’s only been here a short time. She might’ve thought that I had used other breeders, despite everyone telling her otherwise. She might’ve even thought that I’d inadvertently gotten another girl pregnant, and even though Sydney looks even younger than she is, she isn’t that much younger than Isla.

    I don’t have time to continue to stand here and argue with you, Poppy, I say. I turn around and head out of the room, but before I get very far, I stop and turn around. Do not use the mind-link to try to find her!

    Why not? Poppy wants to know.

    Watch. Your. Mouth! I snarl, lifting my hand. Not that I would ever hit her, but she doesn’t know that, and she recoils. Because I fucking said so!

    Yes… Your Majesty! she spits at me.

    I turn and sprint down the hallway, sniffing the air. Where did she go? I can smell her everywhere outside of her door now, and I know some trails are stronger than others.

    I pick up on her scent headed down the hall that leads to the door that exits near the garage, and I pick up speed as I follow it. As I run, I call out to the guards on duty. Has anyone seen anything? Did anyone spy the door opening or someone climbing over the wall?

    I get an answer as I open the door and fly outside. Yes, sir. We have footage of a girl climbing over the wall around the castle grounds, one of the guards tells me.

    Thank the Goddess some of our cameras are still working!

    He tells me it was fifteen minutes ago and gives me the coordinates of where she was when she made her exit. From her description, I know for certain, it’s Isla.

    I shift mid-stride, tearing my suit into a thousand pieces and not giving a fuck. When I reach the wall, I leap up and over it, despite the fact that it’s ten feet tall. My wolf is tall, strong, and fast.

    And I can smell her.

    Over the scent of the pine, the wet ground, the fallen leaves, the animals, and everything else that hits my lungs as I take off running at full speed through the forest, I can smell Isla’s scent.

    Then, something else hits my nostrils, and another ripple of fear pulses through me.

    Seth! I shout using the mind-link. I need reinforcements, and I need them immediately!

    Of course, Alpha, he says in my head. I know where you went over the wall, but you’re so far ahead of anyone I can send. The guards that are on duty have been detached. But… what’s the situation so I can warn them?

    I don’t have an answer for that. But in the forest around me, I can smell other wolves. Their odors are strong, so they have been here recently, and they are still close by, and the further into the forest I run, the more I can hear them.

    The more I can sense them.

    I could use the mind-link to warn them that I’m coming and they’d better stand down, but if I do that, Isla will get the message too, and I don’t want to scare her. Originally, I simply didn’t want her to know I was on her trail because I wanted her to feel comfortable, like there was a chance I didn’t realize she was gone, so she’d run slower. But now….

    Now, I don’t know what to do.

    Ahead of me, I hear snarls from between the trees. I hear the pounding of a frightened heart.

    I feel her ahead of me. I feel her presence.

    I feel her fear.



    I am not alone….

    I know that as I continue to run through the woods. My pace has slowed dramatically, though, because it’s clear to me that there are wolves all around me in the darkness, and in front of me, too.

    Why am I continuing to run from the man who has already done everything he can to save my life into what could potentially be a death trap?

    I can’t help but think that I am the stupidest woman alive….

    Slowing my rate significantly, I peer off into the distance, looking for movement. I think I see a pair of glowing eyes up ahead. With that knowledge, I change my course, heading to my right. I wonder if I could potentially circle back to the castle and get away from these wolves. They could be castle guards that King Maddox or Beta Seth has sent after me.

    But in my gut, I have a feeling that’s not who they are at all….

    The idea that it would probably be a good idea to call for help also comes to mind, but I can’t do that, not now, not when I’ve screwed up so royally already. And Maddox is already angry at me for using his office while he was gone. Why would he want to come out into the woods to help me?

    But he might send someone to save me… again.

    He is probably getting really tired of having to rescue me every other day or so….

    When I change courses, it doesn’t help. It’s like these wolves around me can see me and know that I’ve switched my direction. Now, I feel them closing in on me. I finally come to a stop and survey the situation.

    Before me, and to my left, which would’ve been the direction I was running in a few minutes, I hear snarls and growls. I turn my head to my right, so that I’m looking back toward the castle grounds, which are at least fifteen or twenty miles behind me now, I’ve been running so fast for so long, and I sense that I’m not alone; something is coming from that direction, too.

    When I turn to look behind me, I see a flash of movement, and I can barely get out a yelp and bare my teeth before a massive wolf with dark fur is upon me.

    I fully expect that he will run into me and knock me to the ground and then rip my throat out, but rather than pouncing, he pulls up to my left and crouches down next to me… waiting.

    The question almost forms in my mind but doesn’t quite get articulated as my wonderment about what the hell he is doing is answered when, in front of us and to our left four wolves emerge, their yellow-green eyes glowing in the dark as they creep forward.

    I turn to see more of them closing in from all sides, and in total there are at least twelve of them. All of them are bigger than me, with mangy-looking fur in dark brown or gray.

    Rogues, I think to myself. They have to be rogues. They’re definitely not in good enough shape to actually belong to a pack. Their fur is missing tufts, they’re thin, and they have chunks of flesh missing from their ears or other parts of their body. One of them only has three legs.

    Stay behind me, Isla.

    The wolf next to me speaks in my mind with a familiar voice, and I am immediately put at ease. Why I didn’t notice his scent before, I’m not sure. Perhaps it was because of my fear of impending doom. But… it’s Maddox. He’s come to save me himself. He didn’t even dispatch someone else to track me down.

    My heart melts a little, but I don’t have time to bat my eyelashes at him at the moment.

    We are about to be attacked by a group of misfit wolves who won’t give a damn that this is their king.

    I know he is giving them commands. I can see them slowing, their ears twitching, sideways glances given to one another. The fact that he is their Alpha King still makes him harder to ignore because he is their leader, but they have been living out here on their own long enough that they don’t have to obey like most of us would. It seems that some of the pack Alphas have figured out how not to follow his commands from what I have heard. But then, those are Alphas who are powerful in their own right.

    These scraggly wolves do not look like leaders to me. They look like criminals who have been banished from their own packs because they couldn’t follow their Alphas’ rules either.

    They look like savages who are more than willing to rip their own king apart because they just like to terrorize stray wolves who pass through these woods.

    Maddox growls so low, deep, and loud that it makes the earth beneath my feet tremble. The advancing wolves

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