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OMWG Oh, My Wonderful God!: A Tribute in Verse to Our Lord and Savior
OMWG Oh, My Wonderful God!: A Tribute in Verse to Our Lord and Savior
OMWG Oh, My Wonderful God!: A Tribute in Verse to Our Lord and Savior
Ebook201 pages1 minute

OMWG Oh, My Wonderful God!: A Tribute in Verse to Our Lord and Savior

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About this ebook

Have you ever questioned how the Old Testament and New Testament fit together, or even the reason for parts of the Old Testament?

This book seeks to show God's magnificent plan conceived before time began to redeem fallen mankind and to recreate a new heaven and a new earth.

Throughout the Old Testament, you'll see God at work to bring about a nation through whom His Son, Jesus Christ, would enter our world to redeem all peoples, both Jews and Gentiles. Jesus, who He is, and His future incarnation is woven into the fabric of God's plan throughout the Old Testament stories and prophecy.

He fulfills that prophecy in the New Testament, as Jesus willingly leaves His heavenly home and takes on human form. His death pays the price for man's sin, and His resurrection promises new life to all who believe in Him.

Against the forces of the enemy, Satan, and the egocentricity of man, the light of God's love and mercy shines in the face of Jesus Christ. God is also a Holy God, and His great power will eventually bring justice to and for all.

OMWG is a poetic story based on biblical scripture that provides the necessary tools to teach and confirm God's great plan to your family, friends, and generations to come. It is an "easy to read and understand" book for young and old readers alike.

Release dateNov 3, 2021
OMWG Oh, My Wonderful God!: A Tribute in Verse to Our Lord and Savior

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    OMWG Oh, My Wonderful God! - Diane Fritz Yeo

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