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Location Isn't Anything
Location Isn't Anything
Location Isn't Anything
Ebook252 pages3 hours

Location Isn't Anything

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Bella left the life she knew for a simple one. She built her simple life at The Gathering and loves every minute of it. Looking forward to building more, she agrees to assist a new citizen of The Gathering. The girl simply needs assistance in making friends and establishing her own life, right?

With new introductions and visits of the past, Bella wonders if life is really how she once thought it was.

Release dateJun 18, 2022
Location Isn't Anything

R. Gayle Hawkins

R. Gayle Hawkins began her writing career in 2014 after disablement from Multiple Sclerosis.  As a child, she often thought of writing, but life kept her from it. She lives in Ohio.

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Rating: 2.857142857142857 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It took awhile to get into this book. The storyline is great but the book was a bit stilted. I got used to the flow of the book as I continued reading. There are a lot of corrections that need taken care of so I hope it’s proofread.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Interesting story concept! I found the style of writing a bit stilted especially the characters speech patterns. I would have liked to see more character development. I felt like the end was anti- climactic. A quick read that required little thought!I agree with the premise that you are who you are regardless where you live!Definitely needs more proof reading for errors!!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    I love the cover art and title, so I thought I'd really enjoy this. There are good elements, but I stopped reading due to errors. The present tense kind of threw me off too. It's ok, but didn't feel all that connected to Bella.

Book preview

Location Isn't Anything - R. Gayle Hawkins

Chapter 1

In a quiet room, Bella opens her eyes and sees the gray cement walls. No decorations, no variation of color. Simply gray cement walls she sees every morning. Her face feels a bit chilled as her warm body lies underneath multiple blankets. She knows shedding the covers will probably cause her to cringe a bit from cold air, as it does every morning. Yet she will battle the air since it is her blessing to rise without worry.

Bella tosses the blankets off her body as she sits up to slide her feet back into the socks she wore the day before. She knows most people prefer slippers rather than dirty socks. However, slippers are an extravagant privilege she does not desire. She left such a lifestyle a year ago and began life at The Gathering. Life has never been better. Yes, she had to diminish her lifestyle from what it once was, but throwing away the extravagance allows her to live more simple pleasures.

Having secured her feet from touching the cold cement, she stands up and makes the bed. The task is so simple and allows her to return to an acceptable room after her day. She often laughs at how long it takes some new arrivals to realize the calm pleasure of a made bed.

On completion of her task, she turns to her clothing rod to select an outfit for the day. Since attire beyond simplicity is not acceptable to those living within The Gathering, she can select a jumper by basing it on the color she feels her day shall desire. Since she has a meeting with Counselor Robins today, blue is most definitely her desire. The color blue always has a calming effect. Not that she worries about meeting with the counselor, but she is sure his day is more complicated than hers, so why should she not offer a calm moment with a relaxing blue?

After grabbing her jumper and undergarments out of a drawer, Bella exits her room and heads down the hall to the communal bathroom. She hopes they do not bombard the bathroom with new arrivals. They always seem to have trouble accepting the bathroom situation. She can understand the panic of suddenly encountering naked males and females showering, but some of them act as if they are still in the world they left behind and attempt to create a shower orgy, which is completely not what The Gathering is about.

Entering the bathroom, she hears a few showers in operation and sees a man shaving. She simply grabs a towel and a key for the changing room. Thankfully, soap and shampoo devices are next to the knobs of each shower. It is so bliss to not have to worry about bringing it with her nor worry about it not being there since those assigned to work in the communal bathrooms always keep it stocked very well.

She enters the changing room and disrobes after laying down her clean garments and towel. The scars from the past catch her attention as she wraps her towel around her. It was long ago, but the sight makes her cringe still. She whiffles the images from her mind and exits the changing room. As she locks the door, the man shaving walks past her. Without acknowledging her existence, he leaves the bathroom. At her meeting with the counselor, she plans to present a creation of a program to train members to be more sociable.

She walks into the shower room. Two men and one female are showering as she walks to the shower farthest from all of them. She knows all three of the members. However, her showers have always been a moment of private mental release. She finds it harder to keep bliss when someone is showering next to her.

As she hangs her towel on the showerhead free wall, she turns on the water to find the heat she desires to shower in. When she began at The Gathering, the task was much harder to do because the shower room in the original housing was not as nice as her current abode. With rising within the community comes a few privileges, yet no one considers it an extravagant privilege since no one can choose their living location. The Sustainability Committee, which decides your level of importance among The Gathering, gives the privilege. She often thinks of them as a cheerleading squad for members because the committee must tell all their plans to Counselor Robins before putting anything into action.

With the water at the desired temperature, she showers. She squirts soap into her hand from the dispenser as water runs over her head and down her body. She lathers her body as she hears a whisper. I did not know she had scars. What is her story?

She ignores the male statement as she rinses off and prepares to wash her hair. Since she does not hear a reply, she is unsure exactly who the guy was talking to with the loud whisper, but she knows the girl has turned off her shower and is departing. More than likely, a guy lets his curiosity get the best of him, and the other man refuses to join. She finds the whole moment childish.

She washes her hair as she ignores them. Thankfully, their showers ended, and they left. Rather than question each other, they should have simply asked her where the scars came from. She has no problem speaking of her past because she let it go a long time ago. The Sustainability Committee failed to see one man’s lack of ability to question the unknown with fellow members. Only truth can set people free from doubt and insecurity. Yet this dummkopf does not have the balls to ask a simple question.

Having finished washing her hair, she turns off her shower and wraps her towel around her. As she walks out of the shower, she takes the key chain off her wrist and heads toward her changing cubicle. She hears the men dressing as she slips the key into the lock. Perhaps she is being too judgmental and they will ask about the scars once dressed. It makes sense to wait until then, so she does not feel uncomfortable.

As she dries her body, she hears the two changing doors open, and the men depart the area. She is disappointed in them, not that she demands attention from them but the fact they questioned her life without allowing her a release of the knowledge he wanted to know. He brought the terrible moments to her brain with the question, but to release the negativity of the moments, she needs to talk to herself rather than explain to him. Telling the inquisitive is such a release of hidden truth, yet he denies her of it. Oh, well, perhaps she and the counselor can derive a plan to address the matter. The Gathering is never for solitude.

She drops her towel in the dirty basket and collects her pajamas. Exiting the washroom, she feels the excitement of a new day within her. She does not plan to partake in anything new, but it never stops the new from happening. With the bright sun casting through the hallway windows, she knows her work at the market will be busy. The sun always seems to bring more shoppers desiring items they refuse to grow or make themselves because it is too much work or they are not eager to learn how. She was once as they are now. Thankfully, she broke from her life of convenience and monetary dependency. The Gathering gives her much more.

She opens her bedroom door and tosses the dirty pajamas in her hamper. She looks at her room clock. Realizing she is ahead of the schedule of the day, she turns and leaves the room so she may peacefully bask in the sun while walking at her desired pace to the market. Rushing through time has never been her desire, and more people should learn bliss. As she exits the housing unit, she looks around at the beauty around her and takes a deep breath of the wonderful air. Today shall be pleasant because she makes it that way, unlike many others around her.

Chapter 2

As Dimitri Chance enters his lawyer’s office, he attempts to hold in his anger and disappointment. There are so many things he would rather do today than argue with Philip. However, Gretchen has taken over his life with her disappearance. True, she is not his primary concern right now because she could leave when she desired. Dimitri wants to know where she took Divine and cannot think of a vengeful legal tool better than Philip.

Dimitri takes a seat as his attorney states, This case keeps getting more unusual with each moment. You’re in for a treat.

Dimitri looks at his lawyer’s smiling face and replies, I am not interested in a treat. I want to know where my daughter is located.

As his lawyer’s smile fades, Dimitri struggles to hold back tears. His lawyer is not talented at investigating missing people. Otherwise, there would still be a smile across his face. Well, I told you yesterday, Gretchen drained her bank account two weeks ago, so the rest of what she had in it is with her or hiding somewhere, which is not good considering the amount of cash it is. She is not using any type of card for purchases, so it is difficult to track her movement. However, I found the sale of her vehicle. She has to be traveling with someone because she did not stay in the town. She sold the vehicle, and the car seat went with her.

Anger rises within Dimitri as he ponders whom she would contact to assist her in running away with Divine. They have the same friends. Did he miss something? Did she meet someone new? Where did she sell the vehicle? Is she still in this state?

His attorney shakes his head and replies, She sold the vehicle in Damshire. I highly doubt she remains within the state. I spoke to the auto dealer who bought the car. He said she drove up alone, sold the car, and walked away. He saw no one with her, not even Divine.

Dimitri shakes his head in anger and demands, Then, tell me why the hell you wanted me here today. Do you have any idea how hard this is? I want answers, not a storybook.

He watches as his legal man slowly nods his head and displays sorrow. Dimitri wants to knock the man out. This seems like a complete waste of time. Perhaps it would release some anger if he began taking it out on Philip. Hey, it may even make the police look at Divine’s disappearance harder. Sounds like a win-win.

As he contemplates more on it, Philip states, I know you are angry, and the pace of results is rather slow. However, please answer this. Have you ever heard of a place called The Gathering?

Dimitri feels his pulse slow a bit. He cannot imagine why a group of hippies living a cult lifestyle has anything to do with his daughter’s disappearance, yet he will search anywhere. I know it’s an alternate lifestyle that makes money through the curious tourists. Why?

Philip shrugs and replies, A part of what the common person views is what you describe. However, from past cases, I can tell you it is much more, and they hide it very well. I am only telling you this because your daughter’s disappearance occurs just like a case I represented.

Now Dimitri is very curious. Is this cult stealing children? He always heard peace-loving things about them, but he could be very wrong. He never really found interest in them or the promoted lifestyle. If it is them, is Divine in danger? questioned Dimitri.

I am not sure. The other kid was older and held to different responsibilities than a toddler. However, it can be a bad financial issue. Do you have things in your daughter’s name? If you do, does Gretchen have power over any of it?

Dimitri buries his face in his hands to silence some anger. He knows he placed things in both of their names, but he had not thought of protecting it from them.

As he sits up properly and lowers his hands, Dimitri states, I know there are things in each of their names. I will need to talk with my accountant to see exactly what and the authorizations. Do you think it is all a ploy for Gretchen to get money?

It is a matter often debated by those who are part of the organization and family members who are not part of the organization. Would you like to speak to a specialist about this group?

Dimitri’s eyes narrow in on his lawyer. Is this man playing games with him? It seems as if he is simply attempting to distract him from what is happening rather than find accurate answers. I will check with my accountant about the financial issues. Once you have proof my daughter is there, I may find time to talk to whoever you desire, states Dimitri as he rises from his chair. Before his lawyer can rise, he continues, Do not bother rising. I will see myself out. You know my number. Call me when you find out something. I will stop by when I get the financial information.

Dimitri turns and walks out of the room without waiting for a reply. As he continues out of the office, he prays it is as simple as Gretchen looking to cash out. He can handle a situation like that. Losing money is not an issue for him. However, losing Divine is a nightmare he never imagined, and he is not sure he can handle it.

Chapter 3

Be lla waits patiently and looks at the photos on the walls. She knows The Gathering has a history lasting a few decades. However, the attire in the photos changes drastically throughout the years. She does not desire to judge one leader over another, especially without knowing them, but she wonders why some appear to follow oaths of simplicity and a few others seem to look as if they follow a monetary path, which is far from their vows to self.

As she hears the door to her left side open and people exit, she continues to look forward. She is not interested in who was in the office before her nor why they were in there. Many feel she attempts to hide from knowledge or intrusion upon others. However, she truly is not curious. The desire is unlikely to change any time in the future. She simply likes to work toward her good day.

Bella, thank you for containing a path of innocence. I simply disciplined a few indulgers.

Bella looks to Counselor Robins with a smile and states, No need to inform me of your actions, Counselor Robins. I simply looked over the images of our leaders while I waited for our meeting.

As he smiles and nods, she rises from her chair and enters his office. She smells the wonderful mahogany wood furniture placed throughout his office. The smell reminds her of her former home. Well, her original former home, not the one she left.

As she sits down in front of Counselor Robins’ desk, she throws the thoughts away. The memory of the location is happy with dark moments attached. Once the counselor sits, he looks at her and asks, Do you know why I have asked you here today?

Bella feels her body stiffen for a moment. Since he is the one requesting the meeting, she does not know why he would ask her for such a thing. I know I have overstepped no regulations, so I imagine you desire to request an action from me.

You are such a bright young woman. You bless The Gathering with your presence.

Thank you for the praise, Counselor Robins. I truly appreciate your notification.

Counselor Robins looks to his left as he opens a drawer and pulls out a folder stuffed with a few papers. She wonders what task she will begin. Assignments before were never important enough to require a file. Bella, I am supplying you with this file so you may become informed on the task I am assigning you.

Bella takes the file from him and places it on her lap. She knows the contents shall lead her in a new direction amongst The Gathering, yet she does not desire any excitement over the matter because what it entails may not be desirable.

I believe you may find this project endearing as well as educational.

Bella looks at Counselor Robins and questions, Why do you say so? Shall it bring me closer to the youth? questions Bella. As an only child, she never developed close relationships with other kids. She often wondered if a child was ever in her future but never stressed about the matter.

In your new assignment, you shall remain stationed in your current housing. However, your work location shall become challenging. Gretchen, a new member, needs help financially declining. She has a small child named Divine. However, I believe the child is too young to create a challenge on the matter.

Bella is not sure the new assignment shall be horrendous. She is sure the child will easily adjust to the new life, but Bella is worried arguments may arise with Gretchen. New members often become previous members because they cannot leave comfortable technology behind and work toward a calm life. I am very proud to assist however you desire. Though I wonder if I can meet this challenge. Why have you chosen me?

I completely understand your curiosity because we have not placed you in a position before. The answer is simple. She left an atmosphere similar to your departure point. Wealth provided to her and her daughter created work for those less fortunate while creating her to not care for herself. She has left such a world and raised her daughter to be independent. She simply needs someone to understand what she leaves behind and her goal.

Bella wonders if she is to become a babysitter. How can they believe this girl is accurate for The Gathering when the girl probably has no clue about their lifestyle? She knows Gretchen shall receive training, as all new arrivals do. However, does she get to assist in the education, or is she to become a private cheerleader for her ego? Do you desire me to teach her our beliefs? Is that not an illogical position for me? My training never taught me how to teach others in our way of change. I am sure others are more qualified.

No, Bella. I do not ask you to teach her our natural process of becoming as we are. Once you look through the paperwork, I am sure you shall know a bit more of how the whole thing shall go. And once she has fully adjusted, you will upgrade with a reward. The goal in assigning this project to you is for you to become a living independent community member.

Bella feels her jaw drop. She does not know what to say. By helping this woman, her position within the community shall rise, which means rewarded with her own home. Of course, it shall not be a typical American home. Simply a small abode with over one room, which is what she has now. And no more whispers

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